Friday 19th of July 2024
Ahlul-Bayt as the Earth Angels
ارسال پرسش جدید

A Meeting with Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.), 12th Imam

A Meeting with Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.), 12th Imam
Allah (SWT), the Almighty, has blessed our beloved living Imam - Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) with many special bounties that He has not given anyone else. This tells us how important Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) is and how much Allah (SWT) loves our beloved Imam. On the occasion of 15th Shaban, the day of Imam's (a.t.f.s.) birth, we must greet our friends and companions. We must pray to Allah (SWT) through the medium of Janabe Qasim (a.s.) and Aun (a.s.) ...

Abdul Azim al Hassani (A.S)’s Biography

Abdul Azim al Hassani (A.S)’s Biography
His prosperous birth was in 173(Lunar Hegira) in the sacred city of Medina and his 79 fruitful years of life was simultaneous with the periods of four immaculate Imams i.e. Imam Mussa Kazem(A.S),Imam Reza(A.S),Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Javad (A.S) and Imam Ali un-Naqi al-Hadi(A.S).He enjoyed the holy presence of these Imams and narrated a lot of Hadiths from them. He was the great grandson of Imam Hassan al-Mujtaba(A.S),the second holy Imam of the ...


Name:                   HASSAN(AS)Title:                    AL-MUJTABAH(A.S) Kunyat:                ABUL MOHAMMAD(A.S) Born:                    On Tuesday, 15h. Ramadan, 3 AH in Al-Medina, Arabia GrandFather:       The Holy Prophet Mohammad(pbuh&hf) Father:                  Imam Ali Ibin Abe Taleb(A.S) Mother:                The Lady ...

Fatima (S.A.) besides father's bed

Fatima (S.A.) besides father's bed
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) was on the bed of ailment and illness. His head was in the lap of Ali (A.S.) and Fatima (S.A.) was weeping holding the hand of her father. Suddenly, the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) opened his eyes and when he saw her weeping. He (P.B.U.H.) said, "Oh daughter! Recite the holy Quran for me." Fatima (S.A.) recited a few verses from the holy Quran. The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) by getting her dear daughter recite the verses meant to listen ...

Prophetic Texts Relating to Imamate of Imam Ali (A.S)

Prophetic Texts Relating to Imamate of Imam Ali (A.S)
This article is prepared in three parts with these submenus as follows: 1. The Event of the Day of Warning 2. The Tradition of Ghadir and Its Continuity (Part 1) 3. The Tradition of Ghadir and Its Continuity (Part 2) Once the Holy Prophet addressing his companions said:"Greet Ali and address him as "Commander of the Faithful". He said so on the occasion of Ghadir, but somehow or other this sentence is reported separately from the event of ...

The Rank of 'Ali as Indicated in Other Sayings of the Prophet

The Rank of 'Ali as Indicated in Other Sayings of the Prophet
It was not only at Ghadir Khumm that the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, proclaimed 'Ali, peace be upon him, to be the leader of the Muslims and his successor, officially and in the presence of the people. In the third year of his mission, when he was commanded to proclaim his prophethood openly, he appointed 'Ali, peace be upon him, as his successor. It is known that for the first three years of his prophetic ...

Imam Muhammed Taqi (AS) occupied the highest position in human virtues

Imam Muhammed Taqi (AS) occupied the highest position in human virtues
Imam Muhammed Taqi (AS) occupied the highest position in human virtues and moral attainments as this was the marked feature of the Prophet’s family. It was customary for the Imam to meet everyone humbly, fulfil the needs of the poor, maintain Islamic requisites of equality and simplicity, help the poor secretly, treat even foes fairly, extend hospitality, impart true Islamic knowledge to all and specially to the scholars of religion and the ...

The Tomb of Lady Fatima Masuma (A)

The Tomb of Lady Fatima Masuma (A)
The following is narrated by Ayatollah Muhammad Bāqir Nāsirī (d. 1407 A.H): “In the year 1295 A.H around the locality of Qum, there was a famine and drought, the sheep and cattle were dying. The people chose forty pious individuals, who were sent to the Haram of Lady Fatima Masuma (A) to pray for deliverance. The forty individuals prayed in the Haram for three days and nights and on the third night, one of the individuals saw the late ...

Imam Ja'far -as-Sadiq (A.S.) and His Servant

 Imam Ja'far -as-Sadiq (A.S.) and His Servant
It is related that Imam Ja'far -as-Sadiq (A.S.) had a servant. Wherever the Imam went, he accompanied Him. And when Imam (A.S.) went to the Mosque, he would look after His mule. One day the servant was sitting at the door of the Mosque catching hold of the mule, when there came some travellers from Khurasan. One of them said, "O servant! Will you plead to your master Imam Sadiq (A.S.) to accept me as His servant in your stead, and we shall ...

