Monday 22nd of July 2024
History of Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Scholarly Jihad of the Imams

The Scholarly Jihad of the Imams
The period under discussion (95-148 A.H /712-765 A.D.) began and ended in the times of the Vth and VIth Imams. The persecutions of the Shi'is continued unabated from Mu'awiya's time to almost the very last days of the Umayyads, although this dynasty in its latter days was considerably weakened by internal strife. Zayd, the grandson of Husayn, rose up to establish the rule of religion and justice in 122/740, but he was felled by an arrow in his ...

Imam Husain (a.s) in Karbala

Imam Husain (a.s) in Karbala
  It is written in Bihaar al-Anwaar, that Ubaydullah bin Ziyad kept despatching troops one after the other to Umar bin Sa’ad (in Karbala) until he had thirty thousand horsemen and foot-soldiers with him. Then Ubaydullah wrote to Umar: “I have not left any excuse for you with respect to the (quantity of) army. Then remember to inform me, every morning and evening, about your affairs.” Ubaydullah had started inciting Umar (for battle) from ...

The Meaning of Religion (din)[2] Islam, and Shi'ism

The Meaning of Religion (din)[2] Islam, and Shi'ism
This book, which we have called Shi'ite Islam,[1] seeks to clarify the true identity of Shi'ism which is one of the two major branches of Islam-the other being Sunnism. It deals in particular with the way Shi'ism originated and later developed, with the type of religious thought present in Shi'ism, and with Islamic sciences and culture as seen from the Shi'ite point of view.   The Meaning of Religion (din)[2] Islam, and Shi'ism Religion. ...

Sermon of Lady Zaynab in the Court of Yazid

Sermon of Lady Zaynab in the Court of Yazid
 Now we propose to study the sermon of lady Zaynab which she delivered in the court of Yazid and which is recorded in a book written in the third century A.H. [1]Yazid recited the blasphemous poetic verses of Abdullah bin Zab'ari Sahmi which he had composed while he was an unbeliever and also added some poetic verses of his own and said openly that he wanted to take revenge upon the descendants of Muhammad because Muhammad and his ...

The Sermon of Imam Sajjad (A.S.) in Madina

The Sermon of Imam Sajjad (A.S.) in Madina
Our discourse with regard to the study of the event of Karbala is now nearing its end, and its last part which cannot be dispensed with, is the sermon which the fourth Imam delivered in the precincts of Madina and in which he informed the people of Madina of what he saw during the course of this sacred rising.Imam Sajjad praised Allah and thanked Him for the extreme sufferings which he had to bear and then summarized the event of Karbala in a ...

Zuhair’s tryst with Imam Hussain (A.S)

Zuhair’s tryst with Imam Hussain (A.S)
This meeting which proved to be the turning point in Zuhair’s life has been covered by Shaykh Abbas Qummi in ‘Nafasul Mahmoom’ page 180 as also by Tabari in his ‘Tarikh’ vol.  3 page 224.Abu Mikhnaf narrates from Sades b. Faraarah that an `Usmaani’ recounted to him thus:‘In one of our journeys with Zuhair b. Qain al-Bajali, we happened to coincide with Hussain b. Ali (A.S). Now, nothing was more repugnant for us than to assemble ...

Imam Husain (a.s)’s sermon on the day of Ashoora

Imam Husain (a.s)’s sermon on the day of Ashoora
  “Now then! Consider my family, and ponder as to who I am and then admonish yourselves. Then do you consider that killing me and plundering my sanctity and respect is lawful for you? Am I not the grandson of your Prophet and the son of his Vicegerent and cousin, who was the foremost in believing and the bearer of witness upon everything that the Prophet had brought from Allah? Was not Hamza, the chief of Martyrs, the uncle of my father? Was ...

Objectives and Aims of the Ziyarah to Imam Hussain(A.S.)

Objectives and Aims of the Ziyarah to Imam Hussain(A.S.)
I. THE LEGALITY OF THE ZIYARA Al-Shaykh Taqi al-Din Ahmad b. 'Abd al-Halim, better known as Ibn Taymiyya (661-728) held the view that pilgrimage (ziyara) to the tomb of the Prophet was forbidden, let alone pilgrimage to other tombs. He considered that travelling to make a pilgrimage to tombs where the performance of prayer was necessary, was forbidden. For this view of his, he relied upon Traditions, which do not substantiate his requirement, ...

The Philosophy of Ashura Movement

The Philosophy of Ashura Movement
  Political and social movements throughout history have carried messages and ideals which are usually limited to specific time, place and circumstances. But the uprising of Imam Hussein (a.s.) and Karbala brings everlasting messages for the entire humanity. The ideals of this glorious and unique uprising are shining like a bright light for mankind showing the way towards prosperity in life and salvation in the hereafter. The emphasis is on ...

The Demand of Humanity

The Demand of Humanity
Thus a person who becomes a polytheist has actually fallen from the great status of humanity. Tauheed is a strong fort that is given by Allah. One who associates anyone or anything with Allah falls out of this fort. The Satan kidnaps him and deceives him He commits the mistake to be deceived by the Satanic deceit. In this way becomes distant from divine mercy. The Satan makes him involved in illegal desires and wrong wants. In brief, one who ...

