Friday 19th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

The particular philosophy of Islam concerning family rights

The particular philosophy of Islam concerning family rights
Islam has a particular philosophy concerning the family rights of men and women which is contrary to what has been going on in the last fourteen centuries and with what is actually happening now. Islam does not believe in one kind of right one kind of duty and one kind of punishment for both men and women in every instance. It considers one set of rights and duties and punishments more appropriate for men and one set more appropriate for women. ...


Khadija bint Khuwaylid, the wife of the Prophet, is truly known as a noble lady; she was, in the modern terminology, the First Lady of Islam. During the Meccan phase of Islam's movement, Khadija was the main pillar of support for Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). She was the first one to declare her faith in Islam. Her declaration of faith was a great testimony of the Prophet's character: a wife knows her husband's outer as well as inner ...


With my isnad reaching back to the venerable and trustworthy shaykh Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni - may God sanctify his spirit - from 'Ali ibn Ibrahim, from his father, from al-Qasim ibn Muhammad, from al-Minqari, from Sufyan ibn 'Uyaynah, from Abu 'Abd Allah (A), who, explaining the utterance of God Almighty, "That He might try you (to see) 'which of you is fairest in works." (67:2) said: "It does not mean one of you whose deeds are more ...

Death Due to Qat-e-Rahmi

Death Due to Qat-e-Rahmi
A companion of Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) complained about the ill-treatment given to him by his relatives,  "My own brother as well as my paternal cousins are harassing me. They have snatched the house that rightfully belonged to me and have given me only a room to live in. If I complain to the government, I shall be able to recover all my property. Imam (a.s.) said,  "Be patient, everything will be alright." The man returned satisfied. In ...


LYING The Position of Manners in Society The Disadvantages of Lying Lying is Prohibited by Religion The Position of Manners in Society Manners are an essential factor in societies and in the perfection of nations. Manners were born as a part of humanity. No one denies the vital role that manners play in bringing peace, happiness, and felicity, to man’s spirit; nor does anyone doubt their useful and decisive influence in strengthening the ...


Foreword:This is a compilation of knowledge and advice given by various great scholars and teachers, including one of the top students of Allameh Tabataba'ee (the author of ''Al-Mizan''), on the subject of marriage. These invaluable suggestions and recommendations were noted by my former roommate, a current Talabeh (religious student) named Yusef Toureh, from Turkey. He is amongst the best foreign Talabehs in Qom today. This priceless ...

Mutual Rights in Islam

Mutual Rights in Islam
Man’s duty with regard to his parentsOne of the humane Islamic behaviour which must be taken care of disregarding is a great sin is man’s behaviour with the below-mentioned persons. They possess, besides the moral, their rights too:Man’s behaviour with his father and mother.Attitude of father and mother towards their children.Conduct with the community, kinsmen and relatives.Dealings with family members.Living with neighbours.Governments ...

The Family (Ahlul-Bayt) of the Holy Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.)

The Family (Ahlul-Bayt) of the Holy Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.)
The Holy Book tells us about the Words of Allah, the Great and Almighty, concerning them: " Allah only desires to keep away uncleanness from you, O members of the House! and to purify you a (thorough purification)." (33:33) It is a virtue for them. No one of all people has this virtue. There is no dignity more precious than keeping away uncleanness from them and purifying them from all defects, that is the purifying which the Most kind (Allah) ...

The Quran's just logic in this regard

The Quran's just logic in this regard
The Quran's just logic in this regard:   الخبيثات للخبيثين والخبيثون للخبيثات و الطيبات للطيبين و الطيبون للطيبات     "The impure women are for the impure men, and the impure men are for the impure women, and the pure women are for the pure men, and the pure men are for the pure women."   This is the genetic and divine law and legislation made by Allah that the pure ones ...

Publications on Publications

Publications on Publications
Publications on Publications Witnessing extension of these researches and writings, book­identifications and biographies that have been published up to the present time:1. Kitabnamah Athar Zanan Iran, Tehran, Women Organisation of Iran, 1970, p.89.2. Kitabshinasi Athar Zanan Dar Panjah Sal Akhir, "Identification of women's works during last fifty years", from 1921 up to 1970, Master thesis of librarianship. Prepared and regulated by Yahyah ...

As You Sow so Shall You Reap!

