Wednesday 3rd of July 2024
History of Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Phrophet named him Commander of the Faithful

The Phrophet named him Commander of the Faithful
Reports of the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his Family Naming him, Peace be on him, Commander of the Faithful during (the Prophet's) Lifetime. (Abu al-Jaysh Muzaffar b. Muhammad al-Balkhi informed me: Abu Bakr Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Abi al-Thalj informed me: al-Husayn b. Ayyub informed me on the authority of Muhammad b. Ghalib, on the authority of 'Ali b. al-Husayn, on the authority of al-Hasan b. Mahbub, on the authority of Abu Hamza ...

Ammar, the Ally of Makhzum

Ammar, the Ally of Makhzum
The ally of Makhzum was a swarthy person whose nature had been kneaded with musk. He was a tailstatured, squarebuilt and aweinspiring person. He had dark eyes and scanty hair on his head. As has been written by his contemporary narrator 'ZulIdara' he had a few hairs in the front part of his head and a few hairs on its back and that was all. He was a quiet person as if the angels were conversing with him. [Ammar, the Ally of Makhzum] He was a ...

Hadith Unwan al-Basri (حدیث عنوان البصری)

Hadith Unwan al-Basri (حدیث عنوان البصری)
حدیث عنوان البصریIn the Name of AllahInstruction of Imam Sadiq (as) for the wayfarers towards AllahSource Bihar Al-Anwar, vol.1 p.226Al-Sheikhul Baha’i (may the mercy of Allah be upon him) has narrated in his Kashkul    روى الشيخ البهائي (رحمه الله) في كشكولهAl-Sheikh Shamsul Din Muhammad ibn Makki said ‘I have transcribed from the writings of Sheikh Ahmad al-Farahani, (may ...

Martyrdom of Muslim Ibn Aqil in Kufah

Martyrdom of Muslim Ibn Aqil in Kufah
Imam al-Husayn chose Muslim ibn 'Aqil, son of his uncle and the husband of his sister Ruqayyah, to take back the reply to the letters of the people of Kufah.Muslim ibn 'Aqil together with his companions set off for Kufah and arrived there on the 5th Shawwal, 60 A.H. Muslim ibn 'Aqil stayed at the house of Mukhtar ibn Abi 'Ubaydah Thaqafi, better known as the house of Salim ibn Musayyib. In another account given by Tabari, he stayed at the house ...

Abu Sufyan Admits the Greatness of the Holy Prophet

Abu Sufyan Admits the Greatness of the Holy Prophet
Abu Sufyan Admits the Greatness of the Holy Prophet According to Insānul Uyun, Seera-e Nabawiyya, Tarikh-e Tabari and Kāmil Ibn Athir, when the Caesar received the Holy Prophet's letter he became curious and ordered a man from the Hijaz to be found out and brought to him so that he might make investigations about Muhammad. By chance at that time Abu Sufyan and some other Qurayshites had gone to Syria for the purpose of trade. They were ...

Ashura and Prayers

Ashura and Prayers
Al-Husayn (‘a) stood to perform his prayers. It is said that he led the prayers' service before the survivors from among his companions. It was a special prayer called Salat al-khawf, the prayer said by one fearing for his life. In front of him stood Zuhayr Ibn al-Qayn and Sa'id Ibn ‘Abdullah al-Hanafi and half of the surviving companions.36 Other historians say that he and his companions offered their prayers individually.37 Far away it ...

The Night of Destiny

The Night of Destiny
The Night of DestinyThe Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted on page 265, Vol. 3, of al- Amin's work Miftahul Jannat, saying, "Allah has favored Friday over all other days, the month of Ramadan over all other months, and the Night of Destiny (Lailatul-Qadr) over all other nights." And Allah has favored the Holy Qur'an over all other Books which He revealed. Ibrahim, one of the companions of Imam Abu Abdullah al-Sadiq (as), is quoted on p. 25, ...

France’s colonial system kill 8.5 million Algerians

France’s colonial system kill 8.5 million Algerians
The history of Algeria is filled with cruelties to its nation. These innocent people only called for their freedom and shouted: “Long live Algeria.” Although this bitter historical event was very painful, but the French have been committed acts of brutality on May 8, 1945 and killed the people of Algeria. One of the most horrible crime was nuclear tests in the Algerian Sahara! Abdul Hamid Salaghji is one of the prominent Algerian ...

A Critique of Saqifa

A Critique of Saqifa
Muhammad ibn Ishaq, the biographer of the Prophet of Islam, writes in his Seera (Life of the Messenger of God): Umar said: "And lo, they (the Ansar) were trying to cut us off from our origin and wrest authority from us. When he (an Ansari) had finished (his speech), I wanted to speak, for I had prepared a speech in my mind which pleased me much. I wanted to produce it before Abu Bakr and I was trying to soften a certain asperity of his; but ...

A Brief History of Imam Hassan’s Life

 A Brief History of Imam Hassan’s Life
Name: Al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) Mother: Fatimah az-Zahra (a.s.), the daughter of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.).  Kunniyat (Patronymic): Abu Muhammad  Laqab (Title): Al-Sibt al-Kabir (the elder grandson), Al-Mujtaba.  Birth: He was born in Madina in the middle of the month of Ramadhan in 3 A.H.  Martyrdom: He died on the 28th of Safar in the year 50 A.H. He was buried in the graveyard of Baqi in Madina.  A ...

What is Ashura ?

