Sunday 21st of July 2024
Ahlul-Bayt as the Earth Angels
ارسال پرسش جدید

Islam: the Complete Way of Life

 Islam: the Complete Way of Life
Let us practice Taq’wa (piety and righteousness) in our daily life, and let us revere Allah and obey His Divine Commands.  Let us be heedful of our choices in this life and the likely consequences of such choices in the hereafter.  May Allah provide us all with the spirit of righteousness by way of His Divine obedience as our means of salvation.   Allah tells us in Surah 3 (Aali Imran), Ayah 102:   يَا أَيُّهَا ...

The Holy Shrine of Hadrat Abbas (A.S.)

The Holy Shrine of Hadrat Abbas (A.S.)
From early ages of humankind, people used to show various forms of adulation to their honorable and unique personalities. One of these forms was the sanctification of their tombs by constructing handsome buildings that are, in most cases, taken as places of worship. The holy Quran, narrating the story of the seven sleepers of Ephesus, has referred to this phenomenon: "We caused their story to become public so that people would know that God's ...


يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ اتَّقُواْ اللّهَ وَكُونُواْ مَعَ الصَّادِقِينَ O' Men of Faith!  Safeguard yourselves against evil [be Muttaqi] and associates yourselves with the Truthful Ones.   Commentary       The Holy Quran commands the faithful to associate with Al‑Saadiqeenالصـادقـيـن    (the Truthful Ones), which means:  the Holy ...

Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib's (as) behaviour towards his Foes (Enemies)

Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib's (as) behaviour towards his Foes (Enemies)
  Talha bin Abu Talha was not only a bitter enemy of Islam, but was personal enemy of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) and Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as). His exertions to harm these two and their mission is a legion. In the battle of Uhud he was the flag bearer of the army of Quraish. Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) faced him and in a hand to hand encounter dealt him such a severe blow that he reeled and fell down. Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) left him ...

Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) was such a brave, faithful

Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) was such a brave, faithful
  Islam is the religion of peace and tranquility and does not like killing, plundering, and bloodshed. But if some one kills another without any reason then Islam has strong punishment to deal with him. Of course, if an enemy attacks the Muslims then by the standards of wits, common sense, and religious law, self defense which as a form of Jihad/Jehad becomes essential and indispensable. All the battles of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) in ...

The Truth of Ahl al- Bayt (A.S.)

The Truth of Ahl al- Bayt (A.S.)
In view of Quranic verses and narrations previously mentioned and based on the Quranic verse, Mubahalah (mutual curse), which reads: But whoever disputes with you in this matter after what has come to you of knowledge, then say: Come let us call our sons and your sons and our women and your women and our self and your self, then let us be earnest in prayer, and pray for the curse of Allah on the liars (3:61) In this holy verse, Imam Ali (a.s.) ...

Hazrat Abu'l-Fazl al-Abbas (A.S.), the valiant standard-bearer of the immortal epic of Karbala

Hazrat Abu'l-Fazl al-Abbas (A.S.), the valiant standard-bearer of the immortal epic of Karbala
4th of Sha'ban marks the blessed birthday of the valiant standard-bearer of the immortal epic of Karbala, Abu'l-Fazl al-Abbas (AS), whose loyalty and fealty to his brother, Imam Husain (AS) has become a byword till this day. "My God, submerge me in the most blissful lights of Your majesty, so that I become intimate with You, renouncing all else, fear You and be wary of You, O Majestic and Munificent! And may the blessings of Allah be upon His ...

Scientific Contributions of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (A.S.)

Scientific Contributions of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (A.S.)
The Imam who encountered the issue of ruling and caliphate was Imam al-Sadiq, so to say. By this we mean the circumstances which developed during that time causing the one who claimed power to be taken away by the flurry, except Imam al-Sadiq who essentially stepped aside. The main characteristic of his time were the reasons which caused the transfer of government from the Umayyad Dynasty to the ‘Abbasids. In addition, we see that a ...

Hadrat Fatima Zahra's Wedding with Imam Ali (A.S.)

Hadrat Fatima Zahra's Wedding with Imam Ali (A.S.)
Hadrat Fatima Zahra's Wedding with Imam Ali (A.S.) When Fatima Zahra reached nine years of age, she was a full-grown woman who enjoyed intellectual maturity and integrity of conduct. Allah gifted her with a brilliant mentality and cleverness, together with beauty, grace and elegance. Her talents were many and her inherited and acquired noble traits excel those of any female or male. Fatima's religious feelings and literary knowledge were ...

The Prophetic Mission in Makkah

The Prophetic Mission in Makkah
The First Revelation The Holy Prophet (S) use to spend a lot of his time in the cave of Mount Hira, which is a mountain overlooking the Holy Ka'ba, some three miles north of Makka. It was his habit to sometimes spend a few days continuously in the cave in prayers, and his wife Bibi Khadija (A) would bring him some food and water. One night when he was in the cave of Mount Hira, he heard a voice calling his name and suddenly there was a dazzling ...

