Thursday 18th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Personality of Hadrat Abbas (A.S.)

Personality of Hadrat Abbas (A.S.)
Personality of Hadrat Abbas (A.S.)Al-Abbas ibn Ali was a whole world of virtues and merits. His personality included each and every lofty characteristic. It is however sufficient honor for him to be the son of Imam Ali Amir ul-Mu'minin (a); the model of human perfection. Thus, al-Abbas inherited all elements of human perfection from his father and became, in the sight of Muslims, the epitome of virtue and high moral standards. Let us now refer ...

The Holy City of Qum in Ahadith

The Holy City of Qum in Ahadith
Salutations to the People of QumImam Jafar Sadiq (AS) has said:"Salutations to the people of Qum, Allah (SWT) will shower their cities with the required rainfall and will bless them and turn their calamities into safety and goodness. The people of Qum are devout performers of Salat (Namaz). They are jurisprudents, scholars and explore the realities and perform good worship."(Bihaar al-Anwar, vol. 60, p. 217)[The Holy City of Qum in Ahadith]Qum, ...

Imam Hadi (A.S.) Who Explained the Islamic Laws of Jurisprudence

Imam Hadi (A.S.) Who Explained the Islamic Laws of Jurisprudence
“Say: I do not ask you any reward for this (conveying of the message) except the affection for (my) relatives”. (42:23)Imam al-Hadi (as) reported from his fathers that: “Ameer al-Mumineen Ali ibn Abi Talib (as) has said that he (as) once heard the Messenger of Allah (saww) saying: ‘When people shall be resurrected on the day of Judgement, a caller will call me: ‘O Messenger of Allah! Allah has permitted you to ...

The Holy City of Qum

The Holy City of Qum
1.1 - Introduction Qum is the smallest province in Iran. It was previously a district belonging to the state of Arāk, then it was attached to Tehran until it was finally certified as an independent province. The province has an area of approximately 12,000 square kilometres. It is bounded by Tehran and Sāweh to the north, Delījān and Kāshān to the south, and the Salt Lake and Tafresh to the east. The province includes one city, four ...

Supplication of Alqamah

Supplication of Alqamah

Imam Jawad’s (A.S.) Gifted Powers and Generosities

Imam Jawad’s (A.S.) Gifted Powers and Generosities
Imam Jawad’s (A.S.)seventeen years of Imamate coincided with the reigns of Ma’mun and Mu’tasim Abbasi, two of Abbasid Caliphs: 15 years in the reign of Ma’mun(1) and two years in the reign of Mu’tasim. During this period the Imam experienced great hardship in preaching Shiism. Ma’mun’s reign was especially hard on the Imam for as Ibn Nadim has said: “Ma’mun was the most knowledgeable of the ...

Fatima Masuma (S.A.) Similar to Hazrat Fatima Zahra (S.A.)

Fatima Masuma (S.A.) Similar to Hazrat Fatima Zahra (S.A.)
On the first of Dhi al-Qa’dah in 173 AH, the city of Medina was enlightened by the birth of Hadrat Fatimah Ma’soomah (A.S.)(1). She was born to Imam Moosa ibn Ja’far (A.S.) and her mother, Najmah. Hadrat Fatimah Masumah (A.S.) was the second and last child of Najmah, after her older brother, Imam Ali ibn Moosa al-Reza (A.S.). In fact, after Imam Reza (A.S.), she has the highest status and position amongst the children of Imam Moosa ...

Imam Hassan al-Askari's Companions and the Narrators of His Traditions

Imam Hassan al-Askari's Companions and the Narrators of His Traditions
The Abbasid government did not allow ulama and jurisprudent to contact with Imam Abu Muhammad (a.s.) lest his virtues and vast knowledge would be spread among people everywhere, and then people would be affected by him and turn their backs to the Abbasids. In spite of all the severe procedures the Abbasids took to separate the imam from people, some ulama and narrators contacted with him and narrated his traditions. Here we mention the ...

Day of Arbaeen; 6,000 Iraqi groups ready to host visitors

Day of Arbaeen; 6,000 Iraqi groups ready to host visitors
More than 6,000 Shia groups have announced that they are ready to welcome pilgrims on the traditional walking ceremony of Day of Arba’een in Iraq. Every year, forty days after Day of Ashura which marks martyrdom of Imam Hussein and his companions in the planes of Karbala some 1400 years ago, millions of Muslims gather in the holy city of Najaf and walk all the way to Karbala in memory of Imam Hussein. According to Shafaqna news website the ...

Perfecting Man's Faith and Conviction

Perfecting Man's Faith and Conviction
Human beliefs, like man's knowledge, science and technology, advance with the centuries. Religion predates history, and has always engaged mankind's particular affection and attention. Language, writing, and means of livelihood have all progressed in parallel with man's mental and spiritual growth. They wax and wane, as is the human condition. Religions multiplied; deities proliferated. Some were represented as imaginary beings, some as animals, ...

