Monday 22nd of July 2024
Law in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Hajj in Ahadith

Hajj in Ahadith
Allah, the Most High, has said:“Surely the first House which was appointed for mankind (as a place of worship) was that in Bakkah (Makkah), the blessed, and a source of guidance for the entire universe.” (Surat Aale ‘Imran (3), Verse 96)Humanity is continuously being overwhelmed by the problems of day to day life in the quest for both their true and perceived material needs; they are plagued with bureaucracy, their own daily ...

The Duty of Man towards Himself

The Duty of Man towards Himself
By: Allamah Syed Muhammad Husain Tabataba'iNo matter what policy or course of action man pursues in his life, indeed he looks after nothing but his happiness and prosperity. The recognition of the happiness of something is of minor importance with regard to-the recognition of the thing itself; that is, unless we know ourselves, we will not know our actual needs whose fulfillment provides us with happiness. Therefore, the most essential duty of ...

The Tendency of Rationalizing the Laws of the Shari'ah

The Tendency of Rationalizing the Laws of the Shari'ah
"Why we have to pray five times a day? Why dogs and hogs are regarded unclean (najis)? Why an animal slaughtered in a non-Islamic way is forbidden (haram) and unclean?" These are but a few of the many questions asked by our youngsters about the laws of the shari'ah. They want to "rationalize" each and every law of the shari'ah; they want to know the reason and purpose of the legislation of these laws. Before explaining the validity or otherwise ...

Is not Allah sufficient for His servant? 

Is not Allah sufficient for His servant? 

ألَيْسَ اللَّهُ بِكَافٍ عَبْدَهُ

Is not Allah sufficient for His servant? 

Surah Az-Zumar

Rights of the Islamic Society

Rights of the Islamic Society
Merits of the Islamic SocietyBecause of its remarkable qualities, the Islamic society, in the reign of its prosperity, was nonesuch and ideal among the international civilized nations. Its individuals composed one compact family of virtues and dignities. It has been a nonesuch example of belief that included secrets of monotheism, showed true traits of divinity, declared the reality of prophesy, and explained the dimensions of the Judgment. ...

Sources of Islamic Law

Sources of Islamic Law
  Law is a body of definite rules and regulations which have the force and authority recognized socially, and which determine the rights, obligations, limits and responsibilities of everyone living in a particular territory. All, whether high or low, have to abide by these rules and regulations and to accept the consequences of violating them. Sources of LawWho fixes these rights, obligations and limits?In this respect all the laws of the ...

Imam Sadjad (a.s)’s advice on Human Rights

Imam Sadjad (a.s)’s advice on Human Rights
Al-Imam Ali bin Al-Hussein (a.S) gave a lengthy advice on human rights. This today appears in a book form and is called RISALAH AL-HUQUQ (Or a treatise on rights). In this book, the Imam (a.s) describes examples of 51 different rights. Here are a few of these rights: * May Allah have mercy on you - know that Allah has rights against you. These rights surround you in all your movements, in your rest, in all your body parts and every thing that ...

Some Definitions for Soul

Some Definitions for Soul
Many words are used in Qur'an and Ahadith (traditions) for the Day of Judgement and the things related with it. Some of them are explained here: Al-'Akhirah: The next (world), the (life) hereafter. Its opppsites are al-'ula (the first world) and ad-dunya (the nearer world), both of which refer to this world in which we presently live. Allah says: “All praise is due to Him in the first (life) and the hereafter, and His is the Judgement, and to ...

Science and Medicine in the Light of the Seerah

Science and Medicine in the Light of the Seerah
Since the importance of leadership of the ulama is demonstrated in the Islamic resistance movements throughout the history of colonization, lately by Imam Khomeini and currently by many, including Sheikh Ahmad Yaseen and Sayyed Hasan Nasrullah, the project of undermining traditional and committed ulama has become a necessity in the Western agenda. Because they will continue to be the real challenge to the West, the aim is to delegitimize them. ...

Optimism, Trust and Peace of Mind

Optimism, Trust and Peace of Mind
By: Ayatullah Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi LariMan needs stability more than any other thing in his unstable life. Those who engage themselves struggling to achieve goals without being equipped with the weapon of stability face failure and defeat . In fact, as one’s responsibilities increase, his need for stability and assurance also increases. In light of this fact, it becomes the duty of everyone to learn how to avoid anxiety and revert to ...

