Thursday 18th of July 2024
Ahlul-Bayt as the Earth Angels
ارسال پرسش جدید

Imam Musa al-Kazim's(A.S.) Words of Wisdom

Imam Musa al-Kazim's(A.S.) Words of Wisdom
Imam Musa al-Kazim's(A.S.) Words of Wisdom 1 - The nafilas are the offertories of every believer to Allah. 2 - Hajj is the jihad of every weak.  3 - Everything has its tax and the tax of the body is the recommendable fasting.  4 - After the acknowledgment of Allah, the best worship is expecting the Relief.  5 - He who supplicates to Allah before he praises Him and blesses the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) is as same as throwing an arrow without ...

A Poem about the Martyrdom of Imam Hasan Askari (AS)

A Poem about the Martyrdom of Imam Hasan Askari (AS)
Again, again, and again and again;See how revisits to the Prophet's House the pain.Martyred this time is its Eleventh Member,In whatever grade, all are with prophetic character.Hasan his name, Askari his fameBecause at his command an army of angels came.At its sight the tyrant caliph was terrified,A little earlier had showed to Imam his army in pride. Having had such a power, lo, he didn't utilize;At such a patience the earth coiled in globe ...

Zainol Abedin enjoyed all ethical virtues

Zainol Abedin enjoyed all ethical virtues
Like his descent father, Zainol Abedin enjoyed all ethical virtues and was flawless in the areas of mannerism and ethics. No event could stop him from manifesting God’s traits. No sin was performed by him. This poor writer referred to all books on narrations and history to find references to this Imam. I will present some of them here. I hope they will help us. These points could be seen in Beharol Anver, A’alamol Din, Kashfol Qemma, ...

Women of Sacrifice in the Epic of Karbala

Women of Sacrifice in the Epic of Karbala
Women of Sacrifice in the Epic of Karbala   When studying the epic of Karbala, one should not be oblivious of the fact that during the course of this everlasting and important event which took place in 61 AH, some great and magnanimous women also participated and made sacrifices. So much so that some of them were even martyred in this path and their honorable names have been mentioned in the glorious history of the rising of ...

The fourth Imam Ali Ibn el Hussain, Zainul Abedeen (AS)

The fourth Imam Ali Ibn el Hussain, Zainul Abedeen (AS)
When the young Ali took the mantle of Imamat, times were hard on the Ahlulbayt of the Prophet. His is the saddest story of all time. On the 10th of Muharram at the time of Asr Prayers, when his father Hussain(AS) was alone in the battlefield ready to do battle, he withdrew to the camp of his ailing son, came beside hibed, woke him and told him that the story of Kerbala was over, that he was about to go to sacrifice his own life for the cause of ...

Muhammad al-Mahdi (Peace be Upon him)

Muhammad al-Mahdi (Peace be Upon him)
Name: Muhammad.Title: al-Mahdi, al-Qa'im, al-Hujjah, al-Gha'ib, Sahibu'z-Zaman, Sahibu 'l-Amr. Agnomen: Abu'l-Qasim. Father's name: al-Hasan al-'Askari. Mother's name: Nargis. Birth: In Samarra', on Friday, 15th Sha'ban 255 AH. He is still living and will appear before the end of the world. Minor Occultation: 8th Rabi 'u 'I-awwal 260 AH. Major Occultation: 10th Shawwal 329 AH.There Existed a good deal of harmony and uniformity between the ...

Imam Ali Naqi (as) news about the unseen (Ilm-e-Ghaib)

Imam Ali Naqi (as) news about the unseen (Ilm-e-Ghaib)
People observed from Imam Ali Naqi (as) due to his connection with Allah and the unseen world, works which were considered to be the specimen of Allah's might and power. One of the friends of our 10th Imam, Imam Ali Naqi (as) traveled from Baghdad, Iraq to Madina and had the honor to visit Imam Ali Naqi (as). Imam Ali Naqi (as) enquired from him the condition of Al-Wathiq the Abbasid Caliph and he replied, "when I left Iraq he was fit and fine, ...

Mahdi (A.S.) in the View of the Ahl ul-Bait (A.S.)

Mahdi (A.S.) in the View of the Ahl ul-Bait (A.S.)
Religion is actually the more complete term for human truths and Islam is a more complete term for religious truths and the Ahlul-Bait’s (P.B.) school of thought is the more complete term for Islamic truths.     The basic faith in the coming of a redeemer is a general human thought and is not limited to a certain religion or sect.  Based on this we can answer obscurities like Shiism being the only sect believing in this truth, ...

Imam Ja'far -as-Sadiq (A.S.) and His Servant

Imam Ja'far -as-Sadiq (A.S.) and His Servant
It is related that Imam Ja'far -as-Sadiq (A.S.) had a servant. Wherever the Imam went, he accompanied Him. And when Imam (A.S.) went to the Mosque, he would look after His mule. One day the servant was sitting at the door of the Mosque catching hold of the mule, when there came some travellers from Khurasan. One of them said, "O servant! Will you plead to your master Imam Sadiq (A.S.) to accept me as His servant in your stead, and we shall ...

