Saturday 20th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Interesting Islamic Books

Interesting Islamic Books
Sahif Alawiya, collection of duas•Then I was guided•Books on the History of the Prophets•Kitab al-Kafi•Mishkat ul-Anwar Fi Ghurar al-Akhbar, by Shaykh Tabarsi•The Treatise On Rights, Imam Sajjad as.gif•ISLAMIC GOVERNMENT by Imam Khomeini.•The beliefs of Shia Imamiyyah, By Shaykh al-Saduq•Fadhaail-ush-Shia, by Shaykh al-Saduq•The Ahlulbayt : Ethical Role-Models, by Sayyid Mahdi as-Sadr•Greater ...

The Role of the Mother in Child Rearing

The Role of the Mother in Child Rearing
The Prophet (Pbuh) said: Heaven is under the feet of mothers. [Mizan al-Hikmat, v.10, p.712] A Child as the Result of a Mother's Efforts The Arabic word "Um" which means mother and is extensively used in the Quran and the traditions essentially means root and source. This is because a child is in the womb for six to nine months and extracts his/her physical and spiritual needs from the body of the mother. Also, the baby constantly extracts ...

Shiah and Zakat (Taxation)

Shiah and Zakat (Taxation)
We may consider salat and sawm as two acts of worship (ibadat) whose immediate basis is physical rather than spiritual. Zakat is of an entirely different nature. According to the Shi'as, after salat in rank comes "zakat" (taxation); indeed from some of the traditions of the holy Imams (a.s.) it is understood that if somebody does not give "zakat" his salat also is invalid. Like all other Muslims the Imamiyah consider "zakat" compulsory on nine ...

What is Islam?

What is Islam?
Islam is a monotheistic religion originating with the teachings of Muhammad (pbuh), a 7th century Arab religious and political figure. It is the second-largest religion in the world today, with an estimated 1.4 billion adherents, spread across the globe, known as Muslims. Linguistically, Islam means submission, referring to the total surrender of one's self to Allah(Swt), and a Muslim is "one who submits to God".As Muslims we believe that God ...

Hijab in Quran & Narrations

Hijab in Quran & Narrations
The issue of Hijab is not a new topic and it is as old as the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The Islamic view of Hijab is a more balanced one compared with the other religions but still lots of unfair accusations and doubts are distributed against the Islamic view of Hijab. The spread of these doubts has damaged the place and the importance of Hijab in Islamic societies to an extend where enough attention is not paid to ...

Who Afraid of Sheikh Zakzaky's Freedom?

Who Afraid of Sheikh Zakzaky's Freedom?
Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky is a Nigerian Islamic scholar of high repute, also the leader of the Islamic movement in Nigeria. To those who have eschewed sentiment and listen to the Sheikh's lectures or attended his preaching sessions will never debate on the Sheikh's honesty, uprightness, rectitude, decency, unity and eloquence.In him, over 10 million Nigerians, ranging from elites to masses sees all the fit of a leader. The bold steps taken by him ...

Britain urged to act as two face execution in Bahrain

Britain urged to act as two face execution in Bahrain
Human rights organisations fear that the two men could be put to death in the coming days following the execution of three prisoners on Sunday (16 January), the first in Bahrain since 2010. The men, Ali al-Singace, Abbas al-Samea, and Sami Mushaima, were allegedly tortured to force a confession in the same police station as the current death row inmates. Activists have called on Britain to suspend its support for the Bahraini criminal justice ...

7-year old Indonesian boy wins 3rd Egypt Quran memorization contest

7-year old Indonesian boy wins 3rd Egypt Quran memorization contest
An Indonesian young Quran memorizer, Musa La Ode Abu Hanafi, has won the third prize at the international Quran memorization competition, the International Musabaqah Hifzil Quran (MHQ), in Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt. "Musa made other nations love Indonesia," the Coordinator of Educational, Social and Cultural Functions, the Indonesian Embassy in Cairo, Egypt, Cairo Lauti Nia Sutedja said in a press release on Friday. Musa participated in the ...

Light and Dark

Light and Dark
Praise belongs to Allah Who created the heavens and the earth and appointed darkness and light... (Quran, 6:1) We all know that without light a person cannot see his surroundings with the naked eye. However, the light that we can see is only a very small part of all light-emitting energy. There are other kinds of light-emitting energy that human beings cannot perceive, such as infra-red, ultra-violet, x-rays and radio waves. Human beings are ...

Bahraini security forces ransack homes In A’ali

Bahraini security forces ransack homes In A’ali
In the immediate aftermath of the latest raids, activists posted images online showing the damage inflicted on private property. Meanwhile, armed men wearing ski masks were snapped manning their posts as police vehicles flooded the town’s narrow streets. There is no news yet of any arrests. Similar raids in recent days have resulted in a number of Bahrainis being detained. Young men are often taken into custody without arrest warrants ...

