Friday 19th of July 2024
Ahlul-Bayt as the Earth Angels
ارسال پرسش جدید

Members of the House of Mohammad

Members of the House of Mohammad
Relying on the tacit agreement among the Muslims we assumed the Imam Ali his wife Fatimah and their two children Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein are members of the blessed House of Mohammad. The most reliable evidence in this matter is the reported words of the Prophet Mohammad himself where he spoke of Ahl Beit Mohammad or his Itrah. The reported words of the Messenger on this subject can be classified into two types: 1. The hadiths which contained ...

Janab Zainab (A.S.), who laid the Foundation of Azadari

Janab Zainab (A.S.), who laid the Foundation of Azadari
Hujjat al-Islam Syed Zaki BaqueriDaughter of the Holy Prophet's(SAW) daughter. Sister of the King of Martyrs. She is a true role model for any woman today of any religion. She showed the world the definition of womanhood. Her bravery and courage stands alone in a field of millions. She was tied up and taken as a prisoner. She had her scarf ripped off her head, she had her house burned to the ground. She was Janab-e-Zainab. With a father like ...

Scholarly Marja'iyyat of Imam 'Ali (A.S.)

Scholarly Marja'iyyat of Imam 'Ali (A.S.)
Anas bin Malik narrates, that Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) addressing Imam 'Ali (A.S.) said: "anta tabyinun li-ummati ma ikhtalafu fihi ba'di (you are the elucidator for my ummah in what they differ after me)."One of the important duties of imamah (leadership) and Qur'an and the scholarly heritage of the Prophet and their proper transmission to the 'ulama' and scholars as well as elucidating the differences that are likely to crop up among the ...


It was a short life... As short as the lives of fragrant roses... A life which Hazrat Fatima (A.S) endured and now it is coming to an end... even before it was given the chance to completely blossom!! Surely the successive calamities and severe hardships which befell Hazrat Fatima Zahra (A.S). While she was still young, left her with a broken rib and confined to bed, suffering from her broken rib and remembering what had come to pass and ...

Publicity of the mission of the Prophet

Publicity of the mission of the Prophet
Three years passed and the Islamic mission was still secret. After that, Allah ordered the Prophet (a.s.) to publicize it by revealing to him this verse, (And warn your nearest kin).[1] The Prophet (a.s.) received the order of his Lord and was determined to open his mission. He ordered his cousin Ali (a.s.) to invite the Hashemites, the children of Abdul Muttalib, the children of Nawfal, and other children of Abd Manaf, and asked him to serve a ...

The Love (Muhabbat) and Wilayat of Hazrat Ali (a.s.) is a Guarantee of True Safety and Protection

The Love (Muhabbat) and Wilayat of Hazrat Ali (a.s.) is a Guarantee of True Safety and Protection
By: Ayatullah Shaheed Sayyid Abdul Husain Dastghaib The real and true guarantee of protection from the terrible fright on the Day of Judgement is the Wilayat and Muhabbat of Amirul Momineen (a.s.). It is called Husnaa (the greatest good). No other good can surpass this good. Everyone having this good in his heart will remain safe on the Day of Qiyamat: Innal…Akbar (Surah Anbiyaa: 21, V: 101-104). Translation: Verily those who will get the ...

Early youth of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS):

Early youth of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS):
Ali ibn Abu Talib describes this enlightening period of his age as under: The Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) used to go to the Cave of Hira but nobody except he (pbuh) and I did know about it. At the time when the religion of Islam had not yet reached the homes, he (pbuh) and his wife Khatijah (SA) were the only Muslims. I was the next person to them who saw the light of revelation and prophet hood and smelled the fragrance of the Prophet hood. When ...

A Glance at the Life of Imam Hasan (A.S.)

A Glance at the Life of Imam Hasan (A.S.)
Name : HasanTitle : al-Mujtaba (The Chosen One)Kuniyat : Abu MuhammadFather : Imam Ali (A)Mother : Bibi Fatima Zahra (A)Birthdate : 15th Mahe Ramadhan 3 A.H. in MadinaImamat : From 40 A.H. to 50 A.H.Martyrdom : 28th Safar 50 A.H.Buried : Madina, Saudi Arabia.The Holy Imam (A) was the eldest child of Imam Ali (A) and Bibi Fatima Zahra (A). When the Holy Prophet (S) received the happy news of the birth of his grandson, he came at once to ...

I am one of your followers and adherents

I am one of your followers and adherents
The Teachings of Imam Sadiq(A.S.)   Imam as-Sadiq(A.S.) asked the man who attended before him about his manner. "I am one of your followers and adherents," answered the man. Imam As-Sadiq(A.S.) said: Allah will surely accept the servant whom He loves and will surely give Paradise to him whom He accepts. Which type of our followers the Imam(A.S.), 'How many types of your followers,O son of the Prophet?'Imam as-Sadiq(A.S.) spoke: Our followers ...

