Saturday 28th of September 2024
Kalam and Beliefs
ارسال پرسش جدید

Become dry be repeating endless invocations

Become dry be repeating endless invocations
  The traditions regarding this subject are based on two important points. The first is concerned with 'Shia' and the second 'Mohibs' (Admirers) of the Holy Ahlul Bayt (a.s.). The position and status of those Shias who have achieved excellence in the field of knowledge and good deeds is definitely higher. Even so, such people did not consider themselves fit to be called the Shias of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.). Take the example of Muhammad bin Muslim ...

An Introduction to 'Ilm al-Kalam

An Introduction to 'Ilm al-Kalam
This long article is a part of Martyr Murtada Mutahhari's book Ashna'i ba 'ulum-e Islami (An Introduction to the Islamic Sciences). The book consists of seven parts: (1) logic (2) philosophy (3) al-kalam (Muslim scholastic philosophy) (4) 'irfan (Islamic mysticism) (5) usul-e fiqh (the principles of jurisprudence) (6) fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) (7) hikmat-e 'amali' (practical philosophy or practical morality). All the seven parts together ...

The Primality of the Life Principle

The Primality of the Life Principle
Science says it is life that creates life. The life of animate beings is possible only by means of generation procreation and the reproduction of species. No single cell has yet been discovered that was born from lifeless matter. Even the lowest forms of living being such as fungi and parasites cannot come into existence and grow unless a cause that itself partakes of life is to be found in its environment. According to the testimony of science ...

No extravagance in charitable acts

No extravagance in charitable acts
The life of this world: Our passage from this world to the Hereafter is called “life”. The life in this world means the period , the length or portion of time between birth and death. Time is here never resting. There are many amusements in this world. Life of this world is a business bargain, an inevitable battle, a long series of tests, a part of Pilgrimage, an opportunity of service. Never-resting time : The life in this world ...

Feats and extraordinary deeds

Feats and extraordinary deeds
There are many fields of study dealing with various awe-striking feats and extraordinary deeds; and it is very difficult to classify them so as not to leave anything out. However, we give here a list of the more commonly used branches of this art. a) as-Simiya: It deals with the ways of combining the will-power with particular physical and material forces for manipulating the natural order and, thus, producing extraordinary effects. Under this ...

Some people are polluted with a variety of sins and they are still hopeful of Allah’s Mercy

Some people are polluted with a variety of sins and they are still hopeful of Allah’s Mercy
Hope of Allah’s Mercy, at the same time as continuous wrongdoing and leaving duties, is actually deluding oneself and is an erroneous hope. Imam ¯¡diq (a.s) was said: “Some people are polluted with a variety of sins and they are still hopeful of Allah’s Mercy. They continue wrongdoing until their death.” He (a.s) answered: هَؤُلاءِ قَوْمٌ يَتَرَجَّحُونَ فِي الأمَانِيِّ، كَذِبُوا، ...

Pure and sound in mind and soul

Pure and sound in mind and soul
Every human being comes to this world pure and sound in mind and soul. Stinginess, envy, hypocrisy, transgression and debauchery are not natural aspects of man, they are accidentals, coming to man because of a series of educational and social factors or because of the effects of friendships or the like. The Prophet (s) said, “Everyone is born with (human) nature, but his parents either make him Jewish or Christian (change his natural ...


Sources for this chapter: The Holy Quran, English Commentary, Yusuf Ali. The Holy Quran, English Commentary, Mir Ahmad Ali. Al‑Ghadeer, Al‑Amini. Al‑Muraja'at, S. Sharafud'din. References: Virtually all references in this chapter are taken from authors of Hanafi, Shafi'i, Maaliki or Hanbali persuasion: Al‑Qandoozi, Ibn Khallikan, Al‑Tha'labi, Al‑Tibari, Al‑Razi, Al‑Neisapoori, Al‑Haakim, Al‑Haskani, Ibn Hajar, ...

When My servants ask you concerning Me

When My servants ask you concerning Me
186. " When My servants ask you concerning Me, then (say unto them:) verily I am nigh: I answer the prayer of every supplicant when he calls on Me; so (they should) hearken unto My call, and believe in Me, in order that they may be led aright." Occasion of Revelation Once someone asked the holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.) whether Allah was near so that they could whisper to Him or He was far so that they would speak to Him loudly. Then, the above verse ...

Liquor is the root of all evils

Liquor is the root of all evils
    Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said:"One who is addicted to wine (liquor) will meet the Lord (on the appointed day) like an idol worshipper." Another tradition says that, On the day of meeting of the Lord, the drunkard will be counted among the disbelievers."(Wasaelush Shia, chapter of prohibited drinks ) Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) has said, "Disobedience to the order of Allah is mostly due to alcoholism. The ...