As You Sow so Shall You Reap!
17 - As You Sow so Shall You Reap!   عَنْ رَسُولِ اللٌّهِ )ص): بِرُّوا آبَاءَكُمْ يَـبِرُّكُمْ أَبْنَاءُكُمْ. عِفُّوا عَنْ نِسَاءِ النٌّاسِ تُعَفُّ نِسَاءُكُمْ.   The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his family) has said: “Be good towards your parents and your children will be good towards you.  (And) Look upon the womenfolk ...

Self-esteem and Children

Self-esteem and Children
Self-esteem and Children     Self-esteem is defined as feeling oneself worthy of the respect of others. All human beings have an innate desire to be respected and liked. They want others to look up to them. There is great wealth in self-esteem. It brings confidence in one’s own abilities, and helps in initiating and achieving one’s goals. Feeling good about oneself brings peace and happiness to the heart. It boosts the spirit and ...

Water for Immortality

Water for Immortality
What really the youth, the children need is water for immortality. Sure by this expression we do not mean to say that you should read hundreds of story and other books in order to find a clue as to the whereabouts of the fountain of the water for immortality, to go there, and fill jars with that desirable water for your dear ones and for yourself. No, you do not need to take such a trouble, for you can get that invaluable water by taking the ...

Human Rights Watch Confirms Further Evidence of Torture in Bahrain

Human Rights Watch Confirms Further Evidence of Torture in Bahrain
- In its annual world report for 2015, Human Rights Watch confirmed the emergence of “further evidence of the torture and mistreatment of detainees” from Bahrain. The organisation said this evidence points out the ineffectiveness of institutions established by the state since 2011 to safeguard detainees, and the persistent failure of authorities to hold officials accountable for torture and other serious rights violations.Further, it ...

The Responsibilities of the Home and the School

The Responsibilities of the Home and the School
The Responsibilities of the Home and the School Which is better, teaching sex education in the family or at school? We are not able to delineate the issue so clearly that we can classify it to within a particular scope, for children may need one type of teaching within the home, when they ask about childbirth, become conscious of their private parts, find siblings who are anatomically different. In this case, fathers and mothers may certainly ...

Islamic music has still long way to go: Danish Muslim singer

Islamic music has still long way to go: Danish Muslim singer
- Ali Al Hadi is a Danish Muslim musician and singer at age of 25 which promises a bright future ahead of his career with the success he has already achieved so far. As a Muslim singer, his concern is to contribute to and promote Islamic music to be consumed by especially the young generation of Muslims. While the annual Islamic Unity Conference gathers here in Tehran hundreds of scholars, figures and activists from all over the world who work ...

Bahrain: Reform Begins with Social Justice and Human Rights

Bahrain: Reform Begins with Social Justice and Human Rights
The National Democratic Opposition parties held their regular meeting on Monday, 15th February 2016 where they discussed local, regional and international issues and their reflection on the situation in Bahrain. They released the following statement: We, in the National Democratic Opposition parties, are persistence to the people of Bahrain’s legitimate demands for freedom, democracy, social justice and the appliance of the principles of ...

Revival of Islamic identity, most important achievement of Iran Revolution: Senior cleric

Revival of Islamic identity, most important achievement of Iran Revolution: Senior cleric
Ayatollah Mohsen Araki, secretary general of the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought, in an interview with Iran’s IQNA News Agency hailed the major achievements during the four past decades following the Islamic Revolution saying that a society can promote only when it recognizes its identity. He said,” One of the reasons for lad of the Islamic nations, including Iran during Pahlavi dynasty (1925-1979) was a torn ...

Seyyed Hossein Nasr (b. 1933¾ )'s Biography

Seyyed Hossein Nasr (b. 1933¾ )'s Biography
Syed Hossein Nasr was born in Tehran (1933). After receiving his early education in Iran, Nasr studied physics and mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and received his doctorate from Harvard University in 1958 with specialization in Islamic cosmology and science. From 1958 until 1979, he was professor of the history of science and philosophy at Tehran University where he was also the dean of the Faculty of Letters for some ...

Ignorance of One’s Own Faults

Ignorance of One’s Own Faults
Ignorance of One’s Own Faults One of the greatest behavioral weaknesses of man is the ignorance of his own faults. In many instances the soul ignores an unwanted quality which results in the subconscious adopting of such a trait as a basis of misery. When a person becomes the slave of his ignorance, he kills the spirit of morality in himself. Thus becoming the victim of his inclinations and various lusts, which isolate him from happiness and ...