Thursday 4th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Muslims in Malaysia urged to perform Istisqa prayers

Muslims in Malaysia urged to perform Istisqa prayers
Muslims in Malaysia have been urged to perform the Istisqa prayer on Tuesday, supplicating for rain and better weather. Malaysia Islamic Development Department (Jakim) director-general Datuk Othman Mustapha made the call Monday in a statement, saying the prayer should be performed after the Zuhur (noon)prayer. "All major mosques under Jakim namely the National Mosque, the Putra Mosque, Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin Mosque as well as all mosques ...

Nigerian soldiers arrest top Shia cleric after house raid

Nigerian soldiers arrest top Shia cleric after house raid
Nigerian forces have arrested the top Shia cleric, Ibrahim al-Zakzaky, after carrying out a deadly raid on his private residence in the country’s northern region.  The activists and local residents said that a large number of soldiers torched and destroyed several parts of al-Zakzaky's house before arresting the cleric on Sunday. The army eventually overtook the home of the leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria, claiming the ...

Nigerian security forces attack peaceful Ashura procession in Jos, Sheikh Tsoho is alive

Nigerian security forces attack peaceful Ashura procession in Jos, Sheikh Tsoho is alive
Nigerian security forces attack peaceful Ashura procession in Jos, Sheikh Tsoho is alive / Photos (AhlulBayt News Agency) - Here in Jos, since on last Tuesday; the Military occupied all nook and cranny of Jos fully armed and ready to shoot. With all that, Mourners marched yesterday Wednesday around 10 am. The procession followed through Rogo quarters so as to avoid being trapped in their ploy. Surprisingly, they were seen at Eid Mosque's bridge ...

Famous Nigerian Actress Reverts to Islam

Famous Nigerian Actress Reverts to Islam
Nigeria’s Nollywood famous actress, Lola Alao, has reverted to Islam and changed her name to Rhodiat, joining the fastest growing religion in the world. “Glory be to Allah. Join me in congratulating Lola Alao (a popular Nollywood actress). She just took the Kalimatu Shaa’dah from me, and chose the name Rhodiat,” Adepoju Yusuf, who claims to be her teacher, wrote on Facebook on Wednesday, July 20. “May Allah give her ...

Seattle 'Who is Hussain?' team distributes over 200 water bottles in the name of Imam Hussain

Seattle 'Who is Hussain?' team distributes over 200 water bottles in the name of Imam Hussain

At the world-famous Pike Place Market, 'Who is Hussain?' team in Seattle city of Washington state of U.S. has done introducing the inspirational man -Hussain Bin Ali- and giving 200 bottles of water tagged with information about Who is Hussain.

Israeli forces kill Palestinian man in Kafr Qassem

Israeli forces kill Palestinian man in Kafr Qassem
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - Israeli police officers shot and killed, on Monday evening, a young Palestinian man in Kafr Qassem, east of Tel Aviv, after the police invaded the town, and resorted to excessive use of force against the residents, amidst accusations that the police are not providing security to the Arab citizens of the country facing increasing levels of organized crime, and ...

Dr. Ali Selman Benoist

Dr. Ali Selman Benoist
As a Doctor of Medicine, and a descendant of a French Catholic family, the very choice of my profession has given me a solid scientific culture which had prepared me very little for a mystic life. Not that I did not believe in God, but that the dogmas and rites of Christianity in general and of Catholicism in particular never permitted me to feel His presence. Thus my unitary sentiment for God forbade my accepting the dogma of the Trinity, and ...

Pakistani Shia, Sunni scholars held a joint meeting in Quetta

Pakistani Shia, Sunni scholars held a joint meeting in Quetta
A joint meeting of Sunni and Shia Muslim scholars of Pakistan’s Baluchistan province was held in the province’s capital, Quetta. AhlulBayt News Agency - A joint meeting of Sunni and Shia Muslim scholars of Pakistan’s Baluchistan province was held in the province’s capital, Quetta.A number of prayer leaders, seminary professors and scholars from different parts of the province attended the gathering.The participants ...

An Interview with Esam Al-Emad a Wahhabi Scholar Who Converted to Shia

An Interview with Esam Al-Emad a Wahhabi Scholar Who Converted to Shia
According to Maw'ud monthly, as reported by the reporter of Rahavard Electronic Journal, Yemen has about 22 million population of which 30 percent are Zaidi Shiites, that is, about 5/6 million people. Previously, the statistics showed a higher percentage of Shia population in this country. During the period of Zaidis' government, they made up approximately 40% of the population. At present, however, only 4 or 5 percent of the Zaidi population is ...

Malaysia prints braille Quran for Muslims

Malaysia prints braille Quran for Muslims
Malaysia's Muslim Association of Visually Impaired People is printing braille version of the Koran, with each copy taking four hours to ...

