Friday 27th of September 2024
Kalam and Beliefs
ارسال پرسش جدید

One Must Strive for the Hereafter

One Must Strive for the Hereafter
Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said, "A believer is always between two fears. One is the fear of his past sins, (so) he does not know as to how Allah would deal with him. Secondly he fears until the end of his life and does not know the sins that might be committed by him, causing his destruction. The believer does not forgo his fear for his whole life, and his affairs do not improve without fear." (Al Kafi) One Must Strive for the Hereafter We ...

Evil or will be able to prevent at least one sinful ritual or system

Evil or will be able to prevent at least one sinful ritual or system
  ' Accepting employment under a tyrant ruler becomes wajib in one condition At times it is Wajib to accept rulership or a post in government. A person should do so only when he is confident that if he assumes the post he will be able to uproot a great evil or will be able to prevent at least one sinful ritual or system. But such a situation is rare because it depends on personal confidence, that after one assumes authority, one will never ...

More About God

More About God
  1. The Eternal Need For God  Examine the following examples, and then you will realize the extent to which the creatures of this world show the presence of a Creator.  How do those who construct airplanes work together to produce a plane? These specialized engineers assemble the body sections in a specific manner according to exact equations so that the plane may fly, carrying passengers and cargo. Of course, the work of the ...

Doubt is a very big disease

Doubt is a very big disease
The meaning of doubt is to be or not to being existing of a thing. In the same way some-thing is to be correct (right) or to be uncorrect (wrong). The possibility of both is of 50-50 percent in the mind. If both the possibilities of yes or no, we put in each pan of a scale, then there can be three possibilities. Either both are of same weight and equal or anyone pan can be more heavy or in one pan there may be weight, but the other pan may be ...

Intrigue of Takfir

Intrigue of Takfir
Author: Molabakhsh Mobaraki (director of Darul Uloom seminary, Ahoran Chanf)   Abstract Intrigue of Takfir (excommunication) is one of the painful ordeals of the world. It is over many years that some people kill the Muslim in the name of Islam and engender fear and horror of Islam in the heart of non-Muslims. The phenomenon of Takfir should be studied in some stages: 1- Takfir since establishment of Tasbit 2- Current Takfiri ...

Stagnation and backwardness may coexist with religiousbelief

Stagnation and backwardness may coexist with religiousbelief
There are also people who regard belief in a reality beyond nature as to be the product of economic factors. They make strenuous efforts to establish some connection between religion and economics. They claim that religion has always been in the service of imperialism and exploitation and that it was the invention of the ruling, exploiting class as a means for breaking the resistance of the exploited masses. Religion has been used, they claim, ...

Monotheism (Advantage of Discussion about the Outlook on Universe)

Monotheism (Advantage of Discussion about the Outlook on Universe)
This article is divided into four parts, giving details about the Monotheism and importance of this discussion.1. Monotheism (Advantage of Discussion about the Outlook on Universe)2. Monotheism the First Principle of Divine Outlook on Universe3. Monotheism (What is Natural Disposition?)4. Monotheism (Is Obedience a Negation of Man’s Freedom?)We all have heard the word "Outlook on Universe" which means a complete enunciation of life.Some ...

Who is a real Shi‘ah?

Who is a real Shi‘ah?
We find many people in the world who claim to hold certain beliefs but do not act upon their professed convictions at all. These people are not steadfast in their beliefs. They claim to belong to a certain religious group, but are not faithful to the basic teachings of the religious sect they profess. They may not even know much about the fundamental beliefs of their own religious order. They sometimes even go so far as to trample the basic ...

Outward Piety (Riyah) is the Lesser Shirk

Outward Piety (Riyah) is the Lesser Shirk
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, "Certainly what I fear for you most is the lesser shirk." Someone enquired, "O Prophet (s.a.w.s.), what is meant by lesser shirk?" He replied, "It is Riyah when Allah would reward His creatures for their deeds on the Day of Judgement He would address those who committed Riyah thus, 'you approach those, to please whom you had performed all the deeds in the world. And obtain your rewards for your deeds from ...

The Last Message & The Last Prophet

The Last Message & The Last Prophet
1. Muhammad, the Last Prophet Islam, from the very beginning, has said that it is the last divine message to mankind, the final manifestation of revelation and prophethood, and the culmination of the previous revealed religions. The Muslims believe that the Prophet of Islam is the last Messenger of God, and that the Qur'ān is the final revelation of God.  The Qur'ān has explained the universality of Islam and has shown that Muhammad (peace ...

