Friday 5th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
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Bahraini Shi'a child tortured in detention, transferred to solitary confinement

Bahraini Shi'a child tortured in detention, transferred to solitary confinement
The Bahrain Forum for Human Rights (BFHR) stated that the Bahraini child Ali Abdullah Isa (15 years old) was recently arrested in a raid on his father's house in Zayed city in the early hours of the morning by members of civilian security forces and was taken to the juvenile detention center. BFHR added that he "was harshly beaten and tortured, despite his medical condition as he suffers from sickle cell anemia and was born with a punctured ...

1st & 2nd night of Muharram program at al-Khuee Center of New York, USA

1st & 2nd night of Muharram program at al-Khuee Center of New York, USA
    1st & 2nd night of Muharram program at al-Khuee Center of New York, USA 1437-2015Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Muharram is a month of remembrance and modern Shia meditation that is often considered synonymous with Ashura. Ashura, which literally means the "Tenth" in Arabic, refers to the tenth day of Muharram. It is well-known because of historical significance and mourning for the murder of Hussein ibn Ali, the grandson of ...

Religious Genocide - How Saudi Arabia in Yemen is seeking to destroy a chapter of Islam's history

Religious Genocide - How Saudi Arabia in Yemen is seeking to destroy a chapter of Islam's history
By Catherine Shakdam While Saudi Arabia has been active in portraying its war in Yemen as one of liberation - a concerted effort to bring democracy and political self-determination to this poorest nation of the Arabian Peninsula, months of brutalities, indiscriminate bombings, war crimes and other aggravated human rights abuses are telling another story.A story rooted in sectarian hatred and religious extremism; a tale of indoctrination and ...

Muslim women answer New Yorkers questions about hijab

Muslim women answer New Yorkers questions about hijab
Muslim women in western New York invited other community members to learn more about the Islamic culture. At the Walden Galleria, people had the opportunity to ask western New York Muslims questions about the head scarf and try one on themselves. "We're here to just spread awareness and let people know what the hijab is, where it came from and why we wear it," said Julie Boody, executive director of WNY Muslims. "The public is with this ...

Spiritual and Intellectual Needs of a Family

Spiritual and Intellectual Needs of a Family
  Today’s discussion is about the fourth need - the spiritual need. Just as a person needs to be physically satisfied, he needs spiritual satisfaction. This is the main difference between human beings and the animals. Animals only have instincts and physical needs. At the most they need love and sympathy. But man has both the physical as well as the spiritual aspects in his nature. This spiritual aspect has been endowed to him from the Aalam ...

Marriage Made in Heaven

Marriage Made in Heaven
Here is Gabriel informing me that Allah gave Fatema to you in marriage, and made forty thousand angels testify to her marriage. He also revealed to the Tree of Tooba to sprinkle them with gems, rubies, jewelry and embellishments. When it had done this, the Houris rushed to collect these gems, rubies, jewelry, and embellishments to exchange them for gifts until the Day of Resurrection."  These are the tidings that Prophet Muhammad ...

Prophet Saleh

Prophet Saleh
The tribe of Thamud was living happily in the land of Hajar which was located between Syria and Hejaz. They were enjoying the green gardens, big springs and rivers, the productive land and beneficial animals of this country. But gradually idolatry and corruption got over spread among the people of this tribe and consequently God appointed Saleh, a pious man of a noble and respectful family in Hajar, who was quite well-known for his knowledge and ...


APPREHENSION OF NOT DOING JUSTICE  To be fair, it must be admitted that the number of those, who observe in letter and spirit all the conditions laid down by Islam in respect of polygamy, is very small. According to the Islamic law, if a man apprehends that the use of water may be harmful to him he should not perform ablution for prayers, and if he apprehends that fasting may be harmful to him he should not keep fast. You come across many ...

Prominent Pakistani Shiite Human Rights Activist 'Syed Khurram Zaki' Martyred in Karachi

Prominent Pakistani Shiite Human Rights Activist 'Syed Khurram Zaki' Martyred in Karachi
A leading Pakistani Shiite human rights activist, Syed Khurram Zaki, has been murdered by Islamic extremist of Wahhabis, in North Karachi area on Saturday late night AhlulBayt News Agency - A leading Pakistani Shiite human rights activist, Syed Khurram Zaki, has been murdered by the Saudi-funded Wahhabi radical Islamist movement of ASWJ, in North Karachi area on Saturday late night.Syed Khurram Zaki, the editor of political website Let Us Build ...

An ideal father and an ideal mothe

An ideal father and an ideal mothe
What are the qualities of an ideal father and an ideal mother? The answer: An ideal father is one who: 1. undertakes his responsibility well to create a good marital and family life with humane atmospheres. 2. brings his family lawful livelihood without a bit of unlawful. 3. respects his wife as a human being who is equal to him in rights and duties, as Allah has said, (O people! be careful of (your duty to) your Lord, ...