On the Signs or Soundness or Conviction

On the Signs or Soundness or Conviction
In this noble tradition two things are considered the signs of the soundness of one's conviction. First, that one should not seek the pleasure of the people at the cost of God's displeasure and wrath. Second, one should not blame people for what God has not given them. These two are the fruits of perfect conviction, and their opposite qualities are due to the weakness of conviction and an ailing faith. In these pages, whenever appropriate, we ...

Gambling Causes Voluptuousness and Sensuality

Gambling Causes Voluptuousness and Sensuality
Wine Contains No Cure Ibne abi Yazoor told Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.): I am suffering from a disease. When the pain intensifies I drink some wine of grapes and the pain subsides. Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said, "Do not drink. It is Haraam; it is nothing but Shaitan who is preying upon you to involve you in sins. When he loses all hope of making you drink he will leave you." Ibne abi Yazoor returned to his native place, Kufa. He was in ...

Identifying and recognising Nasibi ideology

Identifying and recognising Nasibi ideology
Several authoritative Sunni works are being relied on for this section.Al Muhaddith Shah Abdul Aziz states in "Taufa Ithna Ashari" states:"Marwan was a Nasibi and was in fact its leader".Taufa Ithna Ashari" page 95 Chapter 2 paragraph number 74, by Al Muhaddith Shah 'Abdul Aziz DehlaviMaulana Sayyid Lal Shah Bukhari attributes a different name as the actual Imam of the Nasibis, he writes:"The founder of Nasibi ideology was Mu'awiya"."Isthakhlaaf ...

Khadijah and Ali the first Muslims

Khadijah and Ali the first Muslims
All historians say that Khadijah was the first one who believed in Islam and embraced the mission that Allah had revealed to His slave and messenger Muhammad (a.s.) and then Ali Ameerul Mo'minin (a.s.). Imam Ali (a.s.) said, ‘…and there was no house, then, that gathered in Islam save the messenger of Allah (a.s.), Khadijah, and me the third of them.’ Ibn Abbas said, ‘Ali was the first one who believed (in Islam) from among people after ...

Abu Hanifa had to ask forgiveness for Shirk, Kufr and various evil acts

Abu Hanifa had to ask forgiveness for Shirk, Kufr and various evil acts
In the same book we read: Abu Hanifa was attending a gathering a meeting of Esa bin Muslim, Abu Hanifa said that the Quran is a creation, Esa said remove him from here if he repents fine else kill him Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 378 In the past Ahlul Sunnah had debates over whether the Quran is outdated; whoever said it was created was a Kaffir in Baghdad page 378 we are told that the first to hold this aqeedah was Abu Hanifa. In Baghdad ...

The burden of Khayanat and the Day of Judgement

The burden of Khayanat and the Day of Judgement
  The burden of Khayanat and the Day of Judgement   The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) has said, "Beware! One should not commit Khayanat of even one camel! Otherwise, he will be summoned on the Day of Qiyamat riding the same camel and bleating like a camel. Beware! One should not commit Khayanat of even one horse! Otherwise he will be summoned on the Day of Qiyamat riding the same horse and neighing like a horse. He will be calling me for ...

Islam Advocates Justice

 Islam Advocates Justice
      According to the Islamic outlook, the whole world is a reality based on equity and justice. The heavens and the earth have been set up on this very basis. Everything in the world is calculated and planned.   Text :   According to the Islamic outlook, the whole world is a reality based on equity and justice. The heavens and the earth have been set up on this very basis. Everything in the world is ...

O fire! be coolness and peace to Ibrahim

O fire! be coolness and peace to Ibrahim
It must be understood that Riyah of a person depends upon his intention. In other words all such actions which a person performs to show off are Riyah whether those actions are related to the hereafter or this world. In all types of actions related above, riyah is not committed till one has the intention to show-off. But if one performs an action solely for the pleasure of Allah it is worship. For example if one dresses up nicely or decorates ...

The great masses of human beings

 The great masses of human beings
When the messenger of Allah (a.s.) ordered his companions to emigrate, he said to them, “Go to Abyssinia, for there is in it a king that no one is treated unjustly near him at all.” He did not give them passports, nor did he requested for them visas from the government of Abyssinia, nor were they forced to change the currency that was available there. All that was not known or followed at that time, but the land of Allah was vast when ...

Affirmation of the Previous Section

Affirmation of the Previous Section
Affirmation of the Previous Section Much of the argument of Shi'ism concerning the succession to the Prophet rests on the belief that during the last days of his illness the Prophet in the presence of some of his companions asked for some paper and ink[20] so that something could be written which, if obeyed by the Muslims, would prevent them from going astray. Some of those present considered the Prophet to be too ill to be able to dictate ...