Thursday 18th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Hereafter requires prior preparation

Hereafter requires prior preparation
Sayyid Abdul Husayn Dastaghaib ShiraziYou do not arrive in the Hereafter in a readymade house. When you came out of your mother’s womb a readymade house was awaiting you. A lamp like the sun during day and moon at night. So also the leveled earth for your habitation. As for your food, mother’s breasts were pre-filled. In short, you came in a well-prepared life. Then you lived in this world until you return and go away from it. But when you ...

At-Taherah (SA) (The Virtuous)

At-Taherah (SA) (The Virtuous)
As we have already mentioned, one of Fatima Zahra's (A.S.) names was "At Taherah" (the virtuous or pure). This meaning is related to the verse: "And Allah only wished to remove all abomination from you, ye member of the Family, and to make you pure and spotless." (33: 33) The above-mentioned verse is of great importance because of its subtle meaning and significance. This verse is considered the main source of virtues granted to Ahlul-Bayt ...

The Development of Beliefs Through the Ages

The Development of Beliefs Through the Ages
Among the fundamental intellectual topics that concern human life religious questions enjoy a particular importance. They have always been regarded in fact as the most basic concern for the well- being and destiny of man and have produced profound insights and extensive knowledge.Scholars and researchers have undertaken wide-ranging and comprehensive studies on the origins and motives of man's religious concerns pursuing their researches with a ...

Monotheism in Worship, Fear from the Resurrection Day

Monotheism in Worship, Fear from the Resurrection Day
Imam Hassan Askari (AS) said: "There is no calamity which does not involve a blessing from Allah.(1)" The issues of "Monotheism in Worship" in its best manner, and the "Fear from the Resurrection Day" are of the significant characteristics of the family of infallibility and purification, the Ahl al-Bait. One of the companions of Imam Hassan Askari (AS) narrates: ‘On one of the days during Imam Hassan Askari's (AS) childhood, I noticed he was ...

The Rank of Imam Ali (A.S.)

The Rank of Imam Ali (A.S.)
By:Ayatullah Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi LariThe Rank of Imam Ali (A.S.) as Indicated in the Sayings of The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)It was not only at Ghadir Khumm that the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, proclaimed 'Ali, peace be upon him, to be the leader of the Muslims and his successor, officially and in the presence of the people. In the third year of his mission, when he was commanded to proclaim his prophethood ...

Imam Musa Kazim (A.S.) and the Hypocrisy of the Abbasid Caliph

Imam Musa Kazim (A.S.) and the Hypocrisy of the Abbasid Caliph
Once when we were in the presence of Ma'moon, he asked us: "Do you know whom I learned the Shia faith from?" Everyone said they do not know. Ma'moon then continued, "I learned it from my father Haroon al-Rashid.We asked: "How is that possible, when Haroon would actually kill this group?Ma'moon replied: "He would kill them solely for the purpose of power and kingship, so he would not lose his position. However, it was in one of his trips to Hajj ...

Doors of Knowledge of Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.)

Doors of Knowledge of Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.)
The Knowledge of the Book Abu Said al-Khudri: I asked the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) about the noble Ayah, "And such as have knowledge of the Book" (13:43). His Holiness (S.A.W.) replied: It implies my brother Ali ibn Abi Talib. Imam al-Baqir (A.S.): What is the concept of the noble Ayah "Say: Enough for a witness between me and you is Allah, and who has knowledge of the book" (13:43) is us [the Ahl al-Bayt]. Ali (A.S.), next to the Holy ...

Imam Hussain in the Battlefield

Imam Hussain in the Battlefield
After he had buried the baby, he met in duel with many a man who never stood a chance of emerging alive. He then charged the enemy troops who did not stand their ground in the face of his attacks. Thereupon Omar bin Sa"ad yelled at the crowd, "Mind! He is the son of the exterminator of the Arabs. Set upon him from every direction." They rained him with 4,000 arrows. The soldiers cut him off his camp. He shouted, "0 followers of Abi Sufian! If ...

Imam Hossein(as) In other Islamic Sectors

Imam Hossein(as) In other Islamic Sectors
Shi"ahs regard Husayn as an Imam (lord of the spiritual kingdom) and a martyr.He is believed to be the third imam. He set out on his path in order to save Islam and the Ummah from annihilation at the hands of Yazid. According to Shi"a belief he was a willing sacrifice to religious necessity, and Shi"as view Husayn as an exemplar of courage and resistance against tyranny. Ashura, a day of mourning and self-reflection, is held in honor of his ...

Leadership of Imam Ali (A.S) in the Qur’an

Leadership of Imam Ali (A.S) in the Qur’an
The Verse of Proclamation is one of the verses explicitly referring to the leadership of Imam Ali (A.S). This verse announces the end of Prophet's mission and the beginning of the leadership of Imam Ali (A.S). In the following articles there are 10 reasons and matching facts to help us understand that the verse was revealed on leadership of Imam Ali (A.S). Attempts have been made to provide response to all arguments of some scholars and ...

The Holy Qur'an Mentions Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.)

