Friday 19th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Three Hazara Shias martyred, six injured in Quetta shootings

Three Hazara Shias martyred, six injured in Quetta shootings
QUETTA: Four people, three of them belonging to the Shia Hazara community, were killed and eight others, two women among them, suffered injuries in three incidents of firing here on Monday.Bazaars, markets, shopping centres and shops were closed and normal activities suspended in the city after the incidents. Vehicular traffic remained thin in and around the city.People of Hazara Shia community and traders demonstrated outside the office of the ...


WOMAN AND FAMILY In the previous study we discussed the position of woman and her human and social status, and also the feelings of men who are related to her, and their general psychological relations. Here we talk about woman and family. Woman, in Islam, is the base and the corner-stone in building the family, and is the beloved heart which overflows with the sentiments of love, mercy and calmness. "And of His signs is that: He ...

What were Islam's propagation methods?

What were Islam's propagation methods?
What were the propagation methods of the religion of Islam?Concise answer Propagation means conveying a message and since the mission of all divine prophets particularly the holy prophet of Islam (S) was to bring humanity forth from darkness into light, propagation enjoys significant importance as a means to convey God's message to His servants. Propagation methods in Islam can be sorted out into three categories e.g. verbal (oral), written and ...

Islamic Mysticism

Islamic Mysticism
It possible for us to know God immediately or directly? Our ordinary knowledge of God is knowledge by representation/correspondence (al ‘ilm al husuli). We have a concept of God; we don’t feel the real God. We know God through some concepts. These concepts provide us with abstract knowledge, mental knowledge. This is not immediate feeling of God. The mystic is looking to know God, not through these abstract concepts. In other words, ...

Message Of Hejab From A Muslim Woman 4

Message Of Hejab From A Muslim Woman 4
You have diverted my mind, my ideal and my will towards sex, pleasure and self-display. You have prepared plans so that my father, my brother and my husband should like me only for the sake of my weaknesses, my fears, my submission and undue passivism, my devotion, my lack of self-confidence, my overindulgence with housekeeping, my self-display before strangers. Of course, you managed to make all these weaknesses of mine, and then for the sake ...

Woman in the Logic of Revelation

Woman in the Logic of Revelation
We read in the great commentary called Majma ul-Bayan [v.8, p.358] Esma, the daughter of Amis, and wife of Jafar, the son of Abi Talib, went to visit the Prophet's wives upon returning from their divine emigration to Ethiopia which was done to safeguard the religion. She asked them if there existed any verses in the Holy Quran regarding women. They answered no. Then she rushed to see the Prophet (Pbuh) and told him that women were in despair ...

Hijab in Islam

Hijab in Islam
Through an analytical approach, the present research is an attempt to find fair answers to such questions, investigating the issue of "hijab"‌ in Islamic community and among other peoples and nations in the past as well as analyzing its philosophy by benefiting from the original sources of Islamic school of thought, thereby achieving a clear vision for the status of implementing this stable and firm value within the contemporary Iranian ...

Veil, a quranic decree for women

Veil, a quranic decree for women
The issue of “Hidjab” as a pillar for women,s  social life and  security is underlined in Many Islamic traditions as well as the holy Quranic verses. The importance of this issue, also,  in building up a clean and divine Islamic prosperous  society can not be disregarded.  Professor Hossein Ansarian as great Islamic instructor pays special attention to the issue of covering for women  in his book “ The Islamic Structure of Family”. ...

Child Rearing & the importance of mother's role

Child Rearing & the importance of mother's role
The Role of the Mother in Child Rearing   The Prophet (Pbuh) said: Heaven is under the feet of mothers. [Mizan al-Hikmat, v.10, p.712] A Child as the Result of a Mother's Efforts The Arabic word "Um" which means mother and is extensively used in the Quran and the traditions essentially means root and source. This is because a child is in the womb for six to nine months and extracts his/her physical and spiritual needs from the body of the ...

The Knowledge and Mutual Cooperation of the Educators

The Knowledge and Mutual Cooperation of the Educators
The training and upbringing of a child is not an easy and simple task that the parents can perform with little or no effort. This task requires, in fact, delicate handling and temperament. There are myriads of fine points to be considered to achieve success in the efforts. The mentor has to relate himself with the spirit of the child. He cannot perform the task without knowing the spiritual, psychological, educational and practical niceties of ...

