Thursday 18th of July 2024
Ahlul-Bayt as the Earth Angels
ارسال پرسش جدید

The knowledgewas with the Ahl al-Bayt (A).

The knowledgewas with the Ahl al-Bayt (A).
It is shown by this noble tradition that the Torah current amongst the Jews is a corrupted and an altered one. The knowledge of the true Torah was with the Ahl al-Bayt (A). From the contents of the current Torah and Gospels it appears that they do not meet the standard of even the speech commonly acceptable of a human being (to say nothing of the criterion of Divine speech); rather, the delusions of some followers of carnal lust and desire have ...

Imam Hasan's Words of Wisdom

 Imam Hasan's Words of Wisdom
Imam Hasan(A.S.) said: O people, he who advises for Allah's sake and betakes His sayings as guidance will surely be led to the most upright way and Allah will grant him success to the right guidance and will direct him to the best. The disciple of Allah is certainly secured and preserved while His enemy is surely fearful and disappointed. Be cautious of Allah by very much mention of Him, fear Him by means of God-fearing, and approach to Him ...

Who are Household of the Prophet (S.A.)?

Who are Household of the Prophet (S.A.)?
Who are Household of the Prophet (S.A.)? The Holy Book tells us about the Words of Allah, the Great and Almighty, concerning them:" Allah only desires to keep away uncleanness from you, O members of the House! and to purify you a (thorough purification)." (XXXIII:33)It is a virtue for them. No one of all people has this virtue. There is no dignity more precious than keeping away uncleanness from them and purifying them from all defects, that is ...

A brief look at the Life of Imam Hussain (a.s)

A brief look at the Life of Imam Hussain (a.s)
(This is) an account of the Imam after al-Hasan b. Ali, peace be on him, (giving) the date of his birth, the evidence of his Imamate, the age he reached, the period of his succession (khalifa), the time and cause of his death, and the place of his grave. (It also provides) a selection from the (historical) reports about him. The Imam after al-Hasan b. Ali was his brother, al-Husayn b. Ali (who was) the son of Fatima, daughter of the Apostle of ...

Hadrat Zainab (S.A.), the Infallible

Hadrat Zainab (S.A.), the Infallible
The titles attributed to any person are often a reflection of his/her personality. By observing these titles, one gets a sense of his/her way of living, behavioural traits and lifestyle. However, it is equally important to pay attention as to who is bestowing the title upon the individual. History is replete with instances of those who were hailed or themselves claimed to be the Chief of the Faithful (other than our master Hazrat Ali Ibn Abi ...

Imam Hussain (as) dua for the Day of A'rafah 9th Zilhajj

Imam Hussain (as) dua for the Day of A'rafah 9th Zilhajj
The prayer of Imam al-°usayn (`a), the Chief of Martyrs, on the `Araf¡t Day is one of the famous prayers. Bishr and Bash¢r, the sons of Gh¡lib al-Asad¢, narrated that they, once, accompanied Imam al-°usayn (`a) at the `Araf¡t Night when he left his tent with submission and reverence. He walked slowly until he, accompanied by a group of his household, sons, and servants, stopped at the left side of Mount `Araf¡t and turned his face ...

The Raiment of Prophet Yusuf (A.S.)

The Raiment of Prophet Yusuf (A.S.)
Mufassil narrates that one day Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) asked him, “Do you know! What was the raiment of Prophet Yusuf (as)?” Mufassil expressed his ignorance about this. The Imam (as) said, “When Prophet Ibrahim (as) was thrown into the fire of Nimrod, Allah sent a raiment for him. This raiment was not affected by extremes of heat and cold. Prophet Ibrahim (as) gave this raiment to Prophet Ishaq (as) at the time of his death. Then it ...

Who is Ali bin Abu Talib?

Who is Ali bin Abu Talib?
A glimpse of this treasure can be seen in his many wise words that address almost every aspect of the human’s life. Ali was the cousin of the Prophet Muhammad- the final Prophet for Muslims- and he was the father of Hussain ibn Ali. He was born to Fatima bint Asad and Abu Talib, the uncle to Prophet Muhammad. His birth was a remarkable event. He was born on the 13th of Rajab – the seventh month in the lunar calendar- 21 BH ...

Morality of Imam `Ali ibn Musa al-Rida (a.s.)

Morality of Imam `Ali ibn Musa al-Rida (a.s.)
Ibrahim ibn `Abbas has reported: I never saw Imam al-Rida say any unkind words to anyone or interrupt anyone. The Imam would never reject anyone whose needs he could fulfill nor would he ever stretch his legs before his companions. He never insulted his servant nor would he ever spit on the ground. He never laughed but smiled. When he was sitting in a private place, he would have the tablecloth spread before him, making the slaves, housekeeper ...

Opposition to Superstition

Opposition to Superstition
Opposition to Superstition Islam is the religion of knowledge, awareness and cognition. Seeking truth is interwoven in its essence. Therefore, it cannot be in agreement with ideas that are distant from reality, nor mere conjecture and superstition. Islam does not promote such things, nor does it remain silent concerning them. Rather, the message of this religion is opposition to erroneous ideas that are distant from reality. The Great Prophet ...

