Thursday 4th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

A true believer may do wrong at times but never overrides people,s rights.

A true believer may do wrong at times but never overrides people,s rights.
Qom- DarolErfan/ the researcher, exegete and scholar of the Holy Quran counts faith, good moral, and being submissive before the Almighty Allah as signs of true believer. He also added that a true believer is not tight fisted, envious, pessimist and oppressor, he might do something wrong for related to himself but does not loot the nation,s rights. He never stops people,s progress in their lives, never puts people in troubles, never tramples ...

a fool friend

a fool friend

Imam Hasan Al-Askari(as) said: a fool friend brings about suffering and distress

Professor Ansarian: Reflecting upon Allah’s works of mercy

Professor Ansarian: Reflecting upon Allah’s works of mercy
»انظُروا الى آثارِ رَحمةِ اللّه فَانَّ آثارَنا تَدُلُّ عَلينا« What has Allah done in his works? I name some books and I want you to read them and see what is going on in the world of creation: "From the distant worlds", "one, two, three, infinite" "phenomenon of life", "the history of the earth", "the emergence and death of the sun", " the secret of human creation, "the building of ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The benefits of being in touch with the Holy Qur'an

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The benefits of being in touch with the Holy Qur'an
Be an aware businessman toward the Holy Quran which is a great divine source; try not to lose this magnificent eternal asset without taking advantage of, on the day of purgatory as well as the day of resurrection you will regret a lot for which there is no way out. Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) says regarding the benefits of connection with the Holy Quran: There are three types of book on the day of resurrection: Book of Blessings Book of ...

The consequences of commiting sins

The consequences of commiting sins
A Sense of failure, suffering and despair gradually take over the human being due to the sins he has committed and then he would be discouraged and would have no zeal to do good deeds. This feeling will exceed to the extent that he ridicule the good deeds; not only doesn,t he say his prayers but also makes fun of  those who say prayers, not only doesn,t  he observe Islamic covering (Hijab) but humiliate the Hijab and those who observe ...

Professor Ansarian: A part of Imam Hassan Mujtaba’s (Peace be upon him) magnificence and greatness

Professor Ansarian: A part of Imam Hassan Mujtaba’s (Peace be upon him) magnificence and greatness
My father used to quote from his father that Hassan Ibn Ali Ibn Abi Taleb was the most venerable worshipers and the most God-fearing person of his time. When he used to go to Hajj, he was used to walking there with ...

Those grateful for blessings

Those grateful for blessings
7. Those grateful for blessings The people, who know Allah , the world, man and the Day of Resurrection after pondering on the creation and by seeing the facts in the world of reality, hearing the truth from the tongues of creatures and existing things, trying to purify the inner self and the soul, acquiring divine morals, following the way of worship and servitude (to Allah), doing good and being kind to people, are really grateful for the ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The wise women know and value themselves

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The wise women know and value themselves

The wise women know and value themselves much bigger than a toy or instrument to be exploited by the men with roving eyes, and they are not obsessed with adornment and improper covering and clothe

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Staying with the eternal lover requires patience

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Staying with the eternal lover requires patience

 Evaluate the worldly lovers you have given your heart to and then see if they are more valuable and beneficial compared to Go Almighty! Staying with the eternal lover requires patience

Professor Ansarian: maintaining and controlling the tongue

Professor Ansarian: maintaining and controlling the tongue

Maintaining and controlling the tongue is much more important than paying attention to the right clothes, perfect perfume, permanent trimness and so on. The peak of one's personality is manifested by his words and the kind of speech of him.

There is a Hadith from Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) that says: Do not say anything that reduces your value.

 Jila-ul-Ayoon: 205/2

Professor Hussein Ansarian:What ruins our beliefs and actions?

Professor Hussein Ansarian:What ruins our beliefs and actions?

As vinegar rots the honey, improper morals also ruin your beliefs and actions.  

Professor Ansarian: train your children carefully

Professor Ansarian: train your children carefully
We are not the owner of our children and they are something we have been granted so as to return them to the Lord of the universe on the day of resurrection. If the child is bad, we are going to be questioned. And the death of either of them will not end their relationship, and the parents are going to be treated in the purgatory the way they have treated their children and they cannot deny their relationship with their children. The ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Lethargy in worshiping and not enjoying praying

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Lethargy in worshiping and not enjoying praying

Lethargy in worshiping and not enjoying praying with the Lord of the universe is the result of sin and its punishment. The pleasure of sin ruins the joy of praying; these two pleasures don't go hand in hand. Mankind's palate is incapable of tasting the flavor of both sin and prayer at the same time.

Professor Ansarian:Abandoning the Rituals of Imam Hussein peace be upon him

Professor Ansarian:Abandoning the Rituals of Imam Hussein peace be upon him

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Value of the Infallible Imam's word

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Value of the Infallible Imam's word

The value of the infallible Imam's word is due to his perfect intellect, and his established faith and benevolence. According to the Holy Quran, the value of the Prophet's word is equal to God's

Professor Hussein Ansarian: It is incumbent upon mankind to live his short life wisely

Professor Hussein Ansarian: It is incumbent upon mankind to live his short life wisely
It is incumbent upon mankind to live his short life wisely and in wisdom and knowledge, and do not ruin his intellect and himself in these limited days; he must struggle to utilize this life so as to make his hereafter and this never happens but through faith and good deeds and faith and good deeds will never be achieved but through divine commands. Do you know anyone who has not died after his birth? Has anyone been given the opportunity to ...

Professor Ansarian: Satisfaction of parents

Professor Ansarian: Satisfaction of parents

Professor Ansarian: The one whose parents are satisfied with him reminds us of Allah Almighty

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the one who believes in the day of resurrection will never commit a single sin

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the one who believes in the day of resurrection will never commit a single sin
The one who believes in doom's day will never think of adultery. They will never think of oppression? They don’t see it in themselves to disgrace other people, they will never turn to robbery and stealing the Muslim's properties. Those who believe in day of resurrection will never commit a minor sin and live based on the following verse of the Holy Quran: " فَمَن يَعْمَلْ مِثْقَالَ ذَرَّةٍ خَيْرًا ...

Professor Ansarian: Respect your guests even if they are infidel

Professor Ansarian: Respect your guests even if they are infidel

We have been ordered through our religious education as well as the messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his progeny) has ordered us to respect our guests. If and infidel person or a disbeliever knocked the door of your house and asks if they can have lunch or dinner in your house, do not reject them! «اکرم الضیف ولو کان کافرا»،, respect your guests even if they are infidel

Professor Hussein Ansarian:Deceiving oneself

Professor Hussein Ansarian:Deceiving oneself

If I say that I have a lot of time ahead and I am young now. I am vim and vigor and i am not going to die any time soon, I will indulge myself in worldly pleasures and then repent. This state is deceiving onself. In fact, it's a devilish state