The Need to Cultivate Ethics

The Need to Cultivate Ethics
Husayn ibn Ali ibn Sadiq Al-BahraniBe informed, may Allah assist you, that the Prophet (‘s) has said:‘I was sent (to mankind) in order to perfect the virtues of ethics’ (Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 68, p. 382).There is no confusion in this statement, for anything relevant to the Hereafter and to our sustenance cannot be in order, nor can its seeker be happy, except through good manners. Much of a good deed does not help without ...

What kind of a book is Manaqib Murtazawi by Sayyid Muhammad Saleh Tirmidhi Kashfi? Are its contents reliable and authentic?

What kind of a book is Manaqib Murtazawi by Sayyid Muhammad Saleh Tirmidhi Kashfi? Are its contents reliable and authentic?
What about the book Kokab e Durri written by Syed Mohammad Saleh? Is there anything authentic in this book? Please tell the opinions of Ulema of Ilmul Rijal about hadiths or sermons mentioned in these books??..Concise answer The book "Kawkab Durri" or "Manaqi Murtazawi" was authored by Sayyid Saleh Tirmidhi Kashfi. He is a follower of Sunni school of jurisprudence and theology but he is a lover of the Ahlul-Bayt. He is intellectually a Shia ...

Anecdotes from the Life of the Holy Prophet of Islam(S.A.W.)

Anecdotes from the Life of the Holy Prophet of Islam(S.A.W.)
Nasiba The Hero of Uhud BattleThe deep scar on the shoulder of Nasiba, daughter of Kaab, spoke of a major wound in the past. Whenever the women, especially of the younger generation who had not seen the time of the Prophet or were too small at that time, noticed the cavity in her shoulder, they enquired with extreme curiosity about the frightening incident, which had resulted in the injury to her shoulder.They loved to hear her adventures in the ...

Martyrdom of Muslim Ibn Aqil in Kufah

Martyrdom of Muslim Ibn Aqil in Kufah
Imam al-Husayn chose Muslim ibn 'Aqil, son of his uncle and the husband of his sister Ruqayyah, to take back the reply to the letters of the people of Kufah.Muslim ibn 'Aqil together with his companions set off for Kufah and arrived there on the 5th Shawwal, 60 A.H. Muslim ibn 'Aqil stayed at the house of Mukhtar ibn Abi 'Ubaydah Thaqafi, better known as the house of Salim ibn Musayyib. In another account given by Tabari, he stayed at the house ...

The Sermon of Imam Sajjad (A.S.) in Kufa

The Sermon of Imam Sajjad (A.S.) in Kufa
The fourth Imam addressed the people of Kufa and delivered a sermon before them. After making a sign to them to keep silent, he said: "O people! Whoever knows me knows me, and he, who does not know me, should know that I am the son of that person, who was dishonored and whose entire belongings were looted and plundered, and whose women and children were made prisoners......... "Of course, if the fourth Imam had not mentioned the plundering and ...

Beginnings of Bitter Struggle

Beginnings of Bitter Struggle
Balagh FoundationThe reaction of the pre-Islamic Arabs towards the call of the Prophet (pbuh) took many forms:Attacking the Prophet (saw) in PersonAt the beginning of the Prophet's divine mission, the Quraish looked at him as a monk or a sage, whose influence would soon wane, and the people, accordingly, would return to the religion of their fathers and ancestors. But, contrarily, the new faith swept through the community, scoring victories on ...

The Noble Prophet of Islam(S.A.W.)

The Noble Prophet of Islam(S.A.W.)
The Holy Prophet, Muhammad bin Abdullah (Peace be on him and his progeny), with whom Prophethood came to an end, was born in 570 AD at Makkah. He was raised as a Prophet when he was 40 years of age. For 13 years He preached Islam in Makkah, where he underwent great many difficulties and hardships. During this period he trained a few selected persons. Thereafter he migrated to Madina where he established his centre.For ten years he openly ...

The Message of Karabala

The Message of Karabala
The form of our gathering tonight is to show allegiance to the message and the conduct of the Ahl ul-Bavt. In every aspect of life there is an outer form and an inner meaning. Form and meaning are always connected, but not always in the right balance. We are gathered. as many others around the world are gathered. to remember the meaning of Imam Husayn’s martyrdom at Karbala. If we do not join the form of our commemoration with the meaning ...

Ja'far al-Tayyar

Ja'far al-Tayyar
The BeginningAbu Talib, Shaikh al-Bat-ha, missed his nephew our Master Muhammad [s]. So, he went to look for him. He was not alone. His son Ja'far aged twenty was with him. Shaikh al-Bat-ha and his son went to the hills near Makkah. They found him there. Our Master Muhammad [s] was praying humbly. Ali, the young man of Islam, was praying on his right. They were not afraid of anyone but Allah. They were praying for Allah, the Creator of the skies ...

The Letters of Imam Hassan al-Askari (A.S)

The Letters of Imam Hassan al-Askari (A.S)
Some letters of the imam disclose an important side of the religious life which was confused at that age. The following are some of his letters to his adherents:1. To Isaaq an-NaysaburiImam Abu Muhammad (a.s.) sent a letter to Isaaq bin Isma’il an-Naysaburi saying in it,“May Allah protect us by His protection, and take care of you in all your affairs by His favor. I understood your letter, may Allah have mercy on you. We, praise be to Allah ...