Thursday 18th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Short Biography of Hazrat Fatimah Ma'soomah (SA)

Short Biography of Hazrat Fatimah Ma'soomah (SA)
Name: FatimahFather: Imam Musa al Kazim (AS)Mother: Najma MaghrbiyyahBrother: Imam Ridha (AS)Title: Ma'soomahDate of Birth: 1st Zilqadah 173 A.H.Date of Death: 10th Rabiul-thani 201 A.H.From the children of the seventh Imam Hazrat Fatimah Ma'soomah bint Musa ibn Jafar (AS) has a special position after Imam Ridha (AS).Due to her faith, virtuousness and training under the guardianship of Imamate she reached such a position that the Ma’soom ...

Ashura, the 10th of Muharram

Ashura, the 10th of Muharram
In the Name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most MercifulThe Religion of Islam was presented to the world and human society Forthrightly; no problem, or issue, which was necessary for of society in order to prosper, was left unsolved by the time the Prophet passed away.All issues were made clear to people whether outspokenly, or contained within the folds of decrees that were enunciated. One of the issues of significance which the Prophet made ...

The Period of Imam as-Sajjad (A.S.)

The Period of Imam as-Sajjad (A.S.)
The period of Imam as-Sajjad (‘a) can be divided into two stages: The first stage covers the events after the martyrdom of Imam al-Husayn (‘a), the destabilization of the Umayyad rule and finally the end of rule of the Sufyanis (descendants of Abu Sufyan) and the succession to power of the Marwanis (descendants of Marwan ibn al-Hakam), the internal struggle among the Umayyads and their entanglement with the uprisings and revolts up to the ...

Willing and Knowing

Willing and Knowing
ABSTRACT: This paper discusses W. K. Clifford's classic paper, "The Ethics of Belief," and the significance of his use of the locution "knowingly and willingly" in the context of morally irresponsible ignorance. It is argued that this locution can point to a very subtle and important distinction in the premisses of ethically responsible belief formation. An analysis of willful ignorance is then given. It is argued that, strictly speaking, there ...

The Loot

The Loot
Eerie silence hung over the battlegroundBroken occasionally by drum beating soundsThe carnage, the massacre, of saintly soulsCaused a shudder, in Islam"s true believers" fold.The massacre being over, they raided their tentsTo loot and destroy, they were all fiendishly bentHelpless ladies and children, they mercilessly bashedYoung innocent babes, to the ground they dashed.Daughters of the Prophet, simple lives had ledCoarse and patched clothes, ...

"Fatimah (A.S.) is the Master of All the Women of the Worlds."

In one of these statements (on which both Shiites and Sunnites agree) the Great Prophet (S.A.W.)says: "Fatimah is the master of all the women of the worlds." Although it is mentioned in the Holy Quran that Mary (A.S.) is the best woman in the worlds and has high position and is considered to be chaste and continence and is one of the four greatest women, she was the best woman of her life's period, but Fatimah's (A.S.) superiority is not ...


Everyone aspires to be happy in his life. Imam Ali (A.S) provides you with a nine-point canon to reach this goal thus:قَوَاعِد الْسَّعَادَة الْتِسع لِأَمِير الْمُؤْمِنِيْن عَلِي عَلَيْه الْسَّلَامNine rules for happiness by the Commander of the Faithful Ali:أولاً: توكل على الله في السراء والضراءFIRST: Rely on Allah when pleased and when ...

The Unpleasant Act of Ogling

The Unpleasant Act of Ogling
Almighty God has granted us with valuable gifts. Physical talents and abilities are among them. The least God expects from us is not to use the gifts He has granted us against His path. Like not to listen to what He considers as unpleasant with ears, not to taste what He has appointed as prohibited with the tongue, and not to commit sins using our valuable gifts, eyes, which are meant to look at and learn from the beauties of the creation. But ...

How I Came to Love the Veil?

How I Came to Love the Veil?
I used to look at veiled women as quiet, oppressed creatures -- until I was captured by the Taliban.  In September 2001, just 15 days after the terrorist attacks on the United States, I snuck into Afghanistan, clad in a head-to-toe blue burqa, intending to write a newspaper account of life under the repressive regime.  Instead, I was discovered, arrested and detained for 10 days.  I spat and swore at my captors; they called me a “bad” ...

The Biography of Lady Fatima Masuma (A)

The Biography of Lady Fatima Masuma (A)
1.1 - Predictions about this Noble Lady It is interesting to know that the Imams (A) foretold the birth of this noble lady and her presence in Qum many years before her birth. Qādī Nūrullāh Shūshtarī (d. 1109 A.H) reports from the 6th Imam, Imam Ja`far al-Sādiq (A): تُقبَض فيها امْراةٌ منْ وُلْدى، اِسْمُها فاطِمَةُ بِنْتُ مُوسى، وتَدْخُلُ بِشَفاعَتِها شيعَتى ...