The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) And His Knowledge

The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) And His Knowledge
The Seal of the Prophets, Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) did not attend any school nor did he learn from any teacher. He was not trained to read and write by any mortal. Yet, he was the teacher of humanity and was having command upon the Quranic sciences. In fact his personality was a conglomeration of the qualities of all the previous prophets. The presence of such outstanding qualities in one person without any apparent causes, can only be understood to ...

Conclusion: Husayn in History

Conclusion: Husayn in History
Conclusion: Husayn in History   Husayn has gone into history in two ways. First, to the modern secularist man, or one who looks at religious revolutions from their social aspects, Husayn's uprising is seen as a noble act. To such a man the comparison between Husayn and his followers, and Yazid and lbn Ziyad and their armies is an important fact of difference between right and wrong. After Husayn fell and was finally beheaded, they ...

From Makka to Karbala: Finale

From Makka to Karbala: Finale
b. From Makka to Karbala: Finale   As Husayn and his small party proceeded towards Kufa in Iraq, the certainty of the futility of discussion became increasingly apparent to all. He sent another messenger to the people who invited him to come and assume leader­ship, and with them to fight against the rule of Yazid which was not yet recognized by many Muslims. The messenger was discovered on the road taking him to Ibn Ziyad who ordered him to ...

Ahl al-Bayt, Allah’s Most Perfect Vicegerents

Ahl al-Bayt, Allah’s Most Perfect Vicegerents
Allah’s true vicegerent is the Holy Prophet, for he is the first being to have been created, the most perfect manifestation of Allah’s Attributes and a collection of truth and Allah’s light: The first thing Allah created was my light.[1] Narrations say that the light of the Holy Prophet was created many thousand years before the creation of the universe. About the light of Imam `Al¢ (a.s), it has been said that he was together with the ...

Imam Sajjad (as)’lifetime

Imam Sajjad (as)’lifetime
Times were hard in Madina for the family of the Prophet. Imam Ali Ibne Hussain (Sajjad became his title because of his intense prostrations in prayers) lived for another 35 years after the event of Karbala. He was the Imam of the time and it was his duty to spread guidance to the people. But how he would do that when a single word in favor of the Ahlulbayt would have meant certain death. No one dared to say that he followed the family of the ...

Hazrat Bibi Zaynab (S.A.) during Imam Ali’s Reign

Hazrat Bibi Zaynab (S.A.) during Imam Ali’s Reign
After they had overthrown Uthman’s government, the mutineers surrounded Imam Ali (a) and declared that they unanimously select him for the leadership of the Islamic ummah. As he anticipated the coming crises, the Imam (a) refused, but the public insisted and declared that they would not opt for anyone else, and that the Islamic ummah would be without leader if he would refuse. Thus, the Imam (a) had to accept, and the people hurried to pay ...

The childhood of the prophet (P.B.U.H)

The childhood of the prophet (P.B.U.H)
History tells us that the life of the Prophet, the noble guide of the Muslims, was replete with a chain of wonderful events from his very childhood upto the time when he was entrusted with the prophetic mission and all these events had an aspect of greatness. On the whole these events testify that the life of the Prophet was not a usual one. As regards the explanation of these events the writers are divided into two groups, the materialists and ...

Distance and friendship are proportionate to each other

Distance and friendship are proportionate to each other
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) replied,  "Lying. When a believer speaks a lie, he becomes prone to commit every other sin; and when this happens, he commits kufr (disbelief) which then makes him enter Hell." (Mustadrakul Wasael) Lying causes forgetfulness 26. Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) is reported to have said, "One of the divine punishments for too much lying is that Allah makes the liar afflicted with forgetfulness."  (Wasaelush Shia) Thus ...

Scholastic Study of Imamate (Definition of Imamate)

Scholastic Study of Imamate (Definition of Imamate)
This article explains some of the important reasons of the Shi'ah scholars in support of their conception of Imamate and it is divided into two basic parts and the second part is also Divided into three parts: A. Scholastic Study of Imamate (Definition of Imamate) B. Rational Argument of the Shi'ah: Imamate is the Basis of Islam 1. Imam Means an Expert in Religious Matters & Infallibility 2. Divine Designation With a view to make clear the ...

Ahl al-Bayt and Submission

Ahl al-Bayt and Submission
Ahl al-Bayt’s submission to Allah’s will is not a state that they are compelled to reach; rather, it is a truth that they have attained its climax due to personal efforts. The station of submission is said to be the last of several stations a spiritualist follower has to go through. It is said that few spiritualist followers have reached this station, for it especially belongs to the Holy Prophet, the Holy Imams and the saints. Imam °usayn ...

Epithets expressed the high qualities he had

Epithets expressed the high qualities he had
His epithets expressed the high qualities he had. His epithets are as follows: 1. An-Nasih (loyal); he was called so because he was the sincerest advisor to the nation. 2. Al-Mutawakkil (reliant on Allah); he disliked this epithet and ordered his companions not to call him with it. I think he hated this epithet because it was the epithet of the Abbasid caliph Ja’far al-Mutawakkil who had bitter grudge, spite, and enmity towards the Ahlul ...