Sunday 7th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Choosing prophet of Islam as your role-model

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Choosing prophet of Islam as your role-model

If someone is hopeful about God and the day of Resurrection and is willing to recieve God's full attention, they must follow the prophet of Islam as their role-model

An ignorant friend is a cause of suffering

An ignorant friend is a cause of suffering

قالَ الاِْمامُ الْعَسْكَري(ع): صَديقُ الْجاهِلِ تَعَبٌ.

Imam Hassan Askari (AS) said: An ignorant friend is a cause of suffering.

Usul al-Kafi

Professor Hussein Ansarian: "O God! Whatever I sacrificed for you is certainly not due to expecting any rewards from you

Professor Hussein Ansarian: "O God! Whatever I sacrificed for you is certainly not due to expecting any rewards from you

It has been mentioned in the Ziyarat of Arba'een regarding Imam Hussein (as) that: Imam Hussein (as) offered whatever he had to Allah Almighty, in fact, he didn't offer it as a donation or charity, namely, "O God! Whatever I sacrificed for you is certainly not due to expecting any rewards from you".

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Marriage preserves half of the religion

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Marriage preserves half of the religion

Marriage preserves half of the religion, provided that the spouses are equal to each other and act based upon love and affection. Men and women who mistreat each other hurt themselves and their faith.


Professor Hussein Ansarian: the necessity of paying attention to narrations beside the verses of the Holy Quran

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the necessity of paying attention to narrations beside the verses of the Holy Quran
 Professor Hussein Ansarian considered paying attention to narrations beside the verses of the Holy Quran essential and said: we must tell the narrations along with the Holy Quran to people, the Holy Quran is no longer in use if we don't refer to narrations. The Holy Quran has raised the issue of Prayer more than one hundred times, where in these verses it talked about how many Rakats (units) the morning prayers, noon and evening prayers must ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Mourning for Imam Hussein (as)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Mourning for Imam Hussein (as)

According to narrations, Hazrat Zahra (as) and the Infallible Imams are happy to see the mourning of the mourners of Imam Hussein (as) since it alleviates the pains and brings about mankind's proximity to Almighty God.  

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Hazrat Masoumeh (as) is the daughter of the Guardian of God

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Hazrat Masoumeh (as) is the daughter of the Guardian of God

Hazrat Masoumeh (as) is the daughter of the Guardian of God, the sister of the Guardian of God and the aunt of the Guardian of God, that reflects the inner truths of her majesty, and we must ask God for the position and status of the saints of God in order to gain the knowledge of the saints.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Many of the enemies are ignorant

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Many of the enemies are ignorant

Many of the enemies are ignorant, so they must be treated with love and ethically true way in order to accept the right word and truth.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The happiness both in this world and hereafter

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The happiness both in this world and hereafter

The happiness both in this world and hereafter rests upon eradicating the moral vices from oneself

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The world is not empty of God

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The world is not empty of God

The world is not empty of God, so the Commander of the Faithful (pbuh) says: I do not look at anything, unless I see God with it, before it and after it.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: who is a true believer according to Imam Jawad (as)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: who is a true believer according to Imam Jawad (as)

According to Imam Jawad (as), if someone wants to be a true believer, his claim of faith must be true so that they can say that she is a true believer.

the a hard test after the Prophet of Islam (saw)

the a hard test after the Prophet of Islam (saw)

ستکَونُ بَعدی فِتنَةٌ فَاِذا کانَ کذلِکَ فَالْزِموا علیَّ بْنَ اَبی‌طالب.

The Prophet of Islam (saw) sates: Soon after me, there will be a sedition and a hard test during which you must only follow Ali ibn Abi Talib and hold fast to him.

Asad alghabeh, Vol.5, p. 287

Let’s know the real Shia better…

Let’s know the real Shia better…

The Criterion of Shia is to abide by Ahl al-Bayt (AS), the one who can easily consume Haram things has got no relationship with the school of Ahlul Bayt (AS) and they are far apart from each other.


Source: the lecture by professor Ansarian.

How do those who love Imam Ali (as) appear on the day of Judgement?

How do those who love Imam Ali (as) appear on the day of Judgement?

ألَا وَ مَنْ أَحَبَّ عَلِيّاً جَاءَ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ وَ وَجْهُهُ كَالْقَمَرِ لَيْلَةَ الْبَدْرِ

The messenger of Allah has said: be aware! Those who love Imam Ali (as) will appear with illuminated faces on the day of judgement

Professor Hussein Ansarian: what is felicity?

Professor Hussein Ansarian: what is felicity?

Once the messenger of Allah was asked: "what is felicity?" what is this felicity that all people are talking about? His eminence defined the meaning of felicity according to his understanding, he said: felicity means to live long enough in the world and spend your long life worshiping the Lord of the universe.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the divine mercy and forgiveness

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the divine mercy and forgiveness

It has been mentioned in the narrations of Ahlulbaty that whoever does something wrong intentionally or unintentionally, or commits a sin out of ignorance about decrees of God and out of negligence toward divine Halal and Haram or already knows about the sin but has been contaminated by that sin, if this sinner enters the arena of repentance, he will certainly be subjected to divine mercy and forgiveness.

Professor Ansarian: a stingy person never achieves welfare and peace of mind

Professor Ansarian: a stingy person never achieves welfare and peace of mind
Professor Ansarian: Every human is seeking for welfare, tranquility and peace of mind in his or her life, but the stingy person never achieves this welfare and peace of mind. The human will be afflicted to the disease of indifference by the moral vice of stinginess. Of course it is worth noting that stinginess result from the ignorance and wrong analysis of good and evil. As a matter of fact, a stingy person would constantly ruins other people,s ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Imam Sajad (A.S) used to recite the Quran in the morning

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Imam Sajad (A.S) used to recite the Quran in the morning

Imam Sajad (A.S) used to recite the Quran in the morning, while he was reciting the verses about punishment, he began crying in an uncontrollable way that those who used to pass by his house heard his crying.  

The Blooming of Talents

The Blooming of Talents
The Blooming of Talents If a young man and woman marry based upon their nature and follow God's commandment and the divine Prophets' ways, undoubtedly the way for the blossoming of hidden talents will be opened up and the tree of life will bear excellent fruits. They will be saved from the peak of God’s Wrath, a seditious nature, the dangerous clutches of Satan and God's curse - all being the consequences of being celibate. Marrying results ...

the best act of worship

the best act of worship


Imam Musa Al-Kazim (as): the best act of worship after knowing Almighty God is awaiting the reappearance and relief