Thursday 18th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Establishment of a System of Deputies

The Establishment of a System of Deputies
Consider a sect, whom despite its truth, is put under pressure by the government and other political and religious groups. They are slaughtered in the open and in secret, never leaving them a decade in peace, and the government to maintain its hatred and animosity tricks the society, well despite its desire to be kind to this group. Considering the vast territory of the government, the story gets even worse by going farther away from the ...

The Ummah Fractures after Holy Prophet

The Ummah Fractures after Holy Prophet
  But people have cut off their affair (of unity), between them into sects: each party rejoices in that which is with itself. (Holy Qur’an, 23:53) The tumult of the Quraysh group could not leave the Muslim ummah unscathed. Although the popular viewpoint today is that Islam has maintained two sects—Sunni and Shi’a, but the fact of the matter is that virtually hundreds of Muslim religious sects came and went in the past. Nonetheless, the ...

A Glance at the Life of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)

A Glance at the Life of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)
Among all the Prophets, the Holy Prophet is the only Prophet about whose life even ordinary matters have been recorded in history and this is a great accomplishment of the Muslim nation because the biographical sketches of other Prophets have been written after a lapse of considerable time with alterations and incorrect accounts by some of their followers. However on the life and attributes of the Holy Prophets many books were written in Arabic ...

Imam Sajjad's Book on Asceticism

Imam Sajjad's Book on Asceticism
And with the first chain of narration from Ali b. Mahzyar, from al-Hasan b. Mahboob, from Malik b.Atiyya, from Abu Hamza al-Thumali, who said: "I had not heard of anyone more pious and ascetic than Ali b. al-Husain, peace be upon him, till I learnt about Ali b. Abi Talib, peace be upon him." Then Abu Hamza said: "Whenever Ali b. al-Husain, peace be upon him, spoke about piety and asceticism and admonished people, he made all those present weep." ...

Spiritual Philosophy and Scientific Truths

Spiritual Philosophy and Scientific Truths
A glance at the fundamental philosophical questions, to which spiritual and materialist philosophies give contradictory answers, clearly shows that the areas of contention between the two opposing points of view have nothing to do with experimental matters. Whatever the solutions found to scientific problems, they would not in any way affect the way these philosophical questions are answered. For example, accepting or rejecting Euclid's theory ...

A Meeting with the Ulama of Najaf

A Meeting with the Ulama of Najaf
My friend took me to a mosque next to the mausoleum, where the floors were covered by carpets, and around its Mihrab there were some Qur'anic verses, engraved in beautiful calligraphy. I noticed a few turbaned youngsters sitting near the Mihrab studying, and each one of them had a book in his hand.I was impressed by the scene, since I had never seen Shaykhs aged between thirteen and sixteen, and what made them look so cute was their costumes. My ...

The Political Course in the Holy Imam Javad (AS)’s Life

The Political Course in the Holy Imam Javad (AS)’s Life
The Holy Imams of Ahlul-Bayt (A.S.), their followers, and those who supported them during the history of Islam, represented political oppositions against the Umayyad and Abbasid rulers, who usurped the caliphate and imposed their tyrannical rule on the Muslims and who stayed away from the political course, decreed by the Holy Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) for his Ummah.All the political slogans and plans, declared by Mamun, aimed to draw the ...

The Mystery of Hazrat Fatimah’s Grandeur and Eternity

The Mystery of Hazrat Fatimah’s Grandeur and Eternity
Fatimah (peace be upon her) is grand and eternal on the account that she has been united with Allah. She has absorbed herself in His.She is greater than the great, because she is acquainted with Allah, who is the greatest, and she is eternal forever until Doomsday, because she is acquainted with the Eternal.Fatimah (peace be upon her) is a woman, whose grandeur cannot be inserted in expression and words, because we cannot analyze the infinite ...

Warning against Extremism towards Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.)

Warning against Extremism towards Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.)
Imam Ali (AS.): Beware of exaggeration about us. Consider us as slaves of Allah, and fostered by Him, and then say whatever you want on our virtuousness. Imam al-Husayn (A.S.): Love us out of love for Islam, since the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) has said: Do not introduce me more than what I deserve, since Allah, the Almighty had selected me as His servant prior to selecting me as His Messenger. Salih ibn Sahl: I believed in divinity of Imam al-Sadiq ...

The Pledge Of Allegiance (Imam Hassan)

The Pledge Of Allegiance (Imam Hassan)
The religion of Islam is what the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family, propagated. For he (the Prophet): "Does not speak out of desire. It is naught but revelation that is revealed." So the Prophet had the right to nominate the Muslim successor for the succession. That is because the succession is the high responsible authority for the lawful. Therefore al-Hasan b. 'Ali was the legitimate successor whether the people pledged allegiance ...

Wife’s Rights

Wife’s Rights
Hasan Zayyat of Basrah reports: My friend and I went to the presence of Imam al-Baqir while he was sitting in a well-decorated room with a purple mantle on his shoulder. He had trimmed his beard and blackened his eyes with kohl. I was full of questions. Realizing this, the Imam said, “Hasan! You and your friend may come to me tomorrow.” I said, “Very well, may I be your ransom!” The next day, we went to see him. He was sitting on a ...

