Friday 19th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Quran from the Point of View of Non-Muslims

Quran from the Point of View of Non-Muslims
Quran is a book which guides human beings in several dimensions of life and nobody can deny its several special characteristics and everybody may use it according to his capacity, here we want to talk about different viewpoints of non-Muslim scholars about Quran which show that the divine trainings of this book will soon spread through the world. Of course it should be mentioned that every scholar has looked at Quran from his own point of view ...

Foundation anniversary of the Islamic propagation Organization by Imam Khomeini's order

Foundation anniversary of the Islamic propagation Organization by Imam Khomeini's order
Imam Khomeini (Rh):"The term propagation is so important issue that one could say the world is propagation governed. One should note that the most effective device which can help the revolution achieve its fruitful goals and expand it all across the world is propagation, the correct one. In this case one should not exaggerate. We possess what does not need any exaggeration. You should introduce Islam to the world as it is really, through the ...

People of the Garden

People of the Garden
Allah liked this act of the man.  By the grace of Allah the Garden used to give rich harvest every season.  True, one who spends in the name of Allah would soon get the reward in this life itself as well as in the life after death.One of them said the poor people wait for the season throng the garden as usual.  He asked how they could deny them next time.Allah is all Powerful.  He knows no bounds in His Governance.  All ...

Marriage, Privilege and Intellectualism

Marriage, Privilege and Intellectualism
In the sublime instructions of Islam and Tradition, heavy stress is laid on the issue of marriage and the advantages associated with it. Professor Hossein Ansaryan in his book “ the structure of family in Islam” has touched this issue very well. The text to be followed is a part of the book. The Blooming of Talents If a young man and woman marry based upon their nature and follow God's commandment and the divine Prophets' ways, ...


13- FUTURE EQUALITY (FUTURE MUST ALSO TO A POSSIBLE EXTENT BE TAKEN IN VIEW)   It is possible that a boy and a girl are equivalent and proportionate at the time of proposal and marriage, and apparently there may not be any considerable non-co-ordination and heterogeneity between them, but after a few years of marriage, a change or variation takes place in their life and consequently, a disharmony and discord brings about difficulty. So what ...

Self-Confidence and Trust in Allah

Self-Confidence and Trust in Allah
Self-Confidence and Trust in Allah   Question: On the one hand, in the sciences of education and psychology a great deal of emphasis is placed on self-confidence, but in Islamic teachings, ethics, and gnosticism (‘irfan) on the other hand, it is stressed that one must trust only in Allah (awj) and not in oneself. Is their a contradiction between the two perspectives?     Brief Answer   To apprehend whether there is a conflict ...

Disparities Between Man and Woman

Disparities Between Man and Woman
Disparities Between Man and Woman This seems to be an odd phrase. It appears that though we are living in the 2nd half of the 20th century, yet there are some people, here and there, who have a medieval way of thinking, and still pursue the outdated idea of disparity between man and woman. Like the people of the medieval ages they are of the view that woman belongs to the inferior sex and that she is not a perfect human being. She is something ...

Some Selected Sayings (Traditions) of the Holy Prophet

Some Selected Sayings (Traditions) of the Holy Prophet
1. "Seek knowledge even if it were in China." It was knowledge of good from evil, which made man worthy of getting the great job of the vice-regency of God on earth. Knowledge has given man superiority over more powerful creatures. It is self evident that nations, which had more knowledge, acquired greater power. The above tradition stresses the need of acquiring knowledge even if one has to travel long distances.2. "Masses follow the religion ...

Prying Into the Secrets of People

Prying Into the Secrets of People
By: Ayatullah Ja`far Subhani { …and do not spy on one another… } In the previous pages, it was mentioned that verse number 12 of Surah al-Hujurat discusses three different negative ethical traits in the following order: (1) Pessimism or not having trust in others; (2) Prying into the secrets of other people; (3) Speaking bad behind someone else’s back. The reason why the Qur’an has mentioned these three despised traits in this order is ...

The Lady of Wilayah

The Lady of Wilayah
After Lady Fatimah (A.S.), Lady Zainab (A.S.) is the unique hero amongst the women in the history of Islam. With her brave and outstanding character, her deep faith, and her strong belief in Allah (SWT), she had a significant role in protecting religion on its original path. Her name always follows the name of Imam Hussain (A.S.). Shiite historians have recognized her as the second most significant character in the tragedy of Karbala. More ...

