Thursday 18th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Conversation of Angels with Imam Husain (A.S)

Conversation of Angels with Imam Husain (A.S)
Shaikh Mufeed has narrated through his chain of transmitters, that Imam Ja'far as Sadiq (a.s.) said, that when Imam Husain (a.s.) left Madina, a group of Angels, having distinct marks, met him on the way. (Bayt Agency) - They carried swords in their hands and had mounted the horses of Paradise. They came to Imam, saluted him and said, "O Allah's Proof (Hujjah) upon the creatures after your Grandfather, Father and Brother! Allah the Glorious had ...

What the Holy Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.) Said About Imam Hasan and Imam Husayn(pbut)?

What the Holy Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.) Said About Imam Hasan and Imam Husayn(pbut)?
According to al-Bara'; I saw the prophet (S.A.W) with al-Hasan son of 'Ali on his shoulder and saying, " O. Allah, I love him, so love him".References: Saheeh Moslem Ch.5 p.36/ Saheeh al-Bokhary, book of Fadha'il al-Sahaba Ch.2 p.1281/Jami' al-Osool Ch.9 H.6552 p.27/Majma' al-Zawa'id Ch.9 p.176/Usd al-Ghaba Ch.2 p.12/Al-Sawa'iq al-Mohriqa, S.10 p.137/Matalib al-So'ul p.227/Al-Mo'jam al-Kabeer Ch.3 H.2585 p.31/Is'af al-Raghibeen ...

Significance of the Month of Ramadan and its Fast

Significance of the Month of Ramadan and its Fast
On p. 64, Vol. 2, of Safeenat al-Bihar, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted saying that Allah Almighty has charged a group of His angels with the task of supplicating for those who observe the fast. On the same page of the same reference, Imam Ja'fer al-Sadiq (as) is quoted saying that if a person fasts during a hot day, and he suffers from thirst, Allah will assign a thousand angels to wipe his face and convey to him glad tidings, and when ...

During Yazid's Rule According to Maudoodi's Khilafat wa Mulikiyyat

During Yazid's Rule According to Maudoodi's Khilafat wa Mulikiyyat
Source: Translated/Excerpted from Sayyid A. A. Maudoodi's Khelafat o Rajtantro[Dhaka: Adhunik Prokashoni, 1989; Bengali rendering of his monumental work, Khilafat wa mulikiyyat in Urdu]Translator: Dr. Mohammad Omar FarooqThe legacy of placing politics over Deen and violating the Shariah for the sake of power politics that started during the rule of Hadrat Muawiya (r) reached a critical low during the rule of his own appointed heir, Yazid. Three ...

Worship of Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s.)

Worship of Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s.)
Various testimonies are available with regard to the intellectual accomplishments of Imam (a.s) in form of statements of Moayyad, Imam Zuhri, Saeed bin Musayyab, Ibn Jazm, Sufyan bin Uyanna and Abu Hamzah Thumali etc. who are called the best of Tabeins (companions of companions) and who were great scholars of their time. They used to express pride on their discipleship of Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s). They used to say, "When the springs of ...

Let’s know Hazrat Fatimah’s Honor and grand dignity

Let’s know Hazrat Fatimah’s Honor and grand dignity
Fatimah (peace be upon her) has endowed with honor and grand dignity; the honor no one could achieve it as Fatimah (peace be upon her) did. Expressing all her aspects of her character is not feasible; therefore, some points are stated:1. She is Allah’s beloved:She is the pure servant of Allah, and is always in worship and contact with Him in order to give her servanthood superiority over her other positions, so that no luxury, effort, or ...

Lady Fatima Masuma's Journey to Qum

Lady Fatima Masuma's Journey to Qum
1- The separation of Lady Fatima Masuma (A) from Imam al-Ridā (A) Although the separation from her father had been very difficult, Lady Fatima Masuma (A) still had her brother to comfort her. However, in 200 A.H, Ma’mūn (the 7th Abbasid Caliph), demanded Imam al-Ridha’s (A) presence in Khurāsān. The departure of her brother further increased her sorrow. This separation lasted for only about one year, but sadly she passed away before they ...

Imam Hasan al-Askari (A.S.)

Imam Hasan al-Askari (A.S.)
mam Hassan al-Askari was born in Madina,on 8th day of the month of Rabi' Thani, in the year 232 A.H. He was called 'al-Askari' in connection with the district of Askar in the city of Samarra' in which he (the Imam) and his father, Imam Ali un-Naqi al-Hadi (A.S.) were imprisoned by the Abbasid caliphs.The holy Imam(A.S.) was born and brought up under the care of his father, Imam Ali al-Hadi (A.S.), who was well-known for his divinely inspired ...

Without Fatima Zahra (A.S.) there is no Islam

Without Fatima Zahra (A.S.) there is no Islam
BIRTHFatima, was a special person even before she was born because she was conceived from the fruits of paradise. The Prophet (S.A.W) says:"that before she was conceived the Arch-Angel Gabriel came down from the heavens with a plate containing a cluster of dates and a bunch of grapes ordering me to eat them. After I ate them I was ordered to go to Khadija and thus Fatima was conceived from the fruits of paradise."Khadija was now pregnant with ...