He did not have money for himself!

He did not have money for himself!
Sheikh Kaasim Muhyideen, who died in the year of 1376 A.H., was one of the noble scholars of the city of Najaf. This scholar used to go to the rich merchants and businessmen in Najaf to pledge money for the poor and needy. Although they used to refuse him in the morning, he used to go to them in the afternoon and once again ask them again. In this way he used to collect a lot of money to distribute to the needy. It is known that he didn’t ...


THE NATURE OF DOMESTIC PEACE IS DIFFERENT FROM THAT OF OTHER KINDS OF PEACE  There is no doubt that there should be peace and harmony between the husband and wife, but the peace and harmony which should prevail in conjugal life is very different from the peace which should exist between two colleagues, two partners, two neighbours and two neighbouring countries. Peace and harmony in conjugal life is similar to the peace and harmony which ...

Aaq-e-Waledain Cause Poverty and Misfortune

Aaq-e-Waledain Cause Poverty and Misfortune
There was a young man from Madinah. His parents were very old. He never did any good towards them. He neglected them and did not expend any of his wealth for their well-being. After sometime he became a destitute and fell sick. Hiswretchedness and misery reached such excessive, that he became a pitiable character. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said,  "Those who cause hurt to their parents should derive lessons from the life of this man. See how ...

Kumayt al-Asadi:the Great Revolutionary Shi'ite Poet

Kumayt al-Asadi:the Great Revolutionary Shi'ite Poet
Al-Farazdaq said: "Al-Kumayt was the poet of the first and the last. 'Ukrima al-Dabbi said: "Were it not for his poetry, there would be no translator for the language nor would there be a tongue for explanation. ( Roudat al-Jinan, vol. 6, p. 59) He was the foremost thinker and writer of the period. He played an important role in developing Arab culture and Islamic scientific movement. The following are some bright sides of his life. His Birth ...

Pregenancy & duties of a couple towards their new-born

Pregenancy & duties of a couple towards their new-born
Pregnancy   In travail upon travail did his mother bear him, and in years twain was his weaning: (hear the command) [Holy Quran: Luqman: 31:14]   The Period of Pregnancy The time of pregnancy is a very difficult period with anxiety and various physical and spiritual stresses, although a mother is the center of love and affection, an example of God’s Mercy and eager to have a baby and see her child's pretty, innocent face. The husband, ...


 Tayammum is an act of worship consisting of wiping the forehead and the two hands. It is a substitute for wudu' and ghusl.Tayammum is performed in place of Wudhu or Ghusl when:1.      Not enough water is available for Wudhu or Ghusl.2.      Obtaining water for Wudhu will endanger your life or property or you are unable to procure water by any means.3.      Using the ...

Tips for Happiness in Daily Life

Tips for Happiness in Daily Life
Daily life can be made happier. It is a matter of choice. It is our attitude that makes us feel happy or unhappy. It is true, we meet all kinds of situations during the day, and some of them may not be conductive to happiness. We can choose to keep thinking about the unhappy events, and we can choose to refuse to think about them, and instead, relish the happy moments. All of us constantly go through various situations and circumstances, but we ...

Religion and Piety

Religion and Piety
The revered religion of Islam is in fact a system supplied with beliefs, morals and practical matters. Religious faith in Islam consists of joining up of the heart with God and belief in the Day of Judgment; the angels; the Prophets and the Glorious Quran. Morality in Islam consists of humbleness; humility; etiquette; patience; submissiveness; fortitude; tolerance; perseverance; kindness; compassion; good will; having mild disposition; chastity ...

Gunmen men attack Shia religious place in Sitra, Bahrain

Gunmen men attack Shia religious place in Sitra, Bahrain
Activists on Social Media said that a black 4×4 vehicle opened fire at Al-Marzouq Hussainia hall in Wadyan village in the island of Sitra in the early Monday (January 11, 2016) at around 3 a.m. Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Activists on Social Media said that a black 4×4 vehicle opened fire at Al-Marzouq Hussainia hall in Wadyan village in the island of Sitra in the early Monday (January 11, 2016) at around 3 a.m.The photos circulated on ...

A Reverted Muslim from Czechoslovakia

A Reverted Muslim from Czechoslovakia
My name is Zuzana. I was born in  1977 in communist Czechoslovakia. I think both of my parents were baptized, but because of strong influence of communism in our country which opposed (any) religion, they never talked about their belief, my mother doesn‘t beleive in existence of God, my father has just recently re-discovered faith in God, he follows teachings of  spiritual „Masters“ of India, a path called „Sang ...