Quick List of Common Literary Terms

Quick List of Common Literary Terms
(Terms most applicable to AP Literature are in bold.) Abstract Language-Language describing ideas and qualities rather than observable or specific things, people, or places. The observable or "physical" is usually described in concrete language. Ad homonym—Latin for "against the man." When a writer personally attacks his or her opponents instead of their arguments Ad populum—Latin for "to the crowd." A fallacy of logic in which the ...

US forces may have committed war crimes in Afghanistan: ICC prosecutors say

US forces may have committed war crimes in Afghanistan: ICC prosecutors say
 US armed forces and the CIA may have committed war crimes by torturing detainees in Afghanistan, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has said in a report."Members of US armed forces appear to have subjected at least 61 detained persons to torture, cruel treatment, outrages upon personal dignity on the territory of Afghanistan between 1 May 2003 and 31 December 2014," according to the report issued on Monday by Prosecutor Fatou ...

Women's Co¬operation in Social Life

Women's Co¬operation in Social Life
By: Mahdi Mahrizi The arena of social life being the third area of search and strival of son of Adam for attaining to perfection, in which a great portion of aptitudes and abilities are put in practice and flourishing, as they be effective also in realising individual maturities and success in family life. Further the social life is becoming nowadays much more miscellaneous and extensive than it was in the past. The examples for this can be ...

Islamic Movement in Nigeria organized Hajj Seminar in Zaria

Islamic Movement in Nigeria organized Hajj Seminar in Zaria
- The Education Committee of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria organized 3rd Hajj Seminar at Fudiyyah School Zaria on Saturday 6th of August, 2016.The seminar, organized for intended pilgrims, was aimed at enlighten the pilgrims on Hajj rites with practical demonstration, good conduct, health and safety as well good preparation.Speakers included Prof Isa Hasan Mshelgeru, Sheikh Abddulhameed Bello, Sheikh Qasim Umar Sokoto, Sheikh Abdurrahman Yola. ...

Family 3 .Mustafa got Rihab's letter. He was about to tear it even before he'd read it.

Family 3 .Mustafa got Rihab's letter. He was about to tear it even before he'd read it.
CHAPTER THREE   Mustafa got Rihab's letter. He was about to tear it even before he'd read it. Could such a doubting suspicious girl become his life-partner? Could she be the golden girl of his dreams? What a bitter experience his sister Zainab had caused him! How could he live with someone who disbelieved in the most sacred values? Yet he did not tear the letter but said to himself, “I should continue since I've got some promising ...

Muharram Majalis hold at Imam Mahdi mosque of Zamboanga, Philippines

Muharram Majalis hold at Imam Mahdi mosque of Zamboanga, Philippines
First and second night of series of lectures for the mourning of the tragedy in Karbala with Sheikh Abu Mahdi at Imam Al Mahdi mosque of Zamboanga city, Philippines. Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Muharram is a month of remembrance and modern Shia meditation that is often considered synonymous with Ashura. Ashura, which literally means the "Tenth" in Arabic, refers to the tenth day of Muharram. It is well-known because of historical significance and ...

US Muslims Run To Aid Children While Fasting

US Muslims Run To Aid Children While Fasting
 Muslims from different cities across the United States are planning a run for three miles in Metro Detroit and other cities on Saturday, June 25, while fasting the holy month of Ramadan, to raise funds for children’s cancer ...

Iran celebrates Islamic Republic Foundation anniversary

Iran celebrates Islamic Republic Foundation anniversary
Forty years ago, the Iranian people’s call for a political system based upon Islamic values gained a momentum when more than 98 percent of the eligible voters in a two-day national referendum voted for the Islamic Republic establishment. AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Iran commemorates the 40th anniversary of selection of the Islamic Republic as the country’s official governing system, which was approved by the overwhelming majority of ...

Obligation of the rules

Obligation of the rules

US policy stage: Is there such thing as 'radical Islam'?

US policy stage: Is there such thing as 'radical Islam'?
Why do right wingers, Zionists, New Atheists, and the so-called ‘Christian’ fundamentalists insist on using the term 'radical Islam'?Anyone watching either American cable news or the US presidential race might conclude that no two words put together are said more often and with more political charge than the words “radical Islam". CJ Werleman, the author of Crucifying America, has written an informative article on the real ...