Friday 19th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
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Bahrainis hold protests to support senior Saudi Shia cleric

Bahrainis hold protests to support senior Saudi Shia cleric
People in Bahrain have taken to the streets to show solidarity with prominent Saudi Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, who is facing execution in the kingdom.   According to Press TV, Bahrainis staged protest rallies in several villages across the tiny Persian Gulf state on Friday and Saturday, while police used teargas to disperse the protesters. The demonstrations come as calls are growing worldwide for the release of Sheikh Nimr, who has ...

What Makes a Dad

What Makes a Dad
God took the strength of a mountain,The majesty of a tree,The warmth of a summer sun,The calm of a quiet sea,The generous soul of nature,The comforting arm of night,The wisdom of the ages,The power of the eagle's flight,The joy of a morning in spring,The faith of a mustard seed,The patience of eternity,The depth of a family need, Then God combined these qualities,When there was nothing more to add,He knew His masterpiece was complete,And ...

Backbiting= Eating the flesh of your dead brother

Backbiting= Eating the flesh of your dead brother
Backbiting is to speak ill of a believer behind his back, including matters concerning his moralities, appearance, or personality. Not only is backbiting restricted to words, but also it includes every behavior and deed, whether suggestive or direct The Prophet (PBUH) defined backbiting by saying: "Do you know what is backbiting? ... It is to mention things that your brother dislikes. ... To mention things that are really found in the ...

The Struggle for Power (3) After The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H and Famliy)

The Struggle for Power (3) After The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H and Famliy)
Saqifa Banu Sa'edaBukhari has quoted Umar bin al-Khattab as saying:“When he (the Apostle) died, the Ansar opposed us. They gathered in the Saqifa Banu Sa'eda. Ali, Zubayr and their friends also opposed us.”What was it that Umar and his friends were doing, and which the Ansar opposed?When the Apostle died, the Ansar, always sensitive to subsurface political currents, and fearful of the ambitions and intentions of the Muhajireen, ...

What will happen if people faults are revealed to each other?

What will happen if people faults are revealed to each other?
Imam Javad (A.S) answering Abdolazim Hassani narrated from his ancestors and fathers, saying: If the faults of any of you were revealed to each one of you, you would not bury each other [1]. The saying of Imam Javad (A.S) has two great lessons. First; we should never become proud of some material or spiritual success and boast to others. We must always remember that apart from the infallibles and saints, other people may have deficiencies in ...

To My Muslim Sisters

To My Muslim Sisters
Between the Israeli assault on Lebanon and the Zionist “war on terror,” the Muslim world is now center stage in every American home. I see the carnage, death and destruction that have befallen Lebanon, but I also see something else: I see you. I can’t help but notice that almost every woman I see is carrying a baby or has children around her. I see that though they are dressed modestly, their beauty still shines through. But ...

Temporary Marriage and Registered Sexual Activity

Temporary Marriage and Registered Sexual Activity
Temporary Marriage and Registered Sexual Activity From the Imamiya point of view, there is another solution, and that is "temporary marriage", or the "breakable contract", which may have Shariah or non-Shariah limits on it, specifically in relation to virgins. With respect to widows and divorcees, however, there is no difficulty. Islam does not regard the issue of sexual relations between the two genders for the purpose of satisfying the ...

Islam and the African World

Islam and the African World
The Islamic religion is now a major factor in human life and its impact is felt not only in Arabia, where it started out and then spread to the four corners of the earth, embracing a significant portion of humanity, but also in Africa where it has in many cases displaced an indigenous belief system whose world view, though similar to Islam in certain respects, varies widely from it. This section of the chapter deals with the Islamic world view. ...


WOMAN AND THE UNITY OF THE HUMAN SPECIES "O mankind! surely We have created you of a male and a female, and have made you nations and tribes that you may know one another. Surely the noblest of you, in the sight of Allah, is the best in conduct..."                                                 Holy Qur'an (49: 13) "O mankind! Be careful of your duty to your Lord Who created you ...

Companions’ Strictness in Admitting the Reports

Companions’ Strictness in Admitting the Reports
The Rightly-guided Caliphs and great Companions particularly those giving legal verdicts – as is known before – used to evade and fear narrating hadith from the Prophet. Rather in fact they were turning away from this act, since they were aware of their failure to perform, in its due way, whatever they heard from the Prophet (S), as memory being unable to recollect or record whatever is heard. Besides, that which is memorized can ...

