Thursday 18th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Companions of Imam Hussain (A.S.) and their Martyrdom

Companions of Imam Hussain (A.S.) and their Martyrdom
Hasan Sa'eed bin Hibatullah, renowned as Qutubuddin Rawandi, relates through his chain of authorities from Imam Mohammad al Baqir (A.S.), that before his martyrdom, Imam Husain (A.S.) told his companions that his grandfather the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) had told him, "O my dear son! You shall be killed at Iraq, and it is a place where the Prophets, their successors and Apostles have met one another and it is called Amoora. You shall be martyred at ...

The Ninth Holy Imam of Shias

The Ninth Holy Imam of Shias
He was the only son of Imam Ali Reza (a.s.) The Prophet (S.A.W.) had said:"My father be sacrificed on the mother of the 9th Imam who will be a pure and pious Nubian."Imam Musa Kadhim (A.S.) had told one of his companions that his daughter-in-law (Sabika) would be one of the most pious of women and to give her his salaams. She came from the same tribe as the Prophet's wife - Mary Copt who bore the Prophet his son Ibrahim (who died in ...

Imam Reza(A.S.) Debates With A Catholic Priest and A Rabbi

Imam Reza(A.S.) Debates With A Catholic Priest and A Rabbi
After the death of Ima`m Mu`sa` al-Ka`zim, peace be on him, Imam Reza(A.S.) traveled to Basrah in order to produce evidence in support of his Ima`mate and in order to disprove the vague errors of those who deviated from the truth. He stopped at the house of al-Hasan b. Mohammed al-'Alawi and held in it a session for a group of the Muslims among whom was 'Amru` b. Hadda`b, who deviated from the members of the House (ahl al-Bayt ), peace be on ...

Hadrat Abu Taleb (A.S.) Al-Momin

Hadrat Abu Taleb (A.S.) Al-Momin
Eeman is the infinitive form of the verb (aamana) and it means believing or trusting. Later on the word eeman takes a religious sense to mean faithfulness and it has its special definition. Al-mo'min is the opposite of al-kafir (the unfaithful). Eeman according to the religious definition is: faith in the heart (mind) and certification by the tongue of what has been revealed by Allah to the Prophet (s).So al-mo'min (the faithful) is he, who has ...

Short Biography of Hadrat Fatima Masoumah (A.S.)

Short Biography of Hadrat Fatima Masoumah (A.S.)
The name of this divine lady was Fatima and her nickname was Masoumah. Her father was Imam Musa al-Kazim (A.S.), the seventh Imam of the Shi'ites and her mother was named Najma Khatun who was also the mother of Imam Reza (A.S.), the eighth Shi'ite Imam.She was born on first day of the month of Zee al-Qa'adah in the year 173 A.H./789 A.D., in the holy city of Madinah Munawwarah. Her holy father was martyred in the Baghdad prison at the hands of ...

Hazrat Imam Hussein (AS)'s quotes

Hazrat Imam Hussein (AS)'s quotes
Hazrat Imam Hussein (AS)’s quotes * O my followers! Whenever you drink refreshing water remember me Or whenever you heard about a martyred or a lonely person, weep for me I am the son of the Prophet who was martyred cruelly, And then smashed me intentionally under the hoofs of their horses. I wish you all were present in Ashoora and saw how I asked them for water for my infant, but they refused to give. * In a letter Imam Hussein (AS) sent ...

The Situation of Women in Pre-Islamic Society

The Situation of Women in Pre-Islamic Society
In Arabia, woman was a commodity, counted in the wealth of the father, husband or son; and after death she was inherited like the other possessions and became the property of the descendents. It was a disgrace to have a daughter, and in some tribes the family buried this shameful thing with their own hands (see XVI: 59). In Iran, also, the form of class society did not bring anything better for women. In Greece, woman was a creature of ...

Role of Religious Deviation in Leading to Karbala

Role of Religious Deviation in Leading to Karbala
The Islamic community in the year the event of Karbala- took place, had greatly differed from that in the last year of Prophet’s life. The trend of deviation had been however gradual, according to many of researchers, the basis thereof was established from the first years after the Prophet’s departure. The foregoing deviations were in such a way that the politicians could avail themselves of them to not only delude the people but ...

Do Remember, After Every Hardship There Will Be Relief

Do Remember, After Every Hardship There Will Be Relief
Do Remember, After Every Hardship There Will Be Relief Bakr the son of Salih narrates the following story:My son in law wrote Imam Jawad (A.S.) a letter which included the following: "My father has great animosity with Prophet Muhammad's progeny (A.S.). His belief is corrupted, and he mistreats me to a great extent.My Master, I first like to request your prayer on my behalf, and second to ask for your suggestions on how to deal with this ...

Role of Hadrat Abbas (a.s.) in the Historical Epic of Ashura

Role of Hadrat Abbas (a.s.) in the Historical Epic of Ashura
Symbol of bravery and fidelityNeither bravery without fidelity is worthy, nor fidelity without bravery is working. The path of truth calls for the strong, tireless, trustworthy and loyal people. In the battle fields, knighthood and bravery mixed with fidelity to the path of truth, high cause and infallible leader are required, and all of these features existed in son of Ali (a.s.). Abbas was from the tribe of the courage and skilled in warfare ...



