Friday 27th of September 2024
Kalam and Beliefs
ارسال پرسش جدید

Day of Judgement (Qiyamat)

Day of Judgement  (Qiyamat)
Allah has placed love in the nature of every human being.  Man loves Absolute Comfort, such Absolute Comfort which does not have any sorrow.  Now it has to be seen whether such joy and comfort can be found in this world, or is there any such person who has found such comfort.         Whatever pleasure and joys there are in this world also have hardships along with them.  Thus, with happiness there is sorrow, with health there is ...

Conduct of the Prophets

Conduct of the Prophets
When Allah told Prophet Musa that he was His Prophet and the leader of his people, the first thing he desired from Allah was that he should be endowed with a generous heart, high-spirited soul, patience, steadfastness and courage. The Holy Qur'an says: O He said, 'O my Lord! Enlarge my breast, and make my mission easy. (Surah Ta Ha, 20:25) What strength is that which can withstand scoffings, taunts, disgrace, subversion and unreasonable ...


Tawhid (Arabic: تَوحيد, monotheism) is the belief that there is only one God. It is the most basic and central belief, and the most important slogan, in Islam. The first doctrine that the Prophet (s) taught people was monotheism expressed with the slogan: "La Ilah Illa Allah" (Arabic: لا إله إلّا ألله, There is no god except Allah). All ideological, moral and jurisprudential (fiqh) doctrines of Islam go back to Tawhid. Every ...

Knowledge is not extensive learning

Knowledge is not extensive learning
Every soul that establishes a connection with the higher realm of malakut and the angelic sphere, receives such inspirations as are angelic in character and the knowledge that is cast into it is true knowledge from the angelic realm. Also, every soul that establishes a connection with the lower malakuti realm, the realm of the jinn, Satan and evil spirits, receives inspirations that are satanic in character of the order of compound ...


The Fifteenth Spurious Argument:IMMODERATIONSome spuriously criticize the Shia for having an over excessive love for the Prophet's family and they diminish the dignity of the Companions because they prefer Imam Ali and his family above all the other Companions.THE ANSWERMany traditions mentioned in Sunni books show that Imam Ali had been preferred above all the other Companions. Prophet Muhammad (s) says: "Of whomsoever I had been guardian, Ali ...

Observance of Rights Part 01

Observance of Rights Part 01
Marriage is the holy legal tie between man and woman through which they share the same life and reciprocate definite rights and obligations. God has passed the law of matrimony so as to keep humankind on this earth and keep the earth constructed and prosperous. “Marry the single people among you and the righteous slaves and slave-girls. If you are poor, Allah will make you rich through His favor; He is Bountiful and All-knowing ...

Man's God-seeking Nature

Man's God-seeking Nature
... Muhammad ibn Ya'qub (al-Kulayni), from Muhammad ibn Yahya, from Ahmad ibn Muhammad, from Ibn Mahbub, from' Ali ibn Ri'ab, from Zurarah, who said: "I asked Abu `Abd Allah (al-'Imam al Sadiq) (A) regarding the words of God, `God's creation (fitrah) upon which He originated mankind' (30:30). The Imam(A) answered: `He originated mankind upon tawhid."'  Exposition: According to lexicographers and exegetes, fatr means creation. According to ...

Can the Fabricated Hadith be Recognized

Can the Fabricated Hadith be Recognized
The investigators have stated generalities through which recognizing which hadith being fabricated becomes feasible:Its contradiction to the Qur’an and authentic successive Sunnah or decisive unanimity or determined rules of the Shari’ah, or to the rational proof, or to the senses and conspicuousness and all certainties. Or the hadith’s including temerities in regard of promise and threats, reward and punishment. Or its being ...

Receiving one’s Record from Behind the Back

Receiving one’s Record from Behind the Back
“Then he who is given his Record in his right hand,”‌ “Soon will his account be taken by an easy reckoning,”‌ “And he will turn to his people, rejoicing!" “But he who is given his Record behind his back,”‌ “Soon will he cry for perdition,”‌ “And he will enter a Blazing Fire.”‌ (Al-Inshiqaq: 7 to 12) The Qur’an has talked about people who get their Records with their right or left hands. What does ...

The Principles of Jurisprudence (Usul al-Fiqh)

The Principles of Jurisprudence (Usul al-Fiqh)
     Introduction The subject under consideration here is the 'ilm, or knowledge of the principles of jurisprudence, usul ul fiqh. The two studies of jurisprudence and its principles are interconnected. They are interconnected in the same way, as will become clear, as the two studies of logic and philosophy are interconnected. The study of the principles is tantamount to a preparation to the study of jurisprudence, and it is for this ...

