Thursday 4th of July 2024
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France shut around 20 mosques since December

France shut around 20 mosques since December
- French authorities have shut down around 20 mosques and prayer halls considered to be preaching radicals since December, Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said on ...

Muhammad Legenhausen

Muhammad Legenhausen
Name: Muhammad LegenhausenHome Community: QomCountry: IranMajor: PhilosophyAge: 54School: IKI Profile Sketch:born 3 May, 1953 in New York City, New York graduated from Holy Child Jesus School 1967 graduated from Archbishop Molloy High School 1971 graduated from the State University of New York at Albany 1974 with a B.A. in Philosophy. M.A. in Philosophy — Rice University, Houston, Texas, 1979 Ph.D. in Philosophy — Rice University, Houston, ...

Zaria Massacre: Nigerian Army trying to do the Impossible

Zaria Massacre: Nigerian Army trying to do the Impossible
By: H. Elbinawi The brutal Zaria massacre by the Nigerian army that killed close to 1000 defenseless and unarmed Nigerians will go down in history as the most barbaric, inhuman and wicked mass-murder that was masterminded and executed by the highest-ranking Nigerian government officials to serve an evil foreign imperialist agenda that has the savage Saudi regime as a front.After the Zaria massacre various events unfolded but the two important ...

El Salvadoran Shia writes book in Spanish on Muslim figures’ letters

El Salvadoran Shia writes book in Spanish on Muslim figures’ letters
Oscar Salvador Rodriguez Pineda was born in 1971 into a Christian family in the Central American country.He learned about Islam when reading about religions as a student of paleontology.He embraced Shia Islam in 2000 after reading a lot of books about the religion and changed his name to Mustafa El Salvadori.Years later, he started studying at the Islamic Seminary of Qom after travelling to the Islamic Republic of Iran for a one-day ...

Zaria Massacre: Wicked bloodthirsty tyrants think by killing innocent life will ended but martyrdom is beginning of real life

Zaria Massacre: Wicked bloodthirsty tyrants think by killing innocent life will ended but martyrdom is beginning of real life
Reflection on the state of His Eminence Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky:An occasion was recently organized for children to pay a visit to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei then one of the children went on stage to greet the Great Leader. When the child extended his right hand to shake the right hand of the Leader, the Leader extended his left hand to receive the right hand of the child. Then it down on the child that the ...

Muslim-Christian Ties in Europe: Past, Present and Future

Muslim-Christian Ties in Europe: Past, Present and Future
The History of Islamic-Christian Relations in Europe: Cultural Interaction Versus Political-Ideological Confrontation From the universal perspective of the history of civilizations, Europe displays a remarkable disparity in regard to the mutual cultural influences of the Muslim and the Christian world. The influence of European thinking on the Muslim world dates back to the beginning of the 19th century while Muslim civilization had made its ...

Saudi political detainees subjected to severe abuse

Saudi political detainees subjected to severe abuse
The Guardian reported on Sunday that the medical reports showed the political prisoners are suffering from malnutrition, cuts, bruises and burns, in the first documented evidence from within the heart of the royal court that runs contrary to Riyadh’s repeated denials of such torture reports. AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Leaked medical reports prepared for Saudi Arabia’s King Salman have for the first time provided evidence of the ...

Manchester City’s Muslim superstar Yaya Toure, agent donate £100K to bomb attack's victims

Manchester City’s Muslim superstar Yaya Toure, agent donate £100K to bomb attack's victims
Such terrible news in Manchester. Thoughts and prayers with all those affected,” Toure tweeted on Tuesday morning. The news of the donation was revealed by Sky Sports News HQ which was told that Toure felt the need to help when details of the first victims were made public. Twenty-two people, including children, were killed and at least 59 injured after the explosion shortly after 10.30pm. “The news an eight-year-old girl went to ...

Canadian Muslims opening mosque doors to public in Calgary

Canadian Muslims opening mosque doors to public in Calgary
Some Muslims are growing more concerned about rising tensions with their fellow Canadians, and the local community in Calgary is hoping to break down the barriers by inviting the public to their place of worship. Organizer Shima Safwat is planning an event called “Visit a Mosque”, which is a chance for all members of the public to learn about Muslim faith, culture and traditions. She said considering some of the backlash Muslims ...

Ayatollah Modarresi hails UN al-Quds resolution

Ayatollah Modarresi hails UN al-Quds resolution
Senior Iraqi cleric Ayatollah Sayyed Muhammad Taqi Modarresi asked Iraqi officials to support Kurdistan region without hesitation; he also hailed United Nations’ al-Quds resolution to condemn Trump’s recent decision to move Israel capital from Tel Aviv to ...

