Thursday 18th of July 2024
Ahlul-Bayt as the Earth Angels
ارسال پرسش جدید

Ali About Ahlul Bayt:

Ali About Ahlul Bayt:
In Sermon 239, page 357, Ali describes the status of Ahlul Bayt:   They [Ahlul Bayt] are the life for [Divine] knowledge and the death keel to ignorance. ▪    Their forbearance tells you of their knowledge, and their behavior about their integrity ▪    Their silence tells you of their wisdom. ▪    Never do they deviate from Truth, nor [among themselves] will they differ about it. ▪    Ahlul Bayt ...


TAWHID IN DEVOTIONAL MODE No one with any sensitivity toward human weakness and God's love can fail to be moved at least by some of the supplications contained in the Sahifa. Here we have one of the greatest spiritual luminaries of Islam so overawed by the sense of God's goodness, mercy, and majesty as to express his utter nothingness before the Creator in terms that may seen surprisingly explicit for one deemed by his followers to be the ...

Evidences for Imam Ali’s Guardianship

Evidences for Imam Ali’s Guardianship
All evidences indicate that it was Allah’s will that ‘Ali’s guardianship be the trial for the Muslims, as it was the reason behind every dispute and controversy erupted. And since Allah is subtile toward His bondmen, never taking the latters to task for what the earliers did, therefore He made His wisdom apparent and encompassed that incident (of Ghadir Khumm) with other splendid miracles-like events, so as to be an incentive for the ...

The Prophet's Mission

The Prophet's Mission
Lover of nature and Quite, worried about human sufferings, Muhammad very often retired toMount Hira' for meditations. One night, laylatu'l-qadr(the Night of Majesty) a voice addressing him, commanded O Recite in the Name of the Lord. O Deeply excited by the strange phenomena of Divine Visitation, Muhammad hurried home to his wife , Khadijah, who listened to him attentively and said that " I bear witness that you are the Apostle of God." After an ...

Infallibility; Not Exclusive

Infallibility; Not Exclusive
When a man reaches the stage of devotion, he will be on a safe path. He is now a righteous and is placed under the guardianship of Allah. In this case, he will be immune from the temptations of Satan who has confessed that he will not harm the devoted ones. The word devoted ones has a general meaning. Therefore, everyone can reach the station of `i¥mah with endeavor, discipline and worship. Whatever is gained in the universe is due to Allah’s ...

Imam Ali says of the Prophet (pbuh):

Imam Ali says of the Prophet (pbuh):
In sermon 94 Ali refers to Allah, the Prophets, then to Muhammad (pbuh), eulogizing the Prophet in a poetic manner, referring to his background,  his status, and his family. ... until this distinction by Allah (glory be to Him) reached Muhammad (pbuh).  Allah brought forth Muhammad from a glorious origin, and honorable seed.  It was the honorable lineage from which Allah had brought forth other Prophets; and from which He ...

2. The founding of a supreme council for all Islamic organisations

2. The founding of a supreme council for all Islamic organisations
2. The founding of a supreme council for all Islamic organisations to discuss affairs and confirm activities by majority opinion. For Allah has said: {And your affairs are settled by mutual consultation} and Amir-ul-Mu’minin ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib alayhum-as-salam has said: ‘I adjure you by Allah to organise your affairs’. 3. Creating complete awareness by alerting the nation to its points of weakness and strength so that the former ...

His Belief

His Belief
Ali was well-known for his piety and continence. He did many things for his own self as well as for his own people and others, as he was extremely pious. I believe that Ali's piety was not the outcome of circumstances like that of other pious persons, who engage themselves in worship on account of the weakness of their souls, or to escape the vicissitudes of life and to keep aloof from the people, or in imitation of their ancestors, and the ...

Ali’s Forbearance

Ali’s Forbearance
Beyond doubt, Imam `Ali was more patient and forbearing than all people. The best proof is the fact that he was deprived of his right and an unjust rule was imposed on him. Nevertheless, he adopted patience and restrained his anger. Abu-Ayyub Ansari has been quoted as saying: The Messenger of Allah was afflicted with a little illness. Lady Fatimah went to visit her father. Finding her father ill and weak, she started weeping in a way that her ...


(This is) an account of the Imam after the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, the date of his birth, the evidence for his Imamates the period of his succession, the time of his death, and the place of his grave. (It also provides) a brief outline of the reports about him. The Imam after the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, was his son al-Hasan, the son of the mistress of the women of the worlds, Fatima, daughter of Muhammad, ...

