Thursday 25th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

Professor Ansarian: the one who puts us under the pressure is deliberately causing bitterness, sufferings and annoyance.

Professor Ansarian: the one who puts us under the pressure is deliberately causing bitterness, sufferings and annoyance.
Professor Ansarian said in one part of his lecture that those who put us under the pressure is bringing about bitterness, sufferings and annoyances on purpose and we must live a calm and happy life by trusting and referring to the verses of the Holy Quran and the narrations and traditions of the infallible Imams and the Holy Prophet of Islam. We must also be satisfied and content with Allah Almighty and surrender to him wholeheartedly. As a ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the night of Power (Laylat al-Qadr)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the night of Power (Laylat al-Qadr)

Hazrat Zahra (peace be upon her) used to ask Imam Hasan (A.S) and Imam Hussein (A.S) to sit beside her on the night of Power (Laylat al-Qadr) and whenever they were about to fall asleep, she used to throw water on faces of those two ornaments of Paradise so that they stay awake and don’t miss the mercy of Allah Almighty.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The infallible Imams have advised us to be among those who pray a lot

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The infallible Imams have advised us to be among those who pray a lot

The infallible Imams have advised us to be among those who pray a lot, try not to open your mouth for nothing, but tie your intention, sincerity and faith to your prayers so that your prayers are accepted.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Master of the people of the world are the Martyrs

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Master of the people of the world are the Martyrs

The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said:

The Master of the people of the world are the Martyrs, the Master of the Martyrs are the Martyrs of Karbala, The Master of the Martyrs of Karbala is Imam Hussein (as).

professor Ansarian:Seeing the divine faces

professor Ansarian:Seeing the divine faces
When the prophet of Islam (peace be upon him and his progeny) was asked: with whom should we be friend? He mentions three characteristics for a friend. Choosing a friend and companion is of great importance. The Holy Quran the narrations of Ahlulbayt have opened up a very bright horizon in front of us which is extremely important and spectacular. I have been searching for such narrations and verses for about two years. And I wrote a book by the ...

How did the holy prophet (PBUH &P) treat Hazrat Fatima Zahra (peace be upon her)

How did the holy prophet (PBUH &P) treat Hazrat Fatima Zahra (peace be upon her)
Sunan Abu ...

Hazrat Roghayah (AS)

Hazrat Roghayah (AS)

Hazrat Roghayah picked up the head with those tiny hands and put it on her chest. He was constantly saying: O Father! Who has cut your vessels? Who has made me an orphan in my childhood? Who is going to help the orphans? Who is supposed to nurse the mournful and grieved ones?

Taken from the book of overview of Imam Hussein’s martyrdom (AS)- Page 118

Author: professor Hussein Ansarian

Professor Hussein Ansarian: From the viewpoint of Imam Kazim (A.S)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: From the viewpoint of Imam Kazim (A.S)

From the viewpoint of Imam Kazim (A.S), the wiser the person is, the less attention he pays to world and the worldly stuffs and he will get more enthusiastic to the hereafter.

The truthful one and the repentant one

The truthful one and the repentant one
It has been mentioned that Abu Umar al-Zujaji, who was a pious man, had said, ‘My mother died and I inherited a house. I sold the house for fifty dinars and I went to perform the hajj. When I arrived at Babylon, one of the members of the caravan met me and said, ‘What is there with you?’ I said to myself, ‘Truthfulness is good.’ I said to him, ‘Fifty dinars.’ He said, ‘Give them to me!’ I gave him the pouch. He opened it and he ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: God made Islam a religion and created for it a field, a light, a fortress and a helper

Professor Hussein Ansarian: God made Islam a religion and created for it a field, a light, a fortress and a helper

Imam Jawad (AS) said: God made Islam a religion and created for it a field, a light, a fortress and a helper; the Holy Quran is its field, wisdom is its light, goodness is its fortress and its helpers are my household, my Shiites and I.  

Professor Ansarian:The Prophet of Islam

Professor Ansarian:The Prophet of Islam

The repentance of Fudhayl al-Ayyadh

The repentance of Fudhayl al-Ayyadh
The repentance of Fudhayl al-Ayyadh At the beginning Fudhayl was one of the highwaymen. He was the head of a gang of thieves who attacked the trading caravans and robbed their monies. But, nevertheless, Fudhayl had magnanimity and high determination. He did not rob the baggage of women. He did not rob the monies of poor and weak people in the caravans. And even the persons whom he took their monies he left some money with them so that they ...

Fatimah Zahra (as), the woman that the Paradise is eager to meet

Fatimah Zahra (as), the woman that the Paradise is eager to meet
Who does Paradise run after? The whole believers of the world are looking after Paradise in their lifetime and they are extremely willing to go to Paradise. But the Messenger of Allah (saw) says:  Paradise is enthusiastically and lovingly after four women in this world. "Asiyah", the wife of Pharaoh, that the paradise is eager to meet her. In fact, she is not waiting for paradise, it is the other way around. "the Holy Marry" who is the ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Faith requires a great deal of patience

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Faith requires a great deal of patience

We must not fly off the handle at God Almighty, he is not in debt to us, because we are all his guests. Faith requires a great deal of patience.

The most pious people

The most pious people
Professor Ansarian: the real pious believer and pious person is the one who is sensitive about his obligatory acts and nothing precedes those acts. Imam Sadeq (Peace be upon him) says: the most pious person is the one who performs obligatory ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Peaceful life along with amorous bond

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Peaceful life along with amorous bond

Peaceful life along with amorous bond and wise behavior is of the lofty goals of Islamic culture and the one who applies this truth is referred to as a religious and committed human.   

Professor Hussein Ansarian: people's actions and deeds are the hellfire

Professor Hussein Ansarian: people's actions and deeds are the hellfire
Describing about the Hell, Professor Hussein Ansarain pointed out: according to the verses of Holy Quran, the Hellfire are people themselves. "If you do not produce such a chapter and you never will then guard yourselves against the fire whose fuel will be people and stones and is prepared for those who hide the Truth" (Surah Al-Baqara, verse 24). Furthermore, the mankind who has committed every kind of physical, carnal and financial sin will ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Who are the humble and reverent?

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Who are the humble and reverent?

According to the Holy Qur'an, the humble and reverent are those who feel responsible for the religion and preaching of the Prophet (PBUH) and practice piety.

Professor Ansarian: being deprived of divine authorities by being among oppressors

Professor Ansarian: being deprived of divine authorities by being among oppressors
From the Quranic points of view, the one who is among the oppressors not only does not have the competence of holding any divine authorities but also loses his competence. For instance, the son of Noah, although he was a righteous generation of a great messenger named Noah (AS), based on the Holy Quran interpretation, because he was among the oppressors, he was not even counted as Noah,s family members. There are a great deal of examples in the ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian The strong, romantic, and artistic education of science

Professor Hussein Ansarian The strong, romantic, and artistic education of science

The strong, romantic, and artistic education of science should be for God alone, not anything or anyone else, in order to become an accepted and worthwhile scholar from the point of view of the Qur'an and the Ahlul-Bayt (AS).