Costa Rican lady convert to Shia Islam at Imam Ridha holy shrine; Islam guided me to way of awakening and felicity

Costa Rican lady convert to Shia Islam at Imam Ridha holy shrine; Islam guided me to way of awakening and felicity

An Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Leader Converted to Shia Islam in Holy Karbala

An Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Leader Converted to Shia Islam in Holy Karbala
Iraqi sources revealed that an Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood leader convert to Shiite Islam during his visit to the holy city of Karbala, south of ...

Ibrahim Khalil - Former Egyptian Coptic priest

Ibrahim Khalil - Former Egyptian Coptic priest
Al-Haj Ibrahim Khalil Ahmad, formerly Ibrahim Khalil Philobus, was an Egyptian Coptic priest who studied theology and got a high degree from Princeton University. He studied Islam to find gaps to attack it; instead he embraced Islam with his four children, one of whom is now a brilliant professor in Sorbonne University, Paris France. In an interesting way, he reveals himself saying: "I was born in Alexandria on the 13th of January 1919 and was ...

British Girl Memorizes Entire Quran at 7

British Girl Memorizes Entire Quran at 7
Maria began memorizing the holy book at the age of five and within two years, she has learned it all. Along the way, she has raised thousands of pounds for children in Syria, according to Press TV. Her Facebook page has more than 6,000 ...

Suthida,Thai Actress Converts To Islam Despite Objections

Suthida,Thai Actress Converts To Islam Despite Objections
 Suthida has changed her name to Assieh and is taking courses at a school in Bangkok to learn the Islamic principles. The popular actress has said that despite many objections raised by people around her, she finally decided to convert to Islam. She has made the decision after travelling to many countries for finding the most perfect religion. The move has been hugely debated in the Thai media. Suthida has also stated that she performs her ...

Photos: Free Zakzaky peaceful protest in Abuja, Nigeria

Photos: Free Zakzaky peaceful protest in Abuja, Nigeria
AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Free Zakzaky peaceful protest held in Abuja, ...

Canada's longest Muslim conference opens doors to promote multi-faith conversation

Canada's longest Muslim conference opens doors to promote multi-faith conversation
Muslims come out to the gathering, dubbed Jalsa Salana, to socialize, listen to lectures and engage in dialogue about current events affecting their community. Safwan Choudhry, an event organizer, said it's also an open-door affair that offers non-Muslim Canadians a chance to come and ask any questions they may have. "There are booths that talk about what's happening geo-politically around the world and in the Middle East, there are ...

Bekson and Bexton embraced Islam in Mumbai, says father

Bekson and Bexton embraced Islam in Mumbai, says father
Vincent, father of Bekson Vincent aka Yahya and Bexton Vincent alias Eesa said it was in Mumbai that his children had taken Muslim names after embracing Islam. Even though Vincent initially said a Mumbai-based Muslim preacher had been instrumental in getting the siblings to convert to Islam, he later retracted this saying his son-in-law told him that this was not the case. According to him, it was Bekson (Yahya), the elder of the two ...

Mohammad al-Tijani al-Samawi

Mohammad al-Tijani al-Samawi
Mohammad al-Tijani al-Samawi was a Tunisian student who, upon making Hajj, was influenced by orthodox Saudi teachings, against saint veneration and tomb visitation, which were central to the North African Sufi tradition. A few years later, al-Samawi was in Egypt on an Islamic tour of the Middle East and ran into an Iraqi student, Mun'im, who invited him to Iraq to see shia Islam with his own eyes, and forget what he had heard of them through ...

Shia, Sunni Muslims celebrate Prophet birthday in 'Unity Week' in Budgam, Kashmir

Shia, Sunni Muslims celebrate Prophet birthday in 'Unity Week' in Budgam, Kashmir
President of Anjuman-e-Sharie Shian of Kashmir and senior Hurriyat leader Aga Syed Hassan Almosvi Alsafvi led a massive Eid-e-Milad (Prophet Muhammad's birthday) procession from Zadibal Srinagar that marched through streets and roads and culminated at Imam Bara Gulshan Bagh Botakadal. Srinagar, KASHMIR (AhlulBayt News Agency) - President of Anjuman-e-Sharie Shian of Kashmir and senior Hurriyat leader Aga Syed Hassan Almosvi Alsafvi led a ...