Thursday 18th of July 2024
Ahlul-Bayt as the Earth Angels
ارسال پرسش جدید

A Glance At The Holy Shrine of Hadrat Fatima Masoumah (SA)

A Glance At The Holy Shrine of Hadrat Fatima Masoumah (SA)
When Hadrat Fatima Masoumah (AS) was buried in Qum there was a shade made of straw on the holy grave built by Musa bin Khazraj.The first dome which was in the form of a tower, was built by Hadrat Zainab (AS), the daughter of Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Jawad (AS) in the middle of third century hijrah. Stone, bricks and stucco were used as construction material for this dome.With the burial of the ladies from the Holy Ahlul Bayt (AS) beside the grave ...

Aim of intercession is to make their respect evident

Aim of intercession is to make their respect evident
There is hardly any doubt regarding the reality of Shafa'at (intercession). Actually it is the right bestowed upon the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and the purified Imams (a.s.), by Allah, to show their greatness and position. The other aim of intercession is to make their respect evident. The people who have committed Greater Sins shall be entrusted to them. By the grace of their intercession the sinful people will be able to ascend the heights ...

The Sermon of Imam Sajjad (A.S.) in Kufa

The Sermon of Imam Sajjad (A.S.) in Kufa
The fourth Imam addressed the people of Kufa and delivered a sermon before them. After making a sign to them to keep silent, he said: \"O people! Whoever knows me knows me, and he, who does not know me, should know that I am the son of that person, who was dishonored and whose entire belongings were looted and plundered, and whose women and children were made prisoners......... \"Of course, if the fourth Imam had not mentioned the plundering and ...

The Beginning of the Belief in the Mahdi

 The Beginning of the Belief in the Mahdi
The Beginning of the Belief in the Mahdi A Glance at the Translator's Introduction The translation of this important book would have been impossible without the need on my part to respond to those who have attributed to me false notions and ideas which are neither part of my personal faith nor of my academic research. At no point have I entertained, even in error, opinions that cannot be ascertained in the written primary sources of the ...

Imam Hassan e Mujtaba (as)

Imam Hassan e Mujtaba (as)
Father's Name:- Ali ibne Abu Talib (as) Mother's Name: Syeda Fatima al Zahra (as) binte Muhammad al Mustafa Rasool allah Date of Zahoor:- 15th day of the month of Ramazan Year 3 Hijri (AH) - March 1st 624 CE Place of Zahoor: Madina Date of Martyrdom:- 28th Safar Year 50 Hijri (AH) - 6th March 670 C.E. Place of Martyrdom: Madinah Shrine: Jannat ul Baqi - Madina (demolished by aal e Saud) Saudi Arabia Designation:- 2nd Imam Titles:- ...

Allah only desires to keep away uncleanness from you

Allah only desires to keep away uncleanness from you
The Holy Book tells us about the Words of Allah, the Great and Almighty, concerning them: " Allah only desires to keep away uncleanness from you, O members of the House! and to purify you a (thorough purification)." (XXXIII:33) It is a virtue for them. No one of all people has this virtue. There is no dignity more precious than keeping away uncleanness from them and purifying them from all defects, that is the purifying which the Most kind ...

Imam Jawad (AS) Praised by the Enemies

Imam Jawad (AS) Praised by the Enemies
  Praise by the Enemy     Ma’mun (1) had decided to have his daughter, Umm al-Fadl, marry Imam Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Ali (A.S.). The other Abbasids who became aware of his decision reproached him and considered his decision obscene. They feared that this act would prepare the same grounds as it did previously with Imam Reza (A.S.). They gathered their thoughts and consulted as much as they could. Then a group of Ma’mun’s ...

Succession to the Prophet (s.a.)

Succession to the Prophet (s.a.)
  Eventually the inevitable occurred and the spirit of the Prophet (s.a.) flew to its eternal abode. For in the words of the poet Nizami, 'he who has not died and will not die is only God.' It was clear that with the death of this great man a storm would blow up over the peaceful ocean of Islam, and that turbulent waters would be churned up. The ambitious would try to benefit and to get as much as they could from this turbulence and ...

Ali’s Virtues In Boyhood And Maturity

Ali’s Virtues In Boyhood And Maturity
Virtues are sometimes acquired for a person due to deeds and their consequences and at other times it has no relation with his deeds. What is discussed in this chapter concerns `Ali’s acquired virtues as mentioned by the narrators. These acquired virtues are sometimes related to `Ali’s spiritual aspect and personality or it is related to his physical aspect. وَأَنَّ مَريَمَ بِنتَ عِمرَانَ هَزَّتِ ...

Imam al-Baqir(A.S.) Argues Muslims to Seek Knowledge

Imam al-Baqir(A.S.) Argues Muslims to Seek Knowledge
Ima`m Abu` Ja'far (al-Ba`qir), peace be on him, talked very much about the importance of knowledge. He urged Moslems to seek knowledge, for it is the first pillar on which the lives of nations and peoples depend. He, peace be on him, praised the virtue of scholars, for they are the source of culture and guidance for the community. The following are some of what has been reported on his authority in this respect:   1. The Virtue of ...