Statement of Ayatollah Hadavi Tehrani on Hunger Strike of Pakistani Shiite Leaders in Protest at Oppressions and Discriminations

Statement of Ayatollah Hadavi Tehrani on Hunger Strike of Pakistani Shiite Leaders in Protest at Oppressions and Discriminations
 Statement of Ayatollah Dr. Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani, Member of the Ahlulbayt World Assembly's Supreme Council, on the Hunger Strike of Pakistani Shiite Leaders in Protest at Oppressions and Discriminations against the Followers of Ahlulbayt (A.S.) In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the MercifulAnd those who have wronged shall (soon) know to what [kind of] place they will be sent. (The Holy Quran: Surah al-Shuara: Verse 227)On the ...

Laws of the Shari'ah and Their Categories

Laws of the Shari'ah and Their Categories
We have come to know that 'Ilmul Usul studies the common elements in the process of deduction to derive laws of the Shari'ah, hence, it is necessary at the very outset to formulate a general concept of a law of the Shari'ah. 'Ilmul Usul pursues its derivation by defining the common elements in the process of deduction (Istinba-t)"A law of the Shari'ah is the legislation originating from Allah Almighty to regulate the life of man. The commands ...

About Prohibition of Music

About Prohibition of Music
On Ghina or song the opinion of all the Shi'a jurists is united that it is haram because the singer is termed a person destined for the Hell. Therefore Ghina is considered a major sin in Shi'a Islam.Ghina is Haram in all the schools of Sunni jurisprudence too. The only exception is that of their Sufi cult.Imam Ja'far As-Sadiq (as) says that the house in which songs are heard will be the abode of misfortunes, the prayers made from there will not ...

Rules regarding will (Wasiyyat) and Inheritance

Rules regarding will (Wasiyyat) and Inheritance
Will (Wasiyyat)2703. A Will is purported to direct that after one's death, a certain task be completed, or that a portion of his property be given in ownership to someone, or that the ownership of his property be transferred to someone, or that it be spent for charitable purposes, or that he appoints someone as guardian of his children and dependents. A person who is to give effect to a Will is called executor (Wasi).2704. If a person who is ...

What Is The Purpose Of Creating The Heavens And The Earth In Six Days?

What Is The Purpose Of Creating The Heavens And The Earth In Six Days?
By:Shaykh Nasir Makarim Shirazi & Ayatullah Ja'far Subhani Question: The Almighty Allah says in Qur’an: He is your Lord, who created the heavens and the earth in six days.[45] Here what is meant by six days, when at that time day and night did not exist? And besides why Allah did not create them in one stroke? Answer: This question is based on two parts. First that, what is meant by six days, whereas in the earlier age there were no ...

Criterion of Credibility of Law

Criterion of Credibility of Law
In elucidating the Islamic political theory, we have made some discussions during the previous sessions and pointed out that the subject can be approached in two ways. One approach is argumentative [jadali], in which the fact that the addressee is a Muslim who adheres to Islam and Shi‘ism or believes in other ideological and moral fundamentals is disregarded; basic principles and foundations agreed upon by the two sides are taken into account ...

Spirituality in Modern Philosophy

Spirituality in Modern Philosophy
The Crisis of Reason and Religion During the Enlightenment period in the 18th century, many of the structures that had previously dominated European life were rapidly being eroded by the pressures resulting from the mercantilism that took hold during the previous century. With trade and colonialism came an often distorted awareness of other ways of life that inspired many to question what had been considered absolute truths of morality, ...

The Role of Women in the Victory of the Islamic Revolution

The Role of Women in the Victory of the Islamic Revolution
By: Ayatullah al-Uzma Khomeini The transformation undergone by women during the Islamic revolution A spiritual transformation took place, a change in attitude. With tenacious resolve, all segments of the population, from small children to older men, from small girls to older women, rose up together obeying the call to “rise up for God, it may be in pairs or it may be singly” (Qur’an 34:46), and stood fast. (252) 11 May 1979 (21 ...

The Reality of Death and Its Role in Reforming the Human Soul

The Reality of Death and Its Role in Reforming the Human Soul
With the general and inexorable decline of religious identity in modern society, comes a decline of the belief in the Afterlife. Most contemporary societies can be described as positivist, which sees only the reality accessible to the senses or to the instruments that supplement them as valid and scoffs at the Unseen as mere fantasy and myth. As such death is seen as the final fall of the curtain, bringing an end to the meaningless cosmic ...

Arabia Before Islam

Arabia Before Islam
To know the conditions prevailing in Arabia before the advent of Islam we can avail ourselves of the following sources:1. The Old Testament (notwithstanding all the alterations that have been made in it)2. Writings of the Greeks and the Romans during the Middle Ages.3. Islamic history as recorded by Muslim scholars and4. Ancient relics which have been obtained through excavations conducted by the orientalists which reveal facts to some ...