Friday 26th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

Professor Ansarian: the rewards of the mothers who give birth to children.

Professor Ansarian: the rewards of the mothers who give birth to children.

Professor Ansarian: the meaning of “there is no God except Allah”

Professor Ansarian: the meaning of “there is no God except Allah”
The motto of all divine prophets was the term “there is no God except Allah”. The first step of not doing and not wanting is “there is no God”. When human avoids committing sins and doing error, “except Allah” will manifest in him. If human beings do not pass the stage of “there is no God”, there is a veil between him and Allah Almighty that he cannot communicate with Allah; however Allah is ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Hazrat Abdul Azim Hassani (AS)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Hazrat Abdul Azim Hassani (AS)

Hazrat Abdul Azim Hassani (AS) was one of the prominent, important, and reliable narrators of the Infallible Imams who lived during the time of three Infallible Imams.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Holy Quran has been revealed to guide the mankind

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Holy Quran has been revealed to guide the mankind

The Holy Quran has been revealed to guide the mankind toward the right path and it contains all the programs that are in harmony with the nature of human beings and acting upon those programs provides and guarantees the felicity of mankind both in this world and hereafter.

The Abundance and Capacity of Blessings and Talents

The Abundance and Capacity of Blessings and Talents
1. The Abundance and Capacity of Blessings and Talents Everything in the heavens and in the earth has been created for our sake and has been subjected to serving us: the sun, the moon, the planets and the spatial beings, whether seen or unseen. All of them have been subjected by Allah to serve us and to achieve our advantage. Mountains, deserts, seas, woods, plants, gardens, springs, rivers, animals and all the different creatures on the earth ...

Performing the prayers for a dead body who is in debt

Performing the prayers for a dead body who is in debt
The person said: The family of the dead person pleaded the holy prophet to perform the prayers for him. The sin of not paying the debt is so much heavy and worse that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: I do not perform the prayers for this ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the word "pilgrim" of the grave of Imam Hussein (as)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the word "pilgrim" of the grave of Imam Hussein (as)

According to narrations, the word "pilgrim" of the grave of Imam Hussein (as) literally implies repetition, namely, whenever you can go on pilgrimage of Imam Hussein (as)

Professor Ansarian:The concept of Patience in the Holy Quran

Professor Ansarian:The concept of Patience in the Holy Quran
Professor Ansarian: The concept of patience has a vast and remarkable reflection in the Holy Quran and has been mentioned about 105 times. As matter of fact, it is only the act of patience which its reward has been promised to be double. More precisely, in addition to the reward Allah gives to his servant in return for any good action, he also grants his servant another reward because of his patience he had gone through.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: how can we never feel lonely?

Professor Hussein Ansarian: how can we never feel lonely?

We can never be alone and feel lonely in  this world if we make friends with God Almighty, Ahlulbayt and the Holy Quran and enjoy their company.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Before spring-cleaning, let's get rid of our moral vices

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Before spring-cleaning, let's get rid of our moral vices

Before spring-cleaning, let's get rid of our moral vices, let's put an end to profane talks, jealousy and cold-heartedness along with cleaning the dusts and spider webs from our house so that we can have a happy life in the new year

Professor Hussein Ansarian: enjoy one quarter of your life

Professor Hussein Ansarian: enjoy one quarter of your life

 Musa ibn Jaffar (as) says: enjoy one quarter of your life, but not in what God has forbidden or unlawful (Haram) things, because sin is the killer of our souls, but try not to deprive yourselves of legitimate pleasures.

how heavy the prayer is!

how heavy the prayer is!
Prayer is so heavy, it,s even heavier than the skies and the earth. Saying prayers is praising Allah Almighty, "Praise be to Allah Lord of the Worlds." And this remembrance is so significant which contains all other praises and gratitude. Imam Sadiq (as) says: My father Hazrat Baqir (AS) had a roadster that was lost, and people searched everywhere for it but they did not find it. People came to Hazrat Baqir (AS) and told him that they couldn,t ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: God's invitation

Professor Hussein Ansarian: God's invitation

God's invitation is one of the things which is emerged by Almighty God himself. He is all goodness and benevolence, so his invitation is too good and there is no evil in it.

Professor Ansarian: I wish the religious preachers on the pulpits strengthened the people's bond with Allah Almighty.

Professor Ansarian: I wish the religious preachers on the pulpits strengthened the people's bond with Allah Almighty.

In one of his lectures, professor Ansarian expressed: " I wish the religious preachers on the pulpits strengthened the people's bond with Allah Almighty with non-religious flattery, I wish the illiterate religious preachers abandon the pulpits and the past religious preachers replace them; I wish people payed more attention to the Holy Quran, Ahlulbayt (peace be upon them), and Nahjulbalagheh.

Professor Ansarian: If the tragic incident of Karbala would not have happened…

Professor Ansarian: If the tragic incident of Karbala would not have happened…

If the incident of Karbala would not have happened, the relationship between the posterity and all the messengers of Allah would have been cut off. Imam Hussein became the circle of relationship between the posterity after him and all the divine prophets from Hazrat Adam.

Professor Ansarian: A real Islamic country should act based on Malik al-Ashtar treaty.

Professor Ansarian:  A real Islamic country should act based on Malik al-Ashtar treaty.
The famous treaty of Malik al-Ashtar is a letter that Imam Ali (a) wrote to him while he was in Egypt. Professor Ansarian referred to Holy prophet,s speech about Imam Ali peace be upon them and said: the holy Prophet(PBUH) said about Imam Ali peace be upon him: Oh dear Ali! If I introduce you to people in this young age, I am afraid that all people forget Allah Almighty and worship you. Oh dear Ali! If all the seas become ink, if all the trees ...

How should is see you!

How should is see you!
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and his family saw a man who was on the verge of dying and said: how should I see you? The man said: in fear of my sins while hoping for the mercy of Allah Almighty, the prophet said: at this time, these two do not stand in the hearts of the believer, and Allah Almighty will act according to the two following facts: he will reach to what he has hoped and he will be secured and safe from what he was ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Visiting patients and solving their problems

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Visiting patients and solving their problems

The Infallible Imams' sayings indicate that visiting patients and solving their problems is a shining example of how to live with people

Professor Ansarian:

Professor Ansarian:

Acting immoderately and excessively so as to hold the religious affairs will cause that many people turn away from the religion. There was a person who complained from the leader of a congregational prayers due to stretching and making the prayers longer than it is necessary and the holy prophet (PBUH &HP) considered this act to be the reason for dislike of religion.  

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The spiritual life of mankind means to embellish oneself with faith, good deeds and moral virtues

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The spiritual life of mankind means to embellish oneself with faith, good deeds and moral virtues

The spiritual life of mankind means to embellish oneself with faith, good deeds and moral virtues.

The emergence of such life comes to pass by listening to the call of truth, the message of the Infallibles and believing the truth and exerting them.