Imam Hasan 'The Myth of his Divorces'

Imam Hasan 'The Myth of his Divorces'
S. Saeed Akhtar Rizvi Al-Serat, Vol 4 (1978), No 3 Imam Hasan has been the victim of a most malicious propaganda for the last 1,250 years. He is portrayed as "fond of ease and quiet" by his admirers (Ameer Ali in "Spirit of Islam") and "the great divorcer" by his detractors (Willi Frischaurer in "The Aga Khans"). Before looking at individual reports, it is important to find out when this allegation was put forward, by whom and why. After a ...

Prophets & Scriptures

Prophets & Scriptures
Almighty God did not leave man alone; he sent guidance in the form of prophets and messengers. According to the common belief of all Muslims, God sent 124,000 prophets and messengers to guide mankind in all parts of the world. The first was Prophet Adam and the last was Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon them both).  The basic faith of all the prophets was the same: to call people to the One and Only God (tawhīd) and bring peace in human ...

'Ashura - History and Popular Legend-3

'Ashura - History and Popular Legend-3
Another example relates to the day of 'Arba'in. At the time of 'Arba'in everyone relates the narrative that leads the people to imagine that the captives of the Imam's family arrived at Karbala' on the day of 'Arba'in, and that Imam Zayn al-'Abidin met Jabir (ibn 'Abd Allah al-Ansari) there. However, excepting the Luhuf, whose author is Sayyid ibn Tawus and who has denied it in his other books, or at least has not confirmed it, such an episode ...

Imam al-Jawad (a.s.) performed the certain rituals for his blessed newborn son

Imam al-Jawad (a.s.) performed the certain rituals for his blessed newborn son
Imam al-Jawad (a.s.) performed the certain rituals for his blessed newborn son. He performed azan in his right ear and eqama in the left, circumcised him on the seventh day after the birth, cut the hair of his head, gave silver, as much as the weight of the hair, to the poor, and slaughtered a ram as aqiqa[1] as it was usual for the imams of the Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) with their children when being born. Birth date Most of ...

How Salman Farsi embraced Islam?

How Salman Farsi embraced Islam?
Hayat Al-Qulub Vol. 1, By: Allamah Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi Ibn Babawayh has narrated through authentic chains of narrators from Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.) that a person asked him: “O son of Allah’s Messenger, will you not tell us what was the reason Salman Farsi accepted Islam? He replied: my father (a.s.) informed me that one day Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.), Salman Farsi, Abu Zar and a group of people from Quraish had congregated at the tomb of ...

Why Imam Hussayn (a) is not forgotten

Why Imam Hussayn (a) is not forgotten
Most of us know this reality, but the point that is not known to many (especially non-Islamic scholars); that point that has remained a mystery is: Why is such importance given to this historical event which is similar in numbers and manners to many other events? Why are the commemoration ceremonies stronger and more emotional year after year? Why has the event of Karbala taken on a form of eternity despite the fact that the Ummayad dynasty ...

The Imam Husayn's Concepts of Religion and Leadership

The Imam Husayn's Concepts of Religion and Leadership
Al-Serat The Imam Husayn's Concepts of Religion and Leadership ONLY now and again does there arise above the common level some rare spirit, who, having looked upon God face to face, reflects more clearly the divine purpose, and puts into practice more courageously the divine guidances. The light of such a man shines like a strong beacon on a dark and disordered world. Our concepts of human values, human dignity and human freedom are better ...


Perseverance Persistence, or remaining firm, in the face of difficulty, is the secret to overcoming problems and being victorious. It is by means of this rescue ship that man can traverse the ocean of straightened circumstances and difficulty and arrive at the harbor of his goals. It is impossible to arrive at a sacred goal without patience, perseverance and great tolerance. For this reason, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him and ...

Let's become familiar with morality of Imam musa al-Kazim & Imam `Ali ibn Musa al-Reza

Let's become familiar with morality of Imam musa al-Kazim & Imam `Ali ibn Musa al-Reza
Morality of Imam Musa al-Kazim Worshiping Allah and Serving The People Imam M£s¡ ibn Ja`far al-K¡¨im was the most pious, the most versed in jurisprudence and the most generous of the people of his time. It has been reported that he performed supererogatory prayers linking them to the Morning Prayer and then he was engaged in benedictions until dawn. He would fall in prostration without raising his head until noon. The Imam prayed a lot and ...

Amir Al-Mumineen Imam Ali (AS)

Amir Al-Mumineen Imam Ali (AS)
Amir Al-Mumineen Imam Ali (AS) was the son of Abu Tablib bin Abdul Mutalib and the cousin of the Holy Apostle of God, Mohammed bin Abdul Mutalib al-Hashimi. His father, Abu Talib, the chief of the Bani Hashim , was the uncle and the guardian of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the person who had brought the prophet to his house and raised him as his own son. After Muhammad was chosen for his prophetic mission, Abu Talib continued to support and ...