What is Ashura ?
1. Introduction There is no doubt that the atrocities committed at Karbala' reached their brutal climax with the death of al-Husayn as a martyr in the afternoon of 10th Muharram in the year 61. It led to the performance of funeral and remembrance rites by the surviving family at Karbala' and in the houses of the Hashimites in Medina and elsewhere. The savage execution of vengeance, as represented by taking the families of the martyrs into ...

Imam Ali (a.s.) ,First Youth To Accept Islam

Imam Ali (a.s.) ,First Youth To Accept Islam
Ali was born some thirty years after the birth of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). He belonged to the most respectable family of Quraish, the Banu Hashim. His father "Abu Talib" was the real uncle of the Holy Prophet who brought him up after the death of the Holy Prophet’s grandfather. Ali’s mother was Fatima Daughter of Asad, who belonged to Banu Hashim. Ali’s patronymic name was "Abul Hasan".The Holy Prophet gave him another ...

Ashura, Manifestation of Self-Sacrifice and Martyrdom

Ashura, Manifestation of Self-Sacrifice and Martyrdom
Heartfelt condolences to all our listeners on the anniversary of history most bloodcurdling tragedy.  Today is the 10th of Moharram, the Day of Ashura, on which in the year 61 AH, Imam Husain (AS), the grandson of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA), along with his brothers, sons, nephews, and loyal companions, was cruelly martyred in Karbala, beside the River Euphrates, in the state of thirst, by devils in human form. Stay with us for a special ...

The Holy Prophet’s Youth

The Holy Prophet’s Youth
Chapter ThreeThe Holy Prophet’s Youth °ilf al-Fu¤£l °ilf al-Fu¤£l,[1] the most important Qurayshi treaty,[2] was held among some branches of Quraysh tribe, because one of the Ban£-Zubayd tribe had entered Mecca and sold some goods to al-`ª¥ ibn W¡'il of Ban£-Sahm. The goods were delivered to al-`ª¥ ibn W¡'il who refused to pay the price to the seller. A man from Ban£-Zubayd then came to W¡'il to receive his money, but he ...

Woman’s Position in Human History

Woman’s Position in Human History
Haughty tribes and nations which lived without following God's teachings preached by the Prophets and mentioned in the scriptures all suffered from mental deviation regarding humankind and all world affairs. They made wrong judgments about Creation and nearly all creatures. They stated incorrect things based on their wrong impressions and unjust judgments; thus they lived a life full of oppression both to themselves and others. The pages of life ...

From Khilafate to Martyrdom

From Khilafate to Martyrdom
Reports of him about the Event (of his Death) before its Occurrence Reports of him, Peace be on him, Mentioning and Knowing about the Event (of his Death) before its Occurrence. [It is reported on the authority of 'Ali b. al-Mundhir al-Tariqi, on the authority of Abu al-Fadl al-'Abdi, on the authority of Fitr, on the authority of Abu Tufayl 'Amir b. Wathila, may God be pleased with him,' who said: ] The Commander of the faithful, peace be on ...

15th Rajab - Shahadat Anniversary of Janabe Zainab (s.a.)

15th Rajab - Shahadat Anniversary of Janabe Zainab (s.a.)
15th Rajab - Shahadat Anniversary of Janabe Zainab (s.a.) Janabe Zainab (a.s.), the daughter of Imam Ali (a.s.) and Khatune Jannat Janabe Fatima Zahra (a.s.), was the Greatest Messenger of the Husaini Revolution. She universalized the message of Husaini Revolution and laid the foundation of Azadari of Imam Husain (a.s.). Not only that, but she also proclaimed to the world the greatest sacrifices made by Imam Husain (a.s.) and other members of ...

Is it true that Imam Shafi\'i, the Sunni Imam of the Shafi\'i sect, used to like Ahlul-Bayt (as) and in fact recited poems saying that he himself was a “Rafedhi”?

Is it true that Imam Shafi\'i, the Sunni Imam of the Shafi\'i sect, used to like Ahlul-Bayt (as) and in fact recited poems saying that he himself was a “Rafedhi”?
Is it true that Imam Shafi\'i, the Sunni Imam of the Shafi\'i sect, used to like Ahlul-Bayt (as) and in fact recited poems saying that he himself was a "Rafedhi"?Concise answer Abu ʿAbdullah Muhammad ibn Idris al-Shafi‘i is the leader of the Shafi'i school of fiqh (jurisprudence). He was born in Gaza, Palestine and died in Egypt. He was active in juridical matters and his teaching eventually led to the Shafi'i school of fiqh (or Madh'hab) ...

Mu‘awiyah and his great [kabirah] sins

Mu‘awiyah and his great [kabirah] sins
Mu‘awiyah the son of Abu Sufiyan was not a person who refrained from committing great sins. He was so daring that he openly committed illegitimate actions among the people. Here, reference will be made to some of the actions he committed that were in flagrant contradiction to the divine law [shari‘ah] of Islam: Mu‘awiyah dranked alcoholic beverages Ahmad ibn Hanbal quotes ‘Abd Allah ibn Buraydah saying, "My father and I went to visit ...

Did angels and jinns come to the help of Imam Hussein in Karbala? Why didn’t the Imam accept their offer?

Did angels and jinns come to the help of Imam Hussein in Karbala? Why didn’t the Imam accept their offer?
1. I have heard from a scholar that a number of angels and jinns came to Karbala to help Imam Hussein (A.S.), but he refused to accept their offer. Is it true that they came and offered their help (before the Imam had entered the battlefield)? Does this story have any confirmation in our sources ? 2. If such a thing is true, please explain why Imam Hussein refused to accept their help?Concise answer Some of our hadith sources contain hadiths ...