Friday 19th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Amerikaner wollen über Islam lernen

Amerikaner wollen über Islam lernen
Wie die Ahlul Bayt News Agency ABNA berichtet, hat Hamid Reza Toloue in einem Interview beim Internationalen Koranwettbewerb erklärt, dass Amerikaner ihr Interesse an Islam und Muslimen unter Beweis gestellt haben. Er lud Muslime dazu ein am Dialog teilzunehmen und der einzige Weg sei den Weg zu gehen."Amerikaner sind forsch und wollen wissen was für eine Religion ich praktiziere. Wenn ich ihnen erkläre dass ich Muslim bin und der ...

Bahrainis protest against the detention of Sheikh Ali Salman

Bahrainis protest against the detention of Sheikh Ali Salman
People in Bahrain have once again held demonstrations against the imprisonment of the country’s prominent opposition figure Sheikh Ali Salman. Protesters rallied in Bahrain’s villages of Abu Seiba’a and Diraz, located in the country’s northern region, on Wednesday. The demonstrations took place a day after a Bahraini court adjourned Salman’s fifth hearing to June 16. Reports indicate that the court session was ...

Sin: Reality, effect on Soul and Psyche

Sin: Reality, effect on Soul and Psyche
Sin: Reality, effect on Soul and Psyche   Question: What is the reality of sin and how does it affect the soul and psyche of the human being?     Brief Answer   The above question must be answered in four parts.   The Reality of Sin   Sin, which in ‘Arabic is referred to as ithm and ‘isyan, means to disobey the order of the Master and to slip in complying with His wishes. The sinful individual, in lieu of following the ...

US Catholic Archbishop pays visit to Dearborn Heights mosque

US Catholic Archbishop pays visit to Dearborn Heights mosque
The religious leader of metro Detroit's 1.3 million Catholics visited a mosque in Dearborn Heights on Tuesday, promoting interfaith cooperation at a time of concern about extremism in politics and terrorism. Imam Mohammad Elahi, the religious leader of the Islamic House of Wisdom, invited Vigneron and other Christian and Muslim leaders to the discussion and lunch. Elahi organized the event to show his appreciation for Pope Francis' outreach to ...

Woman in Islam: Role as Mother

Woman in Islam: Role as Mother
Apart from her role as a wife, the Muslim woman has a very important role as mother. The status and value attached to parents in the Muslim world is very high. A woman becomes complete when she becomes a mother. Enjoying her power of creativity and grade of superiority over man, she experiences those precious feelings and senses, which nature gives only to woman. There is no doubt that as a mother, she is superior to man and is the nucleus of ...

Nigerian Muslim leaders urged people to shun violence

Nigerian Muslim leaders urged people to shun violence
As world Muslims prepare to welcome the new Hijri year, a Nigerian Muslim leader has advised Muslims to emulate the Islamic teachings and morals of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as their goal and mission to be followed. The Imam also urged Muslims and non-Muslims to shun violence and any act capable of jeopardizing the peace of the nation. "You must have the fear of Allah and behaving in the most acceptable manner to your fellow human ...

‘World and the Hereafter' in light of Ahadith

‘World and the Hereafter' in light of Ahadith
Following are 40 sayings of holy Prophet and imams from his progeny, peace be upon them, regarding the world and the hereafter:1- Imam Sajjad (A. S.) ((Osool-e-Kafi, vol. 3, p. 197))Affection and attachment to the world is the root of all sins.________________________________________2- The Endeared Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.) ((Ashshehab Fel-Hekame-Val-Adab, p. 7))The world is the prison of the religious people and paradise of ...

36 Bahraini receive 429 years in prison, 13 stripped of citizenship

36 Bahraini receive 429 years in prison, 13 stripped of citizenship
The Bahraini courts issued, on Monday, sentences against 36 citizens that amounted to 429 years in prison. A court sentenced 3 citizens to 15 years in prison and handed 10 others 10 year sentences, all with a case of political background. In a separate one, also related to the political unrest in the country, the same court issued 15 year sentences against 16 citizens and 10 years against 3 citizens, and revoked the citizenships of 13 Bahrainis. ...

The Expansive Earth

The Expansive Earth
By: Ayatullah Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi Lari And the earth, We have made it a wide extent; how well have We then spread (it) out. (al-Dhariyat, 51/47) وَالأَرْضَ مَدَدْنَاهَا وَأَلْقَيْنَا فِيهَا رَوَاسِيَ وَأَنبَتْنَا فِيهَا مِن كُلِّ شَيْءٍ مَّوْزُونٍ {o} وَجَعَلْنَا لَكُمْ فِيهَا مَعَايِشَ وَمَن لَّسْتُمْ ...

