Saturday 28th of September 2024
Kalam and Beliefs
ارسال پرسش جدید

Affirmation of the Previous Section

Affirmation of the Previous Section
Affirmation of the Previous Section Much of the argument of Shi'ism concerning the succession to the Prophet rests on the belief that during the last days of his illness the Prophet in the presence of some of his companions asked for some paper and ink[20] so that something could be written which, if obeyed by the Muslims, would prevent them from going astray. Some of those present considered the Prophet to be too ill to be able to dictate ...

Cause is Not Independent

Cause is Not Independent
When causes that would fulfill needs or desires appear, man becomes happy and he believes in the Might of Allah. But when these causes fail to have any effect he becomes sorrowful. In order to avoid such a situation Allah has laid down a procedure. Firstly he renders the causes ineffective so that the believer may not consider these to be originally having the effective properties. On the other hand he creates the factors which were hereto ...

Qur`anic Expressions About the Philosophy of Morality

Qur`anic Expressions About the Philosophy of Morality
So far, we have explained the theory of Islam in the philosophy of morality and values with the most simple rational expressions which were possible for us. Now we cite some examples of Qur`anic expressions concerning the principles of this theory:In Suratush-Shams (Surah 91 of the Holy Qur`an) in the wake of a number of ayat in which the Almighty Allah swears by the sun, by the moon, by the night, by the day and the like, He says:  “And ...

They are deficient. Do not think that they shall be raised again, for a mighty day

They are deficient. Do not think that they shall be raised again, for a mighty day
The twenty-fourth Greater Sin is short weighing or cheating in business. This is recorded in the Holy Quran and the tradition of Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) as related by Amash and the tradition of Imam Reza (a.s.) as reported by Fazl Ibne Shazaan. Imam (a.s.) says: "Decreasing (fraudulently) in measure and weight." (is also a Greater Sin). It is haraam for a seller to give less than the specified quantity or for the debtor to repay less than ...

Objects of Gambling and Laying of Bets

Objects of Gambling and Laying of Bets
If a sane adult person, knowing that liquor is Haraam, consumes even a drop of it of his own accord and later confesses to it or is seen in the act of drinking by two just witnesses who testify, the Judge is obliged to award punishment to him.   However punishment cannot be awarded under the following conditions: If the individual who drinks it is a child, or an insane person, or one who is unaware of its prohibition, or one drinks it by ...

The Prophet’s emigration to Yathrib

The Prophet’s emigration to Yathrib
The Prophet (a.s.) was assured as to the homage of the Ansar and he trusted in their loyalty to him and their devotedness in defending the Islamic mission. Yathrib became inaccessible fort of Islam. Many believers emigrated to it and found protection, security, and comfort there. The Prophet (a.s.) decided to emigrate to it and this was one of the most important events in the history of Islam. It was the blessed beginning of the establishment of ...

Type of marriag

Type of marriag
MUT`AH: TEMPORARY MARRIAGE It is a woman marrying a man according to an agreed upon dower and for a pre-determined period of time stated in a marriage contract which incorporates all the conditions of a marriage regarded by the Shari`ah as sound. Its format is that a woman says the following to the man after they both agree and accept the dower and the period of time: "I married you to myself on such-and-such a dower and for the known period of ...

Friendship and Enmity to him

Friendship and Enmity to him
Reports of Friendship to him, Peace be on him, Being a Sign of Good Birth and Enmity to him, Being a Sign of Disgraceful Birth. [Abu al-Jaysh al-Muzaffar b. Muhammad al-Balkhi informed me: Abu Bakr Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Abi al-Thalj told us: Ja'far b. Muhammad al-'Alawi' told us: Ahmad b. 'Abd al-Mun'im told us: 'Abd Allah b. Muhammad al-Fazari told us on the authority of Ja'far b. Muhammad, on the authority of his father, peace be on them, on ...

Sincerity, Certitude and Trust in God (1)

Sincerity, Certitude and Trust in God (1)
1 - MoralsAllah, the Wise, has said:(And certainly, you stand on sublime morality.Holy Qur'an,ch. Al-Qalam,verse.4. )The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:I have been sent (as a Prophet) to perfect the morals.)Short ExplanationFor man, good morals bring grace and elegance in this world, and relief and happiness in the hereafter. They elevate a person's status in proximity to God and aid him in order that his Scales of deeds become weightier on the Day ...

'False words' imply sin and false testimony

'False words' imply sin and false testimony
From the traditions quoted above it becomes clear that whenever the term 'false words' etc. occurs in Quran it implies 'lying.' Similar verses have been quoted in the chapter of music and songs. Hence some traditions state that 'false words' refers to music or songs. Actually the word 'false' stands for every evil, wrong and undesirable thing. Music, songs and lies head the list of these things. Punishment of hell for the false witness Hazrat ...

