Sunday 7th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

Professor Ansarian: the reason of hardships in the world

Professor Ansarian: the reason of hardships in the world

Professor Ansarian: You do not have the right to believe what you have not seen with your eyes

Professor Ansarian: You do not have the right to believe what you have not seen with your eyes
 “وَلَا تَقْفُ مَا لَيْسَ لَكَ بِهِ عِلْمٌ إِنَّ السَّمْعَ وَالْبَصَرَ وَالْفُؤَادَ كُلُّ أُولَئِكَ كَانَ عَنْهُ مَسْئُولًا” in other words, try not to believe what you have not seen with your own two ...

Advice is of the best human traits and virtues.

Advice is of the best human traits and virtues.
Advice is of the best human traits and virtues. According to some linguists and terminologists the most comprehensive literal translation of the word advice is benevolence. It is worth noting that many people think that advising means to preach and ask people to do good deeds and disobey evils while this conception, to some extent is wrong because giving sermons and preaching people is only one example of Advice- that is the  behavioral ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: God is evident all the time, but mankind has lost him

Professor Hussein Ansarian: God is evident all the time, but mankind has lost him
By referring to the fact that God has introduced himself through the Book of Creation, Professor Ansarian stated: " those who think about the creation of the heavens and the earth…" (AL-E-IMRAN (THE FAMILY OF 'IMRAN), if you think for a few minutes, then you will find God, he is not lost, you have lost him and he is evident all the time; "He is the First, the Last, the Manifest, and the Unseen and He knows all things and He is the Great and ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Commander of the faithful, Imam Ali (as) and Sidiqeh Kobra, Fatima Al-Zahra (as)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Commander of the faithful, Imam Ali (as) and Sidiqeh Kobra, Fatima Al-Zahra (as)

The Commander of the faithful, Imam Ali (as) and Sidiqeh Kobra, Fatima Al-Zahra (as) is sun of our life and our helper and intercessor on the day of resurrection. God will say to them: look at the doomsday and take to the paradise whoever you want.

Professor Ansarian: “Silat ar-rahim” or visiting relatives

Professor Ansarian: “Silat ar-rahim” or visiting relatives

According to narrations, one of the deeds which has a close relationship with the increase or decrease of the human life span is “Silat ar-rahim” or visiting relatives.

 Al-Kafi: 152/2

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Know God, the world, yourself...

Professor Hussein Ansarian:  Know God, the world, yourself...

Know God, the world, yourself, the path and the guide, and escort this five knowledge with your determination, then you will be taken to where you have to reach, because God has promised so, and he never breaks his promise.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: God's mercy and grace

Professor Hussein Ansarian: God's mercy and grace

If mankind's heart is subjected to God's mercy and grace, he can change a world like the martyrs of Karbala

Professor Hussein Ansarian: To find the main path, we must be dependent upon Allah Almighty

Professor Hussein Ansarian: To find the main path, we must be dependent upon Allah Almighty

To find the main path, we must be dependent upon Allah Almighty. The other paths will lead us to Hellfire.  

Professor Ansarian: The Imamate of the Prophet Ibrahim Khalilullah (friend of Allah) (AS)

Professor Ansarian: The Imamate of the Prophet Ibrahim Khalilullah (friend of Allah) (AS)
This Divine position was the product of Abraham's victory in various experiments in different fields of his difficult life. After winning in different fields of Divine Tests, Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) managed to stand on the honorable platform of leadership and imamate. The Most High Allah says: When his Lord tested Abraham's faith, (by His words) and he satisfied the test, He said, "I am appointing you as the leader of ...

Professor Ansarian: people,s jealousy toward the blessings that others have

Professor Ansarian: people,s jealousy toward the blessings that others have
It has been repeatedly seen that some people have shown negative reactions both in their speech and behavior toward a blessing or something good that Allah has granted others. In the illuminated verse of fifty-fourth of the Sura of Mobarakeh Nisa, people are asked not to envy toward the blessings that people are granted by Allah Almighty and they are constantly asked to avoid being jealous toward others or what others have. As a matter of fact, ...

Living in loss is worse than brutality

Living in loss is worse than brutality
We see people who possess magnificent houses and mansions, wealth, property, status in this world, but why the Almighty Allah says in the holy Quran that they have lost all the wealth they and destroyed them? Who these people are with such excellent lives? Allah says in the Holy Qur'an: «أُولئِكَ كَالْأَنْعامِ بَلْ هُمْ أَضَلُّ»  They are worse than lost cattle. These are the heedless ...

Professor Ansarian: the misfortunes that humankind suffer are the result of his misconduct

Professor Ansarian: the misfortunes that humankind suffer are the result of his misconduct

Professor Ansarian: the complaints of the holy prophet (PBUH&HP;) from the nation.

Professor Ansarian: the complaints of the holy prophet (PBUH&HP;) from the nation.
He also added: The prophet (PBUH&HP) is a truth, light and pen of knowledge, guidance and values, and Allah has written everything with this pen and has lit everywhere with this light.In the tree of nature, human is its highest branch, and the highest fruit of the universe is the intellect in man, and the prophet (PBUH&HP) is the total intellect. Man does not understand form where and from what angles to watch the ...

The Sermon of Fadak by Lady Fatima Zahra (as)-part one

The Sermon of Fadak by Lady Fatima Zahra (as)-part one
A part of Lady Fatima Zahra's speech in defense of her rights and the guardianship (welayat) of Imam Ali (as) You (the Ansar and Muhajerin) usurped the rein, while the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was not buried yet! And the pretext you came up with was the fear of upcoming sedition! And what sedition is worse than the one you have already entangled ...

deliver my greetings to my Shiites

deliver my greetings to my Shiites

Imam Al-Asr (as) said to Ali ibn Mahziar: deliver my greetings to my Shiites and tell them that I am praying for them and ask them to pray for me ( my reappearance); tell them that I miss them

Professor Hussein Ansarian: When Hazrat Zahra (AS) enters the gathering place of mankind on the day of judgement

Professor Hussein Ansarian: When Hazrat Zahra (AS) enters the gathering place of mankind on the day of judgement

When Hazrat Zahra (AS) enters the gathering place of mankind on the day of judgement, the Lord addresses her: O my friend! go to Paradise! Hazrat Zahra (AS) says: I cannot find it in my heart to go to Paradise alone. I will take with me to the Paradise anyone who has been in touch with Ali emotionally, verbally or financially and has worked for my son, Hussein!

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The real follower of Ahlulbayt (as)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The real follower of Ahlulbayt (as)

If the one who is the follower of Ahulbayt (as) goes astray, will get back to the right path after a while.

Who are the most pious people?

Who are the most pious people?

Imam Baqir (AS): The most pious people are those who tell the truth in what is to their benefit or to their loss and disadvantage.

the reward in the next life

the reward in the next life

ولَلْآخِرَةُ خَيْرٌ لَكَ مِنَ الْأُولَىٰ

The reward in the next life will certainly be better for you than worldly gains.

Ad-dhuh (the morning hours)/ 4