Ali’s Virtues Before His Birth

Ali’s Virtues Before His Birth
Section One God almighty said to Abraham (a.s): As for Ishmael, I have heard you; behold, I will bless him and make him fruitful and multiply him exceedingly; he shall be the father of twelve princes, and I will make him a great nation![23] Beyond doubt, Imam `Ali (a.s) is one of those princes, a virtue making him peerless. Section Two The orator of Khawarizm quoting `Abdullah ibn Mas`ud has reported that the Holy Prophet (s.a) said: O ...

Who Is Really Prophet Muahammd (pbuh)? (Part II) -- The Unschooled Prophet

Who Is Really Prophet Muahammd (pbuh)? (Part II) -- The Unschooled Prophet
The Unschooled Prophet    by   (Martyr) Murtadha Mutahhari  (Part II) Chapter 5  Is The Belief In An "Unschooled" Prophet Rooted In The Interpretation Of The Word "Ummi"? The claim of Dr Sayyid `Abd al-Latif (who observes that the source of belief in an "unschooled" Prophet (SA) has been in the interpretation of the word "ummi"), is unfounded. This is because, firstly, the history of the Arabs and the Makkah at the advent of Islam, is ...

A brief look at the Life of Imam Hussain (a.s)-2

A brief look at the Life of Imam Hussain (a.s)-2
She visited the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family and said: Apostle of God, I have had a strange dream during the night. What was it?, he asked. It was terrible, she said. What was it?, he repeated. I saw (something) like a piece of your body cut up and put in my lap, she answered. You have seen well said the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family. Fatima will give birth to a boy when she is sitting on your lap (to give ...

Imam Taqi (as): You should not fear anyone other than Allah (SWT)

Imam Taqi (as): You should not fear anyone other than Allah (SWT)
The story of Mamun al-Rashid's first meeting with the young son of Imam Ali Ridha (as) is interesting. Once when our 9th Imam, Imam Taqi (as) was only nine years old, he was walking down a street of Baghdad, when Mamun al-Rashid and his soldiers came by. All the other children on the street ran away but Imam Taqi (as) did not. Noting this, Mamun al-Rashid stopped his carriage and asked, "Young man, why did you not run away like the other ...


Imam Ali (A.S) (8) After entering into the courtyard say: Praise be to Allah who honoured me with insight in the divine matters concerning Him and His Messenger, and prescribed for me obedience unto Him as a duty, an act of mercy from Him to me, a recurring bounty from Him for me, and choose me to have faith in Him. Praise be to Allah who brought me to the sacred resting place of His Messenger's brother,a destination which gives me ...

The Highest of All Creation

The Highest of All Creation
1. The Highest of All Creation The Noble Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him and his family) is an individual unrivaled amongst all mankind for all time, and history will never see another like him. Concerning this topic, the Commander of the Faithful, ‘Alī, peace be upon him, said, "There is nothing God has created superior to Muḥammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family."[1] Though Khiḍr crossed the Water of ...

Saudis Take Bulldozer to Islam's History of Mecca and Medina

Saudis Take Bulldozer to Islam's History of Mecca and Medina
Three of the world’s oldest mosques are about to be destroyed as Saudi Arabia embarks on a multi-billion-pound expansion of Islam’s second holiest site. Work on the Masjid an-Nabawi in Medina, where the Prophet Mohamed is buried, will start once the annual Hajj pilgrimage ends next month. When complete, the development will turn the mosque into the world’s largest building, with the capacity for 1.6 million worshippers.But concerns have ...

Whenever Fatimah came to The Prophet (a.s), he used to stand up

Whenever Fatimah came to The Prophet (a.s), he used to stand up
Fatimah al-Zahra’ (a.s) was born to Khadijah al-Kubra and was the dearest daughter of the Prophet (a.s). Her birth took place at Makkah in the fifth year of the Annunciation of the Prophet (a.s). When she was only five years old her beloved mother, Khadijah, died. The entire responsibility of her upbringing became the responsibility of the Prophet (a.s). Despite his very busy schedule, he gave good attention to her education and training. His ...

"Al-Ghadir"and its Relevance

"Al-Ghadir"and its Relevance to Islamic Unity  The distinguished book entitled "al-Ghadir" has raised a huge wave in the world of Islam. Islamic thinkers shed light on the book in different perspectives; in literature, history, theology, tradition, tafsir, and sociology. From the social perspective we can deal with the Islamic unity. In this review the Islamic unity has been dealt with from a social point of view.  Contemporary Muslim ...

Chastity and Abstinence

Chastity and Abstinence
Chastity and Abstinence Chastity and abstinence are amongst the highest human values. They provide the power to control man's natural instincts and to use them in the path towards perfection. The closer man goes to the treasures of chastity and abstinence, the closer he becomes to his own humanity and the farther he distances himself from animalistic behavior. If it were not for chastity and abstinence, man would know no boundaries while ...