Former Real Madrid’s Player, Adebayor Converts to Islam

Former Real Madrid’s Player, Adebayor Converts to Islam
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - The former Real Madrid player has announced his reversion to Islam at an event in his home country of Togo. A YouTube video shows the 31-year-old striker taking the Shahada, the Muslim declaration of faith that one must utter prior to his or her conversion to Islam.In May, London-based club Tottenham gave the player compassionate leave for the second time during the season to return to Togo to resolve some family ...

Course on “Monotheism in View of AhlulBayt (A.S.)” Begins in Senegal

Course on “Monotheism in View of AhlulBayt (A.S.)” Begins in Senegal
An educational course on “Monotheism in View of AhlulBayt (A.S.)” has been orgaized by Iranian Cultural Center in Senegal. According to the website of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization, this is the third edition of the educational programs planned for directors of Quranic schools and imams of mosques in the African country. The course began with the presence of Seyyed Hassan Esmati, Iranian cultural attaché and ...

The Philosophy of the Sophists

The Philosophy of the Sophists
The Philosophy of the Sophists I. Background Information The second period of Greek philosophy occupies the entire fourth century before Christ. The problem which claims the interest of thinkers during this period is no longer the cosmological question, but man in his concreteness, namely, in his knowledge, his morality, his rights. The causes which determined the above passage were many, and the most important of these were the following: ...

Jewish, Muslims, Christians rally in Atlanta in solidarity with oppressed Palestinians on 'Al-Quds Day'

Jewish, Muslims, Christians rally in Atlanta in solidarity with oppressed Palestinians on 'Al-Quds Day'
Around 150 people gathered at the CNN Center in Atlanta for a rally and march in support of the Palestinian people and to call for the U.S. government to end its support of the regime of Israel. Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Atlanta, GA - USA - Around 150 people gathered at the CNN Center in Atlanta for a rally and march in support of the Palestinian people and to call for the U.S. government to end its support of the regime of Israel.On ...

Islamic Movement in Nigeria completes plans to mark 'International Quds Day'

Islamic Movement in Nigeria completes plans to mark 'International Quds Day'
The Islamic Movement in Nigeria has completed plans to mark the World in marking the International Quds Day which is scheduled to be held on the last Friday of the month of Ramadan, which corresponds with 8th June, 2018. (AhlulBayt News Agency) - The Islamic Movement in Nigeria has completed plans to mark the World in marking the International Quds Day which is scheduled to be held on the last Friday of the month of Ramadan, which corresponds ...

Child Sex Abuse Scandal: France Holds Its Head in Shame

Child Sex Abuse Scandal: France Holds Its Head in Shame
A UN investigation into these serious allegations suggests last year French military personnel in Central African Republic sexually abused and exploited “hungry” children they were sent to protect. A UN worker leaked that information to the French authorities and that worker, Anders Kompass, has since been suspended!   According to the investigation, about 16 French soldiers are accused of abusing children, between eight and 15 ...

How I Came to Love the Veil?

How I Came to Love the Veil?
I used to look at veiled women as quiet, oppressed creatures -- until I was captured by the Taliban.  In September 2001, just 15 days after the terrorist attacks on the United States, I snuck into Afghanistan, clad in a head-to-toe blue burqa, intending to write a newspaper account of life under the repressive regime.  Instead, I was discovered, arrested and detained for 10 days.  I spat and swore at my captors; they called me a ...

Helpless Muslim woman showered in alcohol in Islamophobic attack

Helpless Muslim woman showered in alcohol in Islamophobic attack
Passengers on a train watched on as a helpless Muslim woman was showered in alcohol in a violent Islamophobic attack, Birmingham researchers have revealed.The victim’s experience is one of many hate attacks on Muslims that were revealed in a study by Birmingham City University criminologist Imran Awan.The full report, commissioned by Tell MAMA (Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks), will be unveiled in Parliament today.Believed to be the first ...

Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi's advice regarding processions of Arbaeen

Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi's advice regarding processions of Arbaeen
n a statement released by the office of Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi, his eminence said: “The ceremony of Arba’in is a valuable treasure for us, for it has protected the grandeur of Islam and that of the Shi’ite school of thought. Therefore, it must be appreciated as magnificent as possible. The letter as published by the official website of Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi is as follows: In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the ...


2- CULTURAL AND MENTAL COMPATABILITY   Cultural and mental understanding and homogeneity has a basic role in the joint life of a couple. The architects of this center should be ale to understand each other and their mysteries and intents, for the sake of bringing into effect a dynamic, fruitful and felicitous life. Moreover, they should take joint and harmonious decisions in most problems and practice upon their bases, be mutual helpers in ...