Saturday 28th of September 2024
Kalam and Beliefs
ارسال پرسش جدید

Expiation of the Sin on the Day of Judgement

Expiation of the Sin on the Day of Judgement
It is also mentioned in Surah Nur: "And those who accuse free women then do not bring four witnesses, flog them, (giving eighty lashes), and do not admit any evidence from them ever, and these it is that are the transgressors." (Surah Nur 24:4) Three commands are issued in this ayat regarding one who commits qazaf. The first is that he has to be punished with the Islamic penalty imposed upon him. The second is that his evidence is never ever ...

The blessings of intellect and trustworthiness

The blessings of intellect and trustworthiness
Intellect or the faculty of reasoning is one of the greatest trusts that Allah has bestowed upon man and this trust demands that man continually honours it. We must not say or do anything that is against reason. If we allow our desire to conquer reason we would have committed a breach of trust with Allah (a.j.). As regards the safekeeping of trust with reference to the rules of Shariat, Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) says:  "Misappropriating the ...

Cause Poverty and Misfortune

Cause Poverty and Misfortune
Aaq-e-Waledain Cause Poverty and Misfortune There was a young man from Madinah. His parents were very old. He never did any good towards them. He neglected them and did not expend any of his wealth for their well-being. After sometime he became a destitute and fell sick. Hiswretchedness and misery reached such excessive, that he became a pitiable character. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said,  "Those who cause hurt to their parents should ...

Punishment for Drinking Liquor

Punishment for Drinking Liquor
If a sane adult person, knowing that liquor is Haraam, consumes even a drop of it of his own accord and later confesses to it or is seen in the act of drinking by two just witnesses who testify, the Judge is obliged to award punishment to him. However punishment cannot be awarded under the following conditions: If the individual who drinks it is a child, or an insane person, or one who is unaware of its prohibition, or one drinks it by mistake ...

Spiritual Fathers Are More Qualified For Kindness

Spiritual Fathers Are More Qualified For Kindness
    Spiritual Fathers Are More Qualified For Kindness Whatever has been mentioned till now concerns the biological parents; however the spiritual fathers or the guides of humanity are Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) and his Purified Ahlul Bayt (a.s.). All of us are spiritually related to them. In every circumstance their followers can be enriched by virtues and get protection from calamities. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) has informed, "I and Ali ...

What is the Least Amount of Sileh Rahmi That is Wajib

What is the Least Amount of Sileh Rahmi That is Wajib
Arrogance Towards Poor Relatives is Qat-e-Rahmi The ones most guilty of Qat-e-Rahmi are the rich and affluent who do not acknowledge their connections with their poor relatives and deal with them with pride and arrogance, while they are gallant and kind to their wealthy relatives. To neglect one's duty and give importance to material possessions, contradicts the laws of Islam both in the letter and spirit. What is the Least Amount of Sileh ...

Our Need for Divine Leaders

Our Need for Divine Leaders
First LectureOur Need for Divine Leaders The Limitations of our knowledge Some people might raise this question: Are prophets needed to lead men? Isn’t our wisdom sufficient enough to grasp the realities? Hasn’t the advancement of human knowledge and science assisted man in discovering the truth? The structure of this argument continues something like this: Our wisdom either comprehends what the prophets have to offer to us, or is unable ...

Why Pray in Arabic?

Why Pray in Arabic?
Question: Why pray in Arabic, whereas we should call Allah in our own language? Whether this situation is against that Islam is a heavenly religion? Answer: Incidentally to recite Prayers in Arabic is one of the signs that the religion of Islam is heavenly, because people who stand in one row and are busy in the same worship, it is necessary for them that there should be one language so that they can understand each other, it means that ...

Swallowing the Anger

Swallowing the Anger
By: Shaykh Nasir Makarim ShiraziThe Messenger of Allah (S) has said, “O' ‘Ali! I advise you (in regards to something) with a piece of advice, so then safe-guard this as you shall never be devoid of goodness as long as you have safe-guarded my recommendation. O' ‘Ali! Allah will grant the one who swallows his anger - while he is able to act out his rage - with protection and faith on the Day of Judgment whose pleasure the person will ...

The exegesis (Tafseer) of the term \"False Words\"

The exegesis (Tafseer) of the term \
In addition to the phrase \'frivolous discourse,\' the Holy Quran also refers to singing by the term, \'False words.\' Abu Basir inquired from Imam Ja\'far as-Sadiq (a.s.), the exegesis of the following ayat: \"... and avoid false words.\" (Surah Hajj 22:30) The Imam (a.s.) replied, \" (It means) singing.\" In explanation to the ayat, \"And they who do not bear witness to what is false, and when they pass by what is vain, they pass by ...