Imam Zayn al-Abidin's Supplication for the Muslims Guarding the Frontiers

Imam Zayn al-Abidin's Supplication for the Muslims Guarding the Frontiers
This is one of the great supplications, which display the highest moral traits of the Ima`m, peace be on him, and his great talents, which did not yield to any desire except the truth. Now, let's listen to this great supplication with which he would supplicate for the people of the frontiers: "O Allah, bless Mohammed and his Household, fortify the frontiers of the Muslims through Your mighty, support their defenders through Your strength, and ...

Fasting: Zakat of the Body

Fasting: Zakat of the Body
Imam Ali (AS): “For everything that you own there is Zakat, and Zakat of your body is fasting.” . (Nahjul- Balagha, Saying 135) The Holy Month of Ramadan is received with great religious fervor in the Islamic world. Religious and social traditions during Ramadan have remained unchanged, linking Muslims of today with their ancestors. The date of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Hejira, vary due to the lunar calendar, falling approximately 11 ...

Imam Sajjad's Deep Love for the Holy Quran

Imam Sajjad's Deep Love for the Holy Quran
Imam Ali ibn al-Husayn al-Sajjad (as) held the Holy Quran dearly to his heart. This is evident from his sayings and behaviour with regard to the Quran. For instance, Zuhri has reported having heard Imam al-Sajjad (as) saying: “If the inhabitants of the East and the West all perish and I am left alone with only the Glorious Quran, I will not become victim of any desolation”. (Al-Kaafi) What the Imam (as) implied was that even if the entire ...

The School of Humanity

The School of Humanity
The subject of our discourse is 'the school of humanity'. The human being who is the only inquisitive being in the world that we know, has always been subjected to investi- gation and discussion. The word 'humanity' has always been connected with a sense of loftiness and sanctity as a being superior to animals from various points of view, such as knowledge justice, freedom, moral conscience, etc. Although many of humanity's sacred objects have ...

Wonderful Short Maxims of Imam Hasan al-Askari (A.S.)

Wonderful Short Maxims of Imam Hasan al-Askari (A.S.)
Compiled by: Baqir Shareef al-Qurashi The following are some of the wonderful maxims transmitted from Imam Abu Muhammad al-Askari (a.s.). He said, 1. "If fate is inevitable, then for what purpose is supplication (of man to other than Allah)?" 2. "A believer is a blessing for a believer and an authority on an unbeliever." 3. "The heart of a fool is in his mouth, and the mouth of a wise man is in his heart." 4. "Anger is the key to every evil." 5. ...

Hadhrat Abbas,the Standard Bearer of Hossein (A.S)

Hadhrat Abbas,the Standard Bearer of Hossein (A.S)
The shifting sand dunes of Karbala were smeared with blood. Near one of wash dunes, on the bank of Alkoma, lay the prostrate figure of a youth with blood gushing out from innumerable wounds. The crimson life-tide was ebbing fast. Even so, it seemed as if he was anxiously expecting somebody to come to him, to be near him before he breathed his last. Through his starched throat he was feebly calling somebody. Yes, Abbas was anxiously expecting his ...

Ali Akbar, The Hashemite Prince

Ali Akbar, The Hashemite Prince
Written by Zakir The whole town of Medina was humming with activity. People from all parts of the town were looking into the street of the Hashimites where a caravan was getting ready for a journey. The elders of the town were talking to each other in hushed tones, recalling the words of the Prophet, that a day will dawn when his beloved grandson Husain (as) would leave Medina with his sons, brothers, nephews and kinsmen never to return. There ...

The Tragedy of Karbala - Part I

The Tragedy of Karbala - Part I

Beginning of the Prophetic Mission

Beginning of the Prophetic Mission
Finally the appointed moment arrived, the moment which had been foretold by previous Prophets (PBUH) to their followers. At the age of 40, the orphan son of Abdullah attained the exalted station of messengerhood. It was he alone at that time who had prepared for guiding the world with his message for only this great and heavy responsibility could call for such qualities and virtues as he possessed. Only in such a vast enterprise could the ...

Worship of Imam Husain (A.S)

Worship of Imam Husain (A.S)
What can be said about the worship of the one who was brought up in the laps of the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P) and Imam Ali (A.S), and had benefited from their company. Imam Hussein (A.S) was fond of worship since his early childhood. He often used to pray with the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P). Hafas bin Ghayas reports that one day the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P) stood up to pray and Imam Husain (A.S) also came and stood beside ...

Questions Relating to Ashura/Karbala (2)

Questions Relating to Ashura/Karbala (2)
Why did Imam al-Husayn (as) give his Companions Permission to Leave? One of the objections and questions put forward by some people regarding the event of Karbala is why Imam al-Husayn (as) gave his companions permission to go and leave him alone at Karbala on the night of ‘Ashura. Imam al-Husayn (as) knew that he was facing a large number of enemy soldiers whose hearts did not possess any mercy at all. He knew that fighting with them was ...