Ali (a.s), Mulla

Ali (a.s), Mulla
Amir al-Mu’minin had a smiling face, was good-natured and a paragon of sincerity. He was kind to the poor and always took care of the orphans. He was an exact replica of the manners and character of the Prophet (a.s). He met the elite and the ordinary persons with the same affability. He used to treat the slaves with the same consideration as he would treat his own relatives. To servants he always gave help in sharing their heavy burdens. He ...

The Prophet's Counsel to 'Ali (part3)

The Prophet's Counsel to 'Ali (part3)
. On the Fear of God Almighty: Know that the fear of God, the Exalted, is one of the stages that is hardly(barely) equalled by any other in respect of the common people. Aside from the fact that this fear is itself one of spiritual excellences, it is the source of many virtues of the spirit and one of the important reforming agents of the soul. Rather, it may be reckoned as the mainspring of all reform and the healing source of all spiritual ...

Imam Sadiq's Words of Wisdom

Imam Sadiq's Words of Wisdom
Imam Sadiq(a) said: The unintelligent is fit for nothing and the unknowledgeable is unintelligent. He who understands will be excellent and he who is clement will be triumphant.Knowledge is protection, honesty is glory, ignorance is humility, understanding is honor, openhandedness is success, and good mannerism achieves affection.The knowing of the manners of his time will not be attacked by the mysteries. Judiciousness is the lantern of ...

His Birth and blessings

His Birth and blessings
His Birth and blessings The 4th Imam after Imam Hussain(a.s.) was his son Imam Ali Zain-al-Abideen(a.s.). His mother was Bibi Shahar Bano who was a princess from Persia, the daughter of the Kind Yazd Gard II. She was brought as a prisoner of war during the caliphate period of mam Ali(a.s.) during 31 A.H. and Imam Ali(a.s.) got her freed and married her to Imam Hussain(a.s.). Imam Zain-al-Abideen was born from this wedlock. She, however, died ...

Imam Ali Sajjad A.S

Imam Ali Sajjad A.S

The Call to Faith and Freedom

The Call to Faith and Freedom

The Motives for Enmity with Imam \'Ali (A.S.)

The Motives for Enmity with Imam \'Ali (A.S.)
Enmity towards Imam \'Ali (A.S.) started with the advent of Islam itself and lasted throughout his life. This sorrowful trend did not end with his martyrdom and continued even after that. By focusing on the events of the early period of Islam we will see what elements played the role in this enmity, especially during the brief caliphate of the Imam. Tribal and Ethnic MotivesAlthough enmity based on tribal and ethnic motives might appear natural ...

QURAN ABOUT LOVE OF AHLUL BAYT: المــوده في القــربى

QURAN ABOUT LOVE OF AHLUL BAYT: المــوده في القــربى
قُل لا أَسْأَلُكُمْ عَلَيْهِ أَجْرًا إِلا الْمَوَدَّةَ فِي الْقُرْبَى  وَمَن يَقْتَرِفْ حَسَنَةً نَّزِدْ لَهُ فِيهَا حُسْنًا إِنَّ اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ شَكُورٌ Declare [O' Muhammad]:  “I ask you of no recompense for my toil except the love for my kin (family).”  And the one who earns good, We shall expand ...

The Prophet's Marriage

The Prophet's Marriage
The Prophet's Marriage The Messenger of Allah (p.b.u.h) married Lady Khadija at the age of twenty-five, while Khadija herself was forty years old. Yet some historians allege that she was twenty-five, and still others claim that she was twenty-eight years old.It is also said that she had two previous marriages before marrying the Prophet (p.b.u.h) some historians dispute this and indicate that she was a virgin when He (p.b.u.h) married her. This ...

More on Imam al-Mahdi (AS)

More on Imam al-Mahdi (AS)
For the believer whose heart has been filled with the love of and belief in Allah (SWT), there is NO hesitance whatsoever in accepting the doctrine of al-Mahdi (AS). For we as believers in Allah (SWT), believe in MANY hidden, unknown, miraculous, and seemingly impossible things that are stated in the Quran. Not only are they stated in the Quran, but a Muslim MUST submit in obedience and BELIEVE in these events. We also believe that Allah (SWT) ...

Islam: the Complete Way of Life-2

 Islam: the Complete Way of Life-2
In Nahjul Balaaghah, Sermon 104, Imam Ali says:    الحمد لله الذی شرع الاسلام فسهل شرائعه لمن ورده،     واعز ارکانه علی من غالبه فجعله أمنا لمن عقله،   وسلما لمن دخله،   وبرهانا لمن تکلم به  وشاهدا لمن خاصم عنه،   ونورا  لمن استضاء به،   وفهما لمن عقل    ولبا لمن ...