Tuesday 23rd of July 2024
History of Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید


    The relationship between the Caliph and the Imam continued to improve and finally Omar married Om Kulthoum daughter of the Imam. In spite of these improvements history as far as I know does not record any dialogue between the Caliph and the Imam concerning the caliphate. But the Caliph had several dialogues with Abdullah Ibn Abbass (a cousin of the Prophet and the Imam) concerning the disagreement between the Imam and himself. In most of ...

The Systematic Refutation of Neo-Platonism: Al-Ghazali

The Systematic Refutation of Neo-Platonism: Al-Ghazali
III The Systematic Refutation of Neo-Platonism: Al-Ghazali The greatest figure in the history of the Islamic reaction to Neo-Platonism is al-Ghazali, jurist, theologian, philosopher, and mystic. Born in Tus (Khurasan) in 1058, al-Ghazali addressed himself at an early age to the study of jurisprudence (fiqh) with a certain Radhkani, then moved on toJurjan, where he continued his studies with Abu'l-Qasim al-Isma'ili. His greatest teacher, ...

The Asharite school and the Formulation of the Occasionalist Metaphysics of Atoms and accidents

The Asharite school and the Formulation of the Occasionalist Metaphysics of Atoms and accidents
II The Asharite school and the Formulation of the Occasionalist Metaphysics of Atoms and accidents The elaboration of the implication of al-Ashari's new theological outlook was left chiefly to his successors in the tenth and the eleventh centuries. Apart from the substance of their anti-Mutazilite creed, their attention was now centered on two fundamental questions: (1) the nature and limits of rational knowledge in relation to religious truth ...

Ashura - History and Popular Legend

Ashura - History and Popular Legend
All Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the worlds and the Maker of all creation, and may Peace and benedictions be upon His servant and messenger, His beloved and elect, our master, our prophet, and our sire, Abul Qasim Muhammad, may Allah bless him and his pure, immaculate, and infallible Progeny. I seek the refuge of Allah from the accursed Satan: So for their breaking their compact We cursed them and made their hearts hard; they would ...

Yazid Ibn Muawiyah

Yazid Ibn Muawiyah
How on earth can these traditions apply for a beast like Yazid Ibn Muawiyah, who Fought against and mercilessly martyred Imam Husain (A.S), his family and friends Was a transgressor who committed sins publicly and announced his disbelief freely becoming a part of the renowned poems of Ibn al-Zabari, which he (Yazid) recited in joy when the severed head of Imam Husain (A.S) was brought to him.He was the one who ordered Muslim Ibn Aqabah to kill ...

Delivery of the Verses of Renunciation in Mecca

Delivery of the Verses of Renunciation in Mecca
Similar to that is the story of (the document of renunciation (bara'a) which the Prophet, may God bless him and his family, gave to Abu Bakr so that he could abrogate the alliance with the polytheists through it. When he had travelled far away, Gabriel, peace be on him, descended to the Prophet, may God bless him and his family. He told him: "God recites His greeting to you and says to you that the act of renunciation should not be performed for ...

Hazrat Salih (A.S)

Hazrat Salih (A.S)
2953 years after Habut—death 3252The honourable Quran described the life of hazrat Salih a.s in the following manner: We send Salih a.s towards Samud. He said: O People! Worship God, there is no other way besides Almighty. Observe the signs and miracles of God and believe it. I am his prophet and messenger, came to guide you.His language was Arabic and he lived for 280 years and his grave is in Najaf Ashraf ~* The Almighty God stated in ...

Tribal Wars

Tribal Wars
Tribal Wars If a murder occurred among the Arabs, the murderer’s closest relative would be responsible; and since the murderer's family used to support him, a bloody war would be inevitable. These wars would start over minor things and usually lasted for years. An example was the Bas£s War between the two tribes of Ban£-Bakr and Ban£-Taghlib both of whom belonged to Rab¢`ah. This war lasted for forty years. The source of the conflict was ...

Reasons of the failure of the Allies

Reasons of the failure of the Allies
Reasons of the failure of the Allies In addition to the digging of the ditch, several factors contributed to the failure of the troops of the Allies: (1) Disagreement between Ban£-Quray¨ah and the Allies Nu`aym ibn Mas`£d, a member of Gha§af¡n tribe, had recently accepted Islam. Having acquired permission of the Holy Prophet to use deceptive tactics against the enemy,[1] he met with Ban£-Quray¨ah and, pretending to be their friends, ...

The meaning and concept of philosophy in Islam

The meaning and concept of philosophy in Islam
Seyyed Hossein Nasr In the light of the Qur'an and Hadith in both of which the term hikmah has been used,1 Muslim authorities belonging to different schools of thought have sought over the ages to define the meaning of hikmah as well as falsafah, a term which entered Arabic through the Greek translations of the second/eighth and third/ninth centuries. On the one hand what is called philosophy in English must be sought in the context of Islamic ...

