Sunday 21st of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Personality of Imam

The Personality of Imam
His WorshipImam Abu Muhammad al-Askari (AS) was the best worshipper among all people of his time. He spent the night with praying, prostrating, and reciting the Book. Muhammad ash-Shakiri said, ‘The imam sat in the mihrab and prostrated. I slept and awoke while he was still in prostration.'[1] His Prayer In his prayer, he turned with all his heart and feelings towards Allah the Creator of the universe and the Giver of life. He felt or paid ...

Imam Hasan (a.s.) the 2nd Imam

Imam Hasan (a.s.) the 2nd Imam
AL-HASAN IBN 'ALI AL-MUJTABA ( Peace be on him ) Name: al-Hasan. Title: al-Mujtaba. Agnomen: Abu Muhammad. Father's name: 'All Amir al-Mu'minin. Mother's name: Fatimah (daughter of the Holy Prophet). Birth: In Medina on Tuesday, 15th Ramadan 3 AH. Death: Died at the age of 46, in Medina on Thursday, 28th Safar 50 AH; buried in Jannatu 'I-Baqi, in Medina. IMAM HASAN was the eldest son of Imam 'Ali and Hadrat Fatimah. When the Holy Prophet ...

Prophet's Grandson in the Book and Sunnah

Prophet's Grandson in the Book and Sunnah
Imam Hasan (AS), the grandson of the Prophet of Allah (P.B.U.H), like the rest of Ahlul-Bayt (AS), enjoys a high position in the Book of Allah, the Most High, and the sunnah of His Messenger (P.B.U.H). The Holy Qur'an, the constitution of the ummah, and Islam's eternal miracle, has many verses which speak volumes of the position of Imam Hasan (AS), and Ahlul-Bayt in the sight of Allah, the Most High, and His Message, including: [Prophet's ...

The Prophet of God and Fâtemeh…

The Prophet of God and Fâtemeh…
The proper prayer before sleep:Fatimah is known to have recounted this interesting true story: “One day, as I was preparing myself to sleep, suddenly I saw my father entering our room. He said:" My beloved daughter! Never sleep at night, unless you have accomplished four things…!First, you have to read your Quran from the beginning to end, and then you have to ask for the great Prophets of God to intercede in your favour after your ...

The Salient Features of Imam's Character

The Salient Features of Imam's Character
Imam Mohammad Baqir always put on new and clean dress. He perfumed himself and walked very comfortably, slowly and steadily. One day, some narrow minded ones criticized him saying your grandfather Ali (A.S.) used old and cheap clothes so why do you put on clean and new ones? He replied, since in those days all the people were poor Ali (A.S.) ought to have used old clothes and simple food. But today the people are leading their lives in comfort ...

Short Sayings of Imam Hassan Askari (a.s.)

Short Sayings of Imam Hassan Askari (a.s.)
1. Imam Al-Askari (peace be upon him) said: Do not dispute (with others) lest you will lose splendor and do not joke(with everyone) lest you will be disrespected.2. Imam Al-Askari (peace be upon him) said: As for those who accept to sit in a place other than the first row of asession, God and His angels will bless them until they leave that session.3. Imam Al-Askari (peace be upon him) answer the man who asked him a miracle or a proof of ...

Why He Was Called Kazim ?

Why He Was Called Kazim ?
Imam Musa al-Kazin was born in 128 A. H. on the seventh day of the month of safar His holy father was Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq and the name of his distinguished mother was Hamidah.Holy Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq, according to the command God and the dictates of the Prophet, appointed his son to Imamate and leadership, and introduced him to the people as such. Holy Imam Musa al-Kazim was a very wise and chaste man. His knowledge and wisdom was divine and ...

Birthday of Imam al-Mahdi (AS)

Birthday of Imam al-Mahdi (AS)
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. And we desired to bestow a favor upon those who were deemed weak in the land, and to make them the Imams (Leaders of mankind), and to make them the heirs. (Quran, 28:5) At dawn, on the 15th Sha'ban 255 A.H., the rays of the illuminating world shone with a powerful shaft of light into a human form, which became the source of existence for the universe. Yes, finally, the Divine promise was ...

The Formation of a Household

The Formation of a Household
Today's discussion is concerning the formation of the family and the importance that Islam gives to it. This is a very useful topic for discussion and I do hope that we shall be able to discuss several issues concerning our society. Formation of families gives tremendous advantages to people and the satisfaction of the sexual instinct becomes insignificant when compared to the benefits that are concomitant with the formation of the family ...

A Glimpse on the Fatima (sa): the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (s)

A Glimpse on the Fatima (sa): the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (s)
13th Jamadi-al-Awwal, according to some historical reports, is the death anniversary of Hazrat Fatima Zahra(sa) - the beloved and only genetic daughter of Prophet Mohammad (s). However the more widely accepted date of her death is the 3rd of Jamadi-ul-thani.The Prophet of Islam had only one blood daughter named Fatima (as) from Khadija. There were three other ladies in the Prophet household these were: Zaynab, Ruqayya and Umm Kulthum who were ...

Acts of 20th Safar (Arbaeen) & Ziarat of Arbaeen

Acts of 20th Safar (Arbaeen) & Ziarat of Arbaeen
20th Safar is observed as the day of Arbae'en the 40th day,after martyrdom of Imam Husayn (AS), his friends and relatives in Karbala on the 10th Muharram. According to Imam Hasan bin Ali Al Askaree (AS) today it is highly desirable to: 1) Pray 51 Raka't Prayer during the 24 hours of the day of Arbae'en, (17 Rak-a'ts in obligatory, and 34 Rak-a'ts in Naafilah Salaats). 2) Be in Karbala for Ziyaarat of Imam Husayn and other martyrs, if not ...

