Sunday 21st of July 2024
Ahlul-Bayt as the Earth Angels
ارسال پرسش جدید

Imam al-Jawad (a.s.) resorted to Allah

Imam al-Jawad (a.s.) resorted to Allah
Imam al-Jawad (a.s.) resorted to Allah the Almighty to protect his son Imam al-Hadi (a.s.) from troubles and adversities of time and from every evil. Every day he charmed him with this du’a that showed his devotedness to Allah: “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful, there is no power save in Allah, the Exalted, the Great. O Allah, the Lord of angels and Gabriel, prophets and messengers, the Omnipotent over the inhabitants of ...

Designation of Ali as successor to the Prophet

Designation of Ali as successor to the Prophet
In history there were numerous occasions when the Holy Prophet designated Ali as his Deputy and successor after him. From the moment of Zulasheera to the time of the conquest of Khyber and the occasion of the battle of Tabuke the Holy Prophet made it abundantly clear that no one deserved more than Ali to be his Deputy and successor. But at the time of Ghadeer this was clearly ordered by Allah through a clear verse revealed on the Prophet. The ...

Judgement and every defiant opposer

Judgement and every defiant opposer
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) says: "Beware! Abstain from angering the parents. The fragrance of Paradise is perceived even at a distance of a thousand years, but those who are disobedient to parents and those who cut off ties with relatives will not be able to smell it."  (Wasaelush Shia). The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) also said.  "One who displeases the parents, (it is as if) he has displeased Allah. One who angers both his parents (it is as ...

Fast of the Month of Ramadan Philosophy

Fast of the Month of Ramadan Philosophy
Every year the month of Ramadhan comes and goes; every year we fast, yet without proper appreciation of the potentials of character building that the fasts hold for us. We find ourselves as spiritually backwards after the fast are over as when the month began. In fact our lack of knowledge of the real objectives of fasts often tends to produce an adverse effect in us, for, as is well known, the best of medicines could have ill effects if not ...

Quran and the love of AhlulBait (a.s)

Quran and the love of AhlulBait (a.s)
Surah 42 (Shoora), Ayah 23 demands the love of Ahlul Bayt. قُل لا أَسْأَلُكُمْ عَلَيْهِ أَجْرًا إِلا الْمَوَدَّةَ فِي الْقُرْبَى  وَمَن يَقْتَرِفْ حَسَنَةً نَّزِدْ لَهُ فِيهَا حُسْنًا إِنَّ اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ شَكُورٌ Declare [O' Muhammad]:  “I ask you of no recompense for my toil except the love for my kin ...

Memorizing the Qur'an

Memorizing the Qur'an
  Among the blessings of Allah on mankind is that He, Himself, has guaranteed to guard this everlasting Divine Message against any form of distortion, forgery and disfigurement, in such a way that falsehood cannot approach it from any direction. Remarkably, the Qur'an, today, is the same text which was revealed fourteen centuries ago to the Prophet, and is free from any additions or deletions. The religious scholars (ulama) and researchers, ...

Showing Respect for the Beloved People of God

Showing Respect for the Beloved People of God
Wahabis entertain (habour) the extreme kind of tenets (doctrine) that affect the rights of the man. That is why; they do not care and do not respect people as if they have no meaning to them. According to their doctrine, it is a major sin to bow and show respect to ones parents. If any person does so then he/she has committed the sin. This belief is certainly anti religion and anti intelligence. In the similar fashion, they do not give any ...

All praise belongs to the Almighty [swt], the Master of the Universe.

All praise belongs to the Almighty [swt], the Master of the Universe.
M.Y.A. Fortnightly Gift 15th Muharram 1426 AH: Imam Sajjad [a] All praise belongs to the Almighty [swt], the Master of the Universe. After Kerala, it was Imam Ali bin Husayn, Zaibul-Abideen [a] who along with his aunt, Bibi Zaynab [a] took leadership and responsibility for the caravan of Imam Husayn [a]. Muslim Youths must never forget that trial and tribulations that the Ahlul-bayt [a] had to endure during the grueling trip from Kerbala to ...

Compiled by the Ahlul-Bait [a]

Compiled by the Ahlul-Bait [a]
Also, it would be appropriate to ponder about the narrations regarding supplications, as well as to think about the ways and manners of supplications as practised by the sinless Imams [a]; must take a profound look at the exalted themes and subtle meanings which are contained in the supplications compiled by those honourable ones. In order to discover that whatever these impeccable ones have incorporated in their supplications regarding Allah ...

Seyyedah Zainab (A.S.) [Poem]

Seyyedah Zainab (A.S.) [Poem]
By: Dr. Hasan NajafiIn you a world is born,Messenger of resistance is born.A diver in the flood of blood is born,After Karbala, a new Karbala is born.In the ocean of blood a navigator is born.Decked are the lanes, streets, squares of Damascus,Under the curious gaze you will have to pass.The ignorant eye, the strayed mind will learnFrom you to turn from hell to heaven.As you will pass from the streetsGuidance to the masses greets.The forgotten ...