(Disregard of Allah's punishment)

(Disregard of Allah's punishment)
Heedlessness to Allah's Anger and Retribution One of the Greater Sins is a total disregard for Divine punishment. The person is fearless of the unseen retribution and scoffs at the idea of being punished for his actions. He lives blissfully in a world of material comforts and does not realise that he is fettered down by his sins. This is a Greater Sin. The Holy Imams, Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.), Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.) and Imam Reza (a.s.) have ...

Unbelievers will see the Divine Punishment

Unbelievers will see the Divine Punishment
Whereas the questioning in grave will make a believer happy, as it will herald an era of eternal happiness for him, the same questioning will for the faithless turn out to be the start of misfortune and torture. The very arrival of angels will terrorize the unbelievers. It is mentioned in narrations that the frightening angels will threaten the infidels in a terribly harsh tone. Flames will be leaping out from their eyes. Their hair will be very ...

It is not necessary that only those who request for help should be assisted

It is not necessary that only those who request for help should be assisted
The thirtieth sin, which is mentioned as a Greater sin, is 'not helping the oppressed people' and 'not warding off oppression from them'. In the tradition of Amash, Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) says,  "…and not helping the oppressed (is a greater sin)." To defend the oppressed is to help them ward off evil; not performing such a task is shirking a great duty which Allah has made incumbent upon us. Imam Musa al-Kazim (a.s.) says: "If a person ...

Punishment Upon the People of Lut (a.s.)

Punishment Upon the People of Lut (a.s.)
The Holy Quran has described three kinds of punishments that were meted out to the people of Lut (a.s.), one was a terrible scream and shriek, the second was the shower of stones that rained upon them, and the third was that the earth turned upside down. After mentioning the last calamity, it is said in Surah Hud: "Marked (for punishment) with your Lord and it is not far off from the unjust."  (Surah Hud 11:83) This verse is an indication that ...

Every Sin is Pardonable

Every Sin is Pardonable
According to the verse of the Holy Quran and Mutawatir (widely related) traditions all the sins which man commits are pardonable if he repents sincerely. It is wrong to say that such a sin can never be pardoned. The Almighty Allah says in the Glorious Quran, "And He it is who accepts repentance from His servants and pardons the evil deeds and He knows what you do." (Surah Shura 42:25) Allah has mentioned His names as: 1) Tawwabun (one who ...

minor faith, major faith, greater faith

minor faith, major faith, greater faith
On the basis of what has been said above, a devotee, making a spiritual journey has to pass through 12 Worlds before reaching the world of sincerity. The names of these worlds are: minor Islam, major Islam, greater Islam, minor faith, major faith, greater faith, minor emigration, major emigration, greater emigration, minor jihad, major jihad and greater jihad. It is necessary to know the characteristics of these worlds and to be aware of the ...

Bedouin before acquiring the necessary knowledge of religion

Bedouin before acquiring the necessary knowledge of religion
The twenty-eighth sin, which is labelled as a Greater Sin, is to become A'araab (Bedouin, gypsy etc) after Hijrat (migration). It is recorded in Usool-e-Kafi under the chapter of Greater Sins that according to the Sahih of Ibne Mahboob when he wrote a letter to Imam Musa Ibne Ja'far (a.s.) he (a.s.) replied and this sin was included among the Greater Sins. Moreover, Muhammad bin Muslim has quoted Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) and stated that he ...

Third, Relief from Distress

Third, Relief from Distress
Third, Relief from Distress  Human life, whether we like it or not, has its pangs, sorrows, failures, losses, bitterness, and disappointments, as it has its joys, sweetness, achievements and successes.  Many of life’s sorrows can be either prevented or removed though often with great effort.  Obviously, man is obliged to struggle with nature and change the bitterness to sweetness.  Some of the events in the world, though, they cannot be ...

Able to ascend the heights like other groups of people

Able to ascend the heights like other groups of people
  There is hardly any doubt regarding the reality of Shafa'at (intercession). Actually it is the right bestowed upon the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and the purified Imams (a.s.), by Allah, to show their greatness and position. The other aim of intercession is to make their respect evident. The people who have committed Greater Sins shall be entrusted to them. By the grace of their intercession the sinful people will be able to ascend the ...


ATTRIBUTES OF ALLAH Now time has come to explain in short what is our belief concerning God.. It should be apparent by now that there are many attributes which are a MUST for God, while there are others which are beneath His dignity and cannot be found in Him. Therefore, in our faith, the attributes of Allah have been grouped as 'positive' and 'negative'. Sifate Thubutiyyah The positive attributes which are benefitting Allah are Sifate ...