Goodness in Return of Ill-Treatment

Goodness in Return of Ill-Treatment
  The Worst Deed in the Eyes of Allah A man approached the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and enquired, "What is the worst deed in the eyes of Allah?" The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) replied,"To attribute partners to Allah."The man then asked, "After this which is the worst sin?" The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said:"To sever relations". After this the same person asked, "After this which is the worst sin?" The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) replied:"To ...

The blessings of intellect and trustworthiness

The blessings of intellect and trustworthiness
What is meant by Divine trust? The scholars have a variety of opinions in this regard. Some opine that it denotes the grace of intellect given by Allah (a.j.). The safeguarding of this trust (intellect) means that man should employ it to recognise and obey his Creator. According to other scholars this trust consists of the laws of Islam that Allah has sent through His Prophet (s.a.w.s.). These laws are a Divine trust. To guard these laws means ...

Allah does not provide unlawful livelihood

Allah does not provide unlawful livelihood
A typical feature of earnings by haraam means the money and wealth so acquired. It is narrated from Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) that he said, "The madness of (acquiring or constructing) buildings. Mud and water occupies the head of one who earns by unlawful means." (Behaarul Anwaar) It means that a person with unlawful earnings is constantly worried about his wealth and strives to convert it into fixed property so that it is not lost. The ...

Concerning the Reality of Good and Evil

Concerning the Reality of Good and Evil
    Concerning the Reality of Good and Evil:. The attributes `good' and `evil' are applied, in all instances, to perfection and deficiency [respectively] in the essence or attributes of things or to their existence and perfections of existence. All that is essentially good derives from the Reality of Being, and when ascribed to other thugs(outlaw) it is in consideration of their mode of existence. Also, that which is essentially ...

Desire, the Source of All Bondage

Desire, the Source of All Bondage
    Section II: We have mentioned the evils of mira' and jidal earlier in the exposition of one of the holy traditions. However, it is also proper here that we mention some relevant traditions and describe a little of their evil effects. In the noble al-Kafi, al-Kulayni reports with his isnad the following tradition on the authority of al-'Imam al-Sadiq (A): Amir al-Mu'minin (A) said: "Beware of dispute and controversy, for they infect ...

The Imam’s specific traits

The Imam’s specific traits
The Imam’s specific traits Before we delve into the subject, one point should be explicitly stated: It can be easily understood from the Holy Qur’¡n that the position of imamate is the most prestigious position for a person to have. It is even higher than that of prophethood. This is because in the story of Abraham, the idol-destroyer Prophet(s), the Qur’¡n states: وَإِذِ ابْتَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ رَبُّهُ ...

Have as trust should be destroyed

Have as trust should be destroyed
Allah does not help a believer who does not help his brother in faith and leaves him on his own. Imam as-Sadiq (a.s.) has mentioned that,  "A believer who inspite of being financially capable does not help another believer will be degraded by Allah in this world as well as the Hereafter." Similarly Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) says: "None of you should go to a place where a tyrant ruler is oppressing, and killing innocent people, if you are ...

The Greatest Miracle of the Prophet of Islam

The Greatest Miracle of the Prophet of Islam
Fifth LectureThe Greatest Miracle of the Prophet of Islam The Eternal Miracle All Islamic scholars believe that the Holy Qur’¡n is the greatest miracle of the Prophet of Islam. The reasons for this statement are as follows: The Holy Qur’¡n is a rational miracle which deals with people’s souls. The Holy Qur’¡n is an eternal miracle. The Holy Qur’¡n is a miracle that says aloud: “If you say this book is not from God, then ...

Lying, the Position of Manners in Society

Lying, the Position of Manners in Society
By: Ayatullah Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi Lari Manners are an essential factor in societies and in the perfection of nations. Manners were born as a part of humanity. No one denies the vital role that manners play in bringing peace, happiness, and felicity, to man’s spirit; nor does anyone doubt their useful and decisive influence in strengthening the fundamentals of the integrity of conduct and thinking on both the social and public levels. Can you ...

Orientalists and the Event of Ghadir Khumm - Part 3

Orientalists and the Event of Ghadir Khumm - Part 3
IV. Shaban & His New InterpretationAmong the latest work by the western scholarship on the history of Islam is M A Shaban's Islamic History AD 600-750, subtitled 'A New Interpretation,' in which the author claims not only to use newly discovered material but also to reexamine and reinterpret material which has been known to us for many decades. Shaban, a lecturer of Arabic at SOAS of the University of London, is not prepared to even consider ...