Monday 22nd of July 2024
Law in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Equality of Believers in Islam

The Equality of Believers in Islam
Islam came with a universal concept of brotherhood. Its foundation is based on tawhi-d, the belief in One God. And its social program is also based on unity of the believers.Just as in tawhi-d, one first has to reject the false gods and then declare faith in the One and Only God, similarly, Islam rejects all artificial and man-made marks of distinction. No one can claim any superiority over the other based on race, colour, language or ...

The Faithful Tested with Calamities

The Faithful Tested with Calamities
By: Second Martyr, Sheikh Zayn ad-Din Ali ibn Muhammad al-Jabil AmiliTranslated from the Arabic by Yasin T. al-JibouriOne who is afflicted by a calamity should remember that calamities, trials and tribulations are all sent by Allah to those about whom He cares, those whom He likes and towards whom He directs His attention. Before one confirms this reality by looking into the Qur'an and Sunnah, he must observe those who are afflicted in this ...

Philosophical Foundations of Happiness

Philosophical Foundations of Happiness

Tragedies of Shiite in Saudi prisons

Tragedies of Shiite in Saudi prisons
Aman Center for Human Rights WatchThe Families of prisoners of conscience reveal their suffering… Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Human rights violations are not restricted to prisoners but they reach even their families. They share suffering of deprivation, anxiety, and the unknown fate in remote prisons built in distant places.The families of prisoners of conscience go through illegal human rights violations that degenerate human dignity and ...

The Spread of Shi‘ism during the Period of Umayyad Caliphate

The Spread of Shi‘ism during the Period of Umayyad Caliphate
By: Ghulam-Husayn Muharrami In spite of severe strangulation and oppression perpetrated against the Shi‘ah during the Umayyad rule, the spread of Shi‘ism continued unabated. The reason behind this was the state of oppression of the family of the Prophet (S) which prompted the people to incline emotionally toward them, causing new individuals to continuously embrace the creed of Shi‘ism. This point was completely conspicuous during the end ...

Ijtihad, Taqleed & Marja'a

Ijtihad, Taqleed & Marja'a
An Individuals faith in the principles of religion, endeavors to find accurate instructions from the text of the Quran and also from the statements and practices of the Prophet (Book & Sunnah) and acts accordingly in good faith. Anyone who understands Quran in depth, finds true Hadith in his searches and understands his own obligations which religion imposes on him and at the same time realises the collective or individual obligations as ...

Hadrat Abu Talib's Role during the Total Boycott and Blockade of Muslims by Quraysh

Hadrat Abu Talib's Role during the Total Boycott and Blockade of Muslims by Quraysh
By: Abdullah al-Khunayzi The polytheists became very angry when the Prophet (s) became so powerful and his mission spread so widely that many people of different classes and countries believed in sincerely to a degree that they preferred dying to give up their new belief when they were punished with severest kinds of torture. In fact they tolerated pains as if they enjoyed pleasures. The pain for the sake of the mission was sweeter than any ...

The Role of the Jurist in Different Areas of Jurisprudence

The Role of the Jurist in Different Areas of Jurisprudence
By: Sheikh Mansour LeghaeiIn this chapter we will conduct a quick survey in different areas of jurisprudence. As you will see, the survey shows:1) The necessity of the existence of a legislative ruler (al-Hakim al-Shar’) in order to implement the divine laws, and that:2) Governance is part of the system of Islamic jurisprudence.1- Prayera- Congregational prayers: Islam has emphasised on congregational prayers even in the battle lines, in which ...

Patience Strengthens Will Power

Patience Strengthens Will Power
The second best act to make the willpower strong is patience. Whether, it is the achievements (attainment) of the world or those of the hereafter. Patience is fundamentally (basically) important and necessary. The reasons for the many failures of a man lie in impatience and intolerance. At times, during the worldly difficulties, man is denied great successes, because of his impatience. Moreover in the world only those achieve great successes, ...

The Witnessing and Recording of Deeds

The Witnessing and Recording of Deeds
Abstract The Qur’an describes the Day of Resurrection as a mashhad, which means a place, time, or stage of witnessing (11:103, 19:37). It is by essence when the truth and hidden realities are disclosed (10:30, 86:9, 100:10). This is a central quality of that Day, by which the Qur’an has sworn (85:3). Whereas one’s book of deeds is his own soul (17:13-14), witnesses are external beings that have encompassed one’s deeds. Therefore, ...