A brief description of Imam Ali’s Moral Virtues

A brief description of Imam Ali’s Moral Virtues
Imam `Ali (a.s) Intervenes Imam `Ali (a.s) was once passing by date sellers when he saw a slave-girl crying. He asked the reason, and she said, “My master sent me with one dirham to buy dates. I bought the dates from this man and took them home. But my master did not like them. I have returned them but this man refuses to take them back.” Addressing the date seller, Imam `Al¢ said, “O servant of Allah! This is a slave-girl having no ...

Imam Ali Bin HusseinPREFACE

Imam Ali Bin HusseinPREFACE
Imam Ali Bin HusseinPREFACE   In the late 50's and early 60's, when I was a madressa student in School Farze in Zanzibar-Africa, there was no such a subject as Islamic History on the madressa curriculum. Naturally, therefore, when I joined the teaching staff of the Huseini Madressa in Dar-es-Salaam Tanzania in early 80's and when I was subsequently assigned to teach Islamic History, I was at a loss, not knowing exactly what to ...

In the Qur'an and the Prophet's Traditions

In the Qur'an and the Prophet's Traditions
1. Narrated by Tirmidhi in 'Manaqib Ahlul-Bait' vol. 2, p. 308, citing Umar bin Abi Salama, the Prophet's adopted son, who said: 'The verse, 'Allah only wants to remove uncleanness far from you, O people of Ahlul-Bait, and purify you a thorough purifying' was revealed in the house of Umm Salama. Then, the Prophet (s.a.w.) called Fatima, Hasan, Husein and Ali, behind himself, covered them with a cover and said: 'O Allah! This is my household, so ...

Valour of Imam Muhammad Baqir (PBUH)

Valour of Imam Muhammad Baqir (PBUH)
Like his respected father, Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s) was also fond of worship. Most of his nights passed in wakefulness and in remembrance of Allah. The better part of the day was also spent in worship. Similar was the case of his fasts. Most of the time he used to observe fasts. When he stood up in the prayer niche his body shook with the fear of the Almighty. As long as he sat in a gathering, the glorification of God was on his lips. Once ...


Worship The most pleasurable of all things for the Noble Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings be upon him and his family) was his relationship with the Worshipped and private and intimate talks with God. He would never grow tired of his servitude towards God. Sometimes he would experience states in his prayer that only God's intimate friends are worthy of experiencing. Without a doubt, expressing servitude towards God as well as these private ...

The Role Imam Muhammad Taqi (A.S.)

The Role Imam Muhammad Taqi (A.S.)
Imam Muhammad Taqi (A.S.) is also known as Abu Ja’ffar meaning ‘the father of Ja’ffar’, and among his titles, the most popular ones are: Al-Jawad meaning ‘the most generous’ and Al-Taqi meaning ‘the pious one’.Our 9th Imam (A.S.) assumed the role of Imamate at a very young age. Some historians believe he (A.S.) was 7 years and some say he (A.S.) was 9 years of age.However, in the matters of Prophethood and Imamat – age carries ...

The Revealer, The Messenger, The Message Part 1

The Revealer, The Messenger, The Message Part 1
The Revealer, The Messenger, The Message   by (Martyr) Mohammad Baqir as-Sadr Translated byDr. Mahmoud M. Ayoub Publishers Preface Dear Reader, The book you now have in hand is one of the many Islamic publications distributed by this Organization throughout the world in different languages with the aim of conveying the message of Islam to the people of the world. You may read this book carefully and should you be interested to ...

The Last Moment of Imam Muhammad Baqir's Life

The Last Moment of Imam Muhammad Baqir's Life
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) has stated:I always spread my father’s bed at nights. Once I was awaiting for him, but he didn’t come. I went to the mosque and looked for him. I saw that he was alone in prostration. I went forward slowly. I heard he was saying to God while crying.O’ Allah! You are pure and guiltless, and really You are my God. O’ Allah! I prostrate only for You as a worship. O’ God my pray and worship is little, increase it by Your ...

An Exceptional Point in the Policy of the Holy Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.)

An Exceptional Point in the Policy of the Holy Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.)
By: Allamah Syed Muhammad Husain Tabataba'i As mentioned earlier, the Ahl al-Bayt (as) of the Holy Prophet (S) spent their lives under tyranny and accusation. They performed their assigned duties in the atmosphere of taqiyyah and under the most difficult conditions. Only four members among the Ahl al-Bayt (as), for brief periods, could exceptionally have an opportunity to work independently without restraint and taqiyyah. We will briefly discuss ...

The Prophet of Islam (SAW): The Model of Leadership

The Prophet of Islam (SAW): The Model of Leadership
One of the distinct features of the Prophet (SAW) is that he was the teacher, founder, and leader of his nation (Ummah). His behavior towards people is worth consideration as an example for both people and governments to follow. The base of our discussion is from the Holy Qur’an, which states: “Certainly an apostle has come to you from among yourselves; grievous to him is your falling into distress, excessively solicitous respecting you; ...