Thursday 4th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Sheikh Ahmed Amin al-Antaki

Sheikh Ahmed Amin al-Antaki
  Sheikh Ahmed al-Antaki’s birth and upbringing   The full name of Sheikh al-Antaki is Ahmed son of Yousif son of Ali son of Qanbar al-Haza . Sheikh al-Antaki was born in a village called ‘Ensow’ on the outskirts of Antakia. The village of Ensow comprises of two words, one of the words being in Arabic and the other in Turkish, the literal meaning of Ensow means eye of water, this name was given to it due to its watery riches and ...

Arnold Toynbee’s Theory of Civilizations

Arnold Toynbee’s Theory of Civilizations
Genesis Toynbee argues that "self-determining" civilizations are born (out of more primitive societies), not due to racial or environmental factors, but as a response to challenges, such as hard country, new ground, blows and pressures from other civilizations, and penalizations. He argues that for civilizations to be born, the challenge must be a golden mean; that excessive challenge will crush the civilization, and too little challenge will ...

US Mosque in Virginia opens its door to community

US Mosque in Virginia opens its door to community
Charlottesville’s mosque in Virginia USA, opened Saturday night its doors to the community for the first time to show what the Islamic faith is all about. For the first time since the mosque opened in 2012, Muslims who worship there welcomed the public to an "open house.” The common refrain was that Islam is a religion of peace. The mosque welcomed anyone who had doubts or questions about Islam’s intentions to learn about the ...

Edoardo Agnelli

Edoardo Agnelli
Edoardo Agnelli was born on June 1954 in New York city , his father was Christian and his mother was Jewish . His mother (Marella Caracciolo di Castagneto ) was a Jewish princess and his father was senator Gianni Agnelli, a famous and rich man in Italy . He was the owner of automobile factories, Fiat, Ferrari, Lancia, Lamborghini, Alfa Romeo and Iveco and also factories producing industrial parts, many private Banks, companies of fashion, design ...

Prominent Tunisian Shia scholar: We must raise awareness among Sunnis about Ghadir

Prominent Tunisian Shia scholar: We must raise awareness among Sunnis about Ghadir
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Speaking at the Third International Conference on Wilayah [Guardianship] in Ahvaz, Dr. Muhammad al-Tijani al-Samawi, a renowned Tunisian Shi’a scholar, said this conference is a good opportunity for scholars from various Islamic countries to participate in the strengthening of solidary among Muslims. Speaking on the eve of Eid al-Ghadir, a Shi’a Islamic holy day which celebrates the divine ...

An Interview with Esam Al-Emad a Wahhabi Scholar Who Converted to Shia

An Interview with Esam Al-Emad a Wahhabi Scholar Who Converted to Shia
According to Maw'ud monthly, as reported by the reporter of Rahavard Electronic Journal, Yemen has about 22 million population of which 30 percent are Zaidi Shiites, that is, about 5/6 million people. Previously, the statistics showed a higher percentage of Shia population in this country. During the period of Zaidis' government, they made up approximately 40% of the population. At present, however, only 4 or 5 percent of the Zaidi population is ...

The Musalman: The Last Hand Printed Newspaper of India

The Musalman: The Last Hand Printed Newspaper of India
As a business model, The Musalman (The Muslim) — the world's oldest Urdu-language daily newspaper — is unlikely to be replicated. For one thing, The Musalman serves a limited readership in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, and any prospective competitors would be hard-pressed to duplicate the paper's network of New Delhi, Kolkata and Hyderabad stringers.  For another thing, The Musalman is a handwritten paper. What modern, ...

Islamic psychology will be offered in University of Iowa, US

Islamic psychology will be offered in University of Iowa, US
Introduction to Islamic Psychology is the start of what UI adjunct professor Carrie York Al-Karam hopes will blossom into an Islamic Psychology Institute offering an Islamic psychology certificate.“It’s not even just a new course at the University of Iowa,” York Al-Karam told The Gazette. “It’s a new course; nobody is teaching this.”Islamic Psychology will be offered online for three semester hours this fall ...

Illinois residents visit Islamic Center to know about Islam

Illinois residents visit Islamic Center to know about Islam
his was the first visit for some within DeKalb’s Beloved Community. The group is open to people of different beliefs and backgrounds. They meet monthly at various locations to discuss a variety of topics facing residents of the DeKalb area.Michelle Goodenough heard about the tour in her home church’s Sunday bulletin. "We are a community, and we should extend our fellowship beyond our church doors," Goodenough said. "We are amongst ...