The Ithna Ashari Imams

The Ithna Ashari Imams
Ahlisunnah.org/ahlibayt states: "Who are the 12 Sayyid Imams of Ahlus-Sunnah that Rawafid Shi'ah claim to follow? Abul-Hasan Ali bin Abi Taleb al-Murtada Abu Muhammad al-Hassan bin Ali Az-Zaki Abu Abdallah al-Hussain bin Ali Sayyid al-Shuhada Abu Muhammad Ali bin al-Hussain Zainul-'Abideen Abu Ja'far Muhammad bin Ali al-Baqir Abu Abdallah Ja'far bin Muhammad al-Sadiq Abu Ibrahim Musa bin Ja'far al-Kazim Abu al-Hasan Ali bin Musa al-Rida Abu ...

Martyrdom of Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (peace be upon him)

Martyrdom of Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (peace be upon him)
Imam Mohammad Baqir (A.S.) after years of troubles, grief's, labor, and service to the Islamic culture was poisoned and martyred by the order of Hasham on the 7th of Zil Hijja 114 Hijrah at the age of 57 years.7 Thul-Hujjah: Martyrdom of Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (peace be upon him)A Glimpse into his LifeFrom Birth until ImamateBoth of Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir's parents were grandchildren of Lady Fatima (peace be upon her). His father was Ali son of ...

Hadrat Fatimah Zahra (A.S.), the Greatest Woman

Hadrat Fatimah Zahra (A.S.), the Greatest Woman
This Great Lady was the only daughter of the Holy Prophet (saww) and Hazrat Khadijah. She was born in Makkah on Friday, 20th Jamdi-ul-Akhar in the 5th year after the declaration of Prophethood (615 AD).She was married to the great personality, the First Imam, Imam Ali (as). The marriage ceremony took place on Friday, 1st Zilhajj 2 AH.As a daughter, she loved her parents very much. As a wife, she was very devoted. As a mother, she cared for and ...

His Martyrdom

His Martyrdom
From the second half of 658, MUAWIYA, the governor of Syria, had been steadily escalating violence against the dominions of Ali. Some of his inroads reached Ain-at-Tamar and Anbar, only 170 miles north of Kufa. The men of Kufa were so unwilling to fight against the Syrians that Ali found it impossible to take effective punitive action. Muawiya himself led a raid right across the Jazira from Raqqa to Mosul, and met no resistance anywhere. At ...

Imam Musa Kazim is the Bab-ul-Hawaij (The Door to Fulfilling Peoples Needs)

Imam Musa Kazim is the Bab-ul-Hawaij (The Door to Fulfilling Peoples Needs)
Imam musa bin Ja"far al-Kazim (A.S.) was born on Safar 7, 128 A.H. at Abwa", midway between the cities of Makkah and Madinah. It is the very place where the mother of the Noble Prophet (S.A.W.), Amina, the daughter of Wahab, had passed away and was buried.Imam al-Kadhim (A.S.) lived under the care of his father, Imam Ja"far al-Sadiq (A.S.) and leaned from the school of his father, to which the religious scholars, jurisprudents (religious ...

Begining of the Month Prayer

Begining of the Month Prayer
Begining of the Month Prayer   Salat Ruyati‘Hilal It is desirable to pray a 2 rakat Salat after seeing the moon of the first night of every lunar month, within 3 days & earlier the better. Also give sadqa /charity & Inshallah you will be safe throughout the month. This salat is to be prayed exactly like the morning prayer ,except make foll adjustments : 1.Make Niyat of Ruyatil Hilal 2.In first Rakat recite after Sura Fatiaah recite ...

Fatima's (SA) Knowledge

Fatima's (SA) Knowledge
Fatima's (SA) KnowledgeFatima (A.S.) acquired her divine knowledge from the clear spring of Prophethood and received the excellence of truth from the house of revelation. So her attentive heart was embellished with wisdom and her brilliant reason together with her brightness realized to the fullest extent the real meaning of every fact. Yet, despite the fact that Fatima heard an abundant volume of narrations from her father what has been ...

The Twelfth Imam Imam Mehdi (A.S)

The Twelfth Imam Imam Mehdi (A.S)
IntroductionFirst Heavenly concealment: 8th of Rabi-ul-Awwal, 260 A.H.Final Heavenly concealment: 10th of Shawwal, 328 A.H.There existed a good deal of harmony and uniformity between the aspects pertaining to the births of Prophet Muhammad, the last Apostle of Allah and Imam Mehdi, the last Apostolical Imam. Just as the coming of the Holy Prophet was prophesised well in advance by the preceeding Prophets similarly the impending news of the ...

What enemy says about Imam Ali (A.S)?

What enemy says about Imam Ali (A.S)?
Abu Sa'id Mansur bin Hussein Abi (422 A.H.) writes thus in his book entitled Nathrud Durar that Ahnaf bin Qays says: "One day I went to see Muawiyah. He had on a wonderful dinner carpet. He brought all sorts of hot, cold, sweet, and sour foods for me. I was wonderstruck. Later, as ordered by him, another dish of a different kind of food was brought in.I tried my best to find out what it was but did not succeed. I, therefore, enquired about it ...