Some scenarios of Mudhtariba: Disordered Duration

Some scenarios of Mudhtariba: Disordered Duration
Some scenarios of Mudhtariba: Disordered Duration   Scenario 1: This woman in the past 2 months has seen blood on different dates and the blood flow did not have a fixed duration. She saw blood for 13 days and out of those 13 days there were 8 days where she saw signs of haidh. In this situation she should consider 8 days as haidh and the rest as istihadha.   Scenario 2:  This woman in the past 2 months has seen blood on different ...

Canada rally in cold weather condemns Nigerian army killings of Muslims; call for arrest warrants against Buratai

Canada rally in cold weather condemns Nigerian army killings of Muslims; call for arrest warrants against Buratai
The massacre of Muslims may have occurred in Nigeria but it aroused the concern of people from all walks of life worldwide. Rallies protesting the horrific massacre have been held in London (UK), Washington DC and New York (US) and Toronto (Canada). There have also been protest rallies in Iran, Pakistan, India and a host of other countries. In each locale, there were calls for the arrest and trial of the Nigerian army chief Tukur Buratai. ...

Role of Women in the government of Imam al-Mahdi

Role of Women in the government of Imam al-Mahdi
Role of Women in the government of Imam al-Mahdi   Question: What role will women play in the government of Imam al-Mahdi (ع)?     Brief Answer   Islam incited a revolutionary change in the status of women within the family and in society, in a historically unprecedented manner. In the pre-Islamic period, women throughout the world were viewed solely as a means of satisfying the sexual needs of men and as spineless labourers ...

Idolatry of Traditions

Idolatry of Traditions
Idolatry of Traditions There are certain traditions that have become so widespread as to be now generally accepted as if they were God given laws whereas they do not in reality have any connection with Islam. They are in fact contradictory to the laws of God. The idolatry of customs and the prevalence of deviations is a major problem which faces almost every country. Hence, the necessity arises for visionaries and academics to undertake a ...

Imam Khamenei issues condolence message on passing of senior Shia scholar

Imam Khamenei issues condolence message on passing of senior Shia scholar
Ayatollah Khamenei also prayed that God bless the late scholar’s soul and elevate his ranks to the highest. He died in Karbala last week and was laid to rest in Najaf on ...

Religious Foundations of Happiness

Religious Foundations of Happiness
We should know the world as it is. An easy life is the result of the cognition of the world. The Prophet of Islam said that if you knew of the world what I know, your souls would feel complacency from it. He also said in his prayers, “O God! Show the being and universe to me as it is.” Also, Imam Ali said that everyone who knows the world, will not grieve from it. He does not say the world is full of pleasures; rather, he says that if your ...

Bahrain Continues to Strip Shiite Dissidents of Citizenship

Bahrain Continues to Strip Shiite Dissidents of Citizenship
Bahrain's level of freedom continued to deteriorate according to the index of political rights and civil liberties that Freedom House uses to determine the freedom status of countries across the world. For the seventh consecutive year, Freedom House has classified Bahrain as "Not Free".This came in the annual report entitled "Freedom in the World" issued by Freedom House on Wednesday (January 27, 2016).The organization said that Bahrain "with ...

German newspaper: Most beautiful woman pilot of world in Afghanistan

German newspaper: Most beautiful woman pilot of world in Afghanistan
The German Bild newspaper wrote in a report that most beautiful pilot of world is in Air Force of Afghanistan. Nilofar Rahmani is a 23 years old pilot that serves in Air Force of Afghanistan. Bild newspaper of Germany introduced her as most beautiful woman pilot of world. Nilofar Rahmani joined to pilot faculty when she was 18 and after two years graduated as Second lieutenant in 2012.  With a hint of swagger, Afghanistan's first female ...


HOWCAN YOU HAVE TWO LOVES IN YOUR HEART!Zainab was the daughter of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib. She was a sister of Imam Hassan and Imam Hussein She was present at the battle of Karbala. When her brother Imam Hussein was killed, she was taken prisoner. She was the spokesman for all the prisoners. She gave an excellent speech. Her speech is very famous upto now. So is Zainab famous, for her divine virtues which are a beacon of light for all muslim ...

Classification of human love into real and metaphorical types

Classification of human love into real and metaphorical types
Classification of human love into real and metaphorical typesGenerally speaking, human love is of two types:1. Real love: The love of God and His Attributes and Actions due to man’s dependence on Him.2. Metaphorical love: Any kind of love for anything other than God.Metaphorical love, by itself, is divided into spiritual and animal loves, which will be explained later.The most important kinds of metaphorical love are the following:1. Love of ...

The Eternal Kingdom of Paradise

The Eternal Kingdom of Paradise
The literal meaning of Jannah' is a green garden, whether in the earth or the heavens. According to the religious interpretation, it is a place which Allah has created for the believers (mo'meneen) and His virtuous slaves, in which they shall dwell forever.It is related from Imam Ja'far-as-Sadiq (A.S.) in "Sifatush Shi'ah" that He (A.S.) said, person who does not believe in the following four things is not from our Shi'ahs: (1) Me'raj ...