Saturday 20th of July 2024
Ahlul-Bayt as the Earth Angels
ارسال پرسش جدید


CHAPTER 6   IMAM ALI BIN HUSAIN'S SERMONS,SUPPLICATIONS (DUAS) AND SAYINGS. INTRODUCTION As he have seen before, the politics of his times were so bad that Imam (A.S) could not openly preach Islam. If he did so, his enemies would get a chance of preventing him from doing so by putting him away in prison or even killing him. He could not therefore all the time preach as openly as his grandparents had done before him. As an Imam ...

T he Pearl of Imamate

T he Pearl of Imamate
T he Pearl of Imamate No Imam began his Imamate in a more tragic atmosphere. The first day of his Imamate saw him seriously ill and a captive of the army of Yazid in Karbala. His father and predecessor had sacrificed all he had on the altar of truth; and Imam Zayn al-’Abidin (AS) found himself with a group of helpless widows and orphans being led from place to place, from the durbar of Ibn Ziyad to the court of Yazid. Finally they were ...

Karbala, the Pleasure of Allah

Karbala, the Pleasure of Allah
Karbala, the Pleasure of Allah Mulla Bashir Rahim, bashirrahim@interalpha.co.uk In Surat as-Saafaat XXXVII:101-109, Allah (SWT) says: We gave him (Hadhrat Ibraheem A.S.) the tidings of a son possessing forbearance (hilm). And when the son (Hadhrat Ismail A.S.) was old enough to walk about with him (some mufassireen have translated sa'ya as to work) (Ibraheem) said : " O my son I have a seen in a dream that I should sacrifice you (for ...

Commemorating the Martyrdom

Commemorating the Martyrdom
For those not well acquainted with the life and death of Imam Husain(a.s.), the commemoration of his martyrdom is seen as an emotional occassion - a cry of the heart for what is lost. It is this, but it is also much more than this.It is a time when the fundamental tenets of Islam (those truths which are the very essence of the Qur'an) are remembered and re-affirmed. The events at Kerbala act as a focal point for primary Qur'anic principles. It ...

Respect of relics of Holy Prophets And Holy Saints

Respect of relics of Holy Prophets        And Holy Saints
According to the Wahabis’ belief giving respect to an elder or any holy person is a sin and they call it Shirk (polytheism, paganism).  Moreover, touching the grave of the Holy Prophets or saints is also a sin and polytheism (shirk) before them.  During the rites (manasiq) of Hajj (Pilgrimage), most of Muslims believe that the relics, gift   (Tabarookat) and the grave of the Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) should be ...

Imam Hasan, der Auserwählte

Imam Hasan, der Auserwählte
Imam Hasan, der Auserwählte     Übersetzung:            Hatice Türkyilmaz     Seite 2 Geburt   Imam Hasan erblickte das Licht der Welt am 15. des Monats Ramadan im 3. Jahr nach der Auswanderung in Medine-i Münevere. Sein Vater ist Imam Ali b.Ebu Talip, der Fürst der Gläubigen, und seine Mutter ist die Tochter des Gesandten Gottes und die Herrin der Frauen, die heilige Frau Fatima`tuz Zehra.   Als Imam Hasan ...

Imam Ali (A.S.), the First Compiler of the Holy Qur'an

Imam Ali (A.S.), the First Compiler of the Holy Qur'an
Imam Ali (A.S.), the First Compiler of the Holy Qur'an   By: Dr. Sayyid Muhammad Baqir HujjatiTranslated by: Sayyid 'Ali ShahbazInna 'Aliyyan ma'a al-Qur'an wa al-Qur'an ma'a 'Ali, lan-Yatafarraqa hatta yarida 'alayya al-hawz (Indeed, 'Ali is with the Qur'an and the Qur'an is with 'Ali, the two will never separate even when they return to me at the poll [of kawthar in paradise]) - Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.).(1)The above hadith found in ...

Sayings of Imam al-Hadi(A.S.)

Sayings of Imam al-Hadi(A.S.)
1- Imam al-Hadi(A.S.) said to one of his adherents: In a friendly manner say to him: When Allah intends goodness for somebody, He makes him accept the blame of the friends.2- Al-Mutawakkil (the Abbasid caliph) vowed he would give much money as alms if he would recover his health. When he was healthy, he wanted to fulfill his vow: therefore, he asked the scholars how much he should give as alms so as to be regarded as much money. The caliph then ...

The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) Announcing His Successor in His First Preach

The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) Announcing His Successor in His First Preach
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) Announcing His Successor in His First Preach   The following two traditions are written, one after the other, in theHistory of al-Tabari which is one of the important history book for theSunnis. Besides al-Tabari, many other historians and traditionists andcommentators of Quran from among Sunnis have recorded this tradition intheir books. (see below for the list of references). The two traditionsexplicitly indicate ...

Sayings of Imam Ali (A.S.)

Sayings of Imam Ali (A.S.)
His Last Will and Testament Imam Ali's (AS) last will to his sons Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS) following a fatal blow on his head during morning prayers by Ibn Muljim (A Kharijite): My advice to you is to be conscious of Allah and steadfast in your religion. Do not yearn for the world, and do not be seduced by it. Do not resent anything you have missed in it. Proclaim the truth; work for the next world. Oppose the oppressor and ...