Major Resurrection - The day of Reckoning

Major Resurrection - The day of Reckoning
"Nay, I swear by the Day of Resurrection." Quran (75:1)Believing in this day is one of the foundations of the Islamic faith. The Noble Quran makes very many references to it. All the prophets of Allah reminded their peoples about this monumental day. Disbelievers normally deny the day of resurrection, claming that their existence in this temporal life is purposeless. It is only the time (age) which turns a newborn to a young and then to an elder ...

Bereft of Divine Mercy

Bereft of Divine Mercy
  Death Due to Qat-e-Rahmi A companion of Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) complained about the ill-treatment given to him by his relatives, "My own brother as well as my paternal cousins are harassing me. They have snatched the house that rightfully belonged to me and have given me only a room to live in. If I complain to the government, I shall be able to recover all my property. Imam (a.s.) said, "Be patient, everything will be ...

What Is Piety (Taqwa)

What Is Piety (Taqwa)
The word Taqwa or piety (to fear Allah and to guard against evil) is frequently used by laymen and experts and recommended by one group or the other. But what does it really mean? Each group has a special meaning of piety in mind. To clarify its meaning, we need to discuss the views of the lexicographers and scholars as well as those of Ahl al-Bayt and some of the mystics. Allamah Tarihi, may his soul rest in peace, has said that Taqwa in the ...

Free Will

Free Will
The proponent of this school say that man is automatically aware that he possesses freedom in his actions; he can decide as he wishes and fashion his own fate in accordance with his own will and inclinations. The existence that decrees responsibility for man, the regret man feels for certain acts he commits, the punishments the law provides for criminals, the deeds men accomplish in order to change the course of history, the foundation of ...

Islamic sources in order to set the major criteria

Islamic sources in order to set the major criteria
Terrorism is a term that has been much bandied about in recent times in the world media. This paper was presented by the author, who is Director of the International Relations Department of the I.P.O., at the International Conference on Terrorism called by the Organization of the Islamic Conference, Geneva, from June 22-26, 1987. It is an attempt to define terrorism and to put it in a broad perspective. Resolution 20/5-P (1.5) of the Fifth ...

The Worst Deed in the Eyes of Allah

The Worst Deed in the Eyes of Allah
  Single Action, Multiple Rewards Hazrat Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said, "What prevents you from serving your parents in their life and death? The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) remarks about the goodness to parents after death. "Perform their 'namaz' (if some wajib prayers have been omitted by them, the eldest son should perform them himself, or have them fulfilled by someone else on payment. However, if no wajib prayer is remaining upon them, ...

Favour to God

Favour to God
Muhammad ibn Ya\'qub (al-Kulayni) from \'Ali ibn Ibrahim, from his father, from \'Ali ibn Asbat, from Ahmad ibn \'Umar al-Hallal, from \'Ali ibn Suwayd from Abu al-Hasan (Al-Imam al-Rida [A]): Says \'Ali ibn Suwayd that he asked Abu al-Hasan (A) about the \'Ujb (self-conceit, vanity) that vitiates the quality of human deeds. Said the Imam (A), \"There are several levels of \'ujb, one of them is when one\'s bad qualities appear to him as good; he ...

Traditions from the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.)

Traditions from the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.)
As for his traditions from the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family, they sometimes concern Islamic jurisprudence. The encyclopedias of jurisprudence and traditions have mentioned them. They sometimes concern behavior and morals. Some of them also concern the outstanding merits and obligatory love of the pure family (of the Prophet). The following are some of the Ima`m's traditions from the Prophet: 1. The Ima`m, peace be on him, ...

Moral conduct is a mood arousing good behavior

Moral conduct is a mood arousing good behavior
Moral conduct is a mood arousing good behavior with others by showing happy mien, nice wording, and kind manners. As he was asked about the limit of moral conduct, Imam as-Sadiq (a) answered: “It is to be modest, speak honorably, and meet your brother cheerfully." One of the expectations that every judicious individual exerts efforts for achieving is to have an attractive personality. It is surely a noble aim that cannot be attained by ...

Allah's sight are those who disbelieve

Allah's sight are those who disbelieve
The twenty-first of the Greater sins is 'Breaking of a promise.' There are authentic traditions to this effect from Abdul Azeem where he quotes that Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has proved it to be a Greater sin with the help of the following verse of Holy Quran:  "And those who break the covenant of Allah after its confirmation and cut asunder that which Allah has ordered to be joined and make mischief in the land; (as for) those, upon them ...