Sunday 21st of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Consequences of Imam Husain’s Uprising

The Consequences of Imam Husain’s Uprising
The Consequences of Imam Husain’s Uprising      In the house of the Holy Prophet(P.), which presented the best image of both the worlds - the heaven and the earth - a child who benefited humanity as if he was Divine Impression reflecting the earth, was born on the 3rd night of the month of Sha’ban. His father was Imam Ali(A.S.), the best model of kindness towards his friends and the bravest against the ...

Imam Sajjad's Book on Asceticism

Imam Sajjad's Book on Asceticism
Sheikh Al MufidAnd with the first chain of narration from Ali b. Mahzyar, from al-Hasan b. Mahboob, from Malik b.Atiyya, from Abu Hamza al-Thumali, who said: "I had not heard of anyone more pious and ascetic than Ali b. al-Husain, peace be upon him, till I learnt about Ali b. Abi Talib, peace be upon him."Then Abu Hamza said: "Whenever Ali b. al-Husain, peace be upon him, spoke about piety and asceticism and admonished people, he made all those ...

Hadrat Ali Akbar,the Beloved Son of Imam Husain(A.S.)

Hadrat Ali Akbar,the Beloved Son of Imam Husain(A.S.)
 Hadrat Ali Akbar,the Beloved Son of Imam Husain(A.S.)Who Resembled the Holy Prophet of Islam(S.A.W.)The whole town of Medina was humming with activity. People from all parts of the town were looking into the street of the Hashimites where a caravan was getting ready for a journey. The elders of the town were talking to each other in hushed tones, recalling the words of the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.), that a day will dawn when his beloved grandson ...

A Brief Account of the Twelve Successors of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)

A Brief Account of the Twelve Successors of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)
The First ImamAmirul Momineen Ali (a.s.)Father: Abu Talib bin Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim.Mother: Fatimah bint Asad bin Hashim bin Abd Munaf.Kunniyat (Patronymic): Abul Hasan and Husayn, Abu TurabLaqab (Title): Al-Wasi, Amir al-Mu'mininBirth: He was born in the Ka'ba [1] , in thirty 'Am al-Fil (the year of the elephant).Martyrdom: He was martyred by the Khwariji named Abd al-Rahman ibn Muljam at Kufa during the month of Ramadhan in the fortieth ...

Desecration of the house of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (S.A.)

Desecration of the house of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (S.A.)
Desecration of the house of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (S.A.) Recently, a person unknown of history of Islam in Sistan and Baluchestan region has written an article about the honorable daughter of Prophet (s.a.) and named it "Legend of Martyrdom of Fatima Zahra (a.s.)". This person wanted to deny her martyrdom and disrespect which had done to her after expressing her superiorities.According to the fact that a part of this article is clear ...

What do you know about Karbala?

What do you know about Karbala?
1- The city is a very ancient city, it was known since the Babylonian age, it was used as a Christian graveyard prior to the Islamic conquest, some say the date of the city comes from the cities of (Tassoh al-Nahrain) which lies on the river of Balakubass (Old Euphrates), and on its land there was an ancient temple.2- Karbala is an Iraqi Islamic Arabic city, it was famous at the pre-Islam age and possesses a various and great history especially ...

Hazrat Sajjad (as) and the Sahifa-e-Sajjadia

Hazrat Sajjad (as) and the Sahifa-e-Sajjadia
When the Imam got stuck in a tight corner and was virtually besieged he was obliged to state his objects and motive in the form of the prayers. These prayers have been compiled in the shape of a book named "Sahifa-e-Sajjadia." This is an ocean of topics and objects of science, mathematics, physics, astronomy, social and political sciences and ethics. Obviously and apparently this is a book of prayers.   But, in fact, this is the expression of ...

Imam Sajjad (A.S) and real victorious

Imam Sajjad (A.S) and real victorious
When Imam Sajjad (A.S) was a captive in Damascus a man named Ibrahim bin Talha bin Ubaydullah Taymi came before him in the Bazaar and said tauntingly: "O Ali bin Hussain! Who was victorious in this battle?" He meant to say that the Ahlul Bayt suffered a crushing defeat and their enemies won a glorious victory.The Imam (A.S) said to him in reply: "Now that the time for prayers is approaching you should pronounce Azan and Iqamah so that you may ...

The Explicit Vs Implicit

The Explicit Vs Implicit
Adopted from the Book : "Shi'ism; Imamate and Wilayat" by : "Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi"First let us see whether or not this division of appointment of caliphate into "implicit" and "explicit" has any historical precedence in the history of Islamic theology. For the sake of time restraint, let me just state the following historical facts :1. On the issue of caliphate, the Muslims have different views. The SunniMuslims do not believe that the Prophet ...

The Retirement

The Retirement
The old man, a Christian by religion, had worked all his life; but had not been able to save anything for his old age. Lately he had also become blind. Old age, poverty and blindness had joined hands and he had no other way except begging. He used to stand at the corner of a lane for begging. People had compassion for him and gave him some alms from which he ate every day, and so he continued his sad life.One day Imam Ali (a.s.), the Leader of ...

