Friday 19th of July 2024
Ahlul-Bayt as the Earth Angels
ارسال پرسش جدید

An introduction to fourth infallible Hazrat Imam Hassan (AS)

An introduction to fourth infallible Hazrat Imam Hassan (AS)
  Birth and Childhood of Imam Hassan (a.s.): In the mid of the month of Ramadan, the 3rd year of Hijrah, a son was born in the small mud house of Hazrat Ali (a.s.). The Prophet Muhammad (saw), on behalf of Almighty God, named him Hassan. Imam Hassan (a.s.) was brought up in the lap of his father Hazrat Ali (a.s.) and mother Fatima Zahra (s.a.) and learnt lessons from the school of his grandfather Prophet Muhammad (saw). Imam Hassan (a.s.) ...

The Fast of 'Ashura

The Fast of 'Ashura
Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi Vol VIII No. 3 & 4 Some traditions are found in Sunni books to the effect that the Prophet (s.a.w.) on migrating to Medina found the Jews fasting on the 10th of Muharram. He asked them why, and was told: "It is an auspicious day; it is the day when God delivered the children of Israel from their enemy (i.e. Pharaoh); and, therefore, Moses fasted on that day." The Prophet (s.a.w.) said, "I am worthier of Moses than ...

Freed Islamic Money from the Domination of the Roman Empire

 Freed Islamic Money from the Domination of the Roman Empire
Imam al-Baqir(A.S.) Freed Islamic Moneyfrom the Domination of the Roman Empire   Ima`m Abu` Ja'far (al-Ba`qir), peace be on him, offered an excellent service to the Islamic world. For he freed Islamic money from the domination of the Roman empire, where Islamic money was made and had the Roman symbol. Ima`m al-Ba`qir, peace be on him, made Islamic money independent with an Islamic symbol. Thus, he cut off the relationship between Islamic ...

Islam is a religion that takes all aspects of mankind into consideration. For this reason, the Noble Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him and his family) gave great importance to personal hygiene and he encouraged others to do so as well. There are nu

Islam is a religion that takes all aspects of mankind into consideration. For this reason, the Noble Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him and his family) gave great importance to personal hygiene and he encouraged others to do so as well. There are nu
Health and Hygiene Islam is a religion that takes all aspects of mankind into consideration. For this reason, the Noble Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him and his family) gave great importance to personal hygiene and he encouraged others to do so as well. There are numerous instances concerning the emphasis the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him and his family) placed on health and here reference will be made to a few of these: 1. ...

Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib's (AS) way or Training

Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib's (AS) way or Training
The city of Kufa was the capital of the Islamic Government. People from all over the World used to gather at that point to get the benefit of knowledge and learning from that great Islamic University. One of those days two men came across each other in the vicinity of the city one of them was Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) and the other was a Christian who did not recognize him. The Christian man was moving towards the suburban area of Kufa, where ...

Imam Al-Mahdi (as) and opponents: The dialectic of complementarity and contradiction

Imam Al-Mahdi (as) and opponents: The dialectic of complementarity and contradiction
This principle may be easily acceptable as Muslim social philosophers have repeatedly emphasized this very point; however, astute thinkers may distinguish between various groups co-existing within a society, and reach different conclusions regarding each individual community. Since ancient times, two forces have been struggling to gain control over the globe; the forces of good and evil. The struggle between these two poles will continue until ...

Zaynab Al-Hauraa (p); Grand-daughter of Prophet Muhammad (p)

Zaynab Al-Hauraa (p); Grand-daughter of Prophet Muhammad (p)
Sayedah Zaynab Al-Hauraa (peace be upon her) …. She was the granddaughter of Prophet Muhammad and Khadija, the daughter of Fatima az-Zahraa and Ali, the sister of the Youths of Paradise, Hassan and Hussein, and the beloved aunt of Imam Ali Zayn al Abideen (peace be upon them). A narration says that Zaynab’s characteristics represented each of her family member: in her seriousness and calmness she was Khadija; in her modesty and ...

Salwat on Imam Sajjad (as)

Salwat on Imam Sajjad (as)
O Allah send blessings on Ali bin Husayn, the lord among (Thy) adorers,  whom Thou selected for Thy pure friendship, and, in his lineage, appointed his offsprings as the true guides (Imams) who truthfully guided the mankind, and for that purpose repeated them, one after another,  as Thy own preferred choice. Thou kept off uncleanness far from him, elected him in preference over others, and appointed him as the rightly guided guide.  O ...

Imam Mahdi in the Holy Quran and other holy books

Imam Mahdi in the Holy Quran and other holy books
All of Shiite commentators and some of Sunnite's said that "Righteous Worshipper" (Ebadi al salehoon) is related to Imam Mahdi. According to this Ayah, good news of returning and manifestation of Imam Mahdi and his worldwide government was mentioned in Prophet David's book (Psalms) and other holy books. So believers of those prophets were aware of this subject. As you know most of the holy books except Quran are consider to distortion. Despite ...

Ziyarat of Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S.)

Ziyarat of Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S.)
O Allah! Send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad. In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful. Peace be on the Tree (inseparable tied up with ) of prophethood, tall and strong trunk (mainstay) of “Bani Hashim” (the family) pregnant and fertile with prophethood, refined and blossomed with Imamate; (on account of) you being the colleague of Adam and Nooh, peace be on them both, Peace be on you, and your pure and ...