Khawajah Nasir al-Din al-Tusi

Khawajah Nasir al-Din al-Tusi
  The present article is the first of two articles written by the author to show the misrepresentation of certain historical facts and to refute groundless accusations against the Shi`ah and in particular the role of the great philosopher, theologian, astronomer and mathematician Khwajah Nasir al-Din al-Tusi. The present article, which appeared in the Persian journal Kayhan-e Andisheh (No. 22), is a study of the allegations regarding the role ...

Hazrat Adam (A.S.)

Hazrat Adam (A.S.)
When the God, the Munificent (extremely liberal in giving, very generous) wished and created the earthly face and body of Adam a.s. and kindled the spirit in it and commanded the angels to prostrate before him in his respect. Iblis a specie of the Jin who by his extreme adoration to God was honoured the status, to worship God in the row of the archangels, He refused to prostrate the Adam a.s. He was the first who went against the wish of ...

Eid-Ul-Adha, Festival of Sacrifice

Eid-Ul-Adha, Festival of Sacrifice
Eid ul-Adha or Festival of Sacrifice is in commemoration of the sacrifices of Abraham and his family. All the other Muslims in the world join the hajjis (pilgrims) in Mecca, in celebrating the Eid ul Adha (Festival of Sacrifice), marking the end of the pilgrimage. On the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah,Muslims around the world wear their nicest clothing and attend a special prayer gathering in the morning. This is followed by a short sermon, after which ...

A Great Sacrifice

A Great Sacrifice
A Great Sacrifice That night, Imam `Al¢ (a.s) replaced the Holy Prophet in bed. The armed forces of Quraysh besieged the Holy Prophet's house. In the morning, they drew their swords and entered the house in a rampage, but they found Imam `Al¢, not the Holy Prophet, in the bed. Realizing that they had been betrayed, they charged against `Al¢. Drawing his sword, he stood opposite against and refused to tell them where the Holy Prophet ...

Hazrat Isa (Jesus)

Hazrat Isa (Jesus)
Hazrat Isa a.s was the light of God and truth. God created him from the soul of the universe. He was an absolute divine favor and entirely clean of all evils. According to the definition of Quran this ethereal personality was the face of the world and hereafter.Isa a.s was among the favorites in the divine sovereignty and in all-accomplished existence he was the absolute soul. The life of hazrat Isa a.s. was very strange and astonishing. His ...

Historical Facts And Ahadith

Historical Facts And Ahadith
1) He states: "Al-Bukhari relates within the narrations and ahadith recorded in the Chapter: "Al-Ilm" (the knowledge that the Prophet (SA) gave 'Ali, his son-in-law, a secret letter and told specifically not to open it, but have the name of the recipient in his mind and hand him over the letter. Who else other than the Prophet could have written the letter while even 'Ali, his son-in-law and his trusted person did not know its content? [37] ...

Letters of the Kufians to the Imam

Letters of the Kufians to the Imam
Letters of the Kufians to the Imam After two days the people of Kufa sent about 150 letters, each of which was from one, two or four men. Most of these letters were brought from Kufa to Makkah by Qays bin Mashar Saidawi, Abdur Rahman bin Abdullah bin Shaddad Arhabi and Ammāra bin Abdullah Saluli. Two more days passed and then the supporters of Kufa sent a letter to the Imam through Hāni bin Hāni Sabi'i and Sa'id bin Abdullah Hanafi. ...

Destiny and Beyond It

Destiny and Beyond It
Husain ibn 'Ali ibn Sadiq al BahraniA Believer’s Conviction is Incomplete without Certain Merits Be informed that you are expected to emulate the Sunnah of your Lord, the most Exalted, the most Great, then the Sunnah of your Prophet (‘s), then the Sunnah of your Imam. Imam al-Rida (‘a) is quoted on p. 241, Vol. 2 of Al-Kafi as having said, ‘A believer does not reach the degree of conviction (iman) until he has acquired three merits: He ...

The Role of Religious Deviations in Karbalā Event

The Role of Religious Deviations in Karbalā Event
The Islamic community in the year the event of Karbalā took place, had greatly differed from that in the last year of Prophet’s life. The trend of deviation has been however gradual, according to many of researchers, the basis thereof was established from the first years after the Prophet’s departure. The foregoing deviations were in such a way that the politicians could avail themselves of them to not only delude the people but also ...


  The History of Mashad Mashad is the capital of Khorasan province in the North East of Iran, 892 km away from Tehran. It is located at the altitude of 985 Meter occupying an area of 204 sq. Km. and has a population of about 1.5 million. Mashad grew from a small village called Sanabad, 24 km away from Tus. After the martyrdom of Imam Ali ibn Musa Al-Ridha and his burial there in 203 AH, the place came to be known as Mashad Al-Ridha. ...