Tuesday 23rd of July 2024
History of Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Prophet’s scribes

The Prophet’s scribes
Though he was an infallible prophet sent by Allah, Prophet Muhammad (a.s.) consulted with his companions about most political and social affairs following the saying of Allah to him (and consult with them upon the matter).[26] Abu Hurayra narrated, “I have never seen anyone more consulting with his companions than the messenger of Allah.”[27] Surely, the Prophet (a.s.) was in no need of anyone’s opinion, but he consulted with his ...

The Entire People are Sahaba

The Entire People are Sahaba
Unanimously, Mohammed's advocacy resulted in establishing the state led by him for about a decade. During this period, he (peace be upon him and his family) planted regulations of the Islamic political system and clarified thoroughly the belief of Islam by applying the total hypotheses that led to propounding the general spirit of Islam. Constitutionally, any government consists of people, a province on which those people settle ...

The Quraysh Clan Chiefs

The Quraysh Clan Chiefs
Their Opposition to Islam The followers of the Holy Prophet Mohammad Al-Mustafa(pbuh&hf) were continually increasing, but whenever a new convert came to him and pledged his or her allegiance, it was more often than not a slave, or a freed slave, or even a member of Quraysh of the outskirts or else a young man or woman from Quraysh of the Hollow, of the influential family but of no influence in themselves, whose conversion would increase tenfold ...

Imam Husain's (AS) Letter to Muawiya, the Emir of Syria

Imam Husain's (AS) Letter to Muawiya, the Emir of Syria
Imam Husain's (AS) Letter to Muawiya, the Emir of Syria Muawiya the son of Abu Sufyan was made the ruler of Syria by the order of the Second Caliph, Umar ibne Khattab. His rule continued till the end of Imam Hasan's (AS) life and ten years of the Imamat of Imam Husain (AS).Kashi, a reliable historian and scholar of Rejal (study of narrators), writes in his book, 'Rejal-e-Kashi' thus "Marwan bin Hakam was the governor of Muawiya in Medina. He ...

The Prophet’s achievements in Medina part 1

The Prophet’s achievements in Medina part 1
The Ansar were very happy with the coming of the messenger of Allah to their town and his taking it as the capital of his state. After the conditions had been orderly in Medina, the Prophet (a.s.) took very important steps such as: Brotherhood among Muslims The first step the Prophet (a.s.) took was that he made the Muhajireen brothers of the Ansar by a tie of true brotherhood that was confirmer than the tie of blood and kinship. From among ...

Questions Relating to Ashura/Karbala (7)

Questions Relating to Ashura/Karbala (7)

The Ka'ba, Mecca

The Ka'ba, Mecca
The Ka'ba (Arabic الكعبة; also spelled al-Ka‘bah or Kaaba) is a small building located within the courtyard of al-Haram Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The Ka'ba is the holiest site in Islam; the Haram Mosque was built around it and because of it. The qibla, the direction Muslims face during prayer, is the direction facing the Ka'ba. The Ka'ba houses the mysterious Black Stone, which was revered in Mecca in pre-Islamic times as well. ...

In the third year of Hijrah they marched with 3,000 well armed solders towards Madinah

 In the third year of Hijrah they marched with 3,000 well armed solders towards Madinah
The fire of vengeance was blindly burning in the hearts of the Makkans for they had met with a crushing defeat at Badr. In the third year of Hijrah they marched with 3,000 well armed solders towards Madinah. The kuffar of Makkah having lost their greatest leaders at Badr chose Abu Sufyaan as their commander, who swore that he would not rest until he had full vengeance on the Muslims. Rasulullah   made mushwarah (consultation) with the Muslims ...

Life History Of Zaynab bint Ali

Life History Of Zaynab bint Ali
Zaynab bint AliFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Zaynab bint Ali (Arabic: زينب بنت علي‎ Also: Zainab, Zeinab, or with the title Sayyeda/Sayyidah meaning "Lady" to show respect) was one of the daughters of the Rashid Caliph and first Shi'i Imam, Ali and his first wife Fatima. The Prophet Muhammad was her maternal grandfather and thus she is a member of ahl al-bayt (the household of the Prophet Muhammad) and is therefore often ...

Muslim and Jewish Calendars

Muslim and Jewish Calendars
THE 1400th year of the hijra caleadar is nearing its end. Since the last two years or more a substantial amount of time, energy and money is being spent of what has come to be known as the commemoration of the end of the 14th century of hijra and the welcome of the 15th. Seminars are being held, articles written, booklets published, postage stamps issued and a lot of trinkets designed, made and sold to honour this occasion. Not even the ruling ...

Why did Imam Ali depose Qays bin Sa'ad as the governor of Egypt?

Why did Imam Ali depose Qays bin Sa'ad as the governor of Egypt?
According to Shia view, why did Imam Ali (AS) remove Qays bin Sa'ad from the government of Egypt? Please explain in detail.Concise answerQays bin Sa'ad bin Ibadah, head of Khazraj clan, was one of the renowned companions. He was a clever man, a skilled manager and one of the close friends of Imam Ali (A.S) fighting alongside him in many battles. Qays remained faithful to Imam Hasan after the demise of the Commander of the Faithful. He served as ...