Chinese Woman Inquires About Islam in Razavi Holy Shrine

Chinese Woman Inquires About Islam in Razavi Holy Shrine
 A Chinese woman attended in the Ghadir portico of the Razavi Holy Shrine to inquire about ...

Muslim convert experiences Imam Reza shrine

Muslim convert experiences Imam Reza shrine
Jolaleq who chose the name ‘Jannat’ for himself after converting to Islam, attended in the Razavi Holy Shrine along with a group of Thai Muslims and made use of various programs of Non-Iranian Pilgrims of Astan Quds Razavi that were arranged for them. “Believing in monotheism and recognizing God makes the human heart tranquil and fills the soul with purity. Islam teaches us to be kind to each other and practice beneficence to ...

Eduardo Agnelli, The Martyr of his Belief

Eduardo Agnelli, The Martyr of his Belief
Eduardo Agnelli was born on June 1954 in New York City, his father was Christian and his mother was Jewish. His mother (Marella Caracciolo di Castagneto) was a Jewish princess and his father was Senator Gianni Agnelli, a famous and rich man in Italy. He was the owner of automobile factories, Fiat, Ferrari, Lancia, Lamborghini, Alfa Romeo and Iveco and also factories producing industrial parts. In addition there are many building constructions ...

Three-year-old Nigerian boy memorized entire Quran by heart

Three-year-old Nigerian boy memorized entire Quran by heart
 A 3-year-old Nigerian boy is the youngest in the African country to memorize the entire ...

Five Swedens convert to Shia Islam at Imam Reza Holy Shrine

Five Swedens convert to Shia Islam at Imam Reza Holy Shrine
Getting familiar with the fundamental principles of Islam, accepting the oneness of God, prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), as well as confessing to the Velayat of Ali (AS), the visiting tourists converted their profession of faith and became Shia Muslims. Several non-Iranian pilgrims including 10 European and American citizens have converted to Islam in the Holy Shrine in the past Iranian calendar year (ended March 19, ...

US Muslim woman fired from work for wearing hijab

US Muslim woman fired from work for wearing hijab
- In a case of alleged discrimination in the US, a young Muslim woman was fired from her job at a dental clinic for wearing a hijab as her employer wanted to keep a "neutral environment" in ...

Anjuman Shari Shian marks 'Demolition of Jannat-ul-Baqee’ anniv.

Anjuman Shari Shian marks 'Demolition of Jannat-ul-Baqee’ anniv.
Terming the demolition and desecration of Jannat-ul-Baqi’ as the plot hatched by anti-Islamic elements, president Anjuman Shari Shian Aga Sayed Hasan Almosavi Al-Safavi said that Jannat-ul-Baqi’ is a much revered graveyard located in Madinah Munawwarah in Saudi Arabia.“Many great personalities of the AhlulBayt immaculate members of Prophets including his successors are laid to rest there but the Al-Saud government didn’t ...

Ashura procession in Port Louis, Mauritius Island

Ashura procession in Port Louis, Mauritius Island

1438-2016 - Ashura procession in Port Louis, Mauritius Island. *** Imam Hussein and his companions were martyred on Ashura, the 10th day of Muharram (Lunar month), which falls on 12th October 2016 this year. Muharram ceremonies symbolize the eternal and unwavering stance of truth against falsehood and humanity’s struggle against tyranny, the cause for which Imam Hussein was martyred.

Raphael - Former Jehovah's Witness minister

Raphael - Former Jehovah's Witness minister
A forty-two-year-old Latino, Raphael, is a Los Angeles-based comic and lecturer. He was born in Texas where he attended his first Jehovah's Witness meeting at age six. He gave his first Bible sermon at eight, tended his own congregation at twenty, and was headed for a position of leadership among the 904,000 Jehovah's Witnesses in the United States. But he traded in his Bible for a Qur'an after having braved a visit to a local mosque. On ...

Sayyida Zahra birthday held in Bauchi, Nigeria

Sayyida Zahra birthday held in Bauchi, Nigeria
Birth anniversary of Sayyida Zahra celebrated in Bauchi, Nigeria on 10 March ...

Hollywood Has Waged a Full-Scale Cultural War Against Iran, Professor Michael Jones

Hollywood Has Waged a Full-Scale Cultural War Against Iran, Professor Michael Jones
The Hollywood critic by pointing at the Hollywood's anti-Iranian movies said that: Over the past years movies like “Rose Water” “Argo” and “300” were among the anti-Iranian movies made in Hollywood. Pointing at the history of American cultural war against Iran he said: Overthrow of Mossadegh, the deposition of Pahlavi as king and promotion of Western culture are among the many instances of American cultural ...