Saturday 20th of July 2024
Ahlul-Bayt as the Earth Angels
ارسال پرسش جدید

Hazrat Ali (a.s) The Moat

Hazrat Ali (a.s)  The Moat
The Qureshite community had one important dream: The destruction of Mohammad and his religion. Pagan tribes outside Mecca were sharing with them the same dream. Like the Meccans these tribes considered Mohammad a serious menace to their religion. This belief brought these tribes and the Muslims into military confrontations in which the Muslims had the upper hand. These tribes therefore were like the Meccan community full of resentment and ...

The Distinct Roles of Imams Hasan and Husayn14

The Distinct Roles of Imams Hasan and Husayn14
Chapter 2: The Distinct Roles of Imams Hasan and Husayn14 It is reported that Rasulollah15 salla-llahu-alayhi-wa-aalih said, “Hasan and Husayn are both Imams whether they rise up or not16”. Introduction (The roles of) Imam Hasan and Imam Husayn alayhum-as-salam were planned and devised by Allah Almighty, and in turn by Rasulollah sallallahu- alayhi-wa-aalih, so they facilitate the salvation of generations to come until the day of ...

A brief description of great morality of pattern lady of the world

A brief description of great morality of  pattern lady of the world
Moral Virtues Of Lady F¡timah Note: Some persons die leaving no traces. Others leave an impact during their lifetime and are put into oblivion after their death. Others are influential throughout the time. Some people have a physical presence in history and they continue to live through their descendants, grandchildren, mausoleums, and such art works as those of Michael Angelo which are immortal in the west. Others are immortal by their ...

Ali's counter attack

Ali's counter attack
Ali mustered a force 4,000 strong and sent it to Yemen under the command of Jariah b Qodamah and Wuhaib b Massood al Thaqfi. On the way to Yemen the forces of Ali passed through the territory of Najran, whose inhabitants supported Muawiyah. They resisted the advance of the Alid force. In the action that followed the Najranites were defeated and killed in large numbers. When Basr came to know that the Alid force was advancing on Yemen, he could ...

The method of the mission in Mecca

The method of the mission in Mecca
It may be too useful to discuss the method of the Islamic mission in Mecca which was the strong fort of idolatry and polytheism and a center of bad habits and traditions that resulted from the deep ignorance of those people. The Prophet’s mission in inviting people towards Islam was based on the following methods: 1. wisdom and good preaching Allah has said, (Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and goodly exhortation, and have ...

Ahl-e-Bait: Back to Medina

Ahl-e-Bait: Back to Medina
Yazid was very happy about killing al-Husayn (‘a) and those with him as well as the capture of the ladies who descended from the Messenger of Allah, peace of Allah be upon him and his progeny.1He was seen at his court looking very excited, paying no heed to the fact that he was an atheist and an apostate as testified by his citing the poetry of al-Zub’ari quoted above to the extent that he denied that the Messenger of Allah Muhammad ...


SURA-E-FATEHA Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Today is the 3rd night of Moharram. Majaalis-e-Husayn continues. As the nights of Moharram go by, our hearts are weighed down with more and more grief. We continue to hear the majaalis about the tragedy of Kerbala. Ashura day is not far away We will recite more marshias and nawhas. Our matam will increase. Our eyes will continue to shed tears for the Martyrs of Kerbala. "HUSAYN! MOHARRAM! ...

Namaz of Imam Sajjad a.s

Namaz of Imam Sajjad a.s
It is a 4 Raka't Namaaz (SALAT)(a) In each raka't recite Sooratul Faatih'ah, recite Sooratul Ikhlaas 100 times.(b) After Salaam recite the following Dua'a:ENGLISH TRANSLATION:(For Arabic Text please see "Mafateehul Jinaan")     O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Mohammad.     In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.     O He Who makes known what is good & beautiful, and covers up ugliness & ...

The Holy City of Qum

The Holy City of Qum
1.1 - IntroductionQum is the smallest province in Iran. It was previously a district belonging to the state of Arāk, then it was attached to Tehran until it was finally certified as an independent province.The province has an area of approximately 12,000 square kilometres. It is bounded by Tehran and Sāweh to the north, Delījān and Kāshān to the south, and the Salt Lake and Tafresh to the east. The province includes one city, four regions, ...

The Arrival in Karbala

The Arrival in Karbala
The Arrival in KarbalaWhen Imam Husain (A) left Makka for Kufa, a large group of people accompanied him. Many of these people thought that if the grandson of the Holy Prophet (S) was making a stand against Yazid, the whole Muslim world would support him and Yazid would surely be toppled. They thought that they would be able to share in the glory and war booty that would follow. Although Imam Husain (A) repeatedly warned them that they were ...