Proving the Legitimace of Visiting the Prophet's Shrine

Proving the Legitimace of Visiting the Prophet's Shrine
There are four evidences showing the legitimacy and the merits of visiting the tomb of the Prophet (s), as it is recorded in the book titled Kashf ul-Irtiyab p. 362-372:The First Evidence:The first evidence is found in the Holy Qur'an. Allah says,"And had they, when they were unjust to themselves, come to you and asked forgiveness of Allah and the Apostle had (also) asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah Oft-Returning (to ...

Abu Hanifa's fatwa that Prophet Hadith should be rubbed out with a pigs tail (God forbid)

Abu Hanifa's fatwa that Prophet Hadith should be rubbed out with a pigs tail (God forbid)
n Tarikh Baghdad we read: "Abu Isaac al Firowzi states that he was a student of Abu Hanifa I posed a question he answered, but I countered this with a Hadith, he said that you should rub this Hadith with a pigs tail". Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 387 Further on we read: "Yusuf bi Asbaat states Abu Hanifa rejected 400 Prophetic traditions" Tarikh Baghdad Volume 13 page 390 On the same page we read that: When the Prophet would proceed on a ...

How to Send Greetings to Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)?

 How to Send Greetings to Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)?
When sending greetings to Prophet Muhammad, · some say: Peace be upon him (PBUH) · others say: Peace be upon him and his family (S.A.W.) · some others say are more generous and say: Peace be upon him and his family (Aalihi) and his wives (wa Azwajihi) and all his companions (wa Sahbihi Ajma'een). Now let us see how the Prophet himself thought us to send blessing for him: The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) said, "Do not salute for me in ...

Day of Judgement (Qiyamat)

Day of Judgement  (Qiyamat)
Allah has placed love in the nature of every human being.  Man loves Absolute Comfort, such Absolute Comfort which does not have any sorrow.  Now it has to be seen whether such joy and comfort can be found in this world, or is there any such person who has found such comfort.         Whatever pleasure and joys there are in this world also have hardships along with them.  Thus, with happiness there is sorrow, with health there is ...

Conduct of the Prophets

Conduct of the Prophets
When Allah told Prophet Musa that he was His Prophet and the leader of his people, the first thing he desired from Allah was that he should be endowed with a generous heart, high-spirited soul, patience, steadfastness and courage. The Holy Qur'an says: O He said, 'O my Lord! Enlarge my breast, and make my mission easy. (Surah Ta Ha, 20:25) What strength is that which can withstand scoffings, taunts, disgrace, subversion and unreasonable ...


Tawhid (Arabic: تَوحيد, monotheism) is the belief that there is only one God. It is the most basic and central belief, and the most important slogan, in Islam. The first doctrine that the Prophet (s) taught people was monotheism expressed with the slogan: "La Ilah Illa Allah" (Arabic: لا إله إلّا ألله, There is no god except Allah). All ideological, moral and jurisprudential (fiqh) doctrines of Islam go back to Tawhid. Every ...

Knowledge is not extensive learning

Knowledge is not extensive learning
Every soul that establishes a connection with the higher realm of malakut and the angelic sphere, receives such inspirations as are angelic in character and the knowledge that is cast into it is true knowledge from the angelic realm. Also, every soul that establishes a connection with the lower malakuti realm, the realm of the jinn, Satan and evil spirits, receives inspirations that are satanic in character of the order of compound ...


The Fifteenth Spurious Argument:IMMODERATIONSome spuriously criticize the Shia for having an over excessive love for the Prophet's family and they diminish the dignity of the Companions because they prefer Imam Ali and his family above all the other Companions.THE ANSWERMany traditions mentioned in Sunni books show that Imam Ali had been preferred above all the other Companions. Prophet Muhammad (s) says: "Of whomsoever I had been guardian, Ali ...

Observance of Rights Part 01

Observance of Rights Part 01
Marriage is the holy legal tie between man and woman through which they share the same life and reciprocate definite rights and obligations. God has passed the law of matrimony so as to keep humankind on this earth and keep the earth constructed and prosperous. “Marry the single people among you and the righteous slaves and slave-girls. If you are poor, Allah will make you rich through His favor; He is Bountiful and All-knowing ...

Man's God-seeking Nature

Man's God-seeking Nature
... Muhammad ibn Ya'qub (al-Kulayni), from Muhammad ibn Yahya, from Ahmad ibn Muhammad, from Ibn Mahbub, from' Ali ibn Ri'ab, from Zurarah, who said: "I asked Abu `Abd Allah (al-'Imam al Sadiq) (A) regarding the words of God, `God's creation (fitrah) upon which He originated mankind' (30:30). The Imam(A) answered: `He originated mankind upon tawhid."'  Exposition: According to lexicographers and exegetes, fatr means creation. According to ...