Ziyarat of Hazrat Zainab (AS)

Ziyarat of Hazrat Zainab (AS)
The following ziyarat (verbal salutation) for Bibi Zaynab (AS) is traditionally recited to obtain divine blessing while visiting her shrine (in this case, in Damascus, Syria). It can also be recited at any other time in remembrance of the example of courage and submission that she presented to the world, particularly on the acknowledged days of her birth, death, and during the month of Muharram. Peace be upon you, Oh daughter of the Chief of ...

Hadrat Zainab bint Ali(A.S.)

Hadrat Zainab bint Ali(A.S.)
Hadrat Zainab(A.S.) was born in the holy city of Madina on 5th Jamadi-ul-Awwal in the 5th year of Hijrah/627 A.D. Her Holiness became famous for her knowledge of the Holy Qu'ran and virtuous life.In her character she reflected the best attributes.In sobriety and serenity she was likened to Umm-al-Mumineen Hadrat Khadija(A.S.),her grand-mother,in chastity and modesty to her holy mother Hadrat Fatima(A.S.) and in eloquence to her holy father Imam ...

Ali Akbar, the Hashmite Prince

Ali Akbar, the Hashmite Prince
The whole town of Medina was humming with activity. People from all parts of the town were looking into the street of the Hashimites where a caravan was getting ready for a journey. The elders of the town were talking to each I other in hushed tones, recalling the words of the Prophet, that a day will dawn when his beloved grandson Husain (as) would leave Medina with his sons, brothers, nephews and kinsmen never to return. There was sadness on ...

Abuzar al-Ghaffari

Abuzar al-Ghaffari
Abuzar was a truthful, strong and pious disciple, who from the outset of his conversion to Islam till the last moment of his life, didn't stray from the Path of Truth. He fought against oppression and fully supported Prophethood and Vilayah and was among the first people to convert to Islam. In fact, he was the 4th or 5th person to become Muslim and because of this he is considered among the "most eminent in Islam.” 1 He was the first person ...

Sermon of Hadrat Zainab (A.S.) in Shaam

Sermon of Hadrat Zainab (A.S.) in Shaam
Presenting this sermon of Bint-e-Ali on the occasion of Arba’in when Hadrat Zainab Bint-e-Ali (A.S.) along with other holy ladies and children of Ahl-ol Beit (A.S.) came to Karbala … All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. Allah's blessing be upon His Messenger Muhammad and his entire progeny. True are the words of Allah, who says, "Then the end of those who committed evil was that they disbelieved in Allah's signs and they were ...

Hazrat Zainab (S.A) in Karbala

Hazrat Zainab (S.A) in Karbala
Zainab (S.A) is the shining sun in the history of Islam and of humanity. Her brother's name and Karbala associate the idea of freedom, justice, humanity, virtue, fighting against despotism, with the realization of the sovereignty of Allah. The history of Karbala is based on two pillars: the rising of Imam Hussain (A.S) and the rising of Zainab (S.A). She was an outstanding figure in the history of Karbala endowed with divine steadfastness and ...

Brief Sayings of our 10th Imam, Imam Ali Naqi (as)

Brief Sayings of our 10th Imam, Imam Ali Naqi (as)
The one who spends his life in refuge of God, world's discomforts will become easy for him. The one who does not counsel with others in his matters will be harmed. World is a bazaar in which one group makes benefit and the other faces loss. Cutting jokes and mockery is the activity and enjoyment and amusement of foolish ones. People are respected in this world for possessing wealth and in the Hereafter for possessing righteous ...

Abbas, the Standard Bearer of Husain

Abbas, the Standard Bearer of Husain
Written by Zakir     The shifting sand dunes of Karbala were smeared with blood. Near one of wash dunes, on the bank of Alkoma, lay the prostrate figure of a youth with blood gushing out from innumerable wounds. The crimson life-tide was ebbing fast. Even so, it seemed as if he was anxiously expecting somebody to come to him, to be near him before he breathed his last. Through his starched throat he was feebly calling somebody. Yes, Abbas ...

The Excellence of Imam Ali Bin Abu Talib (A.S)

 The Excellence of Imam Ali Bin Abu Talib (A.S)
1. Through his chain of authorities, he, peace be on him, said: [Allah's Messenger, may Allah bless him and his family, said:] "O 'Ali, I am the master of the messengers, and you are the commander of the faithful, Imam of the Allah-fearing, and leader of the excellent, famous ones." As for Imam 'Ali, the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, he is the pioneer of thought and wisdom in Islam. He is the soul of the Prophet, may Allah bless ...

Quran, Imam Ali(a.s) and Shi'a

Quran, Imam Ali(a.s) and Shi'a
In The Name Of Allah, The Most Compassionate, The Merciful O Allah! Send your blessings to the head of your Messengers and theLast of your Prophets Muhammad ( saw ),and his pure and cleansed progeny. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *   Part 1   The Glorious Quran Chapter 2 Verse 207 And among men there is one who selleth his self ( soul ) seeking the pleasure of God; and verily, God is affectionate unto His (faithful) servants. It is ...