Imploring Allah for a hasty relief of the Imam (pbuh)

Imploring Allah for a hasty relief of the Imam (pbuh)
Ahl al-Bait (PBUT) have emphasized that during the time of occultation we should make much supplication to Allah that He hasten the relief. In one of his correspondence with his followers through his second special deputy (at the end of the lesser occultation), Imam al-Mahdi (PBUH) wrote:"As for the manifestation of relief, it depends on Allah and those who specify time for it are liars... Increase your Du'aa for hastening the Relief (al-Faraj), ...

History of Holy Karbala

History of Holy Karbala
The holy city of Karbala, situated 100 km south of Baghdad, derives its name from the ancient Babylonian meaning "sacred place of God" from the two shrines it houses of the Prophet Mohammad's grandson Husayn and his brother 'Abbas.The brothers and 72 of their followers were massacred here by troops loyal to Caliph Yazid some 1300 years ago. This event had far-reaching effects for Islam, led to the downfall of the Umayyad dynasty and consolidated ...

Imam Muhammad at-Taqi al-Jawad (AS), Confirmer of the Missions of John and Jesus

 Imam Muhammad at-Taqi al-Jawad (AS), Confirmer of the Missions of John and Jesus
"O John!' [We said] ‘Hold on with power to the Book!' And We gave him judgement while still a child." (Holy Qur'an 19:12)This is how God informs us, while entrusting the divine mission to the still beardless boy, Yahya ibn Zakariyya (John the Baptist).Later in the same Surah (Maryam), to the further bewilderment of the stupefied sceptics, secularists, agnostics and all those devoid of faith and facts, we learn that Jesus (AS) was granted ...

Hypocrites a Source of Concern for Prophet Muhammad on the Day of Ghadir Khum

Hypocrites a Source of Concern for Prophet Muhammad on the Day of Ghadir Khum
The Messenger of Allah did not neglect carrying out his mission out of personal fear or for any other personal or family reason. The reason for concern of the Prophet (PBUH) might be sought elsewhere not in fear from the massacre of his family or himself. He was only worried about the adverse behavior of the hypocrites who had managed to penetrate into the lines of the Muslims, and who had managed to gain a name among people and elite. If the ...

The Motives of the Wars of the Prophet

The Motives of the Wars of the Prophet
Unlike the self-centered rulers and kings all over the world who embark on wars for expansionist purposes, for the exploitation of human powers, and for the plunder of other people's wealth and natural resources, the Prophet of Islam refused to resort to the sword and fighting unless it was necessary and unavoidable. Instead, he advanced carrying the torch of the Holy Book and the divine laws and would get involved in war only to remove the ...

Foretelling the Advent of Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

Foretelling the Advent of Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)
The prophets of ancient times, especially Hazrat Musa and Hazrat 'Isa (A.S.), had given their followers news of the advent of Islam, even to the extent that indications of the special attributes of the Prophet of Islam appeared in their revealed books. For this reason, the Jews and the Christians and the followers of other religions were watching out for the advent of Islam, like people who see their ship with torn sails and broken anchor in ...

Imam Al-Hasan Ibn Ali al-Askari

Imam Al-Hasan Ibn Ali al-Askari
Al-Hasan Ibn 'Ali al-'Askari(Peace be Upon him)Name: al-HasanTitle: al-'AskariAgnomen: Abu MuhammadFather's name: 'Ali- al - Hadi ( an- Naqi )Mother's name: Hadithah (or Susan)Birth: In Medina, on Friday, 8th Rabi'u 'th-thani 232 AH.Death: Died at the age of 28, in Samarra', on Friday, 8th Rabl'u 'l-awwal 260 AH; poisoned by al-Mu'tamid, the Abbasid ruler; buried in Samarra' (Iraq)The Holy Imam Hasan al-'Askari spent twenty-two years of his life ...

Mourning over the Master of Martyrs, obedience to God

Mourning over the Master of Martyrs, obedience to God
Obedience means submitting to the divine prohibitions and injunctions as well as the divine laws and values of the world of creation. Obedience to God is what man has been asked to do. The acceptance of this obedience is sometime easy and sometime not. For instance, we should offer two units of morning prayers; it is a matter of obedience. We cannot question it. But it is easy to accept. Normally, no one would ask why the morning prayers are two ...

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP;) in His Youth

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP;) in His Youth
Abstract This article is a continuation of the article about "The Birth of the Prophet (PBUH&HP)." It includes important events and stages of the Prophet of Islam's (PBUH&HP) life. In this article we will briefly mention the following subjects: 1- Prophet (PBUH&HP) at breast and his childhood   2- The adolescence period 2-1- The travel to Shaam   3- The adulthood period 3-1- The youth agreement 3-2- Lady Khadijah ...

Karbala's Friday Prayer Leader called for unity of nations in fight against ISIS

Karbala's Friday Prayer Leader called for unity of nations in fight against ISIS
Sheikh Mahdi Karbalaei delivering his Friday sermons in the holy shrine of Imam Hussain (AS) said: Everyday that is passed the people of the world realise another dimension of ISIS barbarity and they find out how distant these Takfiris are from humanity and Islam. The burning of the Jordanian pilot proved that Da'esh (ISIS) will commit all types of crimes to frighten people. The Friday Prayer Leader of Karbala added: The barbaric actions of ...