The prophetic hadiths indecating 'Ali's worth of following

The prophetic hadiths indecating 'Ali's worth of following
The Prophetic traditions which indicate that Ali should be followed The prophetic traditions which persuaded me to follow Imam Ali were those I have read in the Sihahs of the Sunnis and were approved by the Shiites, and they have many more. But as usual I only referred to the prophetic traditions that have been agreed on by both parties, and here are some of them: A. The Prophetic tradition: "I am the city of Knowledge and Ali is its ...

Hidden Imam

Hidden Imam
Ahmed had sat sadly in his room and he has been thinking about what his father has said before his traveling. He has felt a kind of disappointment for the first time in spite of the fact that he has been known of his intelligence, and he has asked himself: "can I succeed to prove to my father that my love to Al-Imam Al-Mahdi (May Allah hastens his gracious appearance) is very tremendous, or let my sister Huda be better than me in showing her ...

The Year of the Elephant

The Year of the Elephant
The above-mentioned episode happened in his youth. Now we come to the most important event of his life which took place just eight years before his death. By then, he was the patriarch of the tribe.The Ethiopian governor of Yemen, Abraha al-Ashram, envied the reverence in which the Ka'bah was held by the Arabs. Being a staunch Christian, he built a big cathedral in Sanaa (the capital of Yemen) and ordered the Arabs to go there for pilgrimage ...


"If our Shias (May Allah give them opportunity of obedience) would be firm on their promises wholeheartedly, our meeting would not be delayed".       1."I am the Mahdi. I am the Qaem of the time" (Bihar V.52 p.2) 2."I am the one who will fill it (the earth with justice as it would be full of tyranny". (Bihar, V.52, P.2). 3."I am the reminder of Allah in His earth". (Bihar, V.52, p 24) 4."I am the avenger from His enemies". (Bihar, ...

Contribution of Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) to Science and Philosophy

Contribution of Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) to Science and Philosophy
Contribution of Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) to Science and Philosophy   This book is a translation of Maghze Mutafakkir Jehan Shia, the famous Persian book, which has been published four times in Tehran, Iran. The Persian book is itself a translation from a French thesis published by The Research Committee of Strasbourg, France, about the contribution of Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) to science, philosophy, literature etc.Members of the ...

Hazrat Muhammad al-Mahdi (AS)

Hazrat Muhammad al-Mahdi (AS)
First Heavenly concealment: 8th of Rabi-ul-Awwal, 260 A.H. Final Heavenly concealment: 10th of Shawwal, 328 A.H. There existed a good deal of harmony and uniformity between the aspects pertaining to the births of Prophet Muhammad, the last Apostle of Allah and Imam Mehdi, the last Apostolical Imam. Just as the coming of the Holy Prophet was prophesised well in advance by the preceeding Prophets similarly the impending news of the gracious ...

Martyrdom of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir(A.S)

Martyrdom of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir(A.S)
He wanted him to enjoy the shade of His mercy and His gardens. He wanted him to be happy through meeting his grandfathers, who passed the methods of justice and fairness in the earth. Name - Muhammad Title - Al-Baqir Kunyat - Abu Jafar Born - Tuesday 1st of Rajab 57 A.H. , at Medina Father's Name - Ali ibn Husain Mother's Name - Fatima binte Hassan Died - At the age of 59 years, at Medina, on Monday, 7th Zilhajj 116 AH. Poisoned by Hisham ...

Short Sayings by Imam Ali (a)

Short Sayings by Imam Ali (a)
1- Piety, concealment of the good actions, steadfastness against disasters, and suppression of the misfortunes are within the treasures of Paradise. 2- The best friend is good mannerism. It is the title of the believers' record books. 3-The true abstinent in this world is he whose tolerance is not overcome by the ill-gotten matters and whose gratitude is not engaged by the legal gotten matters. 4- Imam Ali(A.S.) wrote to Abdullah ibn Abbas: ...

Special specifications of Imam al-Mahdi (AS)

Special specifications of Imam al-Mahdi (AS)
In the previous part, I provided extensive traditions from the six authentic Sunni collections concerning the fact that Imam al-Mahdi (AS) who is different than Jesus (the messiah) WILL come and he is the descendant of the Prophet (PBUH&HF) and his daughter Fatimah (AS). The traditions further illuminated the fact that Jesus (who was a great Prophet) will pray behind al-Mahdi (who is a divinely appointed Imam). Also I gave some of the Fatwa of ...

May Allah have mercy on you

May Allah have mercy on you
Refuting of Compulsion and Free WillPerhaps one of the most wonderful intellectual and scientific traditions transmitted from Imam al-Hadi (a.s.) was this letter that he sent to the people of Ahwaz (in Iran) in which he refuted the concept of "compulsion" that the Ash'arites adopted and spread when they said that man was compelled into his actions and he had no will or option. He also refuted the concept of "free will" that the Mu'tazilites ...