Thursday 25th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

And hold fast by the covenant of Allah

And hold fast by the covenant of Allah

واعْتَصِمُوا بِحَبْلِ اللَّهِ جَمِيعًا وَلَا تَفَرَّقُوا

And hold fast by the covenant of Allah [the holy Quran and Ahlulbayt(as)] all together and be not disunited


Theology is worship and causes man to reach a high heavenly position

Theology is worship and causes man to reach a high heavenly position

Theology is worship and causes man to reach a high heavenly position, if one does not understand religion, God will not be pleased with his action; those who don't know anything about religion and God commit embezzlement, theft and looting.

Signs of the Pious

Signs of the Pious
Signs of the Pious Using the Quranic verses and religious traditions, religious authorities consider the following to be signs of the pious: a)Learning enough of the religious sciences necessary for his actions, morality, business deals and relations with family members and the society b)Protecting his body's health by using hygienic measures and observing good etiquette while eating and drinking c)Resorting to one's intellect in daily ...

Professor Ansarian: The beginning of the prophetic mission

Professor Ansarian: The beginning of the prophetic mission

The beginning of the prophetic mission and the relationship of Allah with the Prophet begins with the word and verse of (Read) And one of its messages is that Islam and Qur'an have begun with science and knowledge reading and there is a great deal of attention to gaining knowledge in Islam.

One's Independence in Marriage

One's Independence in Marriage
One's Independence in Marriage Mothers and fathers must pay attention to the fact that the right to choose a spouse - with important conditions that dear Islam has stated - belongs to the offspring themselves. Parents do not have the right to force their son to marry a girl whom he does not approve of. Also parents do not have the right to force their daughters to marry the ones she does not want to. The offspring have the God-given right of ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Chador a memento of the source of infallibility and chastity

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Chador  a memento of the source of infallibility and chastity

Chador which is a memento of the source of infallibility and chastity such as Fatima Zahra (A.S), not only does not create a barrier in the way of gaining knowledge and growth of women, but keeps them from many dangers and pitfalls as well.

The heart represents Allah/ pure heart resolves all problems

The heart represents Allah/ pure heart resolves all problems
According to public relation and international affairs of the scientific and cultural institution of DarolErfan, professor Ansarian talked about remembrance we have in our daily prayers and said: the remembrance is complete only if your mind and heart follow that apparent remembrance as well, when we enter the realm of remembrance with our heart and mind, then the true face of remembrance will be shown. The word that is spoken by tongue does not ...

The Principle of Marriage in the Cosmos

The Principle of Marriage in the Cosmos
The Principle of Marriage in the Cosmos And of everything We have created pairs: That ye may receive instruction.[Holy Quran: Zariyat 51:49] The System of Joining and Coupling in Inanimate Objects Allah (God) wisely and fairly willed to create pairs of everything in the firmly-founded and extensive order of Creation. In the expansive scene of Creation the pairing of everything is an absolute truth with no exception. Even before man came to ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: A true believer is like a honey bee

Professor Hussein Ansarian: A true believer is like a honey bee

A true believer is like a honey bee that produces the sweetest values and keeps his weapon ready for the real enemy, but talks with love, affection and based on morals with the ignorant enemy.

Getting out of stagnation

Getting out of stagnation
By moving toward Allah, we are connected to the Lord of the universe. The one who abandons stagnating and moves toward Allah Almighty, his sins will be forgiven by taking the first step. One of the outstanding examples of getting out of stagnation is the example of " Al-Hurr b. Yazid al-Riyahi". The Mausoleum and position of Al-Hurr shows to the world what the result of real repentance and getting out of stagnation will ...

Professor Ansarian: Ramadhan is a public feast of Allah

Professor Ansarian: Ramadhan is a public feast of Allah

The banquet Allah Almighty has prepared for his servants in the holy month of Ramadhan, is a public and general feast, and does not belong to a particular group or class. Everyone enjoys this divine table of foods in proportion to the capacity of his faith.

Professor Ansarian: Thinking about the Imam of the Time (may Allah Hasten his reappearance)

Professor Ansarian: Thinking about the Imam of the Time (may Allah Hasten his reappearance)

Affection and love is mutual; it is not appropriate to expect the Imam of the time (may Allah hasten his reappearance) help you in difficulties but you pay no attention to him. How much have you thought about Imam of the time (may Allah hasten his reappearance) and remembered him? How much do you think about him and pay attention to him during the day?

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Moral virtues and the motor of sincerity

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Moral virtues and the motor of sincerity

Two conditions are required and essential in order to have a spiritual progress and movement toward Allah Almighty, and the mankind must move toward Allah Almighty while having the following conditions; " moral virtues" and " the motor of sincerity"

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the forfeit of our resurrection day

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the forfeit of our resurrection day

We must pay off the forfeit of our resurrection day as long as we are alive. According to Holy Quran, this can be practically done by repenting and reforming ourselves; that is, with inward repentance and outward positive activity.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The culture of mourning for Imam Hussein (A.S)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The culture of mourning for Imam Hussein (A.S)

The culture of mourning for Imam Hussein (A.S) and Hazrat Abolfazl (A.S) teaches the Shiites to be constantly submissive to the leadership of the Infallible Imams (A.S) and do their commands with no excuse or objection so that they be happy on the day of resurrection.

Being grateful for God's blessings

Being grateful for God's blessings

وإِذْ تَأَذَّنَ رَبُّكُمْ لَئِنْ شَكَرْتُمْ لَأَزِيدَنَّكُمْ ۖ

And when your Lord made it known: If you are grateful, I would certainly give to you more

Surah Ibrahim- verse 7

Professor Ansarian: In the virtue of politeness and dignity

Professor Ansarian: In the virtue of politeness and dignity

In the virtue of politeness and dignity, you must know that it is the adornment of prayers and worship. Imam Jawad (peace be upon him) says: "dignity and gracefulness is the adornment of worship".

Kashf al-Ghame, Vol. 2, p. 347

Professor Ansarian: the intellect, religion and modesty

Professor Ansarian: the intellect, religion and modesty

Gabriel brought three gifts – the intellect, religion and modesty- for Prophet Adam (PBUH) so that he chooses one of them; among these divine gifts, this prophet chose the "intellect"; therefore, the human beings have been bestowed the intellect.  So the one who is devoid of intellect has no modesty either and the one who has no modesty has no religion.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: When mankind is tied with the spiritual blessings

Professor Hussein Ansarian: When mankind is tied with the spiritual blessings

When mankind is tied with the spiritual blessings, they utilize the material blessings properly as well and finally they finally spend them for the sake of God Almighty.

How can we purify our intentions in our works and do them only for the sake of God?

How can we purify our intentions in our works and do them only for the sake of God?
1-purity of intention means to work for the purpose of proximity to Almighty God and serving to people who are the servant of Allah Almighty 2- know that on the day of judgement, Allah Almighty will give people the reward of their works, and this reward is for the deeds which are done with pure intention and only for the sake of God. Action follows intention; the more one's action is pure, the better and sooner it will be accepted. So, it is ...