The Holy Qur'an Mentions Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.)
The Holy Qur'an Mentions Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.) The verse of relationship, from the Quran, says: "Say: `No reward do I ask of you for this except the love of those near of kin. 'And if anyone earns any good, We shall give him an increase of good in respect there of for Allah is Oft?Forgiving, Most Ready to appreciate (service)." (42: 23) This verse is a clear command from Allah to His noble Prophet. It is as follows: (Say) O Muhammad, to ...

Imam Sadiq’s Effective Strategy

Imam Sadiq’s Effective Strategy
Imam Jafar bin Muhammad had two kinds of different behavior towards the rulers, especially towards Mansour Abbasi; these two seem to be contradicting each other. He would sometimes talk nicely to him, trying to justify himself and he would sometimes treat him roughly. He would talk calmly sometimes and he seemed to be asking Mansour to believe him. For instance, "I swear I did not do that and I do not think that anyone should do something like ...

A Glance at the Life of Imam Hasan (A.S.)

A Glance at the Life of Imam Hasan (A.S.)
Name : HasanTitle : al-Mujtaba (The Chosen One)Kuniyat : Abu MuhammadFather : Imam Ali (A)Mother : Bibi Fatima Zahra (A)Birthdate : 15th Mahe Ramadhan 3 A.H. in MadinaImamat : From 40 A.H. to 50 A.H.Martyrdom : 28th Safar 50 A.H.Buried : Madina, Saudi Arabia.The Holy Imam (A) was the eldest child of Imam Ali (A) and Bibi Fatima Zahra (A). When the Holy Prophet (S) received the happy news of the birth of his grandson, he came at once to his ...

Freedom As Described in the Nahj al-Balaghah

Freedom As Described in the Nahj al-Balaghah
FreedomIn the Nahj al-Balaghah Imam Ali (a.s) has repeatedly emphasized that God created man as a free being with sound senses and reason, and led him with His grace to the right path, but it was man who chained himself with false desires and misguided ambitions. He stresses this point with regard to man's natural makeup and his ability to exercise his freedom in the right path. Rousseau's famous dictum "Man was born free, but everywhere he is ...

"Al-Ghadir" and its Relevance to Islamic Unity

Ayatullah Murtaza Mutahhari Translated by Mojgan Jalali Message of Thaqalayn Vol. 3, No. 1 and 2 (1417 AH/1996 CE) The distinguished book entitled "al-Ghadir" has raised a huge wave in the world of Islam. Islamic thinkers shed light on the book in different perspectives; in literature, history, theology, tradition, tafsir, and sociology. From the social perspective we can deal with the Islamic unity. In this review the Islamic unity has been ...

An Account Of The Intellectual Accomplishments Of the 11th Great Imam

An Account Of The Intellectual Accomplishments Of the 11th Great Imam
During the time Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) was in imprisonment at Baghdad, for three years at a stretch there was a severe famine. A Christian scholar arrived there and showing a miracle of causing rain he created a great turmoil in the beliefs of Muslims. Everyone began to extol his spiritual feats and the truth of Christian faith. The news reached Motamid. He summoned him and requested him to cause rain. Immediately he raised his hands to the sky ...

The History and Philosophy of Aza-e-Hussain (A.S.)

The History and Philosophy of Aza-e-Hussain (A.S.)
A. THE MESSAGE Over one thousand three hundred and fifty years ago, on the 10th of Muharram, just before 'asr, a man stood on a sand-dune at Kerbala. He was bleeding from several wounds on his body. He had lost everything. Since early morning he had carried several dead bodies into his camp. He had even buried his infant child. He looked at the bodies of his loved ones. Tears flowed out of his eyes. He looked at the sky and seemed to draw some ...

History of the Holy Shrine of Imam Ali al-Naqi & Imam Hasan al-Askari (PBUT)

History of the Holy Shrine of Imam Ali al-Naqi & Imam Hasan al-Askari (PBUT)
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - The modern city of Samarra is situated on the bank of the river Tigris some sixty miles from the city of Baghdad. The city is of outstanding importance because of its two shrines. The golden dome on one shrine was presented by Nasr al-Din Shah and completed under Muzaffar al-Din Shah in the year 1905 A.D. Beneath the golden dome are four graves, those of Imam Ali al-Naqi (10th Imam) and his son, Imam Hasan al-Askari ...

The requests of Imam Sajjad(s) from God for the days of the week:

The requests of Imam Sajjad(s) from God for the days of the week:
In “Mafatihol Janan”, Mohammad Qomi records the invocations which Imam Sajjad(s) used to employ daily during which Imam asked God for certain assets. Sunday: O God! Accept my prayers and fasting. And make tomorrow better than to-day for me. O God! Make me loved and respectable among my clan. O God! Protect me both during my sleep and in my wakefulness. O God! Put me under your special protection and bring me to me end while you have cut ...

Along with Imam Husain (AS), From Medina to Karbala (1)

Along with Imam Husain (AS), From Medina to Karbala (1)
Salaam and welcome to the first part of our special program for the month of Moharram "Along with Imam Husain (AS), From Medina to Karbala." The month of Moharram has started. It is the month of mourning for the martyrs of the greatest ever tragedy the world has ever seen. It is the month on whose advent the faithful don black clothes and put up black banners on roofs, walls and streets, highlighting the words and objectives of the Chief of ...