Friday 5th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید


... Thiqat al-'Islam Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni, from Muhammad ibn Yahya, from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn `Isa, from Muhammad ibn Sinan, from 'Awn ibn al-Qalanisi, from Ibn Abi Ya'fur, who reports Abu `Abd Allah (al-'Imam al-Sadiq) (A) to have said: "One who meets Muslims with a double face and a double tongue, on the Day of Judgement he will come with two tongues of fire." [1] Exposition: Double-facedness is the characteristic of the person ...

Forty Hadith regarding the importance of Zakat

Forty Hadith regarding the importance of Zakat
Hadith Number 1:Zakat, A Bridge of Islamرُوِيَ عَنِ النَّبِي أَنَّهُ قَالَ: أَلزَّكَاةُ قَنْطَرَةُ الإِسْلاَمِ، فَمَنْ أَدَّاهَا جَازَ الْقَنْطَرَةَ وَمَنْ مَنَعَهَا إِحْتَبَسَ دُوْنَهَا وَهِيَ تُطْفِئُ غَضَبَ الرَّبِّ.It has been narrated from the Noble Prophet (blessings of Allah be upon ...

Bahrain lifts ban of al-Wasat newspaper

Bahrain lifts ban of al-Wasat newspaper
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - The Bahraini regime has reportedly ended a temporary suspension of the country’s only independent newspaper after criticism from human rights groups.Bahrain’s Information Affairs Authority (IAA) issued a statement announcing the lifting of the two-day ban on al-Wasat newspaper, the official BNA news agency reported on Sunday.On August 6, the IAA said it had temporarily closed the newspaper “due to ...

Importance of Good Advice

Importance of Good Advice
Look before You Leap A Muslim once insisted upon receiving a special piece of advice from the Holy Prophet (s). He (s) replied, ‘Do you pledge to act upon it if I do?’ ‘Certainly! Ya Rasool Allah.’ ‘Are you sure you will act on it?’ ‘Absolutely! Messenger of God.’ ‘Do you promise to act on it?’ ‘I promise, Ya Rasool Allah.’ After repeating the question three times intentionally to make him realise the significance of the ...

Raising Children in Islam

Raising Children in Islam
Imam Sajjad said: One thing guaranteeing men’s prosperity is to have children whom they can help. [Kafi, v.6, p.2] The Position and Worth of Children Children, whether male or female, are the greatest and most beneficial blessing that God has favored his servants with. The Prophet Abraham (Pbuh) did not have any children and was sad about this. When he was very old, God gave his worthy servant two sons: Ismael and Issac. Issac is the ...

10 Tips for Remaining Positive (When you feel frustrated, lazy, or incompetent)

10 Tips for Remaining Positive (When you feel frustrated, lazy, or incompetent)
Post reminders of your objectives in places that you look at often (i.e. computer screens, back of the bathroom door, on your dashboard, etc. Reflecting on your objectives and goals will lift your spirits and remind you that you will be successful at some point in the future. * Listen to motivational speeches and read motivational stories or messages, but don't spend much money on them. Motivational speeches (as with lectures) utilize an ...

Pleasant Dispositions

Pleasant Dispositions
    Anyone who is good-natured with a pleasant disposition would also face the hardships and problems of life in the same manner. These are the kinds of personality that people are attracted to and continually seek. The pleasant disposition and attitude of a person would be immune to psychological disorders since their outlook to life is to overcome their hardships in the best feasible manner.  "Imam Sadiq (PEACE BE UPON HIM) stated: 'No ...

Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.) and Humbleness

Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.) and Humbleness
Humbleness is an outstanding feature in the lives of Ahl al-Bayt. Ibn Masud reports: A person came to the presence of Allah’s Messenger and when he started to speak, he was trembling. The Holy Prophet (S) said, “Calm down; I am not a king.”192 Another person reports: A group of people and I went to the presence of the Holy Prophet (S) and said, “You are our master.” The Holy Prophet said, “Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, is the ...

My Hajj Experiences - Salma Yusufali

My Hajj Experiences - Salma Yusufali
My Hajj Experiences - Salma Yusufali In the name of Allah, the Beneficient, the MercifulThe following essay was written in Rabi-ul-Awwal, 1413 (September, 1992) by a 16-year old, and won the North American Contest for writing about the beautiful experience of al-Hajj (the Pilgrimage).I can't believe I'm actually here! Even though people had described it to me and had told me what to expect, it is all completely different from what I had ...

