Saturday 28th of September 2024
Kalam and Beliefs
ارسال پرسش جدید

Imams - Clear and Coherent Policy

Imams - Clear and Coherent Policy
S.J Hussain Vol V No. 3 & 4 , 1400 A question has puzzled some believers a great deal, namely why did al-Husayn fight with the sword, while his successors refrained from doing so, especially as all the Imams subscribed to a single and coherent ideology. For, if al-Husayn, in spite of the small number of his followers rose up against injustice, demanding his usurped rights, why did Imam al-Sadiq, for example, not rise up when ...

Helping the oppressors in other matters

Helping the oppressors in other matters
    At times it is Wajib to accept rulership or a post in government. A person should do so only when he is confident that if he assumes the post he will be able to uproot a great evil or will be able to prevent at least one sinful ritual or system. But such a situation is rare because it depends on personal confidence, that after one assumes authority, one will never commit any sort of injustice or sinful act nor go against justice and ...

Taqlid and Marji'iyyah in Islam

Taqlid and Marji'iyyah in Islam
Taqlid and Marji'iyyah in the Shi'ah's ViewIt is incumbent upon every mature (mukallaf) Muslim, if not being a mujtahid -i.e. who can deduce legislative rules from the Scripture and Sunnah-to imitate (in all his religious acts) a mujtahid having all necessary requirements (Shara'it) including knowledge ('ilm), justice, piety, asceticism (zuhd) and righteousness, as ordained by the Almighty Allah: "Ask the followers of the Remembrance if ye know ...

What is the purpose of Prayers of Ayaat?

What is the purpose of Prayers of Ayaat?
Question: Why should one perform Prayers of ‘Ayaat’  during lunar and solar eclipse, earthquake, storms or thunder? Answer: Performing Prayers of Ayaat during lunar and solar eclipse is due to two main reasons:  (1) Usually the Sun, Moon and their working are astonishing for man. The shining (golden) rays of the sun give life to all the animals and plants. The moon moves according to its accurate and disciplined way and with its first ...

The Blackened Heart is Immune to Advice and Counsel

The Blackened Heart is Immune to Advice and Counsel
  . Excessive Sins Destroy the Faith (Belief) Whatever has been mentioned in the discussion of intercession states that intercession comes to the rescue when the person concerned has died with correct belief. It happens, sometimes that, due to excessive involvement in sins and delay in repentance, faith in religion is erased from the heart. Subsequently he enters the limit of doubt and reaches the point of denial (Kufr). At this time if he ...

Various phases of the Deeds of the Imams

Various phases of the Deeds of the Imams
The activities of all Imams are one and the same. According to their circumstances and the demand of that particular time they acted accordingly. So we can not frame them in the terms presently known to us such as ‘radicals’, ‘liberals’, ‘exteremists’, ‘modertes’ and so on. Each one adopted a strict policy to avoid any division among the Shias. Likewise, the Prophet (SAW) and Ali Bin Abi Taleb. Of ...

God's Attributes are His Own Essence

God's Attributes are His Own Essence
While researching the hadith of Imam al-Rida (A.S.) in this regard, we come across his treatment of the issue of His Attributes which are none other than a description of His Own Essence, and that it is impossible that they should be anything else. For example, al-Husayn ibn Khalid said, "I heard al-Rida (A.S.) saying, "God has always been Knowing, omni-Potent, Living, Eternal, Hearing, Seeing,' so I said to him, `O son of the Messenger of God ...

The Islamic Approach to the Modern Sciences

The Islamic Approach to the Modern Sciences
By: Ibrahim B. Syed, PhDPresident: Islamic Research Foundation International, Inc., 7102 W. Shefford Lane, Louisville, KY 40242-6462, U.S.A.IntroductionThe Qur'an is a book of guidance; among its several names is Kitab al-Hikmah or the Book of Wisdom. The verses of the Qur’an are called ayath (signs), just as are the phenomena of nature: both speak forth the presence and worship of Allah. We shall show them Our portents on the horizon and ...

How I Found the Right Path

How I Found the Right Path
In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most MercifulHow did I, a Sunni following Hanafi fiqh, come to find and embrace the Right Path of Ahl ul-Bayt? All Praise and all Thanks are for Allah (Subhana wa ta’la) who in His Mercy and Compassion guided me toward the truth.My journey began when, on starting a new job, I first met a follower of Ahl ul-Bayt. Up until that time, I knew little about those who were called Shi'as - except what I ...

Fasting - A Body/Mind/Spirit Healing

Fasting - A Body/Mind/Spirit Healing
Allah the Almighty says in the Qur’an: “And seek (Allah’s) assistance with Patience and Prayer; and truly it is extremely heavy and hard except for those with full submission. Who are certain that they are going to meet their Lord and that unto Him they are going to return.” 2:45-46Numerous Prophetic traditions interpreted the ‘Patience’ in the Ayah as ‘fasting,’ which means fasting is the very ...