Battle Of Tabuk

Battle Of Tabuk
In Rajab, the Prophet sent letters and emissaries to the Arab tribes which had entered into Islam in order to invite them to the jihad. This was the Battle of Tabuk, which the Prophet led against the Byzantines and their Arab clients. He wrote to the tribes of Tamim, Ghatafan and Tayy. He also sent a message to `Attab ibn Usayd, his representative in Mecca, to make ready for battle against the Byzantines.When all was ready for the journey, the ...

The Prophet’s recommendations to Imam Ali Part 3

The Prophet’s recommendations to Imam Ali Part 3
  Historians mention that Abdul Melik bin Marwan, the Umayyad king, used to say, “Whoever enjoins on us the fear of Allah we will behead him.” The Prophet (a.s.) added, ‘O ibn Mas’ud, make your hope little; when it is morning, you say: I may not remain alive until the evening, and when it is evening, you say: I may not remain alive until the morning. Get yourself ready for leaving this life, and love the meeting with Allah and do not ...

Prophet Yooshe (a.s.)

Prophet Yooshe (a.s.)
Prophet Yooshe a.s, son of hazrat AFRAIM IBN YUSUF IBN YAQUB IBN IS'HAQ IBN IBRAHIM. Yooshe a.s at the age of 97 became the successor of hazrat Moosa a.He is among the great prophets of humanity. This prophet is from the sons of hazrat AFRAIM IBN YUSUF IBN YAQUB IBN IS'HAQ IBN IBRAHIM. Yooshe a.s in the age of 97 became the successor of hazrat Moosa a.s.Hazrat Yooshe a.s lived for 120 years. He had a broad chest, middle height and spoke Hebrew ...

Precedence to Believing in the Holy Prophet

Precedence to Believing in the Holy Prophet
The great Shafi`ite scholar and jurisprudent, ibn Mughazili in his book “Manaqib” in a commentary on the verse “and the foremost are the foremost” (56:10) writes: Yusha` ibn Nun (Joshua) was the foremost in believing on Moses (a.s), the man of Al-Yasin was the foremost in believing in Jesus (a.s) and `Ali ibn Abi-Talib was the foremost in believing in Muhammad the son of `Abdullah, the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon them ...

The History of Imams from 5th to 10th Centuries

The History of Imams from 5th to 10th Centuries
A very early work entitled Tarikh al-A’immah or Tarikh al-Mawalad wa Wafayat Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) is available. It mentions the dates of birth and martyrdom of the Infallible Imams (‘a) on the authority of Imam Baqir (‘a), Imam Sadiq (‘a), Imam Riza (‘a) and Imam ‘Askara (‘a). This book is variously attributed to Ibn Khashshab, Nasr bin ‘Ala Jahzama, Ahmad bin Muhammad Faryaba and Ibn Aba al-Thalj. Whoever happens to be its author ...

Mention of Hadrat Abu Talib (A.S.) in the Ahadith

Mention of Hadrat Abu Talib (A.S.) in the Ahadith
The Prophet (s), who was the highest example of loyalty, fealty and fairness, would never deny a favor of any one; therefore the death of Abu Talib had left a deep effect upon him. He became so distressed and felt the great gap the absence of his uncle caused.As soon as Imam Ali told him of the bad news of the disaster, his eyes began to flow with tears.After he wiped off his tears, he ordered Ali in a sad voice saying: "Go to wash him, enshroud ...

Arrival of Imam Husayn in Karbala

Arrival of Imam Husayn in Karbala
Arrival of Imam Husayn in Karbala On Thursday, the 2nd of Muharram 61 A.H. Imam Husayn camped at a place in the region of Naynava called Karbala. On the following day Umar bin Sād bin Abi Waqqas Zohari reached there from Kufa with 4000 soldiers and encamped opposite the camp of Imam. Sād belonged to the family of Bani Zohra bin Kilab of the tribe of Quraysh and was a near relative of Lady Amina, mother of the Holy Prophet. Umar's ...

Information to Al-Hurr bin Yazeed ar Riyahi

Information to Al-Hurr bin Yazeed ar Riyahi
(Irshad, Tabari) Then Imam Husain (a.s) started paving the way from Sharaf until afternoon, and while they were proceeding, one of his compan­ions called out “Allaho Akbar.” Imam Husain (a.s) repeated it and asked him the reason for uttering it at that moment. He replied that he saw palm-trees. A group of his companions said, “By Allah! We have never seen palm-trees in this area.” Imam then asked them what they thought, to which they ...

The Qur'an and the Nature of Life

The Qur'an and the Nature of Life
Here we intend to carry out a Qur'anic study of the problem of life to find out the specific viewpoint of the Qur'an about life. In particular, we intend to study the view that the Qur'an takes of the relation between life and the supranatural world and Divine will. The Noble Qur'an recurringly mentions life. In many of its verses, the coming to life of creatures, the different stages of life, the system involved in the creation of living ...