How can a Muslim Youth be Successful

How can a Muslim Youth be Successful
Abdul Adheem al-Muhtadi al-BahraniQuestion : What qualities do you think a good Muslim youth should have to be successful ?The answer : I think he or she should possess the following qualities :1. Sincerely believing in Allah and completely relying on Him.2. Being able to control and lead himself.3. Always looking for progress and success within what Allah has permitted.4. Driving fear away from inside him.5. Being magnanimous and patient.6. Not ...

Quranic Verses about Hijab

Quranic Verses about Hijab
A Muslim woman wears hijab for the simple reason that God has commanded it in the Quran and Sunna. As Muslims we make the testimony "Mohammad is the messenger of God". The Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) would not be a messenger if he did not come with a message, and his message is the Quran. Therefore, we are really saying "The Quran is the message of God". Our faith in God motivates us to obey God’s message and that is why we follow ...

Imam Ali martyrdom anniversary observed across Pakistan amid tight security

Imam Ali martyrdom anniversary observed across Pakistan amid tight security
The central procession to mark the martyrdom of Imam Ali (PBUH) concluded peacefully at Hussainian Iraninan Imambargah in Kharadar on Monday evening amid tight security. The procession, said to be the largest on the occasion in the country, started from Nishtar Park in the afternoon. Several small processions from the across the city also converged into the main one.A large number of police and paramilitary contingents were deployed on the ...

Guidance in Nature

Guidance in Nature
By: Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi Lari And He has cast great mountains in the earth lest it might be convulsed with you, and rivers and roads that you may go aright; and landmarks; and by the stars they find the right way. (al-Nahl, 16/15-16) The term “guidance” always brings to one’s mind the notion of spiritual instruction and direction. However, in the case of God Almighty and His constant and widespread grace, we cannot confine this term to ...


FAMILY RIGHTS  This much was about non-domestic society. But what about domestic society? Do all the individuals in a domestic society also have a similar position in regard to their acquired rights, or is the case of the domestic society, which consists of wife and husband, parents and children and brothers and sisters different, and is there a special natural law in respect of domestic or family rights?  In this case there exist two ...

Beautiful stories of young british female converted to Islam

Beautiful stories of young british female converted to Islam
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), It’s a controversial time for British women to be wearing the hijab, the basic Muslim headscarf. Last month, Belgium became the first European country to pass legislation to ban the burka (the most concealing of Islamic veils), calling it a “threat” to female dignity, while France looks poised to follow suit. In Italy earlier this month, a Muslim woman was fined €500 (£430) for wearing the Islamic veil ...

Al-Wefaq Condemns Nigeria Heinous Crime, Urges Release of Sheikh Al-Zakzaky

Al-Wefaq Condemns Nigeria Heinous Crime, Urges Release of Sheikh Al-Zakzaky
Bahrain's main opposition group Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society denounced what it described as "the heinous crime" that hit Nigeria, leaving many innocent people killed.In a statement issued on Wednesday (December 16, 2015), Al-Wefaq stressed that "the use of force and murder completely goes against the principles of humanity, the international human rights law and the principles and teachings of Islam. It cannot be justified in any way." It ...

How to behave according to islamic ethics

How to behave according to islamic ethics
Islamic Ethics in the Family Structure The Prophet (Pbuh) said: I recommend you to have good morality, since verily this will take you to heaven, and you should not be foul tempered since that will undoubtedly take you to Hell. [Vasa'il, v.16, p.29, Al-i-Bayt Press] The Value of Good Morality It is necessary for parents to consider a few things which are repeatedly stressed in the Holy Quran for the sake of themselves and their children. It ...

The Indigenous Mechanisms

The Indigenous Mechanisms
In the East, particularly in our own country, and that too especially during the period of Islamic protection of the Muslim countries, there existed the indigenous mechanism that "Woman is the manifestation of the collective honour of a people". Well, if this manifestation were subjected to disgrace and dishonour, it would naturally lead to shattering the morale of those people. You may have noticed that in war countries that overpower the enemy ...


A woman came out of her house and saw 3 old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize them. She said, "I don't think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come in and have something to eat." "Is the man of the house home?", they asked. "No", she replied. "He's out." "Then we cannot come in", they replied. In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had happened. "Go tell them I am home ...

Noble Deeds and Generosities of Hazrat Abdolazim

Noble Deeds and Generosities of Hazrat Abdolazim
Several noble deeds have been recounted from the people of Rey and other sources. Here we advise the interested persons to study related books in this regard.The 40th weekAs narrated from a well informed source, once one of the merchants of Tehran came across a problem. One day he put up the matter with one of his colleagues and his colleague said you should go to Abdolazim and intercede him for solving your problem.He said I went to abdolazim ...