Ahl al-Bayt’s knowledge and Act

Ahl al-Bayt’s knowledge and Act

In the light of the previous discussion, we come to the conclusion that `i¥mah is not solely cognitive or pragmatic, for the Prophets and the Imams, being godly, are infallible both in knowledge and deeds. For this reason, their knowledge and act are a proof until the Judgment Day for the people of all ranks.

The Tomb of Lady Fatimah the Daughter of Imam al-Kazim (A.S.)

The Tomb of Lady Fatimah the Daughter of Imam al-Kazim (A.S.)
In the sight of the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a), the city of Qum has a special significance and a vital role in the history and life of the virtuous community. In its cultural aspect, this city seems to occupy the second place after the city of Kufah because it has been joined with this city in many traditions.1 As for the scholastic aspect of Shi’ism, the religious school of Qum is seen as an extension of the religious school of Kufah and the second ...

How was this long life granted to Al-Mehdi?

How was this long life granted to Al-Mehdi?
In other words, is it possible for a man to live for many centuries, as is the case with the Expected Leader, for the change of the world, whose age must be actually one thousand one hundred and forty years, or fourteen times the average age of an ordinary person who would pass through the phases of life from childhood to old age normally.   The word possibility here has one of the three following meanings, namely: Practical possibility, ...

Ahl al-Bayt as a full pattern of forgiveness & humbleness

Ahl al-Bayt as a full pattern of forgiveness & humbleness
  Self-sacrifice and preferring others’ interests to those of themselves is an inherent feature of Ahl al-Bayt and it can be seen in the life of each member of them so much so that they helped those who were and were not entitled to it. The Holy Prophet has said: إنَّا لَنُعْطِي غَيْرَ الْمُسْتَحِقِّ حَذَراً مِنْ رَدِّ الْمُسْتَحِقِّ. We give away to all out of fear of ...

The life of Imam Sajjad (A.S)

The life of Imam Sajjad (A.S)
In the name of Allah The life of Imam Sajjad (A.S) Imam Sajjad (A.S) is the fourth Imam (spiritual leader) of the holy chain of Shia Imams who was born on the 5th pf month of Sha’ban of the year 38 Hijri in medina. His respected father is his holiness Hussein son of Ali son of Abu Talib (A.S) and it has been mentioned that his mother is Shahrbanoo, the daughter of the third Yazdgerd who was one of the kings from the Sasani dynasty. ...

Zaynab Al-Hauraa (p), granddaughter of Prophet Muhammad (p)

Zaynab Al-Hauraa (p), granddaughter of Prophet Muhammad (p)
Sayedah Zaynab Al-Hauraa (peace be upon her) …. She was the granddaughter of Prophet Muhammad and Khadija, the daughter of Fatima az-Zahraa and Ali, the sister of the Youths of Paradise, Hassan and Hussein, and the beloved aunt of Imam Ali Zayn al Abideen (peace be upon them). A narration says that Zaynab’s characteristics represented each of her family member: in her seriousness and calmness she was Khadija; in her modesty and ...

Morality of Imam al-Hadi (a.s.)

Morality of Imam al-Hadi (a.s.)
Abu-Hashim Ja`fari has reported: I was afflicted with a bad poverty; so, I went to Abu’l-Hasan `Ali ibn Muhammad. When I sat in his presence, he asked, “Abu-Hashim! Which of the bounties of your Lord will you thank?” I could not speak nor did I know what answer to give to the Imam. He said, رَزَقَكَ الإيمَانَ فَحَرَّمَ بَدَنَكَ عَلَى النَّارِ. وَرَزَقَكَ الْعَافِيَةَ ...

Birth Anniversary of Hazrat Ali Akbar: The Day of Youths

Birth Anniversary of Hazrat Ali Akbar: The Day of Youths
Heartiest congratulations to you all on a very auspicious day commemorated as Day of Youths. It is the day that is celebrated every year in the Islamic Republic of Iran as the Day of the Virtuous Youths, for it was on this day on the 11th of the month of Sha'ban that God had granted the Martyr of Karbala, Imam Husain (AS), with a meritorious son, who bore a striking resemblance to his grandfather, Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) in both appearance and, ...

Divine Designation

Divine Designation
The question of infallibility leads us to the question of Divine designation. The Shi'ah scholars say that Imamate is a favour of Allah, and as such it must exist. As this favour entails infallibility, an Imam must necessarily be infallible and for this very reason should be divinely designated, for it is beyond the power of the people to determine who is infallible. As the people cannot choose a Prophet, they cannot choose an Imam also. As a ...

Martyrdom of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir(A.S)

Martyrdom of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir(A.S)
Imam Muhammad al-Baqir(A.S), had carried out his immortal message: he had spread knowledge and Islamic manners among people. Then Allah chose him to be His neighbor. He wanted him to enjoy the shade of His mercy and His gardens. He wanted him to be happy through meeting his grandfathers, who passed the methods of justice and fairness in the earth. The Imam announced his own Death. The Imam felt the approach of his certain death. So, he hurried ...