Devising a Correct Model and Pattern for Shi'i Fiqh

Devising a Correct Model and Pattern for Shi'i Fiqh
Fiqh, in the sense of the practice of inferring the laws of the Shari'ah from its sources, the Book and the Sunnah, has a long history in Shi'ism. Al-'Imam al-Baqir's directing Aban ibn Taghlib to give fatwas, with the words, "Ijlis fi masild al-Madinah wa if ti al-nas,"  and his instructions given to `Abd al--'A'la (Ya'rif u hadha wa ashbahahu min kitab Alldh `azza wa jall: Qala Allahu ta'ala: "Ma ja'ala `alaykum fi al-dini min ...

Imam Zain al Abidin; The Secret Helper of the Poor

 Imam Zain al Abidin; The Secret Helper of the Poor
The view common people have towards one who isolates himself from society and devotes his life solely to performing his religious rituals, such as praying, ablution (Wudu), supplicating, Hajj, etc, is a stranger to the society. Such a person cares nothing about his materialistic and social life, and spends his life in worship. The life of Imam Ali ibn al Hussain, Sajjad (A.S.) however, contradicts this view.Despite his long unique prayers and ...

Denial of Mahdi(A.S.) is Blasphemy

Denial of Mahdi(A.S.) is Blasphemy
Here we will prove that the denial of Iman-e-Zamana (A.S.) is synonymous to infidelity. First of all we should know what is the actual meaning of idolatry and who is an idolator ? Fourteen hundred years ago part of the globe known as Arabia was the cradle of ignorance andits inhabitants were in a state of illitracy and uneducation. The darkeness of ignorance illuminated with the advent of Islam brought by Prophet Hazrat Mohammad Mustafa (Peace ...

Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) Conduct during his ruler ship

Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) Conduct during his ruler ship
Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS), with all the difficulties that he had to face, used to personally attend the affairs and works. He would get himself informed about the problems of the people. He did not drive away his enemies due to personal enmities. So far so that he used to give them their rights from the Baitul Mal (Islamic treasury). Moreover, he did not give any privileges to his friends due to their friendship. He continuously used to order ...


IMAM ALI BIN HUSAIN (A.S): HISCHARACTER AND PERSONALITY GENERAL REMARKS The belief that our Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W), his daughter, Hazrat Fatima (A.S), Imam Ali (A.S) and other eleven Imams (whose biographies we are going to study in this course) are all sinless and make no mistakes, is a very important part of our faith. To us these fourteen personalities were perfect. However, as each of them had a special job to do and most of them ...

The Love of Family of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)

The Love of Family of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)
Allama Hilli in his book `Qawaidul Ahkam' counsels his son Fakhrul Muhaqqiqin in the following words: "You should practise Sileh Rahmi with the pure descendants of the Sadaat also. The Almighty Allah has emphasized upon this duty so much that he has made the love of relatives of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) as a compensation of the Prophetic mission." "...Say: I do not ask of you any reward for it but love for my near relatives...." (Shuara 42:23) ...

Imam Hussain's Role in Reviving Islam-3

 	   Imam Hussain's Role in Reviving Islam-3
He continued: "I do not wish a death for myself other than martyrdom, while life among the unjust would be unbearable".He (A.S.) recited the words he took from the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.), which he conveyed to the Ummayad army a few days earlier. He told them:"O people, the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) had said:"Whoever witnesses an unjust ruler considering the prohibitions of Allah, the Almighty, as permissible, breaking the covenant of ...

Worthy Model of Youthful Virtues

Worthy Model of Youthful Virtues
My God, should I be unworthy of Your mercy, You are worthy of showing me generosity out of the grace of Your bounteousness! "My God, I figure to myself as standing in front of You, my soul covered by the shade of my trust in You, and You say to me [treat me] what [as] is worthy of You and enfold me in Your pardon! "My God, I have spent my entire life in the iniquity of heedlessness towards You, worn out my youth in the stupor of ...

Holy Prophet's (p.b.u.h) appointment to Prophetic Mission

Holy Prophet's (p.b.u.h) appointment to Prophetic Mission
It was a man from among themselves who was to lift the humanity from their slough of ignorance and depravity into the light of faith and devotion to one God.When Muhammad (p.b.u.h) was 38 years of age, he spent most of his time in meditation and solitude. The cave of the mount Hira was his favorite place. It is there that he used to retire with food and water and spend days and weeks in remembrance of Allah. Nobody was allowed to go there except ...

Birth to Commencement of Revelation

Birth to Commencement of Revelation
Muhammad al-Mustafa, the last Prophet of God, was born in Mecca, Arabia, on 17th Rabī‘ al-Awwal, 1st Year of ‘Ãmul Fil (570 AD).  Prophet Muhammad (God’s blessings and peace be upon him) was born in the family of Banu Hãshim, of the tribe of Quraysh, who were the most honoured of the Arab families. Banu Hãshim were descendants of Ismael, the son of Prophet Abraham. The Prophet’s grandfather, ‘Abdul Muttalib, was the chief of ...

Ali (a.s) Government in Kufa

Ali (a.s) Government in Kufa
With the departure of Abu Musa Ashari from Kufa, a pro-Ali government was set up in Kufa. The new Government proclaimed their full support to Ali. The new Governor addressed the people of Kufa in the mosque, and exhorted them to enroll themselves in the ranks of Ali and strengthen his hands to enable him fight for the truth. Imam Hasan also addressed the people. He said: "Ali has sent me to you with his message of goodwill for you. Of all the ...