Monday 22nd of July 2024
Ahlul-Bayt as the Earth Angels
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Mushaf of Imam 'Ali (A.S.)

The Mushaf of Imam 'Ali (A.S.)
The Mushaf of Imam 'Ali (A.S.)   By: Baha' al-Din Khorram-ShahiThe course of this discussion will clearly reveal that the scholars from the various Islamic schools as well as the Qur'anic historians [the experts and researcher on the history of the compilation of the Imami/'Uthmani masahif and the masahif of some other ashab or the Prophet's (S) companions] including the non-Muslim Islamologists have no dispute over the historical fact and ...

The Miraculous Acts of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq(A.S.)

The Miraculous Acts of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq(A.S.)
The Miraculous Acts of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq(A.S.)   Indeed, Allah, the Exalted, has ordered His creatures to know Him and to worship Him after they have known Him: "And I have not created the Jinn and the men except that they should serve Me."(281) His creatures indicate His existence. The pretty creation and the untied regulation indicate His Oneness. He has created a guide from their own selves to show them the way to all things. This guide ...

Description of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)

Description of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)
Appearance Muhammad (pbuh) was of a height a little above the average. He was of sturdy build with long muscular limbs and tapering fingers. The hair of his head was long and thick with some waves in them. His forehead was large and prominent, his eyelashes were long and thick, his nose was sloping, his mouth was somewhat large and his teeth were well set. His cheeks were spare and he had a pleasant smile. His eyes were large and black with a ...

Khadija Daughter of Khuwaylid - Wife of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H)

Khadija Daughter of Khuwaylid - Wife of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H)
If you wish to research the life of this great lady, and if you do not have al-Majlisi's 111-volume encyclopedia titled Bihar al-Anwar, the best references are: al-Sayyuti's Tarikh al Khulafa, Abul-Faraj al- Isfahni's Aghani, Ibn Hisham's Seera, Muhammadibn Ishaq's Seerat Rasool-Allah, and Tarikh al-Rusul wal Muluk by Abu Ja`far Muhammadibn Jarir al-Tabari (839-923 A.D.). Of all these books, only al-Tabari's Tarikh is being translated (by more ...


HAZRAT ALI ASGHAR SURA-E-FATEHA Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Tonight is the 10th night of Moharram. Tonight is the eve of Ashura. A very tragic night. A very sad night. The last night for the 72 martyrs of Kerbala. The last night for brothers to be with their sisters. The last night for sisters to be with their brothers. The last night for fathers to be with their children. The last night for mothers to be with their children. The ...

Ziarat of Hazrat Abbas (as)

 Ziarat of Hazrat Abbas (as)
سَلاَمُ اللَّهِ وَ سَلاَمُ مَلاَئِكَتِهِ الْمُقَرَّبِينَ وَ أَنْبِيَائِهِ الْمُرْسَلِينَ وَ عِبَادِهِ الصَّالِحِينَ وَ جَمِيعِ الشُّهَدَاءِ وَ الصِّدِّيقِينَ‏ (وَ) الزَّاكِيَاتُ الطَّيِّبَاتُ فِيمَا تَغْتَدِي وَ تَرُوحُ عَلَيْكَ يَا ...

The First Imam Amirul Momineen Ali (A.S.)

The First Imam Amirul Momineen Ali (A.S.)
The First ImamAmirul Momineen Ali (A.S.)   Father: Abu Talib bin Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim.Mother: Fatimah bint Asad bin Hashim bin Abd Munaf.Kunniyat (Patronymic): Abul Hasan and Husayn, Abu TurabLaqab (Title): Al-Wasi, Amir al-Mu'mininBirth: He was born in the Ka'ba, in thirty 'Am al-Fil (the year of the elephant).Martyrdom: He was martyred by the Khwariji named Abd al-Rahman ibn Muljam at Kufa during the month of Ramadhan in the ...

The burial place of Lady Zaynab

The burial place of Lady Zaynab
Historians have had various opinions about the burial place of Lady Zaynab; some have defined al-Baqi in Medina. This opinion is not acceptable, because if she was buried there she would have a special tomb just like the others who were buried there. It is probable that she, like her mother, asked to be buried at night so that none would know about the place of her grave. A good group of historians have decided that she died in a small village ...

25th Shawwal: Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Sadiq (A.S)

 25th Shawwal: Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Sadiq (A.S)
Imam Jafar Sadiq (A.S) was the sixth Imam of Shi'ite world. He attained martyrdom on the 25th Shawwal 14 A.H. During the Caliphate of Abu Jafar Mansoor Abbasi. Imam Sadiq (A.S) lived until 65 years. He had the longest life amongst the other eleven Imams (A.S). Thus, he is also called as the Sheikh – ul – Aimue. After the martyrdom of his respected father, Imam Mohammed Baqir (A.S0, he undertook the flag of the guidance of Islamic hat ion ...

A brief description of great morality of Imam Hassan al-Askari & Imam al-Mahdi

A brief description of great morality of Imam Hassan al-Askari & Imam al-Mahdi
Morality of Imam Hassan al-`Askari From among the letters sent by Imam `Askar¢ to `Al¢ ibn °usayn ibn B¡bawayh of Qum, there is a letter in part of which special attention has been paid to him and to all Sh¢`ites, indicating that a true Sh¢`ite enjoys a high value for the infallible Imam. Parts of the letter read: عَلَيْكَ بِالصَّبْرِ وَانْتِظَارِ الْفَرَجِ. قَالَ النَّبِيُّ 3: ...