Pakistan: Families of Shia Missing persons stage demonstration in Karachi / Photos

Pakistan: Families of Shia Missing persons stage demonstration in Karachi / Photos
The families and supporters of missing Shia Muslims staged a demonstration outside Karachi Pres Club yesterday to protest against the enforced disappearance of their near and dear ones. KARACHI, Pakistan (AhlulBayt News Agency) - The families and supporters of missing Shia Muslims staged a demonstration outside Karachi Pres Club yesterday to protest against the enforced disappearance of their near and dear ones.The wives, mothers and children ...

Japanese Canadians condemn rise of Islamophobia and racism after U.S. election

Japanese Canadians condemn rise of Islamophobia and racism after U.S. election
While concerns have been raised about Donald Trump creating a registry for Muslims in the United States, what many people may not realize is that the U.S. already has an existing U.S. surveillance program.It was created in 2011 but has been on hold since that time.Previously, American Star Trek actor and human-rights activist George Takei spoke out about his concerns that the registry is a precursor to internment, something he and his family ...

Muslim Olympians compete to fight Islamophobia in Rio 2016

Muslim Olympians compete to fight Islamophobia in Rio 2016
The Olympics in Rio may have started off with fears of a terror attack, but these were soon replaced by talk of the proficiency of Muslim athletes who are breaking stereotypes.Although many Muslim athletes from around the world competed in the Games, here we highlight the stories of four exceptional Muslim Olympians. Britain’s Mo Farah overcame the shock of a mid-race fall on Saturday to take a second straight Olympic 10,000m title and ...

Pakistan condemns Tehran's terrorist attacks

Pakistan condemns Tehran's terrorist attacks
The Government of Pakistan has strongly condemned today’s terrorist attacks on Iranian Parliament and mausoleum of Imam Khomeini in which, reportedly, precious lives of innocent people have been lost. We stand in solidarity with the people of Iran in their hour of grief," reads the statement by Pakistan Foreign Ministry. The message continues "we offer our deep condolences to the people of Iran, the Government, and the bereaved families ...

Prominent Bahrain activist Nabeel Rajab back in jail despite worsening health

Prominent Bahrain activist Nabeel Rajab back in jail despite worsening health
Prominent Bahraini human rights activist Nabeel Rajab was returned to prison from hospital despite his health "getting worse," one of his lawyers said Wednesday.The 51-year-old, who had been pardoned for health reasons last year, was rearrested earlier this month as part of intensifying crackdown on government critics that has drawn protests from human rights groups.Rajab, who heads the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights (BCHR), was taken to ...

Indian Muslims in the Age of Muslim Uprisings

Indian Muslims in the Age of Muslim Uprisings
Muslim lands and Muslim communities are in a state of violent and intense political transformations across the Muslim heartland. States are destabilized, national identities are being deconstructed, sectarian and ideological fault lines are getting exacerbated and radicalism, extremism and state oppression is escalating. In this ocean of despair, one finds the Indian Muslim community, an island of calm moderation. Its not a small island either, ...

G25: Shia Muslims should be allowed to freely practice their religion in Malaysia

G25: Shia Muslims should be allowed to freely practice their religion in Malaysia
ETALING JAYA, Malaysia (AhlulBayt News Agency) - Shia Muslims in Malaysia should be allowed to freely practise their religion not only based on the Federal Constitution, but also to fulfil an international declaration signed in 2004 by Malaysian leaders, including former prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, says the moderate group G25.“The Amman message is an expression of the spirit of religious pluralism that defines the understanding ...

New Muslim Lady: Introducing Shiaism to Armenias Christians, My Dream

New Muslim Lady: Introducing Shiaism to Armenias Christians, My Dream
A new Muslim lady from Armenia said, "I have the dream of returning to my country and get my Christian countrymen familiar with Islam and ...

Muslim leaders launch European tour to protest against terrorism

Muslim leaders launch European tour to protest against terrorism
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - Dozens of religious leaders boarded a bus on the Champs Elysees in Paris on Saturday to kick off a European tour of the sites of recent terrorist attacks to remember the victims and condemn violence. Tour stops will include Berlin -- where organizers say they hope to meet Chancellor Angela Merkel -- Brussels and Nice, with a return to Paris for July 14, the first anniversary of the Nice truck attack. ISIS claimed ...

On the Eve of Ramadan; An Italian Young Man Converts to Islam at Razavi Shrine

On the Eve of Ramadan; An Italian Young Man Converts to Islam at Razavi Shrine
An Italian young man converted to Islam at the Razavi Holy Shrine and on the eve of holy month of Ramadan.After years of research on Islam and getting familiar with Qur'an, Alessandro Juliani completed his understanding of this holy book and converted to Islam.This Italian young man chose Muhammad as his new name. Regarding his conversion into Islam, he said, “I had heard about Islam a lot and all these hearings persuaded me to learn more. ...