An Internal Messenger: The Ethical Consciousness

An Internal Messenger: The Ethical Consciousness
By: Ayatullah Ja`far Subhani {However Allah has made true belief something that is loved by you and He has made it alluring to your hearts and He has made disbelief (Kufr), evil deeds and disobedience hateful to you. Such people (those who have true faith and keep away from these evil traits) are those who are rightly guided.} Those traits that a person recognizes as good and bad within his own self which he is able to discern without being ...

Ali Akbar (A.S), the perfect resemblance of the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P)

Ali Akbar (A.S), the perfect resemblance of the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P)
A Christian man once entered the Mosque of the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P), so the people said “Hey you! You are not allowed to enter the Mosque of the Messenger of Allah, for you are a Christian man, so leave” Thus, he said:” Yesterday, I saw the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P) with the Jesus, son of Mary (S.A), in my dream. So, Jesus said to me: “Embrace Islam by the hands of the Last Prophet, Mohammad son ...

The Holy Shrines at Kadhmayn

The Holy Shrines at Kadhmayn
Anyone approaching Baghdad from the north or the west will be impressed by the sight of the four golden minarets at Kadhmayn, the Shrine of the Two Imams, Imam Musa al-Kadhim and Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Jawad, peace be upon them. They are respectively the Seventh and the Ninth of the Twelve Imams, at whose tombs we are accustomed to seek healing and to invoke their intercession for the forgiveness of our sins and the fulfilment of our needs. The ...

The Divine Virtues of Imam Ali (A.S.) and the Holy Ahlul Bayt (A.S.)

The Divine Virtues of Imam Ali (A.S.) and the Holy Ahlul Bayt (A.S.)
Quoting the Holy Prophet (SA) Sunni and Shi'ah 'ulama' have related many ahadith on the virtues of 'Ali (AS) and all the other Ahl al-Bayt. Three of these virtues will be dealt with here. (1) In the 6th year after Hijrah, the Christians of the city of Najran selected a group of their dignitaries and scholars and sent them to Madinah. The delegation primarily debated and argued with the Holy Prophet (SA), but they were condemned and defeated and ...

The Pursuit of Knowledge

The Pursuit of Knowledge
An Exposition of Hadith by Imam KhomeiniWith my chain of transmitters reaching up to the thiqat al-Islam Muhammad ibn Ya’qub al-Kulayni, from Muhammad ibn al-Hasan and ‘Ali ibn Muhammad, from Sahl ibn Ziyad and Muhammad ibn Yahya, from Ahmad ibn Muhammad, from Ja’far ibn Muhammad al-‘Ash’ari, from ‘Abd Allah ibn Maymun al-Qaddah; and from ‘Ali ibn Ibrahim, from his father, from Hammad ibn ‘Isa, ...

The Intellectual Qualities of Imam al Hadi (A.S)

The Intellectual Qualities of Imam al Hadi (A.S)
Like the other Imams, the knowledge of Imam Ali Naqi (a.s) was also divinely gifted and none had the capacity to excel him in knowledge and virtue. One day poison was administered to Mutawakkil. He made a vow that if he survived he would give a lot of money in charity. When he recovered there was a difference among the scholars regarding what constituted "a lot of money." At last, Mutawakkil sent his slave to Imam Ali Naqi (a.s). He said, ...

The Heirs of Ashura

The Heirs of Ashura
Inheritance is something which passes from the owner to the next owner, hisher heir. It could be in the form of material property or wealth, or it could be a spiritual inheritance such as succession in spiritual and non-material issues. When the inheritance is spiritual, it is more about mission and goals. If a prophet or any spiritual leader succeeds his predecessor, it mostly pertains to the mission and knowledge of the predecessor. In the ...

The Prophecies of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) Regarding the Martyrdom of Imam Hussain (A.S.)

The Prophecies of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) Regarding the Martyrdom of Imam Hussain (A.S.)
Due to their ignorance, some people allege that lamentation for Imam Hussain (A) is an innovation (bidat) and is 'haram'. Some of them knowingly support the propaganda of those who harbour selfish motives against Azadari (mourning) although reason demands that one must not accept gullibly all that one hears. Rather, one should study the traditions deeply. Also the narrations and traditions must be critically evaluated in the light of the ...

Short Biography of Hadrat Fatima Masoumah (A.S.)

Short Biography of Hadrat Fatima Masoumah (A.S.)
The name of this divine lady was Fatima and her nickname was Masoumah. Her father was Imam Musa al-Kazim (A.S.), the seventh Imam of the Shi'ites and her mother was named Najma Khatun who was also the mother of Imam Reza (A.S.), the eighth Shi'ite Imam. She was born on first day of the month of Zee al-Qa'adah in the year 173 A.H./789 A.D., in the holy city of Madinah Munawwarah. Her holy father was martyred in the Baghdad prison at the hands of ...