American faith leaders in Oak Lawn, Illinois call on businesses to support Muslims

American faith leaders in Oak Lawn, Illinois call on businesses to support Muslims
On Saturday, more than 100 people of different faiths thronged the parking lot of First United Methodist Church in Oak Lawn, Illinois to denounce the anti-Muslim vitriol spurred by the election ...

The Definition of a Greater Sin

The Definition of a Greater Sin
1) Sins are of two types- The Greater and the Lesser. All those sins are Greater which have been specifically termed as Greater in the Holy Qur’an and the traditions. The number of such sins exceeds forty and they all have been explained in the traditions of the Holy Ahl-ul-Bayt (A.s).2) All those sins are Greater about which the Qur’an and Hadith explicitly state that those who commit these sins will enter Hell. Or if it is not ...


Nikāḥ (Arabic: "نکاح", English: "marriage") is a union of a male and a female under sharia conditions. When a male and a female get married, they become "Halal" (Halal here means that they can have sexual relationship) and morally and legally responsible to each other.There are two kinds of Nikah: 1- Permanent Nikah which is the common and known marriage in almost all cultures and religions, and remains to the end of their lives or a ...

European Quran competition kicks off in Hamburg, Germany

European Quran competition kicks off in Hamburg, Germany
The fifth edition of a European Quran competition was launched in Hamburg, Germany, in ...

Bahrain authorities ban opposition societies in support for Palestine

Bahrain authorities ban opposition societies in support for Palestine
The Bahraini Authorities have banned the National Democratic Opposition from holding a peaceful assembly on Friday.The opposition societies have, as usual, filed a notification at the Ministry of Interior for the demonstration that was to express solidarity with the Palestinian people.The opposition societies find that this extent of restriction on freedom of opinion and expression is extremely difficult and reflects the absence of freedom in ...

Woman's Role in the Islamic Civilization

Woman's Role in the Islamic Civilization
The previous pages reflected the Islamic thesis about woman and hijab. It is a conceptual view and a technical one. What about the practical view? How has woman, in the Islamic history, functioned in the society and what role has she actually played which shows the high position Islam awarded her when she left the superstitions and oppression of Jahiliyah behind her and donned the Islamic hijab? In the following pages, we will look at some ...

11 Palestinian families to go homeless as Israel threatens demolition

11 Palestinian families to go homeless as Israel threatens demolition
AhlulBayt News Agency - The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) afternoon Monday notified 11 Palestinian families of their decision to demolish and stop the construction of 11 homes in al-Khalil’s town of Yatta, in the southern West Bank.Coordinator for the popular committee against settlement in Yatta, Rateb al-Jabour, said the IOA ordered eight Palestinian families to stop the construction of their homes and notified three other ...

Imam Khomeini Week held in Mararaba Abuja, Nigeria

Imam Khomeini Week held in Mararaba Abuja, Nigeria
The Representative of Brothers and Sisters of the Islamic Movement in Nasarawa State Chapter has described Late Ayatullahi Ruhullah Khomeini as a symbol of unity and fight against injustice and all its ramification in the entire world. AhlulBayt News Agency - The Representative of Brothers and Sisters of the Islamic Movement in Nasarawa State Chapter has described Late Ayatullahi Ruhullah Khomeini as a symbol of unity and fight against ...

Hijab banned at India’s pre-medical tests

Hijab banned at India’s pre-medical tests
A new dress code for pre-medical tests in India that bans the Islamic headscarf or hijab to avoid cheating has been criticized as a threat to the future of female Muslims students in the Indian subcontinent.  “My father took special permission so I could wear my scarf to school. Why will I give it up now?” Muslim student Fatema Akhtar in Mumbai, told The Hindustan Times on Tuesday, July 14. Akhtar, who scored 92.6% in ...

The Philosophy of Aristotle

The Philosophy of Aristotle
The Philosophy of Aristotle I. The Life of Aristotle Aristotle (picture) was born at Stagira, a Greek colony of Thrace, in the year 384 B.C. His father, a Macedonian named Nicomachus, was a physician in the court of Amyntas II, King of Macedonia. After the death of his parents, Aristotle's education was directed by Proxenus of Atarneus. In his eighteenth year, Aristotle went to Athens and entered the Academy of Plato, remaining there about ...