The Eternal Nature of Punishment

The Eternal Nature of Punishment
The eternal nature of the punishment that the faithless and wicked are to suffer in hellfire presents a problem for many people. Given the fact that evil acts are marked by the finiteness of the world, how, they ask, can requital for those acts be eternal and everlasting? Can there be any common measure between a finite act and an infinite punishment?A punishment that is to extend over an indefinite future does indeed represent an extreme form ...

Knowing Scholastic Theology (Kalaam)

Knowing Scholastic Theology (Kalaam)
The science of scholastic, or speculative, theology (kalaam) is an Islamic science. It is concerned with discussing Islamic beliefs, or what should be upheld of such beliefs from an Islamic perspective. Thus, kalaam seeks to explain the matters relating to these beliefs, advancing the evidence in support thereof and defending the same.Muslim scholars divide the body of Islamic teachings into three categories:1. Beliefs: This category deals with ...



The companions of Imam al-Baqir (a.s) report: the Imam allowed us to give away

between five hundred and six hundred thousand Dirhams and he was never tired of

giving gifts to brethren, emissaries and those who had set their hope on him.

[ Al-Irshad by al-Mufid: 167/2.]



Imam Husain's Revolution: Analytical Review

Imam Husain's Revolution: Analytical Review
This survey of the unique revolution of Imam Hussain (p.b.u.h.) is analytical in essence. The purpose of this essay is to give a qualitative rather than quantitative account. It has dealt with the causes, policy and results of this eternal revolution. This is done in the hope of unveiling the startling aspects of the revolution's message, which is often neglected in its traditional commemoration.In being confronted with this event, many ...

The Incentives of the Revolution

The Incentives of the Revolution
We precieve clearly, when we notice the historical circumstances, which surrounded the Fatimite movement, that the Hashimite 1 house, which was distressed by the loss of its great chief, had all the incentives of a revolutions to change them and to establish them a new. Fatima had all the possiblities for the revolution and the attainments for the opposition, which the oppositionists decided to be a peaceful dispute 2 whatever it would cost.We ...

Ziyarat to Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.)

Ziyarat to Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.)
It is reported that Lady Fatima (A) said:"My father said to me: `He who prays on your behalf, Allah, Exalted and Glorified is He, shall forgive him and make him join me wherever I may be in Paradise."For this reason, and to benefit the dear readers of this book, we include her visitation here and accompany it with the English translation. (This is the visitation mentioned in Mafatih Al?Jinan (The Keys To Paradise)):In the name of Allah, Most ...

Virtues of Hazrat Imam Taqi Al-Jawad (AS)

Virtues of Hazrat Imam Taqi Al-Jawad (AS)
In respect of his manners and qualities, Imam Muhammad Taqi (A.S.) – the ninth infallible successor f Prophet Muhammad (SAW) - occupied that lofty position of humaneness that is the distinguished characteristic of the Prophet (SAW) and his progeny. The predominant feature of his life style was to meet everybody with humility, to help the needy, to maintain human equality and observe simplicity.To offer help to the indigent secretly, to ...

A Glance At The Holy Shrine of Hadrat Fatima Masoumah (A.S)

A Glance At The Holy Shrine of Hadrat Fatima Masoumah (A.S)
When Hadrat Fatima Masoumah (A.S.) was buried in Qum there was a shade made of straw on the holy grave built by Musa bin Khajraj. The first dome which was in the form of a tower, was built by Hadrat Zainab (A.S.), the daughter of Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Jawad (A.S.) in the middle of third century hijrah. Stone, bricks and stucco were used as construction material for this dome.   With the burial of the ladies from the Holy Ahlul Bayt (A.S.) ...

Ahl al-Bayt's (A.S.) Altruism

Ahl al-Bayt's (A.S.) Altruism
And they feed, for the love of Allah, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive - (saying), we feed you for the sake of Allah alone: No reward do we desire from you, nor thanks (76:8.9) But give them preference over themselves, even though poverty was their (own lot) - they are the ones that achieve prosperity. (59:9) Ibn Abbas: Al-Hasan (A.S.) and al-Husayn (A.S.) fell sick and the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) accompanied by several others went to ...

The Companions and the Narrators of the Traditions of Imam Hasan al-Askari (A.S.)

The Companions and the Narrators of the Traditions of Imam Hasan al-Askari (A.S.)
By: Baqir Shareef al-Qurashi The Abbasid government did not allow 'Ulama' and jurisprudent to communicate with Imam Abu Muhammad (a.s.) lest his virtues and vast knowledge would be spread among people everywhere, as then people would be affected by him and would turn their backs to the Abbasids. In spite of all the severe procedures the Abbasids took to separate the imam from people, some 'Ulama' and narrators communicated with him and narrated ...