Family Relationships in Islam

Family Relationships in Islam
  Islam is a complete way of life. It considers the family the corner stone of Islamic society. It bases the atmosphere in the family on sacrifice, love, loyalty... Islam is a complete way of life. It considers the family the corner stone of Islamic society. It bases the atmosphere in the family on sacrifice, love, loyalty, and obedience. When we say "family" we mean the traditional definition of it namely husband, wife and children. ...

Selecting a suitable spouse from an Islamic view point

Selecting a suitable spouse from an Islamic view point
Marriage is an institution first and foremost that brings you even closer to Allah and the Ahlul Bayt (peace be upon them). Therefore, one should be clear about this important factor and should forever be continuing to strive for this goal, whether you are in the process of selecting your partner or have already entered into this sacred institution.Why is it that when it comes to choosing a program of study, for example, we seem to exhaust all ...

Grand Iranian Shia cleric urges Saudi Arabia to close Wahhabi schools

Grand Iranian Shia cleric urges Saudi Arabia to close Wahhabi schools
During his jurisprudence class at Qom’s Grand Mosque, Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem-Shirazi condemned the recent attack on Imam Ali (A) Mosque in the eastern Saudi Arabian town of al-Qadih, saying that the whole world has condemned this crime, including Saudi politicians and scholars. “How can they assume that the people of the world will remain unaware [of who the true perpetrators are?]” he asked.His Eminence stressed that ...

Bahrain Authorities Question Chairman of Al Wefaq Arbitration Panel

Bahrain Authorities Question Chairman of Al Wefaq Arbitration Panel
The Bahraini Authorities ordered its security apparatus to summon the chairman of Al Wefaq’s Arbitration Panel, Sheikh Jassim Alkhayat, on Monday 22nd February 2016.Sheikh Alkhayat approached the Houra police station accompanied by his lawyer in the morning. However, his lawyer was prevented from attending the interrogation session. Alkhayat was then directly transferred to the Public Prosecution Office where he was made to wait for hours ...

Muslim Irish woman shares her story on World Hijab Day

Muslim Irish woman shares her story on World Hijab Day
Brigid Aylward from Mullinavat, Co Kilkenny became a Muslim in 2008 but it wasn’t until she started wearing the hijab two years later that she felt like a full member of her new community.“Everybody is on their own journey. If a [Muslim] woman decides they can’t cover or doesn’t want to cover, nobody will say anything to them. It can’t be forced,” she says.“For the two years I didn’t cover, I used ...

Sheikh Zakzaky, his wife in dreadful conditions in Nigerian prison

Sheikh Zakzaky, his wife in dreadful conditions in Nigerian prison
Popular leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN) Sheikh Ibrahim al-Zakzaky and his wife are still in custody and suffering from serious health conditions as a result of lack of access to adequate medical care, a Nigerian cleric in Iran said.The representative of Nigerian clerics in Iran, Mohammad al-Shuaib, said the last time there was news on Zakzaky’s health conditions, it was about his severe eye injury.He added that currently ...

How Did The World Begin

How Did The World Begin
Man is a thoughtful creature who lives amidst this spacious world. He contemplates everything around him and tries to understand its essence. He asks himself: How did the world come into being? How does it move in such a precise and perfect manner? Does it have a beginning? Does it have an end? What comes after?If it has a beginning, does this mean that it was non-existent and then came into being? Who created it? Did it come into being by ...

IMN warns about terror of Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky

IMN warns about terror of Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky
Read the full statement as follows:The Islamic Movement in Nigeria will like to draw the attention of the general public to a mischievous plot hatched by the enemies of peace in Nigeria. This latest plot, as disclosed to us by a reliable source, is a fresh attempt to kill our leader, Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky, who is currently in illegal detention in clear contempt of court judgment, and a simultaneous attack on members of IMN in several cities of ...

At least 19 killed, 50 injured in Cameroon twin bombing

At least 19 killed, 50 injured in Cameroon twin bombing
Two suicide bombers killed at least 19 people and injured 50 others in a market in Meme, northern Cameroon, on Friday, military sources said. Two men walked into the market and blew themselves up, one of the officials based in northern Cameroon said, adding that the number of dead and injured is subject to change. There has so far been no official claim of responsibility for the attack, but officials pointed the finger at Nigeria-based Boko ...

Publication of "al-Vilayah al-Ilahiyya al-Islamiyah" written by Sheikh Momen Qomi

Publication of "al-Vilayah al-Ilahiyya al-Islamiyah" written by Sheikh Momen Qomi
Ahlul Bayt World Assembly's secretary of book council has announced the publication of Sheikh Momen Qomi's book "al-Vilayah al-Ilahiyya al-Islamiyah" (divine Islamic leadership) and added: Velayat-e faqih (Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist) and his jurisdiction in Major Occultation of Imam Mahdi is one of the most important subjects in Islamic political jurisprudence. Since the past, sources of emulation and scholars have addressed the issue of ...