Hazrat Umm al Baneen - First Husseini Eulegy Chanter

Hazrat Umm al Baneen - First Husseini Eulegy Chanter
It is recorded in historical accounts that mother of King of Fidelity Hadrat Abul Fazl al-Abbas (A.S.) and spouse of Commander of Faithful Al-Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.S.) Hadrat Fatima Binte Hazam bin Khalid Ibn-e-Rabi'ea Ibn-e-Amer Al-Kalabi, also known as 'Ummul Baneen' (S.A.), was died on 13th Jamadi al-Thani 64 AH. She was buried in the Jannat al-Baqi cemetery in the holy city of Medina, Saudi Arabia. She belonged to the clan of Banu Kalab, ...

The Martyrdom of Imam Husain (a.s)

The Martyrdom of Imam Husain (a.s)
Imam Husain (a.s) went back to his camp and bade farewell to his family members who gathered around him in a circle. He advised them to bear the calamity patiently. He then went to his ailing son and heir Zainul Aabidin (a.s.) who was lying unconscious. The sweat from Imam Husain’s brow fell upon Imam Zainul Aabidin who opened his eyes then. Seeing his heavily injured father, Zainul Aabidin (a.s.) asked as to what happened to all the relatives ...

The Verse of Purity (The Ayat al-Tatheer)

The Verse of Purity (The Ayat al-Tatheer)
Source: Ain-al-Hayat, By: Allama Muhammad Baqir Majlisi It has been recorded at regular intervals that the Verse of Purity has been revealed in the praise of the Ahl-ul-Bayt who are recognized as the Aaale Aba and according to some traditions all the Imams (as) are the subject of this Verse. The author of Kashaf, although a very biased person, records in detail the event of Mubahila. When the Prophet (S) invited the Christians of Najran for ...

A Heavenly Lady: Fatima al-Zahra

A Heavenly Lady: Fatima al-Zahra
The highest degree of humanity is Infallibility, where the consent and anger is based solely upon the anger and consent of Allah (SWT). An infallible person shows content to whatever Allah (SWT) is content with, and shows anger to whatever angers Allah (SWT). Lady Fatimah (PBUH) is one whom the Almighty Allah is content when she is satisfied, and is angry when she is angry. This position has astonished many complete people.As stated in John's ...

Holy Ahl al-Bayt's Predictions about the Mahdi

Holy Ahl al-Bayt's Predictions about the Mahdi
Dr. Fahimi: What was the belief of the Family of the Prophet and the Imams regarding the Mahdi? Mr. Hoshyar: Following the Prophet's death the subject of Mahdiism was also under discussion among the Prophet's companions and the Imams. The Family of the Prophet, as the heirs to the Prophet's knowledge and to the intricate matters concerning faith, was the most knowledgeable about the Prophetic traditions. They spoke about the Mahdi and replied ...

Love For Poor People

Love For Poor People
The books of traditions reported that once he chanced upon some poor men who put a few crumbs of bread on the ground in front of them and were eating them. They invited him to eat with them. He accepted the invitation and said: "Certainly Allah does not like the proud.Having finished eating them, he invited them to his house. He showered them with money, fed and clothed them.Once, he was asked: "We do you not disappoint a beggar. why?"He (a.s.) ...

Who are the Ahlulbayt?

Who are the Ahlulbayt?
"Ahlulbayt" literally means "People of the House" ('Ahl' means "people", while 'bayt' means "house"). Its meaning in context of Islamic vernacular is "members of the household of the Prophet". The Ahlulbayt are one of the two most important sources of Islamic guidance after the demise of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP). The holy Qur'an, when referring to them, states:" . . . . Verily Allah intends to keep off from you every kind of ...

Eloquent Defiance at Kufa

Eloquent Defiance at Kufa
Eloquent Defiance at KufaThe next day the members of the Prophet's family were made to leave for Kufa to be presented to Ibn Ziyad. Among the prisoners were Zaynab (p.b.u.h.), her sister Umm Kulthum (p.b.u.h.), other women of the Bani Hashim, Imam Zayn ul-Abidin (p.b.u.h.), three young sons of Imam al-Hasan (p.b.u.h.) and other daughters of Imam al-Hussain. When, on their way, they reached the battlefield, a heart-rending sight met their eyes. ...

Hazrat Fatima Bint Asad (S.A)

Hazrat Fatima Bint Asad (S.A)
Abstract The lofty and superior personality of Fatima Bint Asad (a) – a woman who strove in the cause of God – can be considered from two angles: her roles as a guardian for the Holy Prophet (s) and in raising her son, Imam Ali (a). This paper studies some of her traits of character such as her devotion to God, wilayah, and jihad, as well as her presence in the cultural, political, and social arenas. A study of her life results in an ...

Imam Hassan’s Character

Imam Hassan’s Character
 In human perfection Imam Hassan was reminiscent of his father and a perfect example of his noble grandfather. In fact, as long as the prophet was alive, he and his brother were always in the company of the Prophet who even sometimes would carry them on his shoulders. Both Sunni and Shiite sources have transmitted this saying of the Holy Prophet concerning Hassan and Hussein:"These two children of mine are Imams whether they stand up or sit ...