Imam al-Hadi's Answers to Yahya bin Aktham's Questions

Imam al-Hadi's Answers to Yahya bin Aktham's Questions

Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq's Contribution to the Sciences

Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq's Contribution to the Sciences
Below are extracts from the book “The Great Muslim Scientist and Philosopher - Imam Jafar Ibn Mohammed As-Sadiq (a.s.)” This book is a translation of “Maghze Mutafakkir Jehan Shia”, the famous Persian book, which has been published four times in Tehran. The Persian book is itself a translation from a French thesis published by The Research Committee of Strasbourg, France, about the contributions made by Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (a.s.) to ...

Imam Sajjad (as) after Tragedy of Karbala

Imam Sajjad (as) after Tragedy of Karbala
When the young Ali took the mantle of Imamat, times were hard on the Ahlulbayt of the Prophet. His is the saddest story of all time. On the 10th of Muharram at the time of Asr Prayers, when his father Hussain (AS) was alone in the battlefield ready to do battle, he withdrew to the camp of his ailing son, came beside his bed, woke him and told him that the story of Karbala was over, that he was about to go to sacrifice his own life for the cause ...

Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.): The Lady of History

Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.): The Lady of History
Standing on the summits of intellect, she addresses humanity. Her method is asking comprehensive questions and providing analytic explanations about the realities, which are disguised under the veil of delusions. It is as though these questions continually ooze out of the depth of time and place and scorn man's ignorance for covering up the truth which blind the eyes of human insight.Oh but truly, tell me what does history have to say about the ...

Hazrat Zainab: Lady of Knowledge and Virtue

Hazrat Zainab: Lady of Knowledge and Virtue
Peace be upon you. Oh daughter of the Commander of the faithful (Pbuh)! Peace be upon you, Oh daughter of Fatimah, Two Worlds" Radiant Lady (SA). Peace be upon you. Oh righteous one, pleasing to Allah. We speak of Hazrat Zeinab (AS). She well conveyed the message of Karbala"s uprising and tragedy to the world and today it is a great honor for Muslims to follow this great lady as an example in their lives. Truly when an individual spends his or ...

The Last Hours Of The Prophet

The Last Hours Of The Prophet
Madina was totally engulfed in confusion and anxiety. The companions of the Prophet had gathered round his house with tearful eyes and grieved hearts. The reports which were pouring out from the house showed that his condition was extremely serious and there was very little hope of his recovery. This showed that only a few moments of his precious life were left. A number of the companions of the Prophet were desirous of seeing him from near but ...

Short Maxims of Imam Ali(A.S.)

Short Maxims of Imam Ali(A.S.)
- Piety, concealment of the good actions, stedfastness against disasters, and suppression of the misfortunes are within the treasures of Paradise.  2- The best friend is good mannerism. It is the title of the believers' record books. 3-The true abstinent in this world is he whose tolerance is not overcome by the ill-gotten matters and whose gratitude is not engaged by the legal gotten matters. 4- Imam Ali(A.S.) wrote to ...

Mubahilah; An Extremely Imperative Event of History

Mubahilah; An Extremely Imperative Event of History
In the early days of Islam, Najran was a large center of people who had changed from idol worship to Christianity. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w) had sent letters to the heads of different countries inviting them to Islam. One such letter was addressed to the Christians of Najran. It read as follows: "In the Name of the God of Ibrahim, Ishaaq and Ya'qub.This letter is from Muhammad, the Prophet and Messenger of Allah to the Asqaf (Bishop) of ...

Beginnings of Bitter Struggle

Beginnings of Bitter Struggle
The reaction of the pre-Islamic Arabs towards the call of the Prophet (pbuh) took many forms: Attacking the Prophet (saw) in Person At the beginning of the Prophet's divine mission, the Quraish looked at him as a monk or a sage, whose influence would soon wane, and the people, accordingly, would return to the religion of their fathers and ancestors. But, contrarily, the new faith swept through the community, scoring victories on the social ...

Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) Sermon on welcoming the month of Ramadan

Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) Sermon on welcoming the month of Ramadan
In the Name of AllahHoly Prophet Muhammad (saw)O People! The month of Allah (Ramadhan) has approached you with His mercy and blessings. This is the month that is the best of all months in the estimation of Allah. Its days are the best among the days; its nights are the best among the nights. Its hours are the best among the hours.This is a month in which he has invited you. You have been, in this month, selected as the recipients of the honors ...