Imam al-Sadiq (A.S.) and the Rise of the Abbasid Caliphs

Imam al-Sadiq (A.S.) and the Rise of the Abbasid Caliphs
Our discussion of vicegerency and leadership has reached Imam al-Hassan (‘a) and after that the issue of Imam al-Rida1 (‘a) as the crown prince. There were questions about both of these topics which we have discussed. In order to complete and end these topics, I must say that other circumstances have occurred for our pure Imams on these grounds which are similar in some aspects. There is a string of questions and even criticisms regarding ...

Fatimah Al-Ma'sooma Represented the purity and infallibility Prophet's Daughter.

Fatimah Al-Ma'sooma Represented the purity and infallibility Prophet's Daughter.
Speaker of Ahlul Bayt"s (A.S.) Virtues  Fatimah was the daughter of the seventh Imam, Musa Al-Kazim (A.S.). She was born on the 1st of Dhilqa"da, 173 A.H.. Prior to her birth, Imam Sadiq (a.s.) spoke of her status:"Mecca is God"s sanctuary, Medina is Prophet Muhammad"s (S.A.W.), Kufa is Imam Ali"s (A.S.), and Qom will be the sanctuary for one of my descendents; her name shall be Fatimah. Whosoever visits her sanctuary will be rewarded a ...

10th Rajab: The Birthday Anniversary of Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Jawad (A.S.)

10th Rajab: The Birthday Anniversary of Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Jawad (A.S.)
  The Ninth Infallible Imam of the  and the Greatest Miracle of age Imam Muhammad Taqi al-  (A.S.) Who enriched and  the Islamic thought and  was born in the holy city of on 10th Rajab 195 A.H. , Imam al-Jawad (A.S.)  his divine  and shared in  the scholarly school of  during the period of his , which lasted nearly 17 . The Holy Imam (A.S.)   Islam and countered  ideas and deviated  and ideologies, which  among the ...


THE GENERAL LIFE-STYLE OF THE AHL AL-BAYT (AS) The other members of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) are the perfect examples of the education and training of the Holy Prophet (SA). Their characters and life-style resemble the character of the Holy Prophet (SA). Certainly, during 250 years, beginning from the 11th year of Hijrah (the year of Holy Prophet's [SA] demise) until the year 260 AH (when al-'Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi's [AS] Ghaybat al-Kubra, ...

Imam Sajjad (as)In the Court of Ibn e Ziad

Imam Sajjad (as)In the Court of Ibn e Ziad
summary  Keeping in view the reports of the officials about the turmoil and disturbance of the Kufa city, Ibn-e-Ziad ordered that they (Prisoners) must be brought to the court, as soon as possible.    The unclean, dirty, obnoxious and ostentatious son of Ziad held a grand aggregation comprising of all the nobles,   Text :   notable, dignitaries of Kufa to show off his power to them. And threaten and intimidate them so that in future ...

'Ashura - History and Popular Legend-2

'Ashura - History and Popular Legend-2
One part is about the sincerity of intention and purpose, as one of the requirement for a speaker, orator, sermonizer, and rawdeh-khwan [4] is that the motive of someone who relates the narrative of 'Ashura' should not be greed or attainment of pecuniary gain. How well he has discussed this topic!  The second requirement is honesty and truthfulness. Here, he elaborates on the topic of false and true narration, discussing various forms of ...

The Necessity of Getting to know Ahl al-Bayt in the Narrations

The Necessity of Getting to know Ahl al-Bayt in the Narrations
In the science of logic when ‘Presenter’ is being discussed, it is unanimously agreed that the presenter who starts to introduce a fact must be superior to the ‘presented’ so as to be able to present the fact as it really is. After proving the Imamate of Ahl al-Bayt and the fact that they are the inheritors of the Prophet’s knowledge and inspired by Allah, we should say that which presenter is better than Ahl al-Bayt themselves in ...

Ahl al-Bayt and The Straight Path

Ahl al-Bayt and The Straight Path
Based on clear verses of the Holy Qur’¡n, one who does not go to extremes in moral and mental situations is the executor of Allah’s decrees in all aspects of his life, not influenced by socio-political upheavals, not tempted by Satan, among the devoted servants of Allah, engaged in good deeds, helpful to people, and is propagating knowledge and faith is considered as Imam: He said: Surely I will make you an Imam of men. (2:124) And we ...

The Personality of Hazrat Zaynab (S.A.)

The Personality of Hazrat Zaynab (S.A.)
Personality Lady Zaynab contained all elements of nobility and virtue that Almighty Allah bestowed upon her grandfather, her father, her mother, and her two brothers. She inherited their peculiarities and copied their high moral standards. By virtue of her ethical inheritance and unmatched characteristics, Lady Zaynab is indeed the greatest lady in Islam as she symbolises its true values and principles. Along with her mother, Lady Zaynab ...


  THE FIRST MANIFESTATION OF REALITY In fact the history of Islam commences basically from the day the Holy Prophet was appointed to the prophetic mission and brings a chain of incidents in its wake. The day the Holy Prophet was entrusted the task of guiding the people and the words "You are the Messenger of Allah" were ringing in his ears, he assumed an onerous responsibility -the same great responsibility which was shouldered by all ...