Shari`at, Tariqat and Haqiqat (Islamic law, Spiritual path and Truth)

Shari`at, Tariqat and Haqiqat (Islamic law, Spiritual path and Truth)
nother important cause of disagreement between the gnostics and others especially the jurists, is the special view that the gnostics hold about shari'at, tariqat and Haqiqat.The gnostics and the jurists agree that the rules of Islamic law are based on truth and good reason implying definite advantages. Generally the jurists interpret the good reasons as those things that ensure man's maximum material and spiritual well-being. But the gnostics ...


CHAPTER 3   IMAM ALI BIN HUSAIN (A.S): LIFE IN MEDINAAFTER THE TRAGEDY OF KARBALA THE PROBLEMS FAUNG THE IMAM TOCARRY OUT THE PREACHING OF ISLAM. It will be recalled that Yezid had given the Imam his freedom to return to his home in Medina not out of love but out of fear. The Imam, therefore, was still not out of danger. The Imam, therefore, had to find out a way to preach the true message of Allah without appearing to be working ...

Allah sent him the Angel

 Allah sent him the Angel
When the Prophet (a.s) was about to die, Allah sent him the Angel of Death to raise his pure soul to the Garden and to the farthest nabk-tree. The Angel of Death came and asked permission from the Household of the Revelation to come in to Allah’s Apostle (a.s). However, Fatima al-Zahra’ told him that the Prophet (a.s) was distracted from him because he had fainted due to his intense illness. After a while, he repeated his request, so ...


      Imam Ali bin Husayn Zayn ul A'abideen (A.S.), Peace be on you, O depositories of Allah's knowledge! Peace be on you,O commentators of "Wahi" (revealed words of Allah)! Peace be on you,O rightly guided Guides unto the true way of life!Peace be on you, O symbols of devotion to duty! Peace be on you,O descendants of the Messenger of Allah!I am aware of your true rights; look attentively at your refined disposition, full of ...

Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Hasan al-Askari(A.S.) / Biography

Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Hasan al-Askari(A.S.) / Biography
The Eleventh Holy ImamName: HasanTitle: Al-AskariKunyat: Abu MuhammadBorn: at Medina on Monday, 8th Rabi-ul-Aakhir 232 A.H.Father's name: Imam Ali un-Naqi al-Hadi(A.S.)Mother's Name: SaleelMartyred: at the age of 28 years at Samarra (Iraq), on Friday, 8th Rabi-ul-Awwal 260 A.H.poisoned by Mo'tamad, the Abbasid caliph.Buried: at Samarra(Iraq).Imam Hassan al-Askari was born in Madina,on 8th day of the month of Rabi' Thani, in the year 232 ...

Imam Ali (A.S.) and the Caliphate

Imam Ali (A.S.) and the Caliphate
The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) passed away with his head on the lap of Imam Ali (A.S.). He departed to his Lord, the Most High, while still worried about the future of the Mission and nation In the last hour of his life he asked for an inkpot and a sheet of paper to write on to the nation about that which would protect them from going astray after him. He continuously used to stress the necessity of adherence to his holy family No sooner ...

The Ninth Infallible Imam and the Greatest Miracle of his age Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Jawad (A.S.) who enriched and expanded the Islamic thought and Shari'a was born in the holy city of Madina-the city of his grandfather, the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.), on

The Ninth Infallible Imam and the Greatest Miracle of his age Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Jawad (A.S.) who enriched and expanded the Islamic thought and Shari'a was born in the holy city of Madina-the city of his grandfather, the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.), on
9th infallible heir of Prophet (s) - Imam Al-Jawad (a) By: Hyder Reza Zabet The Ninth Infallible Imam and the Greatest Miracle of his age Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Jawad (A.S.) who enriched and expanded the Islamic thought and Shari'a was born in the holy city of Madina-the city of his grandfather, the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.), on 10th Rajab 195 A.H. He was the son of Imam Ali Reza (A.S.) and Hazrat Sabika also known as Khaizarun (S.A.). ...

Political and Social Condition During the Era of Imam Ali-un-Naqi al-Hadi(A.S.)

Political and Social Condition During the Era of Imam Ali-un-Naqi al-Hadi(A.S.)
By: Baqir Shareef al-QurashiIt may be very useful or necessary to study the age of Imam al-Hadi (a.s.) and shed lights on the political, social, religious, cultural, and other sides of that age. Studying an age is one of the methodical researches that is too necessary in the modern studies because it uncovers important sides of the external influences on man and shows his intellectual and all psychological tendencies that arise from his age and ...

Imamate: a Divine Position

Imamate: a Divine Position
One of the heated debates amongst people discussing the concept of Imamate was:"Can a person not having reached the age of puberty be chosen as anImam?"This topic became more popular during the year 203 A.H, when Imam Jawad (PBUH) was chosen and appointed the Imam by Allah. In discussing theImamateof Imam Jawad (PBUH), historical sources illustrate thatImam Reza (PBUH) chose his son, Imam Jawad (PBUH), by the order of Allah to be his successor. ...

Imam Sajjad (as) after Tragedy of Karbala

Imam Sajjad (as) after Tragedy of Karbala
Imam Sajjad (as) after Tragedy of Karbala Tuesday, 05 May 2009 05:44 administrator Imam Sajjad (as) after Tragedy of KarbalaWhen the young Ali took the mantle of Imamat, times were hard on the Ahlulbayt of the Prophet. His is the saddest story of all time. On the 10th of Muharram at the time of Asr Prayers, when his father Hussain (AS) was alone in the battlefield ready to do battle, he withdrew to the camp of his ailing son, came beside ...