A Brief Look at Imam Hussain (A.S.)

A Brief Look at Imam Hussain (A.S.)
(This is) an account of the Imam after al-Hasan b. Ali, peace be on him, (giving) the date of his birth, the evidence of his Imamate, the age he reached, the period of his succession (khalifa), the time and cause of his death, and the place of his grave. (It also provides) a selection from the (historical) reports about him. (Bayt Agency) - The Imam after al-Hasan b. Ali was his brother, al-Husayn b. Ali (who was) the son of Fatima, daughter of ...

Imamate of Imam Ali (A.S.)

Imamate of Imam Ali (A.S.)
1. IntroductionWe have gathered [1] here tonight in memory of the person who has given us our identity as "Shi'a Muslims". We take pride in calling ourselves "Shi'as of 'Ali" - the Partisans or Followers of 'Ali bin Abi Talib (a.s.).Tonight I am going to talk on the caliphate of Imam 'Ali bin Abi Talib because of questions asked by many people about the recent controversy on "the explicit appointment" of the Imam to the position of caliphate ...

Karbala Revitalized the True Islamic Spirit

Karbala Revitalized the True Islamic Spirit
By: Syed Kazim Reza Events leading to the martyrdom of Imam Hussain and his family have great significance in the history of Islam. As one poet wrote on these events: Islam is revived after every Kerbala. In the year 60 Al Hijra (680 AD) Yezid, son of Maaviya, was the Calipha (head of Islamic government) in Damascus, Syria. Yezid's rule as Calipha was far from Islamic. Under Yezid's rule, there was widespread corruption in government as well as ...

Childhood and Wisdom of Imam Muhammad Taqi (A.S.)

Childhood and Wisdom of Imam Muhammad Taqi (A.S.)
Imam Muhammad Taqi (A.S.), the ninth Imam and son of Imam Reza (A.S.), was appointed to Imamate at age of seven. As Imam Muhammad Taqi (A.S.), also referred to as Imam Jawad and Abu Ja'far, was the first Imam to be appointed to Imamate at such a young age, many may question its possibility and reliability.This selection will seek to answer the following questions: Is it really possible a young boy could have reached perfection and thus become ...

Historical Aspect of the Imam's Biography

Historical Aspect of the Imam's Biography
Imam and Alawide RevoltsWe have already indicated that one of the reasons which prompted al-Mamoon to bring Imam al-Rida (A.S.) to Khurasan and nominate him as his successor was to avoid a direct collision with the Alawides who were of the view that the Abbasides had monopolized authority and robbed them of their right to rule the Muslims. Al-Mamoon tried to deal with this problem which always used to push the Alawides to assault the government ...

Why to Mourn over the Master of Martyrs?

Why to Mourn over the Master of Martyrs?
The world has certain rules and regulations legislated by the Creator, who is All Knowing and does not do anything without a reason.We see nothing except glory and grandeur of the Creator in this world. His rules and traditions do not suffer from slightest shortcoming. In fact, scientists and thinkers ponder on the analysis and try to discover the reasons of these rules. They find the secrets of some of these rules, while they are unable to find ...

AhlulBaits (A.S) Before Adam (A.S)

AhlulBaits (A.S) Before Adam (A.S)
Here are some of the Hadees which says that the Spirits(Ruh)/Lights(Noor) of Ahlulbayt(A.S) were created before creation of Adam(A.S) from Clay:Ali ibn Muhammad has narrated from Sahl ibn Ziyad from Musa ibn al-Qasim ibn Mu‘awiya and Muhammad ibn Yahya from al-‘Amrakiy ibn Ali altogether from Ali ibn Ja'far from abu al-Hassan Musa (A.S) who has said the following:Imam abu ‘Abdallah (A.S) has said, ‘Allah, the Most Holy, ...

Ali Akbar, the Hashemite Prince

Ali Akbar, the Hashemite Prince
The scene of Ali Akbar's march towards the battlefield was such as would defy description. The cries of ladies and children of Hussain's (A.S) camp were rising above the din of battle-cries and beating of enemy drums. It was appearing as if a dead body of an only son, dead in the prime of youth, was being taken out of a house for the last rites.Ali Akbar was now facing the enemy hordes. He was addressing the forces of Umar ibn Sa'ad with an ...

The Companions and the Narrators of the Traditions of Imam Hasan al-Askari (A.S.)

The Companions and the Narrators of the Traditions of Imam Hasan al-Askari (A.S.)
By: Baqir Shareef al-Qurashi The Abbasid government did not allow 'Ulama' and jurisprudent to communicate with Imam Abu Muhammad (a.s.) lest his virtues and vast knowledge would be spread among people everywhere, as then people would be affected by him and would turn their backs to the Abbasids. In spite of all the severe procedures the Abbasids took to separate the imam from people, some 'Ulama' and narrators communicated with him and narrated ...