What the youth need part 2

What the youth need part 2
  Question 19 Narcotics…the beast that kills man and destroys families and society. They have spread everywhere and their target is our youth. Colonialism, Zionism, and their secret gangs in our countries are behind this. We want you to discuss this dangerous subject. I am twenty years old. My sister has died because of an injection (of narcotics), my father is in prison because of narcotics trade, and my elder brother is a drug addict. My ...

Monotheism According to the School of Ahlul-Bait

Monotheism According to the School of Ahlul-Bait
Imam Ali (a.s.) in Nahjul-Balagha says: The foremost in religion is the knowing of Him, the perfection of knowing Him is to believe in His Oneness, and the perfection of believing in His Oneness is to be sincere to Him."(46) Belief in Allah, the One, and the Only, to Whom all the attributes of perfectness are ascribed and Who is above all the attributes of imperfection, is the main ...

Origins of Wahabi thought

Origins of Wahabi thought
The Wahabi sect has two basic tenets, a declared tenet and a hidden one. The declared tenet is commitment to divine unity and opposition to idolatry and paganism. But as we shall see later, this commitment is not confirmed by the actual history of the Wahabi.The hidden tenet is sowing the seeds of schism, discord, conflict and war among Muslims to serve the goals of foreign domination. This is the real purpose which the Wahabia has sought to ...

The Stages of the Stations of the People of Suluk

The Stages of the Stations of the People of Suluk
Know that there are for the people of suluk, in this station (i.e. paying attention to the humility of servitude and the Glory of His Lordship) and other stations, countless stages and degrees, only to a few of which we can generally refer, since comprehensively knowing all their aspects and counting all the stages are beyond the capacity of this humble creature: "The ways to Allah are as numerous as the breaths of the creatures". [24] One of ...

How are Prophets chosen?

How are Prophets chosen?
What are the Prophets\' responsibilities towards God? What is the social, cultural and intellectual background in which the Prophets appear? To answer these questions, we analyze the following statements of the first Sermon of the Nahj-ul-Balagha. „From his progeny (Adam), God chose (istafa) Prophets and took their pledge for His revelation and for carrying His message as their trust."Istafa (to choose the best) is a very important and ...

The Holy Prophet's Marriage with Hadrat Khadija

 The Holy Prophet's Marriage with Hadrat Khadija
By:Ali KhalfanOne of the specific challenges in the Qur'an to prove its miraculous nature is the position of the recipient of the revelation, prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).In one of the verses, Allah commands the prophet to say to his people that before the revelation, he lived a lifetime among them. During this time, he had not received any formal education; nor did he write even a single line of poetry or read anything. Muhammad was an ...

Learning and acting upon the words of the Imam (pbuh)

Learning and acting upon the words of the Imam (pbuh)
Those living in expectation should learn and submit to the instructions of Ahl al-Bait (PBUT) and act upon their commands, which are available to us in the form of Hadith. This can only be achieved if we study the traditions of Ahl al- Bait (PBUT) on a regular basis and submit to their words. Abu Hamza al- Thumali narrated:Imam al-Sajjad (PBUH) said, "Surely, the religion of Allah shall not be intercepted by the deficient intellects, false ...

The Meaning of `Test' in Relation to God

The Meaning of `Test' in Relation to God
The clause, "That He might try you..." (quoted in the tradition) refers to the utterance of God Almighty: Blessed is He in Whose hand is the Kingdom and Who is powerful over everything, Who created death and life, that He might try you which of you is fairest in works. (67: 1-2) The muhaqqiq al-Majlisi, may God sanctify his soul, says: "This noble verse (which refers to the `creation' of death) indicates that death is something which has ...

Fear Allah and give and do not fear stinginess from Allah

Fear Allah and give and do not fear stinginess from Allah
Al-Bazanti, who is one of the famous narrators of traditions and has a great personality and high rank, says, ‘I have read the letter of Imam ar-Redha (s) to his son Imam al-Jawad (s) which he had written from Marw to Medina saying in it: ‘O Abu Ja’far, I have been informed that when you ride your sumpter, the Mawali[1] make you go out from the small gate of the garden. It is because of stinginess in them lest no one (of people) may get ...

To Persist in Lesser Sins is Equivalent to Committing a Greater Sin

To Persist in Lesser Sins is Equivalent to Committing a Greater Sin
1) All those sins are Greater which have been specifically termed as Greater in the Holy Qur'an and the traditions. The number of such sins exceeds forty and they all have been explained in the traditions of the Holy Ahlul Bayt (a.s.). The explanation of these traditions will follow later.   2) All those sins are Greater about which the Qur'an and Hadith explicitly state that those who commit these sins will enter Hell. Or if it is not ...