Ethical Pillars of Islamic Politics

Ethical Pillars of Islamic Politics
By giving nobility and validity to ethics and with the belief in the oneness of ethics and politics, Ima-m Khomeini- (r) endeavored in the course of various admonitions to the employees and officials of the [Islamic] system, to present a portrayal of his ideal ethical politics, or in other words, the Islamic politics.During the first decade of the Islamic Revolution in Iran it rarely happened that he did not emphasize, in his speeches and ...

Understanding of the creation of the world

Understanding of the creation of the world
By: Shaykh Nasir Makarim Shirazi We all want to know, in truth: Did this elevated heaven, with its beautiful stars, this extensive earth, with its heart-rendering views; these various creatures; beautiful birds; various kinds of fish, the seas and flowers; the blossoms, plants, abundant trees, whose tops reach towards the heavens; did all of these things come into being of their own free will or were all of these wonderful forms painted by an ...

Cultural Relations Between Christianity and Shi'i Islam

Cultural Relations Between Christianity and Shi'i Islam
This paper was presented at the conferences of Islam and Orthodox Christianity in the month of Sharivar 1373 (September 1994), in Tehran by the Center of International Studies and Culture.The history of the Shi`ah and Christian cultural relations is comparatively old. Of these relations may be mentioned inter-religious dialogue in the area of Kalam that took place in a spirit of complete mutual understanding. In the works of the Shi`ah this is ...

Hundreds of Bahrainis stage anti-US rally

Hundreds of Bahrainis stage anti-US rally
Bahrainis have staged anti-US rallies outside the capital to protest against Washington’s support for Manama's ongoing crackdown on peaceful demonstrations. (Bayt Agency) - Bahrainis have staged anti-US rallies outside the capital to protest against Washington’s support for Manama's ongoing crackdown on peaceful demonstrations.Holding the US responsible for the crimes committed against anti-regime protesters in Bahrain, hundreds of ...

What are The Pillars of Islam?

What are The Pillars of Islam?
What are The Pillars of Islam? Islam is divided into two categories. Think of Islam as a tree. You have the roots of religion, without roots a tree cannot grow, and then the branches of Islam, without which there will be no beauty. We will start by explaining the roots of religion. There are 5. They are called the Usool-e-Deen.1. Tauheed Tauheed refers to the oneness of Allah. It means there is no God other then Allah . He isn't ...

Radical Self-Love

Radical Self-Love
By: Ayatullah Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi LariCoveting material things is a basic human nature. It is an instinct that was implemented in man on the day he was born. It is the motive which allows him to struggle continuously and preserve himself. As a result of this instinct, we notice that man avoids that which harms him and is attracted by advantageous matters. Therefore, he is a hostage of the psychological phenomenon when he advances. This ...

Eid al-Mubahila; Its Historic Perspectivey

Eid al-Mubahila; Its Historic Perspectivey
Glorious Quran Chapter 3 Verse 61 says: And unto him who disputeth with thee therein after the knowledge hath come unto thee, Say! (O’ Our Apostle Muhammad!) ( Unto them ) come ye, let us summon our sons, and ( ye summon ) your sons, and ( we summon ) our women and ( ye ) your women, and ( we summon ) ourselves and ( ye ) yourselves and then let us invoke the curse of God on the liars ! This verse refers to the famous event of ' Mubahila ' ...

Different Methodological Approaches to Spirituality

Different Methodological Approaches to Spirituality
By: Mohammad Ali ShomaliIn this paper we will review and briefly discuss different methodologies among Muslim scholars in studying spirituality in general and morality (akhlaq) in particular. In general, we can classify the attitudes of scholars into three main approaches:o The Philosophical Approacho The Mystical Approacho The Scriptural or Text-Based ApproachThe Philosophical ApproachMany Muslim scholars have found the outlook of some Greek ...

The Holy Quran and the Infallible Imams

The Holy Quran and the Infallible Imams
Assalamu Alaykum brothers/sisters: Here are some verses from the Holy Quran concerning true and pure Imams: It is Allah's wish to remove all blemish from you, O Ahlul-Bayt, and purify you with a perfect purification. (33:33) Say, I ask no reward from you for it except the love of my kinsfolk. And whosoever does a good deed we add unto it a greater good for him. Lo, Allah is Forgiving, Responsive. (42:23) And whoever disputes with thee concerning ...

Life of the Next World

Life of the Next World
The principle of belief in the eternal life of the next world is one of the important points of Islamic conception of cosmos and a fundamental tenet of Islam. A belief in the next world is an essential condition of being a Muslim and anyone who denies that is not a Muslim. Next to the confession of monotheism, this is the most important doctrine preached by all the Prophets without any exception. The scholastic theologians of Islam call it the ...