Friday 26th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The spiritual life of mankind means to embellish oneself with faith, good deeds and moral virtues

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The spiritual life of mankind means to embellish oneself with faith, good deeds and moral virtues

The spiritual life of mankind means to embellish oneself with faith, good deeds and moral virtues.

The emergence of such life comes to pass by listening to the call of truth, the message of the Infallibles and believing the truth and exerting them.

Taking lessons

Taking lessons
Taking lessons Taking lessons from the events of life and what happens to people and thinking of the lives and conditions of the previous nations are considered as a good feature of wise men. The Qur'an says when talking about the ancient nations, “In their histories there is certainly a lesson for men of understanding.” Qur'an, 12:111 The Qur'an invites men of understanding and wise people besides all ordinary people to take lessons in ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian:  Worship of the Almighty God is like a mine

Professor Hussein Ansarian:  Worship of the Almighty God is like a mine
Worship of the Almighty God is like a mine, and when you build this mine there are a few things in it, some of which appear in the world that are small in value and most of them in the afterlife which are extraordinary in weight or number. A true worship is the one which is in accordance with Ahlul-Bayt (AS) jurisprudence, correct Wudu (ablution), correct Ghusl (bathing), Tayammum (dry ablution) according to the sixth verse of Surat al-Ma'eda, ...

Professor Ansarian: observing the rights of neighbors

Professor Ansarian: observing the rights of neighbors

Not bothering the neighbors is not the only rights we need to observe, but to put up with their vexes and troubles is their real rights. There is a Hadith from Imam Kazem (peace be upon him) regarding this issue that says: observing the rights of the neighbors is not only about avoiding annoyance and vexation of them, but to tolerate their annoyance.

Al-Kafi: 667/2

Professor Hussein Ansarian: At the night of power, the one-year destiny of mankind is determined

Professor Hussein Ansarian: At the night of power, the one-year destiny of mankind is determined

At the night of power, the one-year destiny of mankind is determined, and this issue has no contradiction with human's volition and willpower, because the divine determination is according to one's virtues, the level of faith and their actions.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The importance of resorting to the Infallible Imams

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The importance of resorting to the Infallible Imams

One of the most important example of remembering God is the infallible Imams that resorting to them and remembering them leads us towards the truth of monotheism.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Skepticism about the righteous

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Skepticism about the righteous

Skepticism about the righteous is the most important outcome of accompanying the evildoers and the wrongdoers.

The commander of the faithful, Imam Ali (peace be upon him) says: keeping company with the evildoers will bring about the suspiciousness and distrust of the righteous and good people.

Professor Ansarian: The true spring

Professor Ansarian: The true spring

 The true spring is the essence of the master whose arrival brings about the joy of the servants and the greenery of the nature and the prosperity and the happiness of the times.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: true believer

Professor Hussein Ansarian: true believer

If one wants to be a true believer, one must rely upon their awakened conscience and the advice of their inner self, that is, one's nature and fairness.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: if you do bad, it will be against your souls

Professor Hussein Ansarian: if you do bad, it will be against your souls

"if you do bad, it will be against your souls" (Sura AL-ISRA, Verse 7), whoever you ail, it gets back to you. The system of universe is in a way that the afflicted person will not have the pain forever and it comes back to you.  Some people say: " why are we in trouble all the time?" they should think and find the reason for their trouble, it can be found, they just need to think.

Believers, do not follow the footsteps of Satan

Believers, do not follow the footsteps of Satan

يا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا تَتَّبِعُوا خُطُوَاتِ الشَّيْطَانِ

Believers, do not follow the footsteps of Satan


Professor Hussein Ansarian: We are all Allah's guests as well as subjected to his mercy on the Day of Arafah

Professor Hussein Ansarian:  We are all Allah's guests as well as subjected to his mercy on the Day of Arafah

We are all Allah's guests as well as subjected to his mercy on the Day of Arafah, but Allah Almighty will first cast his look upon the pilgrims of Imam Hussein (as)

Professor Ansarian: Be careful about our friendship

Professor Ansarian: Be careful about our friendship

One of the dangers of real friendship and the virtual one with the wicked and miserable people is that the righteous and good people will be exposed to a state of pessimism and suspicion


Professor Hussein Ansarian: Marriage preserves half of one's religion

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Marriage preserves half of one's religion

Marriage preserves half of one's religion provided that the spouses are equal to each other and behave based on moral rules and love. A man and a woman who mistreat each other hurt themselves and their faith.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: what is the biggest sin in the history of mankind?

Professor Hussein Ansarian: what is the biggest sin in the history of mankind?

In the history of mankind there has never been such sin more severe than the removal of the commander of the faithful, Imam Ali (as) from the caliphate.

The necessity of making effort to gain knowledge.

The necessity of making effort to gain knowledge.
We must know Allah, the one who sent down the Holy Quran. We must also know the Holy Quran which has been sent down to us, what is this book which has been revealed from the depth Allah Almighy,s essence. Source: The value of life and its ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: pray for those who cry for me and visit my grave

Professor Hussein Ansarian: pray for those who cry for me and visit my grave

Imam Hussein (as) says to Imam Mujtaba (as): pray for those who cry for me and visit my grave and ask God for their forgiveness so that God forgives their past sins


Prayer Prayer is a fact emitting from man’s outward and inward. It aims at purifying man materially and morally. It controls man’s conduct when he is about to shake before the desires and incitements of this life and it creates a special feeling inside him making him think and behave in an exalted way. The Holy Qur'an in some verses invites people to offer the prayers as a divine obligation determined by Allah on man. “And keep up ...

Lucrative traders

Lucrative traders
But then Surah Al-Asr says: إِلَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالْحَقِّ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالصَّبْرِ Except the righteously striving believers who exhort each other to truthful purposes and to patience. They have used both voice and throat in a positive way, these people are the winners of this lucrative business except for them ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Imam Hussein's look and attention led Hurr to the paradise at once

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Imam Hussein's look and attention led Hurr to the paradise at once

If Hurr were to get on the salvation ship of any other divine prophets, it would have taken him years to reach to such position; but Imam Hussein's look and attention led him to the paradise at once.